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Lecture 108 - API Endpoints and Introduction to Swagger


  1. API Endpoints

API Endpoints

  • Public - Anyone with API access
  • Admin / Private - Internal use only (restricted, different CORS policy)

We will follow no namespace at this moment
  • Article

    Get all articles

    Method: GET
    Access: Public
    Path: /articles?query=params

    • page (default 1) - current page number
    • limit (default 10) - the number of objects should be returned
    • sortType (default desc) - the type of sort, it could be either asc or desc
    • sortBy (default updatedAt) - the property that will used to sort. It could be either updatedAt or title.
    • search - the search term to filter articles based on the titles.


    • 200

      • article data
        • id
        • title
        • cover
        • author
          • id
          • name
        • timestamp
      • pagination
        • page
        • limit
        • nextPage
        • prevPage
        • totalPage
        • totalArticle
      • links
        • self
        • nextPage
        • prevPage
        • comments
        • author
    • 400

      • message
    • 500

      • message
    Create a new article

    Method: POST
    Access: Private
    Request Body:

    • article data
      • title
      • body
      • cover (optional)
      • status (default draft)


    • 201

      • message
      • article
      • links
        • self
        • comments
        • author
    • 400

      • message

      • data (Array of error messages)

        • field
        • message
    • 401

      • message
    Get a single article

    Method: GET
    Access: Public
    Path: /articles/:id?query=params

    • expand (default none) - possible values (author, comment)


    • 201

      • data
        • id
        • title
        • cover
        • body
        • timestamp
        • author (optional)
        • comments (optional)
      • links
    • 404

      • message
    • 400

      • message
      • possible solution
    Update a book using PUT

    Method: PUT
    Access: Private
    Path: /articles/:id
    Request Body:

    • id (optional)
    • title
    • body
    • cover (optional)
    • status (default draft)


    • 200 / 201

      • message
      • article data
      • links
        • self
    • 400

      • message
      • data (Array of error message)
        • field
        • message
    • 401

      • message
    Update an article using PATCH

    Method: PATCH
    Access: Private
    Path: /articles/:id
    Request Body:

    • title (optional)
    • body (optional)
    • cover (optional)
    • status (default draft) (optional)


    • 200

      • message
      • article data
      • links
        • self
    • 404

      • message
    • 400

      • message
      • data (Array of error message)
        • field
        • message
    • 401

      • message
    Delete an article

    Method: DELETE
    Access: Private
    Path: /articles/:id

    • 204
      • message
    • 404
      • message
    • 401
      • message
    Get all comments for a given article

    Method: GET
    Access: Private
    Path: /articles/:id/comments

    • page (default 1) - current page number
    • limit (default 10) - the number of objects should be returned


    • 200

      • comments data
      • body
      • timestamp
      • author
        • id
        • name
      • pagination
      • page
      • limit
      • nextPage
      • prevPage
      • totalPage
      • totalBook
      • links
      • self
      • article
      • author
      • nextPage
      • prevPage
    • 404

      • message
    Create a new comment for a given article

    Method: Post
    Access: Private
    Path: /articles/:id/comments
    Request Body:

    • body


    • 201

      • message
      • comments data
        • body
        • timestamp
    • 404

      • message
    • 400

      • message
    Get author of the given article

    Method: GET
    Access: Public
    Path: /articles/:id/author

    • 200

      • author data
        • name
        • email
      • links
        • self
        • article
    • 404

      • message

  • Comment

    Get all comment

    Method: GET
    Access: Private
    Role: Admin, User
    Description: User can see a list of their comments and admin can see a list of all comments
    Path: /comments?query=params

    • page (default 1) - current page number
    • limit (default 10) - the number of object should be returned
    • sortType (default desc) - the type of sort, it could be either asc or desc
    • sortBy (default updateAt) - the property that will used to sort. It could be either updatedAt or title.
    • postId - the id of the post


    • 200

      • comment data
    Create a comment
    Update a comment
    Delete a comment

  • User

    Get all users
    Get a single user
    Create an user
    Update an user
    Delete an user
    Change password

  • Auth

    Create a new account

    Method: POST
    Access: Public
    Description: Create a new account
    Path: /auth/singup
    Request Body:

    • user data

      • name
      • email
      • password


    • 201

      • code
      • message
      • data
        • access_token
      • links
        • self
        • singin
    • 400

      • code
      • error
      • data
        • field
        • message
    Signin to existing account

    Method: POST
    Access: Public
    Description: Singin to existing account
    Path: /auth/singin
    Request Body:

    • user data
      • email
      • password


    • 200

      • code
      • message
      • data
        • access_token
      • links
        • self
    • 400

      • code
      • error
      • data
        • field
        • message