- Create your JIRA account in Sonatype
- Create a wiki page that demands the deployable role (It takes a day or two days to get the permission.)
- Working with the PGP signature
- Install GnuPG using "$ apt-get install GnuPG"
- Create your own PGP Signature
- "$ gpg --gen-key" (Note that generating key without passphrase is not a problem.)
- "$ gpg --list-secret-keys" will show your pgp key ID
- If the key ID is longer than 8 digits, the last 8 digits is the key ID
- Test your key using
- "$ gpg -ab temp.java" will create temp.java.asc which is the signature of temp.java
- Verify it using your public key
- "$ gpg --verify temp.java.asc"
- Send your key to the key server
- "$ gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-keys youKeyId"
- Check whether it is uploaded or not key server.
- Store your information in the ~/.gradle/gradle.properties
signing.keyId= signing.password= signing.secretKeyRingFile=/Users/Yourname/.gnupg/secring.gpg ossrhUsername= ossrhPassword= systemProp.org.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true
- If you don't have the secring.gpg file, then create it using:
- "gpg --export-secret-key yourKeyId > ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg"
- More detailed instruction about PGP signature
- Clone the repository into your local
- "$ git clone [email protected]:line/armeria.git upstream-armeria"
- "$ git clone [email protected]:line/armeria.git site-armeria"
- Install with sign
- In ./upstream-armeia "$ ./gradlew -Psign install --no-daemon"
- Verify it
- "$ gpg --verify ./core/build/libs/armeria-0.XY.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar.asc"
- Release
- "$ ./gradlew release -PreleaseVersion=0.XY.0 -PnextVersion=0.(XY+1).0"
- "$ git checkout armeria-0.XY.0"
- "$./gradlew clean publish site --no-daemon"
- Close it
- Find in https://oss.sonatype.org/#stagingRepositories
- Close by clicking close button.
- Release
- Push the release button.
- check the checkbox about "Release automatically"
- Follow the instruction from the gradle log
- Check out at http://line.github.io/armeria/
- Write the release note