MTC-Fakecards is a script designed to give the players a possibility to fake their identity card or drivers license. It gives the player a random firstname, lastname and dob. It chosses the players new identity on a random list that can be found and changed in: config/names.lua
- Clone the repository
- Rename the folder to
- Add the following code to
- Configure your config in:
- Start the script
MTC-Fakecards currently only supports the qbox framework with qbx_idcard. In the future we will look into support for ESX and other ID Card scripts.
In MTC-fakecards we are using ox_lib locale system. The basic value will be english. To add other languages copy the preset: en.json and rename it to you langcode.json
and translate the value.
An extra event / function has been added after the purchase of a fake item. You can add your own extension to this. For example a dispatch message or something else you can think of
- Client Event:
- Server Function: