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Actors model

A method of concurrency in which the universal primitive is the actor.


  • Actors are persistent (they are alive): they exist whether they are doing something or not.
  • Encapsulate internal state: It is encapsulated unlike say threads.
  • Actors are asynchronous

What actors can do

  • Create other actors
  • Receive messages and in response
    • make local decisions (e.g. alter local state)
    • perform arbitratry, side-effect action (write to a db)
    • send messages
    • respond to the sender 0 or more times
  • Process exactly one message at a time: "inside an actor there is no aditional concurrency"

Do not communicate by sharing memory; instead share memory by communicating - Effective go

Example: checking account

class Checking extends Actor {

  var balance = 80

  def receive = {
    case Withadral(amt) =>
      if(balance > amt) {
        balance -= amt
        sender ! true
      } else {
        sender ! false


No problem with concurrent withadrals:

val checking: ActorRef = ...

// at the same time:
val response1: Future[Boolean] = ( checking ? Withadral(60) ).mapTo[Boolean]
val response2: Future[Boolean] = ( checking ? Withadral(50) ).mapTo[Boolean]

Properties of communications

  • No channels or intermediaries (unlike CSP)
  • "Best effort" delivery
  • At-most-once delivery (no retries, no timeouts, nothing other than the underlying protocol)
  • Messsages can take arbitrary long to be delivered
  • No messsage ordering guarantees

Address (ActorRef in Akka)

  • Identifies an actor
  • May also represent a proxy / forwarder to an actor
  • Contains location and transport information
  • Location transparency -> distributable by default
  • One actor may have many different addresses
  • One address may represent multiple actors (e.g. load balancing)

Handling failure

Supervision: the running state of an actor is monitored and managed.

  • Properties:

    • Constantly monitors running state of actor
    • Can perform actions based on the state of the actor: e.g. start over
  • Supervision Trees: hierarchies

  • Transparent Lifecycle management:

    • Addresses don't change during restarts
    • Mailboxes are persisted outside the actor instances: Address encapsulates both the mailbox and the actor

Use cases

  • Processsing pipeline (?)
  • Streaming data (?)
  • Multi-user concurrency: playing with actors liveness -> e.g. have an actor for each user and each event by the user is a message to the actor
  • Systems with high uptime requirements (Ericsson's Erlang )
  • Applications with shared state
  • Batch Job Processing
  • Breaking up the work:
    • First layer of HTTP actors
    • Work queue
    • Job Processors: has child actors and tracks jobs
    • Allows to controll level of concurrency.
    • Client pushes work, workers pull from queue.


Pool of workers. Job: identify prime numbers in a range. (Why workers are useful for this? Why not with futures?)

Anti Use-cases

  • When there is no concurrency
  • It's a high level abstraction. Bad for performance?
  • No mutable state (but can't it be useful for distribution even if there is no state?)


  • Too many actors: hard for tracing, understanding or testing
  • Debugging

¿Como funciona en Pony? (Para contrastar)

Pony-lang es un lenguaje que soporta actores y tiene un acercamiento distinto al de scala. Específicamente permite definir los manejos de los mensajes mediante behaviours. En el siguiente actor el behaviour eat es uno de los mensajes que el actor puede recibir y se define de forma similar a una función:

actor Aardvark
  let name: String
  var _hunger_level: U64 = 0

  new create(name': String) =>
    name = name'

  be eat(amount: U64) =>
    _hunger_level = _hunger_level - amount.min(_hunger_level)

lo anterior permite que el typechecker verifique que los mensajes que se le envíen a un actor sean los que de verdad es capaz de manejar. A diferencia en Akka este tipo de errores no son atrapados sino hasta cuando se está ejecutando el programa. Sin embargo Akka agregó algo de actores tipados que no revisamos.


  • Ver dispatchers y de qué sirven
  • ¿Cómo están implementados?