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Testing Components
Introduction to testing Angular Components with Angular’s TestBed

Testing Components

Learning objectives
  • Setting up a Component test using Angular’s testing Module
  • Getting familiar with Angular’s Component testing abstractions
  • Accessing the rendered DOM and checking text content
  • Simulating user input like clicks and form field input
  • Testing Component Input and Outputs
  • Using helpers functions for common Component testing tasks

Components are the power houses of an Angular application. Components are composed to form the user interface.

A Component deals with several concerns, among others:

  • It renders the template into the HTML DOM.
  • It accepts data from parent Components using Input properties.
  • It emits data to parent Components using Outputs.
  • It reacts to user input by registering event handlers.
  • It renders the content (ng-content) and templates (ng-template) that are passed.
  • It binds data to form controls and allows the user to edit the data.
  • It talks to Services or other state managers.
  • It uses routing information like the current URL and URL parameters.

All these tasks need to be tested properly.

Unit test for the counter Component

As a first example, we are going to test the CounterComponent.

See the CounterComponent in action <script type="text/x-template">

<iframe src="" class="responsive-iframe__iframe"></iframe>


When designing a Component test, the guiding questions are: What does the Component do, what needs to be tested? How do I test this behavior?

Counter features

We will test the following features of the CounterComponent:

  • It displays the current count. The initial value is 0 and can be set by an Input.
  • When the user activates the “+” button, the count increments.
  • When the user activates the “-” button, the count decrements.
  • When the user enters a number into the reset input field and activates the reset button, the count is set to the given value.
  • When the user changes the count, an Output emits the new count.

Writing down what the Component does already helps to structure the unit test. The features above roughly translate to specs in a test suite.


Several chores are necessary to render a Component in Angular, even the simple counter Component. If you look into the main.ts and the AppModule of a typical Angular application, you find that a “platform” is created, a Module is declared and this Module is bootstrapped.

The Angular compiler translates the templates into JavaScript code. To prepare the rendering, an instance of the Component is created, dependencies are resolved and injected, inputs are set.

Finally, the template is rendered into the DOM. For testing, you could do all that manually, but you would need to dive deeply into Angular internals.


Instead, the Angular team provides the TestBed to ease unit testing. The TestBed creates and configures an Angular environment so you can test particular application parts like Components and Services safely and easily.

- [Angular API reference: TestBed]( - [Testing Utility APIs: TestBed](

Configuring the testing Module

The TestBed comes with a testing Module that is configured like normal Modules in your application: You can declare Components, Directives and Pipes, provide Services and other Injectables as well as import other Modules. TestBed has a static method configureTestingModule that accepts a Module definition:

  imports: [ /*… */ ],
  declarations: [ /*… */ ],
  providers: [ /*… */ ],
Declare what is necessary

In a unit test, add those parts to the Module that are strictly necessary: the code under test, mandatory dependencies and fakes. For example, when writing a unit test for CounterComponent, we need to declare that Component class. Since the Component does not have dependencies, does not render other Components, Directives or Pipes, we are done.

  declarations: [CounterComponent],

Our Component under test is now part of a Module. We are ready to render it, right? Not yet. First we need to compile all declared Components, Directives and Pipes:


This instructs the Angular compiler to translate the template files into JavaScript code.

Configure and compile

Since configureTestingModule returns the TestBed again, we can chain those two calls:

    declarations: [CounterComponent],

You will see this pattern in most Angular tests that rely on the TestBed.

Rendering the Component

Now we have a fully-configured testing Module with compiled Components. Finally, we can render the Component under test using createComponent:

const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent);

createComponent returns a ComponentFixture, essentially a wrapper around the Component with useful testing tools. We will learn more about the ComponentFixture later.

createComponent renders the Component into a div container element in the HTML DOM. Alas, something is missing. The Component is not fully rendered. All the static HTML is present, but the dynamic HTML is missing. The template bindings, like {% raw %}{{ count }}{% endraw %} in the example, are not evaluated.

Manual change detection

In our testing environment, there is no automatic change detection. Even with the default change detection strategy, a Component is not automatically rendered and re-rendered on updates.

In testing code, we have to trigger the change detection manually. This might be a nuisance, but it is actually a feature. It allows us to test asynchronous behavior in a synchronous manner, which is much simpler.

So the last thing we need to do is to trigger change detection:

- [Angular API reference: ComponentFixture](

TestBed and Jasmine

The code for rendering a Component using the TestBed is now complete. Let us wrap the code in a Jasmine test suite.

describe('CounterComponent', () => {
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<CounterComponent>;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [CounterComponent],

    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent);

  it('…', () => {
    /* … */

Using describe, we define a test suite for the CounterComponent. In contains a beforeEach block that configures the TestBed and renders the Component.

Async compilation

You might wonder why the function passed to beforeEach is marked as an async function. It is because compileComponents is an asynchronous operation. To compile the Components, Angular needs to fetch external the template files referenced by templateUrl.

If you are using the Angular CLI, which is most likely, the template files are already included in the test bundle. So they are available instantly. If you are not using the CLI, the files have to be loaded asynchronously.

This is an implementation detail that might change in the future. The safe way is wait for compileComponents to complete.

`async` and `await`

Per default, Jasmine expects that your testing code is synchronous. The functions you pass to it but also beforeEach, beforeAll, afterEach, afterAll need to finish in a certain amount of time, also known as timeout. Jasmine also supports asynchronous specs. If you pass an async function, Jasmine waits for it to finish.

- [Test suites with Jasmine](../test-suites-with-jasmine/#test-suites-with-jasmine)

ComponentFixture and DebugElement

TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent) returns a fixture, an instance of ComponentFixture. What is the fixture and what does it provide?

The term fixture is borrowed from real-world testing of mechanical parts or electronic devices. A fixture is a standardized frame into which the test object is mounted. The fixture holds the object and connects to electrical contacts in order to provide power and to take measurements.


In the context of Angular, the ComponentFixture holds the Component and provides a convenient interface to both the Component instance and the rendered DOM.

The fixture references the Component instance via the componentInstance property. In our example, it contains a CounterComponent instance.

const component = fixture.componentInstance;

The Component instance is mainly used to set Inputs and subscribe to Outputs, for example:

// This is a ComponentFixture<CounterComponent>
const component = fixture.componentInstance;
// Set Input
component.startCount = 10;
// Subscribe to Output
component.countChange.subscribe((count) => {
  /* … */

We will learn more on testing Inputs and Outputs later.


For accessing elements in the DOM, Angular has another abstraction: The DebugElement wraps the native DOM element. The fixture’s debugElement property returns the Component’s host element. For the CounterComponent, this is the app-counter element.

const { debugElement } = fixture;

The DebugElement offers handy properties like properties, attributes, classes and styles to examine the DOM element itself. The properties parent, children and childNodes help navigating in the DOM tree. They return DebugElements as well.


Often it is necessary to unwrap the DebugElement to access the native DOM element inside. Every DebugElement has a nativeElement property:

const { debugElement } = fixture;
const { nativeElement } = debugElement;

nativeElement is typed as any because Angular does not know the exact type of the wrapped DOM element. Most of the time, it is a subclass of HTMLElement.

When you use nativeElement, you need to learn about the DOM interface of the specific element. For example, a button element is represented as HTMLButtonElement in the DOM.

- [Angular API reference: ComponentFixture]( - [Angular API reference: DebugElement](

Writing the first Component spec

We have compiled a test suite that renders the CounterComponent. We have met Angular’s primary testing abstractions: TestBed, ComponentFixture and DebugElement.

Now let us roll up our sleeves and write the first spec! The main feature of our little counter is the ability to increment the count. Hence the spec:

it('increments the count', () => {
  /* … */

The Arrange, Act and Assert phases help us to structure the spec:

  • We have already covered the Arrange phase in the beforeEach block that renders the Component.
  • In the Act phase, we click on the increment button.
  • In the Assert phase, we check that the displayed count has incremented.
it('increments the count', () => {
  // Act: Click on the increment button
  // Assert: Expect that the displayed count now reads “1”.

To click on the increment button, two actions are necessary:

  1. Find the increment button element in the DOM.
  2. Fire a click event on it.

Let us learn about finding elements in the DOM first.

Querying the DOM with test ids

Every DebugElement features the methods query and queryAll for finding descendant elements (children, grandchildren and so forth).

`query` and `queryAll`
  • query returns the first descendant element that meets a condition.
  • queryAll returns an array of all matching elements.

Both methods expect a predicate, that is a function judging every element and returning true or false.


Angular ships with predefined predicate functions to query the DOM using familiar CSS selectors. For this purpose, pass By.css('…') with a CSS selector to query and queryAll.

const { debugElement } = fixture;
// Find the first h1 element
const h1 = debugElement.query(By.css('h1'));
// Find all elements with the class .user
const userElements = debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.user'));

The return value of query is a DebugElement again, that of queryAll is an array of DebugElements (DebugElement[] in TypeScript notation).

In the example above, we have used a type selector (h1) and a class selector (.user) to find elements in the DOM. For everyone familiar with CSS, this is familiar as well.

While these selectors are fine when styling Components, using them in a test needs to be challenged.

Avoid tight coupling

Type and class selectors introduce a tight coupling between the test and the template. HTML elements are picked for semantic reasons. Classes are picked mostly for styling. Both change frequently when the Component template is refactored. Should the test fail if the element type or class changes?

Sometimes the element type and the class are crucial for the feature under test. But most of the time, they are not relevant for the feature. The test should better find the element by a feature that never changes and that bears no additional meaning: test ids.

Test ids

A test id is an identifier given to an element just for the purpose of finding it in a test. The test will still find the element if the element type or unrelated attributes change.

The preferred way to mark an HTML element is a data attribute. In contrast to element types, class or id attributes, data attributes do not come with any predefined meaning. Data attributes never clash with each other.


For the purpose of this guide, we use the data-testid attribute. For example, we mark the increment button in the CounterComponent with data-testid="increment-button":

<button (click)="increment()" data-testid="increment-button">+</button>

In the test, we use the corresponding attribute selector:

const incrementButton = debugElement.query(
Establish a convention

There is a nuanced discussion around the best way to find elements during testing. Certainly, there are several valid and elaborate approaches. This guide will only present one possible approach that is simple and approachable.

The Angular testing tools are neutral when it comes to DOM querying. They tolerate different approaches. After consideration, you should opt for one specific solution, document it as a testing convention and apply it consistently across all tests.

- [Angular API reference: By.css](

Triggering event handlers

Now that we have marked and got hold of the increment button, we need to click on it.

It is a common task in tests to simulate user input like clicking, typing in text, moving pointers and pressing keys. From an Angular perspective, user input causes DOM events.

The Component template registers event handlers using the schema (event)="handler($event)". In the test, we need to simulate an event to call these handlers.

Trigger event handler

DebugElement has a useful method for firing events: triggerEventHandler. This method calls all event handlers for a given event type like click. As a second parameter, it expects a fake event object that is passed to the handlers:

incrementButton.triggerEventHandler('click', {
  /* … Event properties … */

This example fires a click event on the increment button. Since the template contains (click)="increment()", the increment method of CounterComponent will be called.

Event object

The increment method does not access the event object. The call is simply increment(), not increment($event). Therefore, we do not need to pass a fake event object, we can simply pass null:

incrementButton.triggerEventHandler('click', null);

It is worth noting that triggerEventHandler does not dispatch a synthetic DOM event. The effect stays on the DebugElement abstraction level and does not touch the native DOM.

No bubbling

This is fine as long as the event handler is registered on the element itself. If the event handler is registered on a parent and relies on event bubbling, you need to call triggerEventHandler directly on that parent. triggerEventHandler does not simulate event bubbling or any other effect a real event might have.

Expecting text output

We have completed the Act phase in which the test clicks on the increment button. In the Assert phase, we need to expect that the displayed count changes from “0” to “1”.

In the template, the count is rendered into a strong element:

{% raw %}<strong>{{ count }}</strong>{% endraw %}
Find by test id

In our test, we need to find this element and read its text content. For this purpose, we add a test id:

{% raw %}<strong data-testid="count">{{ count }}</strong>{% endraw %}

We can now find the element as usual:

const countOutput = debugElement.query(
Text content

The next step is to read the element’s content. In the DOM, the count is a text node that is a child of strong.

Unfortunately, the DebugElement does not have a method or property for reading the text content. We need to access the native DOM element that has a convenient textContent property.


Finally, we expect that this string is "1" using Jasmine’s expect:


The counter.component.spec.ts now looks like this:

/* Incomplete! */
describe('CounterComponent', () => {
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<CounterComponent>;
  let debugElement: DebugElement;

  // Arrange
  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [CounterComponent],

    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent);
    debugElement = fixture.debugElement;

  it('increments the count', () => {
    // Act
    const incrementButton = debugElement.query(
    incrementButton.triggerEventHandler('click', null);

    // Assert
    const countOutput = debugElement.query(

When we run that suite, the spec fails:

CounterComponent increments the count FAILED
  Error: Expected '0' to be '1'.

What is wrong here? Is the implementation faulty? No, the test just missed something important.

Manual change detection

We have mentioned that in the testing environment, Angular does not automatically detect changes in order to update the DOM. Clicking the increment button changes the count property of the Component instance. To update the template binding {% raw %}{{ count }}{% endraw %}, we need to trigger the change detection manually.


The full test suite now looks like this:

describe('CounterComponent', () => {
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<CounterComponent>;
  let debugElement: DebugElement;

  // Arrange
  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [CounterComponent],

    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent);
    debugElement = fixture.debugElement;

  it('increments the count', () => {
    // Act
    const incrementButton = debugElement.query(
    incrementButton.triggerEventHandler('click', null);
    // Re-render the Component

    // Assert
    const countOutput = debugElement.query(

Congratulations! We have written our first Component test. It is not complete yet, but it already features a typical workflow. We will make small improvements to the existing code with each spec we add.

Testing helpers

The next CounterComponent feature we need to test is the decrement button. It is very similar to the increment button, so the spec looks almost the same.

First, we add a test id to the decrement button:

<button (click)="decrement()" data-testid="decrement-button">-</button>

Then we write the spec:

it('decrements the count', () => {
  // Act
  const decrementButton = debugElement.query(
  decrementButton.triggerEventHandler('click', null);
  // Re-render the Component

  // Assert
  const countOutput = debugElement.query(

There is nothing new here, only the test id, the variable names and the expected output changed.

Repeating patterns

Now we have two specs that are almost identical. The code is repetitive and the signal-to-noise ratio is low, meaning there is much code that does little. Let us identify the patterns repeated here:

  1. Finding an element by test id
  2. Clicking on an element found by test id
  3. Expecting a given text content on an element found by test id

These tasks are highly generic and they will appear in almost every Component spec. It is worth writing testing helpers for them.

Testing helpers

A testing helper is a piece of code that makes writing tests easier. It makes test code more concise and more meaningful. Since a spec should describe the implementation, a readable spec is better than an obscure, convoluted one.

Your testing helpers should cast your testing conventions into code. They not only improve the individual test, but make sure all tests use the same patterns and work the same.

A testing helper can be a simple function, but it can also be an abstraction class or a Jasmine extension. For the start, we extract common tasks into plain functions.

Find by test id

First, let us write a helper for finding an element by test id. We have used this pattern multiple times:

const xyzElement = fixture.debugElement.query(

We move this code into a reusable function:

function findEl<T>(
  fixture: ComponentFixture<T>,
  testId: string
): DebugElement {
  return fixture.debugElement.query(

This function is self-contained. We need to pass in the Component fixture explicitly. Since ComponentFixture<T> requires a type parameter – the wrapped Component type –, findEl also has a type parameter called T. TypeScript will infer the Component type automatically when you pass a ComponentFixture.


Second, we write a testing helper that clicks on an element with a given test id. This helper builds on findEl.

export function click<T>(
  fixture: ComponentFixture<T>,
  testId: string
): void {
  const element = findEl(fixture, testId);
  const event = makeClickEvent(element.nativeElement);
  element.triggerEventHandler('click', event);

To create a fake click event object, click calls another function, makeClickEvent.

export function makeClickEvent(
  target: EventTarget
): Partial<MouseEvent> {
  return {
    preventDefault(): void {},
    stopPropagation(): void {},
    stopImmediatePropagation(): void {},
    type: 'click',
    currentTarget: target,
    bubbles: true,
    cancelable: true,
    button: 0

This function returns a partial MouseEvent fake object with the most important methods and properties of real click events. It is suitable for clicks on buttons and links when the pointer position and modifier keys do not matter.

Click means activate

The click testing helper can be used on every element that has a (click)="…" event handler. For accessibility, make sure the element can be focussed and activated. This is already the case for buttons (button element) and links (a elements).

Historically, the click event was only triggered by mouse input. Today, it is a generic “activate” event. It is also triggered by touch input (“tap”), keyboard input or voice input.

So in your Component, you do not need to listen for touch or keyboard events separately. In the test, a generic click event usually suffices.

Expect text content

Third, we write a testing helper that expects a given text content on an element with a given test id.

export function expectText<T>(
  fixture: ComponentFixture<T>,
  testId: string,
  text: string,
): void {
  const element = findEl(fixture, testId);
  const actualText = element.nativeElement.textContent;

Again, this is a simple implementation we will improve later.

Using these helpers, we rewrite our spec:

it('decrements the count', () => {
  // Act
  click(fixture, 'decrement-button');
  // Re-render the Component

  // Assert
  expectText(fixture, 'count', '-1');

That is much better to read and less to write! You can tell what the spec is doing at first glance.

Filling out forms

We have tested the increment and decrement button successfully. The remaining user-facing feature we need to test is the reset feature.

In the user interface, there is a reset input field and a reset button. The user enters a new number into the field, then clicks on the button. The Component resets the count to the user-provided number.

Set field value

We already know how to click a button, but how do we fill out a form field? Unfortunately, Angular’s testing tools do not provide a solution for filling out forms easily.

The answer depends on the field type and value. The generic answer is: Find the native DOM element and set the value property to the new value.

For the reset input, this means:

const resetInput = debugElement.query(
resetInput.nativeElement.value = '123';

With our testing helper:

const resetInputEl = findEl(fixture, 'reset-input').nativeElement;
resetInputEl.value = '123';

This fills in the value programmatically.

In CounterComponent’s template, the reset input has a template reference variable, #resetInput:

<input type="number" #resetInput data-testid="reset-input" />
<button (click)="reset(resetInput.value)" data-testid="reset-button">

The click handler uses resetInput to access the input element, reads the value and passes it to the reset method.

The example already works because the form is very simple. Setting a field’s value is not a full simulation of user input and will not work with Template-driven or Reactive Forms yet.

Fake `input` event

Angular forms cannot observe value changes directly. Instead, Angular listens for an input event that the browser fires when a field value changes.

For compatibility with Template-driven and Reactive Forms, we need to dispatch a fake input event. Such events are also called synthetic events.

In newer browsers, we create a fake input event with new Event('input'). To dispatch the event, we use the dispatchEvent method of the target element.

const resetInputEl = findEl(fixture, 'reset-input').nativeElement;
resetInputEl.value = '123';
resetInputEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));

If you need to run your tests in legacy Internet Explorer, a bit more code is necessary. Internet Explorer does not support new Event('…'), but the document.createEvent method:

const event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('input', true, false);

The full spec for the reset feature then looks like this:

it('resets the count', () => {
  const newCount = '123';

  // Act
  const resetInputEl = findEl(fixture, 'reset-input').nativeElement;
  // Set field value
  resetInputEl.value = newCount;
  // Dispatch input event
  const event = document.createEvent('Event');
  event.initEvent('input', true, false);

  // Click on reset button
  click(fixture, 'reset-button');
  // Re-render the Component

  // Assert
  expectText(fixture, 'count', newCount);

Filling out forms is a common task in tests, so it makes sense to extract the code and put it into a helper.

Helper functions

The helper function setFieldValue takes a Component fixture, a test id and a string value. It finds the corresponding element using findEl. Using another helper, setFieldElementValue, it sets the value and dispatches an input event.

export function setFieldValue<T>(
  fixture: ComponentFixture<T>,
  testId: string,
  value: string,
): void {
    findEl(fixture, testId).nativeElement,

You can find the full source code of the involved helper functions in element.spec-helper.ts.

Using the newly created setFieldValue helper, we can simplify the spec:

it('resets the count', () => {
  const newCount = '123';

  // Act
  setFieldValue(fixture, 'reset-input', newCount);
  click(fixture, 'reset-button');

  // Assert
  expectText(fixture, 'count', newCount);

While the reset feature is simple, this is how to test most form logic. Later, we will learn how to test complex forms.

Invalid input

The CounterComponent checks the input value before it resets the count. If the value is not a number, clicking the reset button does nothing.

We need to cover this behavior with another spec:

it('does not reset if the value is not a number', () => {
  const value = 'not a number';

  // Act
  setFieldValue(fixture, 'reset-input', value);
  click(fixture, 'reset-button');

  // Assert
  expectText(fixture, 'count', startCount);

The small difference in this spec is that we set the field value to “not a number”, a string that cannot be parsed as a number, and expect the count to remain unchanged.

This is it! We have tested the reset form with both valid and invalid input.

Testing Inputs

CounterComponent has an Input startCount that sets the initial count. We need to test that the counter handles the Input properly.

For example, if we set startCount to 123, the rendered count needs to be 123 as well. If the Input is empty, the rendered count needs to be 0, the default value.

Set Input value

An Input is a special property of the Component instance. We can set this property in the Arrange phase.

const component = fixture.componentInstance;
component.startCount = 10;

It is a good practice not to change an Input value within a Component. An Input property should always reflect the data passed in by the parent Component.

Input vs. Component state

That is why CounterComponent has a public Input named startCount as well as an internal property named count. When the user clicks the increment or decrement buttons, count is changed, but startCount remains unchanged.

Whenever the startCount Input changes, count needs to be set to startCount. The safe place to do that is the ngOnChanges lifecycle method:

public ngOnChanges(): void {
  this.count = this.startCount;

ngOnChanges is called whenever a “data-bound property” changes, including Inputs.

Let us write a test for the startCount Input. We set the Input in the beforeEach block, before calling detectChanges. The spec itself checks that the correct count is rendered.

/* Incomplete! */
beforeEach(async () => {
  /* … */

  // Set the Input
  component.startCount = startCount;

it('shows the start count', () => {
  expectText(fixture, 'count', String(count));

When we run this spec, we find that it fails:

CounterComponent > shows the start count
  Expected '0' to be '123'.

What is wrong here? Did we forget to call detectChanges again? No, but we forgot to call ngOnChanges!

In the testing environment, ngOnChanges is not called automatically. We have to call it manually after setting the Input.

Here is the corrected example:

describe('CounterComponent', () => {
  let component: CounterComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<CounterComponent>;

  const startCount = 123;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    await TestBed.configureTestingModule({
      declarations: [CounterComponent],

    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(CounterComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    component.startCount = startCount;
    // Call ngOnChanges, then re-render

  /* … */

  it('shows the start count', () => {
    expectText(fixture, 'count', String(startCount));

The CounterComponent expects a number Input and renders it into the DOM. When reading text from the DOM, we always deal with strings. That is why we pass in a number 123 but expect to find the string '123'.

Testing Outputs

While Inputs pass data from parent to child, Outputs send data from child to parent. In combination, a Component can perform a specific operation just with the required data.

For example, a Component may render a form so the user can edit or review the data. Once completed, the Component emits the data as an Output.

Outputs are not a user-facing feature, but a vital part of the public Component API. Technically, Outputs are Component instance properties. A unit test must inspect the Outputs thoroughly to proof that the Component plays well with other Components.

The CounterComponent has an output named countChange. Whenever the count changes, the countChange Output emits the new value.

export class CounterComponent implements OnChanges {
  /* … */
  public countChange = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /* … */
Subscribe to Observable

EventEmitter is a subclass of RxJS Subject, which itself extends RxJS Observable. The Component uses the emit method to publish new values. The parent Component uses the subscribe method to listen for emitted values. In the testing environment, we will do the same.

Let us write a spec for the countChange Output!

it('emits countChange events on increment', () => {
  /* … */

Within the spec, we access the Output via fixture.componentInstance.countChange. In the Arrange phase, we subscribe to the EventEmitter.

it('emits countChange events on increment', () => {
  // Arrange
  component.countChange.subscribe((count) => {
    /* … */

We need to verify that the observer function is called with the right value when the increment button is clicked. In the Act phase, we click on the button using our helper function:

it('emits countChange events on increment', () => {
  // Arrange
  component.countChange.subscribe((count) => {
    /* … */

  // Act
  click(fixture, 'increment-button');
Change variable value

In the Assert phase, we expect that count has the correct value. The easiest way is to declare a variable in the spec scope. Let us name it actualCount. Initially, it is undefined. The observer function sets a value – or not, if it is never called.

it('emits countChange events on increment', () => {
  // Arrange
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  component.countChange.subscribe((count: number) => {
    actualCount = count;

  // Act
  click(fixture, 'increment-button');

  // Assert
Expect changed value

The click on the button emits the count and calls the observer function synchronously. That is why the next line of code can expect that actualCount has been changed.

You might wonder why we did not put the expect call in the observer function:

/* Not recommended! */
it('emits countChange events on increment', () => {
  // Arrange
  component.countChange.subscribe((count: number) => {
    // Assert

  // Act
  click(fixture, 'increment-button');
Always run expectation

This works as well. But if the feature under test is broken and the Output does not emit, expect is never called.

Per default, Jasmine warns you that the spec has no expectations but treats the spec as successful (see Configuring Karma and Jasmine). We want the spec to fail explicitly in this case, so we make sure the expectation is always run.

Now we have verified that countChange emits when the increment button is clicked. We also need to proof that the Output emits on decrement and reset. We can achieve that by adding two more specs that copy the existing spec:

it('emits countChange events on decrement', () => {
  // Arrange
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  component.countChange.subscribe((count: number) => {
    actualCount = count;

  // Act
  click(fixture, 'decrement-button');

  // Assert

it('emits countChange events on reset', () => {
  const newCount = '123';

  // Arrange
  let actualCount: number | undefined;
  component.countChange.subscribe((count: number) => {
    actualCount = count;

  // Act
  setFieldValue(fixture, 'reset-input', newCount);
  click(fixture, 'reset-button');

  // Assert

Repetitive Component specs

Testing the countChange Output with three specs works fine, but the code is highly repetitive. A testing helper can reduce the repetition. Experts disagree on whether repetitive testing code is a problem at all.

On the one hand, it is hard to grasp the essence of repetitive specs. Testing helpers form a custom language for expressing testing instructions clearly and briefly. For example, if your specs find DOM elements via test ids, a testing helper establishes the convention and hides the implementation details.

On the other hand, abstractions like helper functions make tests more complex and therefore harder to understand. A developer reading the specs needs to get familiar with the testing helpers first. After all, tests should be more readable than the implementation code.

Duplication vs. abstraction

There is a controversial debate in software development regarding repetition and the value of abstractions. As Sandi Metz famously stated, “duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction”.

This is especially true when writing specs. You should try to eliminate duplication and boilerplate code with beforeEach/beforeAll, simple helper functions and even testing libraries. But do not try to apply your optimization habits and skills to test code.

A test is supposed to reproduce all relevant logical cases. Finding a proper abstraction for all these diverse, sometimes mutually exclusive cases is often futile.

Carefully reduce repetition

Your mileage may vary on this question. For completeness, let us discuss how to reduce the repetition in the countChange Output specs.

An Output is an EventEmitter, that is a fully-functional RxJS Observable. This allows us to transform the Observable as we please. Specifically, we can click all three buttons and then expect that the countChange Output has emitted three values.

it('emits countChange events', () => {
  // Arrange
  const newCount = 123;

  // Capture all emitted values in an array
  let actualCounts: number[] | undefined;

  // Transform the Observable, then subscribe
    // Close the Observable after three values
    // Collect all values in an array
  ).subscribe((counts) => {
    actualCounts = counts;

  // Act
  click(fixture, 'increment-button');
  click(fixture, 'decrement-button');
  setFieldValue(fixture, 'reset-input', String(newCount));
  click(fixture, 'reset-button');

  // Assert
  expect(actualCounts).toEqual([1, 0, newCount]);

This example requires some RxJS knowledge. We are going to encounter RxJS Observables again and again when testing Angular applications. If you do not understand the example above, that is totally fine. It is just an optional way to merge three specs into one.

Black vs. white box Component testing

Component tests are most meaningful if they closely mimic how the user interacts with the Component. The tests we have written apply this principle. We have worked directly with the DOM to read text, click on buttons and fill out form fields because this is what the user does.

These tests are black box tests. We have already talked about black box vs. white box testing in theory. Both are valid testing methods. As stated, this guide advises to use black box testing first and foremost.

A common technique to enforce black box testing is to mark internal methods as private so they cannot be called in the test. The test should only inspect the documented, public API.

Internal yet `public`

In Angular Components, the difference between external and internal properties and methods does not coincide with their TypeScript visibility (public vs. private). Properties and methods need to be public so that the template is able to access them.

This makes sense for Input and Output properties. They need to be read and written from the outside, from your test. However, internal properties and methods exist that are public only for the template.

For example, the CounterComponent has an Input startCount and an Output countChange. Both are public:

public startCount = 0;

public countChange = new EventEmitter<number>();

They form the public API. However, there are several more properties and methods that are public:

public count = 0;
public increment(): void { /* … */ }
public decrement(): void { /* … */ }
public reset(newCount: string): void { /* … */ }
`public` for the template

These properties and methods are internal, they are used only within the Component. Yet they need to be public so the template may access them. Angular compiles templates into TypeScript code, and TypeScript ensures that the template code only accesses public properties and methods.

In our CounterComponent black box test, we increment the count by clicking on the “+” button. In contrast, many Angular testing tutorials conduct Component white box tests. They call the increment method directly:

/* Not recommended! */
describe('CounterComponent', () => {
  /* … */
  it('increments the count', () => {
    expectText(fixture, 'count', '1');

This white box test reaches into the Component to access an internal, yet public method. This is sometimes valuable, but most of the time it is misused.

Inputs, Outputs, DOM

As we have learned, a Component test is meaningful if it interacts with the Component via Inputs, Outputs and the rendered DOM. If the Component test calls internal methods or accesses internal properties instead, it often misses important template logic and event handling.

The white box spec above calls the increment method, but does not test the corresponding template code, the increment button:

<button (click)="increment()" data-testid="increment-button">+</button>

If we remove the increment button from the template entirely, the feature is obviously broken. But the white box test does not fail.

Start with black box tests

When applied to Angular Components, black box testing is more intuitive and easier for beginners. When writing a black box test, ask what the Component does for the user and for the parent Component. Then imitate the usage in your test.

A white box test does not examine the Component strictly from the DOM perspective. Thereby, it runs the risk of missing crucial Component behavior. It gives the illusion that all code is tested.

That being said, white box testing is a viable advanced technique. Experienced testers can write efficient white box specs that still test out all Component features and cover all code.

The following table shows which properties and methods of an Angular Component you should access or not in a black box test.

Black box testing an Angular Component
Class member Access from test
@Input properties Yes (write)
@Output properties Yes (subscribe)
Lifecycle methods Avoid except for ngOnChanges
Other public methods Avoid
Private properties
and methods
No access