A monadic interface for handling errors in JS
Monoflow provides one Workflow
class that makes you easier to deal with combine functions, error handlings, and provides lazy evaluation.
import { Workflow } from "monoflow"
const workflow = Workflow.create((x: number) => x + 1);
console.log(workflow.run(2)); // Output: 3
That's it. Note that you need to explicit type of input type.
const workflow = Workflow.create((x: number) => x + 1)
.then((x) => x * 2)
.then((x) => x + 1);
console.log(workflow.run(1)); // Output: 5
const workflow = Workflow.create((x: number) => x + 1)
.then((x) => x * 2)
.then((x) => x + 1)
.then((_) => throw new Error("error!"))
.else((err) => err.message);
console.log(workflow.run(1)); // Output: "error!"
Note that you can put .else()
anyware. So as you can see below, you can get back to the function mapped by .then()
const workflow = Workflow.create((x: number) => x + 1)
.then((x) => x * 2)
.then((x) => x + 1)
.then((_) => throw new Error("error!"))
.else((err) => err.message);
.then((x: string) => x + "!")
console.log(workflow.run(1)); // Output: "error!!"
You can combine multiple workflows like this:
const workflow1 = Workflow.create((_) => {
throw new Error("error")
const workflow2 = Workflow.create((_) => undefined)
.else((err) => err.message);
const workflow3 = workflow1.combine(workflow2);
console.log(workflow3.run(undefined)); // Output: "error"