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Testing Services
How to write automated tests for Angular Services that send HTTP requests

Testing Services

Learning objectives
  • Writing tests for Services with internal state
  • Testing Observables returned by Services
  • Verifying HTTP requests and payload processing
  • Covering HTTP success and error cases

In an Angular application, Services are responsible for fetching, storing and processing data. Services are singletons, meaning there is only one instance of a Service during runtime. They are fit for central data storage, HTTP and WebSocket communication as well as data validation.


The single Service instance is shared among Components and other application parts. Therefore, a Service is used when Components that are not parent and child need to communicate with each other and exchange data.


“Service” is an umbrella term for any object that serves a specific purpose and is injected as a dependency. Technically, Services have little in common. There are no rules regarding the structure or behavior of a Service.

Typically, Services are classes, but not necessarily. While Modules, Components and Directives are marked with respective decorators – @Module, @Component, @Directive –, Services are marked with the generic @Injectable.


So what does a Service do and how do we test it? Services are diverse, but some patterns are widespread.

  • Services have public methods that return values.

    In the test, we check whether a method returns correct data.

  • Services store data. They hold an internal state. We can get or set the state.

    In the test, we check whether the state is changed correctly. Since the state should be held in private properties, we cannot access the state directly. We test the state change by calling public methods. We should not peek into the black box.

  • Services interact with dependencies. These are often other Services. For example, a Service might send HTTP requests via Angular’s HttpClient.

    In the unit test, we replace the dependency with a fake that returns canned responses.

Testing a Service with internal state

Let us start with testing the CounterService. By now, you should be familiar with the Service. As a reminder, here is the shape including private members:

class CounterService {
  private count: number;
  private subject: BehaviorSubject<number>;
  public getCount(): Observable<number> { /* … */ }
  public increment(): void { /* … */ }
  public decrement(): void { /* … */ }
  public reset(newCount: number): void { /* … */ }
  private notify(): void { /* … */ }

We need to identify what the Service does, what we need test and how we test it.

What it does
  • The Service holds an internal state, namely in the private count and subject properties. We cannot and should not access these properties in the test.
  • For reading the state, the Service has the getCount method. It does not return a synchronous value, but an RxJS Observable. We will use getCount to get the current count and also to subscribe to changes.
  • For changing the state, the Service provides the methods increment, decrement and reset. We will call them and check whether the state has changed accordingly.

Let us write the test code! We create a file called counter.service.spec.ts and fill it with test suite boilerplate code:

describe('CounterService', () => {
  /* … */

We already know what the Service does and what needs to be tested. So we add specs for all features:

describe('CounterService', () => {
  it('returns the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('increments the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('decrements the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('resets the count', () => { /* … */ });
Instantiate without `TestBed`

In the Arrange phase, each spec needs to create an instance of CounterService. The simplest way to do that is:

const counterService = new CounterService();

This is fine for simple Services without dependencies. For testing Services with dependencies, we will use the TestBed later.

We create the fresh instance in a beforeEach block since every spec needs it:

describe('CounterService', () => {
  let counterService: CounterService;

  beforeEach(() => {
    counterService = new CounterService();

  it('returns the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('increments the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('decrements the count', () => { /* … */ });
  it('resets the count', () => { /* … */ });

Let us start with writing the spec it('returns the count', /* … */). It tests the getCount method that returns an Observable.

Change variable value

For testing the Observable, we use the same pattern that we have used for testing a Component Output:

  1. We declare a variable actualCount that is initially undefined.
  2. We subscribe to the Observable. We assign the emitted value to the actualCount variable.
  3. Finally, outside of the subscriber function, we compare the actual to the expected value.
it('returns the count', () => {
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  counterService.getCount().subscribe((count) => {
    actualCount = count;

This works because the Observable is backed by a BehaviorSubject that stores the latest value and sends it to new subscribers immediately.

State change

The next spec tests the increment method. We call the method and verify that the count state has changed.

As mentioned before, we cannot access the private properties for this purpose. Just like in the spec above, we need to use the public getCount method to read the count.

it('increments the count', () => {

  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  counterService.getCount().subscribe((count) => {
    actualCount = count;
Expect changed value

The order here is important: First, we call increment, then we subscribe to the Observable to read and verify the changed value. Again, the BehaviorSubject emits the current value to new subscribers synchronously.

The two remaining specs work almost the same. We just call the respective methods.

it('decrements the count', () => {

  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  counterService.getCount().subscribe((count) => {
    actualCount = count;

it('resets the count', () => {
  const newCount = 123;

  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  counterService.getCount().subscribe((count) => {
    actualCount = count;
Repeating patterns

We quickly notice that the specs are highly repetitive and noisy. In every spec’s Assert phase, we are using this pattern to inspect the Service state:

let actualCount: number | undefined;
counterService.getCount().subscribe((count) => {
  actualCount = count;
expect(actualCount).toBe(/* … */);

This is a good candidate for a helper function. Let us call it expectCount.

function expectCount(count: number): void {
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  counterService.getCount().subscribe((actualCount2) => {
    actualCount = actualCount2;

The pattern has one variable bit, the expected count. That is why the helper function has one parameter.


Now that we have pulled out the code into a central helper function, there is one optimization we should add. The First Rule of RxJS Observables states: “Anyone who subscribes, must unsubscribe as well”.

In expectCount, we need to get the current count only once. We do not want to create a long-lasting subscription. We are not interested in future changes.

If we call expectCount only once per spec, this is not a huge problem. If we wrote a more complex spec with several expectCount calls, we would create pointless subscriptions. This is likely to cause confusion when debugging the subscriber function.

In short, we want to fetch the count and then unsubscribe to reduce unwanted subscriptions.

Unsubscribe manually

One possible solution is unsubscribing immediately after subscribing. The subscribe method returns a Subscription with the useful unsubscribe method.

function expectCount(count: number): void {
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
    .subscribe((actualCount2) => {
      actualCount = actualCount2;
RxJS operator

A more idiomatic way is to use an RxJS operator that completes the Observable after the first value: first.

import { first } from 'rxjs/operators';

function expectCount(count: number): void {
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
    .subscribe((actualCount2) => {
      actualCount = actualCount2;

If you are not familiar with this arcane RxJS magic, do not worry. In the simple CounterService test, unsubscribing is not strictly necessary. But it is a good practice that avoids weird errors when testing more complex Services that make use of Observables.

The complete test suite now looks like this:

describe('CounterService', () => {
  let counterService: CounterService;

  function expectCount(count: number): void {
    let actualCount: number | undefined;
      .subscribe((actualCount2) => {
        actualCount = actualCount2;

  beforeEach(() => {
    counterService = new CounterService();

  it('returns the count', () => {

  it('increments the count', () => {

  it('decrements the count', () => {

  it('resets the count', () => {
    const newCount = 123;

Testing a Service that sends HTTP requests

Services without dependencies, like CounterService, are relatively easy to test. Let us examine a more complex Service with a dependency.

In the Flickr search, the FlickrService is responsible for searching photos via the Flickr API. It makes an HTTP GET request to The server responds with JSON. Here is the full code:

export class FlickrService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  public searchPublicPhotos(searchTerm: string): Observable<Photo[]> {
    return this.http
          params: {
            tags: searchTerm,
            method: '',
            format: 'json',
            nojsoncallback: '1',
            tag_mode: 'all',
            media: 'photos',
            per_page: '15',
            extras: 'tags,date_taken,owner_name,url_q,url_m',
            api_key: 'XYZ',
      .pipe(map((response) =>;

The Service is marked with @Injectable() so it takes part in Angular’s Dependency Injection. It depends on Angular’s standard HTTP library, HttpClient from the @angular/common/http package. Most Angular applications use HttpClient to communicate with HTTP APIs.

There are two ways to test the FlickrService: an integration test or a unit test.

Requests against production

An integration test provides the real HttpClient. This leads to HTTP requests to the Flickr API when the running the tests. This makes the whole test unreliable.

The network or the web service might be slow or unavailable. Also the Flickr API endpoint returns a different response for each request. It is hard to expect a certain FlickrService behavior if the input is unknown.

Requests to third-party production APIs make little sense in a testing environment. If you want to write an integration test for a Service that makes HTTP request, better use a dedicated testing API that returns fixed data. This API can run on the same machine or in the local network.

Intercept requests

In the case of FlickrService, we better write a unit test. Angular has a powerful helper for testing code that depends on HttpClient: the HttpClientTestingModule.

For testing a Service with dependencies, it is tedious to instantiate the Service with new. Instead, we use the TestBed to set up a testing Module.

In place of the HttpClient, we import the HttpClientTestingModule.

  imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
  providers: [FlickrService],

The HttpClientTestingModule provides a fake implementation of HttpClient. It does not actually send out HTTP requests. It merely intercepts them and records them internally.

In the test, we inspect that record of HTTP requests. We respond to pending requests manually with fake data.

Find, respond, verify

Our test will perform the following steps:

  1. Call the method under test that sends HTTP requests
  2. Find pending requests
  3. Respond to these requests with fake data
  4. Check the result of the method call
  5. Verify that all requests have been answered
- [Angular guide: Communicating with backend services using HTTP ]( - [Angular API reference: HttpClient]( - [Angular guide: Testing HTTP requests]( - [Angular API reference: HttpClientTestingModule](

Call the method under test

In the first step, we call the method under test, searchPublicPhotos. The search term is simply a fixed string.

const searchTerm = 'dragonfly';

describe('FlickrService', () => {
  let flickrService: FlickrService;

  beforeEach(() => {
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
      providers: [FlickrService],
    flickrService = TestBed.inject(FlickrService);

  it('searches for public photos', () => {
      (actualPhotos) => {
        /* … */
    /* … */

We subscribe to the Observable returned by searchPublicPhotos so the (fake) HTTP request is sent. We will investigate the response, actualPhotos, later in step four.

Find pending requests

In the second step, we find the pending request using the HttpTestingController. This class is part of the HttpClientTestingModule. We get hold of the instance by calling TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController).


The controller has methods to find requests by different criteria. The simplest is expectOne. It finds a request matching the given criteria and expects that there is exactly one match.

In our case, we search for a request with a given URL of the Flickr API.

const searchTerm = 'dragonfly';
const expectedUrl = `${searchTerm}&,date_taken,owner_name,url_q,url_m&api_key=XYZ`;

describe('FlickrService', () => {
  let flickrService: FlickrService;
  let controller: HttpTestingController;

  beforeEach(() => {
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
      providers: [FlickrService],
    flickrService = TestBed.inject(FlickrService);
    controller = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);

  it('searches for public photos', () => {
      (actualPhotos) => {
        /* … */

    const request = controller.expectOne(expectedUrl);
    /* … */

expectOne returns the found request, that is an instance of TestRequest. If there is no pending request that matches the URL, expectOne throws an exception, failing the spec.

- [Angular API reference: HttpTestingController]( - [Angular API reference: TestRequest](

Respond with fake data

Now that we have the pending request at hand, we respond to it with an object that mimics the original API response. The Flickr API returns a complex object with an array of photos objects deep within. In the FlickrService test, we only care about the payload, the photos array.

The Flickr search repository contains fake photo objects that are used throughout the tests. For the FlickrService test, we import the photos array with two fake photo objects.

We use the request’s flush method to respond with fake data. This simulates a successful “200 OK” server response.

request.flush({ photos: { photo: photos } });

Check the result of the method call

The spec has proven that searchPublicPhotos makes a request to the expected URL. It still needs to prove that the method passes through the desired part of the API response. In particular, it needs to prove that the Observable emits the photos array.

We have already subscribed to the Observable:

  (actualPhotos) => {
    /* … */

We expect that the Observable emits a photos array that equals to the one from the API response:

  (actualPhotos) => {

This leads to a problem that is known from testing Outputs: If the code under test is broken, the Observable never emits. The next callback with expect will not be called. Despite the defect, Jasmine thinks that all is fine.

Expect changed value

There are several ways to solve this problem. We have opted for a variable that is undefined initially and is assigned a value.

let actualPhotos: Photo[] | undefined;
  (otherPhotos) => {
    actualPhotos = otherPhotos;

const request = controller.expectOne(expectedUrl);
// Answer the request so the Observable emits a value.
request.flush({ photos: { photo: photos } });

// Now verify emitted valued.

The expect call is located outside of the next callback function to ensure it is definitely called. If the Observable emits no value or a wrong value, the spec fails.

Verify that all requests have been answered

In the last step, we ensure that there are no pending requests left. We expect the method under test to make one request to a specific URL. We have found the request with expectOne and have answered it with flush.

Finally, we call:


This fails the test if there are any outstanding requests.

verify guarantees that the code under test is not making excess requests. But it also guarantees that your spec checks all requests, for example by inspecting their URLs.

Putting the parts together, the full test suite:

const searchTerm = 'dragonfly';
const expectedUrl = `${searchTerm}&,date_taken,owner_name,url_q,url_m&api_key=XYZ`;

describe('FlickrService', () => {
  let flickrService: FlickrService;
  let controller: HttpTestingController;

  beforeEach(() => {
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
      providers: [FlickrService],
    flickrService = TestBed.inject(FlickrService);
    controller = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);

  it('searches for public photos', () => {
    let actualPhotos: Photo[] | undefined;
      (otherPhotos) => {
        actualPhotos = otherPhotos;

    const request = controller.expectOne(expectedUrl);
    request.flush({ photos: { photo: photos } });


Testing the error case

Are we done with testing searchPublicPhotos? We have tested the success case in which the server returns a 200 OK. But we have not tested the error case yet!

Unhappy path

searchPublicPhotos passes through the error from HttpClient. If the Observable returned by this.http.get fails with an error, the Observable returned by searchPublicPhotos fails with the same error.

Whether there is custom error handling in the Service or not, the unhappy path should be tested.

Let us simulate a “500 Internal Server Error”. Instead of responding to the request with flush, we let it fail by calling error.

const status = 500;
const statusText = 'Internal Server Error';
const errorEvent = new ErrorEvent('API error');
/* … */
const request = controller.expectOne(expectedUrl);
  { status, statusText }

The TestRequest’s error method expects an ErrorEvent, and an optional options object.

ErrorEvent is a special type of Error. For testing purposes, we create an instance using new ErrorEvent('…'). The constructor parameter is a string message that describes the error case.

The second parameter, the options object, allows us to set the HTTP status (like 500), the statusText (like 'Internal Server Error') and response headers. In the example above, we set status and statusText.

Expect Observable error

Now we check that the returned Observable behaves correctly. It must not emit a next value and must not complete. It must fail with an error.

We achieve that by subscribing to next, error and complete events:

  () => {
    /* next handler must not be called! */
  (error) => {
    error handler must be called!
    Also, we need to inspect the error.
  () => {
    /* complete handler must not be called! */

When the next or complete handlers are called, the spec must fail immediately. There is a handy global Jasmine function for this purpose: fail.

For inspecting the error, we use the same pattern as above, saving the error in a variable in the outer scope.

let actualError: HttpErrorResponse | undefined;

  () => {
    fail('next handler must not be called');
  (error) => {
    actualError = error;
  () => {
    fail('complete handler must not be called');

After answering the request with a server error, we check that the error is passed through. The error handler receives an HttpErrorResponse object that reflects the ErrorEvent as well as the status information.

if (!actualError) {
  throw new Error('Error needs to be defined');
Type guard

Since actualError is defined as HttpErrorResponse | undefined, we need to rule out the undefined case first before accessing the properties.

expect(actualError).toBeDefined() would accomplish that. But the TypeScript compiler does not know that this rules out the undefined case. So we need to throw an exception manually.

This is the full spec for the error case:

it('passes through search errors', () => {
  const status = 500;
  const statusText = 'Server error';
  const errorEvent = new ErrorEvent('API error');

  let actualError: HttpErrorResponse | undefined;

    () => {
      fail('next handler must not be called');
    (error) => {
      actualError = error;
    () => {
      fail('complete handler must not be called');

    { status, statusText }

  if (!actualError) {
    throw new Error('Error needs to be defined');

This example is deliberately verbose. It shows you how to test all details. It fails fast and provides helpful error messages.

This approach is recommended for Service methods that have a dedicated error handling. For example, a Service might distinguish between successful responses (like “200 OK”), client errors (like “404 Not Found”) and server errors (like “500 Server error”).

Alternatives for finding pending requests

We have used controller.expectOne to find a request that matches the expected URL. Sometimes it is necessary to specify more criteria, like the method (GET, POST, etc.), headers or the request body.

expectOne has several signatures. We have used the simplest, a string that is interpreted as URL:


To search for a request with a given method and url, pass an object with these properties:

  method: 'GET',
  url: ''

If you need to find one request by looking at its details, you can pass a function:

  (requestCandidate) =>
    requestCandidate.method === 'GET' &&
    requestCandidate.url === '' &&
    requestCandidate.headers.get('Accept') === 'application/json',

This predicate function is called for each request, decides whether the candidate matches and returns a boolean.

This lets you sift through all requests programmatically and check all criteria. The candidate is an HttpRequest instance with properties like method, url, headers, body, params, etc.

There are two possible approaches: Either you use expectOne with many criteria, like in the predicate example. If some request detail does not match, expectOne throws an exception and fails the test.

Or you use expectOne with few criteria, passing { method: '…', url: '…' }. To check the request details, you can still use Jasmine expectations.

expectOne returns a TestRequest instance. This object only has methods to answer the request, but no direct information about the request. Use the request property to access the underlying HttpRequest.

// Get the TestRequest.
const request = controller.expectOne({
  method: 'GET',
  url: ''
// Get the underlying HttpRequest. Yes, this is confusing.
const httpRequest = request.request;
request.flush({ success: true });

This is equivalent to the predicate example above, but gives a more specific error message if the header is incorrect.


In addition to expectOne, there is the match method for finding multiple requests that match certain criteria. It returns an array of requests. If there are no matches, the array is empty, but the spec does not fail. Hence, you need to add Jasmine expectations to check the array and the requests therein.

Assume there is a CommentService with a method postTwoComments. The code under test makes two requests to the same URL, but with a different body.

class CommentService() {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
  public postTwoComments(firstComment: string, secondComment: string) {
    return combineLatest(['/comments/new', { comment: firstComment }),'/comments/new', { comment: secondComment }),

The spec could contain:

const firstComment = 'First comment!';
const secondComment = 'Second comment!';
  .postTwoComments(firstComment, secondComment)

const requests = controller.match({
  method: 'POST',
  url: '/comments/new',
expect(requests[0].request.body).toEqual({ comment: firstComment });
expect(requests[1].request.body).toEqual({ comment: secondComment });
requests[0].flush({ success: true });
requests[1].flush({ success: true });

We verify the number of requests and also the body of each request. If these checks pass, we answer each request.

- [Angular API reference: HttpRequest]( - [Angular API reference: TestRequest](

Testing Services: Summary

All in all, testing Services is easier than testing other Angular application parts. Most Services have a clear purpose and a well-defined public API.

If the Service under test depends on another Service, a unit test needs to the fake the dependency. This is probably the hardest part, but takes the same effort as faking Services that are Component dependencies.

Predefined testing modules

Angular ships with crucial Services that are commonly used in your own Services. Since Angular intends to be testable, Angular also offers tools to replace them with fakes.

We have used the HttpClientTestingModule for testing a Service that depends on HttpClient. To name another example, there is the RouterTestingModule for testing Services that depend on Router and Location.