literal 0
diff --git a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/CdsClient_Core_Tests/TestMaterial/PowerPlatformIPManagement_1_0_1_0_managed.zip b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/CdsClient_Core_Tests/TestMaterial/PowerPlatformIPManagement_1_0_1_0_managed.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..990cf4a24ecb062ede229d05a7d0cf57aa8ffe1d
GIT binary patch
literal 11328
literal 0
diff --git a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests.csproj b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests.csproj
index d85efa8..e1d811c 100644
--- a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests.csproj
+++ b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests/LivePackageRunUnitTests.csproj
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- net462;net472;net48;netcoreapp3.1;net6.0
+ net462;net472;net48;net6.0
diff --git a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageTestsConsole/LivePackageTestsConsole.csproj b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageTestsConsole/LivePackageTestsConsole.csproj
index 6de87de..dbf5dc7 100644
--- a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageTestsConsole/LivePackageTestsConsole.csproj
+++ b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/UnitTests/LivePackageTestsConsole/LivePackageTestsConsole.csproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- net462;netcoreapp3.1
+ net462;net6.0
diff --git a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/WebResourceUtility/TraceLogger.cs b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/WebResourceUtility/TraceLogger.cs
index a1165a6..b65ee84 100644
--- a/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/WebResourceUtility/TraceLogger.cs
+++ b/src/GeneralTools/DataverseClient/WebResourceUtility/TraceLogger.cs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Microsoft – subject to the terms of the Microsoft EULA and other agreements
// Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.WebResourceUtility
// copyright 2003-2012 Microsoft Corp.
@@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ public TraceLogger(string traceSourceName = "")
public override void ResetLastError()
- LastError.Remove(0, LastError.Length);
- LastException = null;
- }
+ if (base.LastError.Length > 0)
+ base.LastError = base.LastError.Remove(0, LastError.Length - 1);
+ LastException = null;
+ }
/// Log a Message
diff --git a/src/SDK-IntelliSense/V9/PublishedXML/CE/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.xml b/src/SDK-IntelliSense/V9/PublishedXML/CE/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..696ed2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SDK-IntelliSense/V9/PublishedXML/CE/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2728 @@
+ Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client
+ Summary description for AttributeData
+ Details of expected authentication.
+ Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ Authority to initiate OAuth flow with.
+ OAuth resource to request authentication for.
+ True if probing returned a WWW-Authenticate header.
+ Probes API endpoint to elicit a 401 response with the WWW-Authenticate header and processes the found information
+ instantiate resolver, using specified HttpClient to be used.
+ Attemtps to solicit a WWW-Authenticate reply using an unauthenticated GET call to the given endpoint.
+ Parses returned header for details
+ endpoint to challenge for authority and resource
+ if true, this is an OnPremsies server
+ ORGINAL CODE FROM https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-library-for-dotnet/blob/68d7dea3643e075be85abbca1ab88ba614465541/src/Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory/Features/NonWinCommon/PromptBehavior.cs
+ Indicates whether AcquireToken should automatically prompt only if necessary or whether
+ it should prompt regardless of whether there is a cached token.
+ The user will be prompted for credentials even if there is a token that meets the requirements
+ already in the cache.
+ Acquire token will prompt the user for credentials only when necessary. If a token
+ that meets the requirements is already cached then the user will not be prompted.
+ Never Prompt
+ Re-authorizes (through displaying webview) the resource usage, making sure that the resulting access
+ token contains updated claims. If user logon cookies are available, the user will not be asked for
+ credentials again and the logon dialog will dismiss automatically.
+ Prompt the user to select a user account even if there is a token that meets the requirements
+ already in the cache. This enables an user who has multiple accounts at the Authorization Server to select amongst
+ the multiple accounts that they might have current sessions for.
+ Decision switch for the sort of Auth to login to Dataverse with
+ Active Directory Auth
+ Certificate based Auth
+ Client Id + Secret Auth type.
+ Enabled Host to manage Auth token for Dataverse connections.
+ Invalid connection
+ OAuth based Auth
+ Request object.
+ Organization Service request for the batch
+ Request debug Message.
+ Reference Correlation ID
+ Status of the batch.
+ Batch has completed.
+ Batch is currently executing
+ Batch is waiting to be run
+ Contains a variable definition.
+ Create a new Data Type
+ Default Constructor
+ Create a new Data Type
+ Data to Set
+ Type of Data to Set
+ Create a new Data Type
+ Data to Set
+ Type of Data to Set
+ Name of the related entity, applies to the Field Types: Customer and Lookup
+ Name of the entity that a Lookup or Related Customer Entity
+ Value Type.
+ Value to set
+ Allowed typelist of entities
+ Bool - Converts from bool
+ Ref Type for Dataverse, Creates an EntityReference
+ You need to provide a Guid as a value, and a the name of an entity for the lookup key
+ DateTime - Converts from a DataTime Object
+ Decimal, for money, use Money - Converts from a decimal type
+ The File column is used for storing binary data
+ Double type, while Dataverse calls this a float, it is actually a double for money, use Money - Converts from a double type
+ Use image columns to display a single image per row in the application
+ Primary Key - Converts from a Guid Type
+ Ref Type for Dataverse, Creates an EntityReference
+ You need to provide a Guid as a value, and a the name of an entity for the lookup key
+ Money Type - Converts from a decimal type
+ Whole number - Converts from a Int type
+ Pick List value - Converts from a Int type
+ User Specified type... will be appended directly. This type must be one of the valid Dataverse types
+ String type - Converts from a string type.
+ Guid Type - Converts from a Guid Type
+ Extension to the FileLogTraceListner class.
+ The class constructor.
+ The class constructor.
+ Source Path
+ Format the message with additional information
+ Message to be logged
+ Formatted message
+ Adding MaxFileCount to the suported attribute list
+ Checks if the CustomLocation Path has write permission
+ Custom Location Path
+ boolean
+ Trace event is Overriden to check the Log file Access.
+ TraceEventCache
+ Source
+ TraceEventType
+ Id
+ message string
+ Trace event is Overriden to check the Log file Access.
+ TraceEventCache
+ Source
+ TraceEventType
+ Id
+ Format Options
+ Array of message objects
+ Trace event. Allows overriden behavior in inheriting classes
+ Number of files to keep while rolling.
+ Dataverse Service Client extensions for batch operations.
+ Create a Batch Request for executing batch operations. This returns an ID that will be used to identify a request as a batch request vs a "normal" request.
+ Name of the Batch
+ Should Results be returned
+ Should the process continue on an error.
+ ServiceClient
+ Begins running the Batch command.
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the batch to run
+ true if the batch begins, false if not.
+ Returns a request batch by BatchID
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the batch
+ Returns the batch id for a given batch name.
+ Name of Batch
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns the organization request at a give position
+ ID of the batch
+ Position
+ ServiceClient
+ Release a batch from the stack
+ Once you have completed using a batch, you must release it from the system.
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the batch
+ Executes the batch command and then parses the retrieved items into a list.
+ If there exists a exception then the LastException would be filled with the first item that has the exception.
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the batch to run
+ results which is a list of responses(type >> ]]>) in the order of each request or null or complete failure
+ Extensions to support more generic record interaction mechanic's
+ Closes the Activity type specified.
+ The Activity Entity type supports fax , letter , and phonecall
+ *Note: This will default to using English names for Status. if you need to use Non-English, you should populate the names for completed for the status and state.
+ Type of Activity you would like to close.. Supports fax, letter, phonecall
+ ID of the Activity you want to close
+ State Code configured on the activity
+ Status code on the activity
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true if success false if not.
+ This creates a annotation [note] entry, related to a an existing entity
+ Required Properties in the fieldListnotetext (string) = Text of the note,subject (string) = this is the title of the note
+ Target Entity TypeID
+ Target Entity ID
+ Fields to populate
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Associates one Entity to another where an M2M Relationship Exists.
+ Entity on one side of the relationship
+ The Id of the record on the first side of the relationship
+ Entity on the second side of the relationship
+ The Id of the record on the second side of the relationship
+ Relationship name between the 2 entities
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, false on fail
+ Associates multiple entities of the same time to a single entity
+ Entity that things will be related too.
+ ID of entity that things will be related too
+ Entity that you are relating from
+ ID's of the entities you are relating from
+ Name of the relationship between the target and the source entities.
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Optional: if set to true, indicates that this is a N:N using a reflexive relationship
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, false on fail
+ Creates a new activity against the target entity type
+ Type of Activity you would like to create
+ Entity type of the Entity you want to associate with.
+ Subject Line of the Activity
+ Description Text of the Activity
+ ID of the Entity to associate the Activity too
+ User ID that Created the Activity *Calling user must have necessary permissions to assign to another user
+ Additional fields to add as part of the activity creation
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Guid of Activity ID or Guid.empty
+ Uses the dynamic entity patter to create a new entity
+ Name of Entity To create
+ Initial Values
+ Optional: Applies the update with a solution by Unique name
+ Optional: if true, enabled Dataverse onboard duplicate detection
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Guid on Success, Guid.Empty on fail
+ Deletes an entity from the Dataverse
+ entity type name
+ entity id
+ Optional : Batch ID to attach this request too.
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, false on failure
+ Removes the Association between 2 entity items where an M2M Relationship Exists.
+ Entity on one side of the relationship
+ The Id of the record on the first side of the relationship
+ Entity on the second side of the relationship
+ The Id of the record on the second side of the relationship
+ Relationship name between the 2 entities
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, false on fail
+ Generic update entity
+ String version of the entity name
+ Key fieldname of the entity
+ Guid ID of the entity to update
+ Fields to update
+ Optional: Applies the update with a solution by Unique name
+ Optional: if true, enabled Dataverse onboard duplicate detection
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, false on fail
+ Updates the State and Status of the Entity passed in.
+ Name of the entity
+ Guid ID of the entity you are updating
+ Int version of the new state
+ Int Version of the new status
+ Optional : Batch ID to attach this request too.
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success.
+ Updates the State and Status of the Entity passed in.
+ Name of the entity
+ Guid ID of the entity you are updating
+ String version of the new state
+ String Version of the new status
+ Optional : Batch ID to attach this request too.
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success.
+ Dataverse Filter item.
+ Dataverse Field name to Filter on
+ Dataverse Operator to apply
+ Value to use for the Filter
+ Dataverse Filter class.
+ Creates an empty Dataverse Search Filter.
+ Dataverse Filter Operator
+ List of Dataverse Filter conditions
+ Extensions to support deploying solutions and data to Dataverse.
+ Executes a Delete and Propmote Request against Dataverse using the Async Pattern.
+ Unique Name of solution to be upgraded
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns the Async Job ID. To find the status of the job, query the AsyncOperation Entity using GetEntityDataByID using the returned value of this method
+ Used to upload a data map to the Dataverse
+ XML of the datamap in string form
+ True to have Dataverse replace ID's on inbound data, False to have inbound data retain its ID's
+ if true, dataMapXml is expected to be a File name and path to load.
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns ID of the datamap or Guid.Empty
+ Imports a Dataverse solution to the Dataverse Server currently connected.
+ Note: this is a blocking call and will take time to Import to Dataverse
+ Path to the Solution File
+ Activate Plugin's and workflows on the Solution
+ This will populate with the Import ID even if the request failed.
+ You can use this ID to request status on the import via a request to the ImportJob entity.
+ Forces an overwrite of unmanaged customizations of the managed solution you are installing, defaults to false
+ Skips dependency against dependencies flagged as product update, defaults to false
+ Applies only on Dataverse organizations version 7.2 or higher. This imports the Dataverse solution as a holding solution utilizing the “As Holding” capability of ImportSolution
+ Internal Microsoft use only
+ ServiceClient
+ Extra parameters
+ Import Solution Async used Execute Async pattern to run a solution import.
+ Path to the Solution File
+ Activate Plugin's and workflows on the Solution
+ This will populate with the Import ID even if the request failed.
+ You can use this ID to request status on the import via a request to the ImportJob entity.
+ Forces an overwrite of unmanaged customizations of the managed solution you are installing, defaults to false
+ Skips dependency against dependencies flagged as product update, defaults to false
+ Applies only on Dataverse organizations version 7.2 or higher. This imports the Dataverse solution as a holding solution utilizing the “As Holding” capability of ImportSolution
+ Internal Microsoft use only
+ Extra parameters
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns the Async Job ID. To find the status of the job, query the AsyncOperation Entity using GetEntityDataByID using the returned value of this method
+ Request Dataverse to install sample data shipped with Dataverse. Note this is process will take a few moments to execute.
+ This method will return once the request has been submitted.
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the Async job executing the request
+ Determines if the Dataverse sample data has been installed
+ ServiceClient
+ True if the sample data is installed, False if not.
+ Starts an Import request for CDS.
+ Supports a single file per Import request.
+ Delays the import jobs till specified time - Use DateTime.MinValue to Run immediately
+ Import Data Request
+ ServiceClient
+ Guid of the Import Request, or Guid.Empty. If Guid.Empty then request failed.
+ Request Dataverse to remove sample data shipped with Dataverse. Note this is process will take a few moments to execute.
+ This method will return once the request has been submitted.
+ ServiceClient
+ ID of the Async job executing the request
+ Describes an Individual Import Item.
+ This is the delimiter for the Data,
+ This enabled duplicate detection rules
+ this is the field separator
+ This is the CSV file you wish to import,
+ File Name of Individual file
+ Type of Import file.. XML or CSV
+ Is the first row of the CSV the RowHeader?
+ Set true if the Record Owner is a Team
+ UserID or Team ID of the Record Owner ( from systemuser )
+ Name of the entity that Originated the data.
+ Name of the entity that Target Entity the data.
+ Key used to delimit data in the import file
+ Specifies "
+ Specifies no delimiter
+ Specifies '
+ Key used to delimit fields in the import file
+ Specifies :
+ Specifies ,
+ Specifies '
+ Type if file described in the FileContentToImport
+ CSV File Type
+ XML File type
+ Describes an import request for Dataverse
+ Default constructor
+ ID of the DataMap to use
+ Name of the DataMap File to use
+ ID or Name is required
+ List of files to import in this job, there must be at least one.
+ Name of the Import Request. this Name will appear in Dataverse
+ Sets or gets the Import Mode.
+ if True, infers the map from the type of entity requested..
+ Mode of the Import, Update or Create
+ Create a new Import
+ Update to Imported Items
+ ImportStatus Reasons
+ Import has Completed
+ Import has Failed
+ Import is in Progress
+ Not Yet Imported
+ Used with GetFormIdsForEntity Call
+ Appointment book, for service requests.
+ Dashboard form
+ Main or default form
+ Mobile default form
+ User defined forms
+ General Extensions for the Dataverse ServiceClient
+ This will route a Entity to a public queue,
+ ID of the Entity to route
+ Name of the Entity that the Id describes
+ Name of the Queue to Route Too
+ ID of the user id to set as the working system user
+ if true Set the worked by when doing the assign
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success
+ Assign an Entity to the specified user ID
+ User ID to assign too
+ Target entity Name
+ Target entity id
+ Batch ID of to use, Optional
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Executes a named workflow on an object.
+ name of the workflow to run
+ ID to exec against
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Async Op ID of the WF or Guid.Empty
+ Returns the user ID of the currently logged in user.
+ ServiceClient
+ this will send an Email to the
+ ID of the Email activity
+ Tracking Token or Null
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Logical Search Pram to apply to over all search.
+ And Search
+ Do not apply the Search Operator
+ Or Search
+ Logical Search Pram to apply to over all search.
+ Sort in Ascending
+ Sort in Descending
+ Extensions for interacting with the Dataverse Metadata system.
+ Adds an option to a pick list on an entity.
+ Entity Name to Target
+ Attribute Name on the Entity
+ List of Localized Labels
+ integer Value
+ Publishes the Update to the Live system.. note this is a time consuming process.. if you are doing a batch up updates, call PublishEntity Separately when you are finished.
+ ServiceClient
+ true on success, on fail check last error.
+ Returns all attributes on a entity
+ returns all attributes on a entity
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns a list of entities with basic data from Dataverse
+ defaults to true, will only return published information
+ EntityFilter to apply to this request, note that filters other then Default will consume more time.
+ ServiceClient
+ Gets metadata for a specific entity's attribute.
+ Name of the entity
+ Attribute Name
+ ServiceClient
+ Gets an Entity Name by Logical name or Type code.
+ logical name of the entity
+ Type code for the entity
+ ServiceClient
+ Localized name for the entity in the current users language
+ Gets an Entity Name by Logical name or Type code.
+ logical name of the entity
+ Type code for the entity
+ ServiceClient
+ Localized plural name for the entity in the current users language
+ Returns the Form Entity References for a given form type.
+ logical name of the entity you are querying for form data.
+ Form Type you want
+ ServiceClient
+ List of Entity References for the form type requested.
+ Returns the Metadata for an entity from Dataverse, defaults to basic data only.
+ Logical name of the entity
+ filter to apply to the query, defaults to default entity data.
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns the Entity name for the given Type code
+ ServiceClient
+ Gets the typecode of an entity by name.
+ name of the entity to get the type code on
+ ServiceClient
+ Gets a global option set from Dataverse.
+ Name of the Option Set To get
+ ServiceClient
+ OptionSetMetadata or null
+ Gets a PickList, Status List or StateList from the metadata of an attribute
+ text name of the entity to query
+ name of the attribute to query
+ ServiceClient
+ Publishes an entity to the production system,
+ used in conjunction with the Metadata services.
+ Name of the entity to publish
+ ServiceClient
+ True on success
+ This will clear the Metadata cache for either all entities or the specified entity
+ ServiceClient
+ Optional: name of the entity to clear cached info for
+ PickList Item
+ Default Constructor
+ Constructor with data.
+ Display label for the PickList Item
+ ID of the picklist item
+ PickList data
+ Default Constructor
+ Constructs a PickList item with data.
+ Current value of the PickList Item
+ Displayed value for the PickList
+ Array of Potential Pick List Items.
+ Displayed Label
+ Extentions to support query builder and untyped object returns.
+ Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID.
+ Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
+ Type of Entity to search against
+ ID of the entity to search against.
+ List of Field to return for the entity , null indicates all fields.
+ Search Operator to use
+ Filters responses based on search prams.
+ Sort order
+ Number of Pages
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ is there more records or not
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ ServiceClient
+ Array of Activities
+ Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID.
+ Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
+ Type of Entity to search against
+ ID of the entity to search against.
+ List of Field to return for the entity , null indicates all fields.
+ Search Operator to use
+ Filters responses based on search prams.
+ Sort order
+ Number of Pages
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ is there more records or not
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ ServiceClient
+ Array of Activities
+ This function gets data from a Dictionary object, where "string" identifies the field name, and Object contains the data,
+ this method then attempts to cast the result to the Type requested, if it cannot be cast an empty object is returned.
+ Results from the query
+ key name you want
+ ServiceClient
+ Type if object to return
+ object
+ Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
+ Fetch XML query data.
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ results or null
+ Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
+ Fetch XML query data.
+ Number records per Page
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ is there more records or not
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ ServiceClient
+ results or null
+ Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
+ Fetch XML query data.
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ results as an entity collection or null
+ Searches for data based on a FetchXML query
+ Fetch XML query data.
+ Number records per Page
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ is there more records or not
+ ServiceClient
+ results as an Entity Collection or null
+ Gets a List of variables from the account based on the list of field specified in the Fields List
+ The entity to be searched.
+ ID of Entity to query
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ Populated Array of Key value pairs with the Results of the Search
+ ServiceClient
+ Queries an Object via a M to M Link
+ Name of the entity you want return data from
+ Search Prams for the Return Entity
+ Name of the entity you are linking too
+ Search Prams for the Entity you are linking too
+ Key field on the Entity you are linking too
+ Dataverse Name of the Relationship
+ Key field on the Entity you want to return data from
+ Search Operator to apply
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ List of Fields from the Returned Entity you want
+ ServiceClient
+ Queries an Object via a M to M Link
+ Name of the entity you want return data from
+ Search Prams for the Return Entity
+ Name of the entity you are linking too
+ Search Prams for the Entity you are linking too
+ Key field on the Entity you are linking too
+ Dataverse Name of the Relationship
+ Key field on the Entity you want to return data from
+ Search Operator to apply
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ List of Fields from the Returned Entity you want
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ If the relationship is defined as Entity:Entity or Account N:N Account, this parameter should be set to true
+ ServiceClient
+ Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID.
+ Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
+ Type of Entity to search against
+ ID of the entity to search against.
+ List of Field to return for the entity , null indicates all fields.
+ Filters responses based on search prams.
+ Sort Order
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Entity to Rollup from
+ ServiceClient
+ Array of Activities
+ Returns all Activities Related to a given Entity ID.
+ Only Account, Contact and Opportunity entities are supported.
+ Type of Entity to search against
+ ID of the entity to search against.
+ List of Field to return for the entity , null indicates all fields.
+ Entity to Rollup from
+ Search Operator to user
+ Dataverse Filter list to apply
+ Sort by
+ Number of Pages
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ is there more records or not
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ Gets a list of accounts based on the search parameters.
+ Dataverse Entity Type Name to search
+ Array of Search Parameters
+ List of fields to retrieve, Null indicates all Fields
+ Logical Search Operator
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ ServiceClient
+ List of matching Entity Types.
+ Searches for data from an entity based on the search parameters.
+ Name of the entity to search
+ Array of Search Parameters
+ List of fields to retrieve, Null indicates all Fields
+ Logical Search Operator
+ Number records per Page
+ Current Page number
+ inbound place holder cookie
+ outbound place holder cookie
+ is there more records or not
+ Sort order
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ List of matching Entity Types.
+ Gets a list of accounts based on the search parameters.
+ Dataverse Entity Type Name to search
+ Array of Search Parameters
+ List of fields to retrieve, Null indicates all Fields
+ Logical Search Operator
+ Optional: if set to a valid GUID, generated by the Create Batch Request Method, will assigned the request to the batch for later execution, on fail, runs the request immediately
+ Adds the bypass plugin behavior to this request. Note: this will only apply if the caller has the prvBypassPlugins permission to bypass plugins. If its attempted without the permission the request will fault.
+ ServiceClient
+ List of matching Entity Types.
+ Properties valid for the extraParameters collection of ImportSolution.
+ Parameter used to specify whether Solution Import processed ribbon metadata asynchronously
+ Parameter used to pass a collection of component parameters to the import job.
+ Direct the system to convert any matching unmanaged customizations into your managed solution
+ Parameter used to change the default layering behavior during solution import
+ Internal use only
+ Parameter used to pass the solution name - Telemetry only
+ Internal use only
+ Interface containing extension methods provided by the DataverseServiceClient for the IOrganizationService Interface.
+ These extensions will only operate from within the client and are not supported server side.
+ Associate an entity with a set of entities
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ The ID of the created record
+ Delete instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Disassociate an entity with a set of entities
+ Perform an action in an organization specified by the request.
+ Refer to SDK documentation for list of messages that can be used.
+ Results from processing the request
+ Retrieves instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Column Set collection to return with the request
+ Selected Entity
+ Retrieves a collection of entities
+ Returns an EntityCollection Object containing the results of the query
+ Updates an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to update
+ Interface containing extension methods provided by the DataverseServiceClient for the IOrganizationService Interface.
+ These extensions will only operate from within the client and are not supported server side.
+ Associate an entity with a set of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Returns the newly created record
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ The ID of the created record
+ Delete instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Disassociate an entity with a set of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Perform an action in an organization specified by the request.
+ Refer to SDK documentation for list of messages that can be used.
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Results from processing the request
+ Retrieves instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Column Set collection to return with the request
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Selected Entity
+ Retrieves a collection of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Returns an EntityCollection Object containing the results of the query
+ Updates an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to update
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Client Configuration Options Array.
+ Updates the instance of Options with a previously created Options Object.
+ PreLoaded Options Array
+ Defaults to True.
+ When true, this setting applies the default connection routing strategy to connections to Dataverse.This will 'prefer' a given node when interacting with Dataverse which improves overall connection performance.When set to false, each call to Dataverse will be routed to any given node supporting your organization.See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/data-platform/api-limits#remove-the-affinity-cookie for proper use.
+ MaxBufferPoolSize override. - Use under Microsoft Direction only.
+ MaxFaultSize override. - Use under Microsoft Direction only.
+ MaxReceivedMessageSize override. - Use under Microsoft Direction only.
+ Number of retries for an execute operation
+ Enabled Logging of PII in MSAL Log. - defaults to false.
+ Amount of time to wait for MSAL/AAD to wait for a token response before timing out
+ Number of retries to Get a token from MSAL.
+ Amount of time to wait between retries
+ Use Web API instead of org service
+ Use Web API instead of org service for logging into and getting boot up data.
+ Describes connection Options for the Dataverse ServiceClient
+ Function that Dataverse ServiceClient will call to request an access token for a given connection.
+ Defines which type of login will be used to connect to Dataverse
+ Certificate store name to look up thumbprint.
+ Certificate ThumbPrint to use to lookup machine certificate to use for authentication.
+ Client \ Application ID to be used when logging into Dataverse.
+ Client Secret Id to use to login to Dataverse
+ User Domain to use - Use with Interactive Login for On Premises
+ Home Realm to use when working with AD Federation.
+ ILogger Interface for Dataverse ServiceClient.
+ Type of Login prompt to use.
+ User Password to use - Used with Interactive Login scenarios
+ Redirect Uri to use when connecting to dataverse. Required for OAuth Authentication.
+ Function that Dataverse ServiceClient will call to request custom headers
+ Require a unique instance of the Dataverse ServiceClient per Login.
+ URL of the Dataverse Instance to connect too.
+ Skip discovery leg when connecting to Dataverse
+ Path and FileName for MSAL Token Cache. Used only for OAuth - User Interactive flows.
+ (Windows Only) If True, Uses the current user of windows to attempt the login with
+ User Name to use - Used with Interactive Login scenarios
+ Result of call to DiscoverOrganizationsAsync
+ Constructor
+ OrganizationDetailCollection
+ account
+ MSAL account selected as part of dicovery authentication
+ OrganizationDetailCollection
+ Describes a discovery server that can be used to determine what organizations a user is a member of.
+ Raised when a property changes
+ Default constructor
+ Accepts a Server Info object
+ Discovery server Uri, this is the URI necessary to connect to the Discovery server
+ Display name of the Discovery Server
+ Geo that hosts this Disco endpoint
+ Server used to override the regional discovery server, if present its treated as using the Global Discovery server
+ When true, the global discovery server cannot be used to locate this instance, it must be a regional discovery query
+ Short name of the Discovery Server, this is used to store the server in the users config for later use.
+ Dataverse online Discovery server enumeration
+ Raised when a property changes
+ Default constructor, Builds baseline data for the Servers.
+ Clean up
+ Clean up
+ Finds a Server Info by GEO Code. Note NorthAmerica and GCC cannot be located this way.
+ to use with NA you must short name, NorthAmerica for NAM and NorthAmerica2 for GCC.
+ GEO of Discovery Instance you are looking for
+ DiscoveryServer Data or Null
+ Parses an OrgURI to determine what the supporting discovery server is.
+ Finds a Server by Name in the List or return null.
+ Short Name of the server you are looking for
+ DiscoveryServer Data or Null
+ Finds the server short name by server uri
+ Name of the Server to find
+ Public Property to discovery servers
+ Describes a Single Organization returned from a Discovery server
+ WCF EVENT hook
+ This is the URI needed to connect to the Organization
+ This is the name assigned to the Discovery Server, this is used to visual separate organizations returned by Discovery server used, or Premise solutions.
+ This is the display name for the organization that a user sees when working in Dataverse
+ This is the details of the Organization, returned directly from Dataverse
+ This is the actual name for the organization in Dataverse, and is required to connect to Dataverse
+ This is the actual name for the organization in Dataverse, and is required to connect to Dataverse
+ Describes the Collection of Orgs that a user may select from. This is used to display the list to the user
+ Container for Dataverse Orgs List.
+ List of Orgs
+ Refresh listener delegate
+ Container class for Batches.
+ Default constructor
+ True to return responses, False to not return responses
+ True to continue if anyone item trips an error, False to stop on the first error.
+ String name of the batch, if blank, a GUID is used
+ ID of the batch.
+ Items to execute
+ DisplayName of the batch.
+ Settings for this Execute Multiple Request.
+ Results from the Batch.
+ Status of the batch.
+ Data container for Live/OSDP debug env.
+ Default constructor
+ Gives the discovery server url
+ Gets/Sets the display name.
+ Geo Code
+ regional global discovery server
+ Sets the restricted status of the instance. ( restricted means it is not in the global discovery servers )
+ Gets/Sets the shortname(should be unique).
+ Primary implementation of the API interface for Dataverse.
+ SDK Version property backer.
+ Creating the ServiceClient Connection with a ConnectionOptions Object and ConfigurationOptions Object. This allows for deferred create of a Dataverse Service Client.
+ Describes how the Connection should be created.
+ False by Default, if True, stages the properties of the connection and returns. You must call .Connect() to complete the connection.
+ Described Configuration Options for the connection.
+ Log in with Certificate Auth OnLine connections.
+ This requires the org API URI.
+ Certificate to use during login
+ StoreName to look in for certificate identified by certificateThumbPrint
+ ThumbPrint of the Certificate to load
+ API URL of the Dataverse instance to connect too
+ if set, will force the system to create a unique connection
+ Dataverse Org Detail object, this is is returned from a query to the Dataverse Discovery Server service. not required.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ The redirect URI application will be redirected post OAuth authentication.
+ Logging provider
+ Log in with Certificate Auth On-Premises connections.
+ Certificate to use during login
+ StoreName to look in for certificate identified by certificateThumbPrint
+ ThumbPrint of the Certificate to load
+ URL of the Dataverse instance to connect too
+ Organization name for the Dataverse Instance.
+ if true, https:// used
+ if set, will force the system to create a unique connection
+ Dataverse Org Detail object, this is is returned from a query to the Dataverse Discovery Server service. not required.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ The redirect URI application will be redirected post OAuth authentication.
+ Logging provider
+ ServiceClient to accept the connectionstring as a parameter
+ Logging provider
+ Log in with OAuth for online connections,
+ Utilizes the discovery system to resolve the correct endpoint to use given the provided server orgName, user name and password.
+ User Id supplied
+ Password for login
+ Region where server is provisioned in for login
+ Name of the organization to connect
+ if set, will force the system to create a unique connection
+ Dataverse Org Detail object, this is is returned from a query to the Dataverse Discovery Server service. not required.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ The redirect URI application will be redirected post OAuth authentication.
+ The prompt Behavior.
+ (optional) If true attempts login using current user ( Online )
+ (Optional)The token cache path where token cache file is placed. if string.empty, will use default cache file store, if null, will use in memory cache
+ Logging provider
+ Log in with OAuth for On-Premises connections.
+ User Id supplied
+ Password for login
+ Domain
+ Host name of the server that is hosting the Dataverse web service
+ Port number on the Dataverse Host Server ( usually 444 )
+ Organization name for the Dataverse Instance.
+ if true, https:// used
+ if set, will force the system to create a unique connection
+ Dataverse Org Detail object, this is returned from a query to the Dataverse Discovery Server service. not required.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ The redirect URI application will be redirected post OAuth authentication.
+ The prompt Behavior.
+ (Optional)The token cache path where token cache file is placed. if string.empty, will use default cache file store, if null, will use in memory cache
+ Logging provider
+ Log in with OAuth for online connections,
+ Will attempt to connect directly to the URL provided for the API endpoint.
+ User Id supplied
+ Password for login
+ if set, will force the system to create a unique connection
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ The redirect URI application will be redirected post OAuth authentication.
+ The prompt Behavior.
+ (optional) If true attempts login using current user ( Online )
+ API or Instance URI to access the Dataverse environment.
+ (Optional)The token cache path where token cache file is placed. if string.empty, will use default cache file store, if null, will use in memory cache
+ Logging provider
+ Creates an instance of ServiceClient who's authentication is managed by the caller.
+ This requires the caller to implement a function that will accept the InstanceURI as a string will return the access token as a string on demand when the ServiceClient requires it.
+ This approach is recommended when working with WebApplications or applications that are required to implement an on Behalf of flow for user authentication.
+ URL of the Dataverse instance to connect too.
+ Function that will be called when the access token is require for interaction with Dataverse. This function must accept a string (InstanceURI) and return a string (accesstoken)
+ A value of "true" Forces the ServiceClient to create a new connection to the Dataverse instance vs reusing an existing connection, Defaults to true.
+ Logging provider
+ ClientID \ ClientSecret Based Authentication flow, allowing for Secure Client ID passing.
+ Direct URL of Dataverse instance to connect too.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ Client Secret for Client Id.
+ Use unique instance or reuse current connection.
+ Logging provider
+ ClientID \ ClientSecret Based Authentication flow.
+ Direct URL of Dataverse instance to connect too.
+ The registered client Id on Azure portal.
+ Client Secret for Client Id.
+ Use unique instance or reuse current connection.
+ Logging provider
+ Issues an Associate Request to Dataverse.
+ Entity Name to associate to
+ ID if Entity to associate to
+ Relationship Name
+ Entities to associate
+ Associate an entity with a set of entities
+ Associate an entity with a set of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Clone, 'Clones" the current Dataverse ServiceClient with a new connection to Dataverse.
+ Clone only works for connections creating using OAuth Protocol.
+ Logging provider
+ returns an active ServiceClient or null
+ Clone, 'Clones" the current Dataverse Service client with a new connection to Dataverse.
+ Clone only works for connections creating using OAuth Protocol.
+ Strong Type Assembly to reference as part of the create of the clone.
+ Logging provider
+ Connects the Dataverse Service Client instance when staged with the Deferd Connection constructor.
+ Issues a Create request to Dataverse
+ Entity to create
+ ID of newly created entity
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ Returns the newly created record
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Returns the newly created record
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ The ID of the created record
+ Create an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to create
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ The ID of the created record
+ Issues a Delete request to Dataverse
+ Entity name to delete
+ ID if entity to delete
+ Delete instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Delete instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Issues a Disassociate Request to Dataverse.
+ Entity Name to disassociate from
+ ID if Entity to disassociate from
+ Relationship Name
+ Entities to disassociate
+ Disassociate an entity with a set of entities
+ Disassociate an entity with a set of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Discovers Organizations Using the global discovery service and an external source for access tokens
+ Global discovery base URI to use to connect too, if null will utilize the commercial Global Discovery Server.
+ Function that will provide access token to the discovery call.
+ (optional) path to log store
+ Logging provider
+ Discovers Organizations Using the global discovery service.
+ Provides a User ID / Password flow for authentication to the online discovery system.
+ You can also provide the discovery instance you wish to use, or not pass it. If you do not specify a discovery region, the commercial global region is used
+ User ID to login with
+ Password to use to login with
+ (Optional) URI of the discovery server
+ The client Id.
+ The redirect uri.
+ The prompt behavior.
+ The deployment type: OnPrem or Online.
+ The authority provider for OAuth tokens. Unique if any already known.
+ (Optional) if specified, tries to use the current user
+ (optional) path to log store
+ Logging provider
+ A collection of organizations
+ Discovers the organizations, used for OAuth.
+ The discovery service URI.
+ The client credentials.
+ The client Id.
+ The redirect uri.
+ The prompt behavior.
+ The deployment type: OnPrem or Online.
+ The authority provider for OAuth tokens. Unique if any already known.
+ (Optional) if specified, tries to use the current user
+ (optional) path to log store
+ Logging provider
+ A collection of organizations
+ Discovers the organizations against an On-Premises deployment.
+ The discovery service URI.
+ The client credentials.
+ The client Id.
+ The redirect uri.
+ The prompt behavior.
+ The authority provider for OAuth tokens. Unique if any already known.
+ (Optional) if specified, tries to use the current user
+ (optional) path to log store
+ Logging provider
+ A collection of organizations
+ Disposed the resources used by the ServiceClient.
+ Executes a general organization request
+ Request object
+ Response object
+ Perform an action in an organization specified by the request.
+ Refer to SDK documentation for list of messages that can be used.
+ Results from processing the request
+ Perform an action in an organization specified by the request.
+ Refer to SDK documentation for list of messages that can be used.
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Results from processing the request
+ Executes a Dataverse Organization Request (thread safe) and returns the organization response object. Also adds metrics for logging support.
+ Organization Request to run
+ Message identifying what this request in logging.
+ When True, uses the webAPI to execute the organization Request. This works for only Create at this time.
+ Result of request or null.
+ Executes a Dataverse Organization Request (In Async mode) and returns the organization response object. Also adds metrics for logging support.
+ Organization Request to run
+ Message identifying what this request in logging.
+ When True, uses the webAPI to execute the organization Request. This works for only Create at this time.
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Result of request or null.
+ Executes a web request against Xrm WebAPI.
+ Here you would pass the path and query parameters that you wish to pass onto the WebAPI.
+ The format used here is as follows:
+ {APIURI}/api/data/v{instance version}/querystring.
+ For example,
+ if you wanted to get data back from an account, you would pass the following:
+ accounts(id)
+ which creates: get - https://myinstance.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/accounts(id)
+ if you were creating an account, you would pass the following:
+ accounts
+ which creates: post - https://myinstance.crm.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.0/accounts - body contains the data.
+ Method to use for the request
+ Content your passing to the request
+ Headers in addition to the default headers added by for Executing a web request
+ Content Type attach to the request. this defaults to application/json if not set.
+ Cancellation token for the request
+ Enabled only if InMemoryLogCollectionEnabled is true.
+ Return all logs currently stored for the ServiceClient in queue.
+ Enabled only if InMemoryLogCollectionEnabled is true.
+ Return all logs currently stored for the ServiceClient in queue in string list format with [UTCDateTime][LogEntry].
+ Makes a secure string
+ Clear the persistent and in-memory store cache
+ Issues a Retrieve Request to Dataverse
+ Entity name to request
+ ID of the entity to request
+ ColumnSet to request
+ Entity object
+ Retrieves instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Column Set collection to return with the request
+ Selected Entity
+ Retrieves instance of an entity
+ Logical name of entity
+ Id of entity
+ Column Set collection to return with the request
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Selected Entity
+ Issues a RetrieveMultiple Request to Dataverse
+ Query to Request
+ EntityCollection Result
+ Retrieves a collection of entities
+ Returns an EntityCollection Object containing the results of the query
+ Retrieves a collection of entities
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Returns an EntityCollection Object containing the results of the query
+ Issues an update to Dataverse.
+ Entity to update into Dataverse
+ Updates an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to update
+ Updates an entity and process any related entities
+ entity to update
+ Propagates notification that operations should be canceled.
+ Authentication Type to use
+ OAuth Authority.
+ Gets or Sets the AAD Object ID of the caller.
+ This is supported for Xrm 8.1 + only
+ Gets or Sets the current caller ID
+ Returns the friendly name of the connected Dataverse instance.
+ ID of the connected organization.
+ Returns the endpoint collection for the connected org.
+ Returns the unique name for the org that has been connected.
+ Returns the Actual URI used to connect to Dataverse.
+ this URI could be influenced by user defined variables.
+ Returns the Version Number of the connected Dataverse organization.
+ If access before the Organization is connected, value returned will be null or 0.0
+ Returns the current access token in Use to connect to Dataverse.
+ Note: this is only available when a token based authentication process is in use.
+ Disabled internal cross thread safeties, this will gain much higher performance, however it places the requirements of thread safety on you, the developer.
+ Defaults to True.
+ When true, this setting applies the default connection routing strategy to connections to Dataverse.This will 'prefer' a given node when interacting with Dataverse which improves overall connection performance.When set to false, each call to Dataverse will be routed to any given node supporting your organization.See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/data-platform/api-limits#remove-the-affinity-cookie for proper use.
+ Gets the PowerPlatform Environment Id of the environment that is hosting this instance of Dataverse
+ This will force the Dataverse server to refresh the current metadata cache with current DB config.
+ Note, that this is a performance impacting property.
+ Use of this flag will slow down operations server side as the server is required to check for consistency of the platform metadata against disk on each API call executed.
+ It is recommended to use this ONLY in conjunction with solution import or delete operations.
+ Enabled Log Capture in memory
+ This capability enables logs that would normally be sent to your configured
+ This is the number of minuets that logs will be retained before being purged from memory. Default is 5 min.
+ This capability controls how long the log cache is kept in memory.
+ if true then Batch Operations are available.
+ if true the service is ready to accept requests.
+ Returns the Last String Error that was created by the Dataverse Connection
+ Returns the Last Exception from Dataverse.
+ Gets or sets the maximum timeout for the connection.
+ Default is 4 minutes.
+ Gets or sets max retry count.
+ Logged in Office365 UserId using OAuth.
+ OrganizationDetails for the currently connected environment.
+ Server Hint for the number of concurrent threads that would provide optimal processing.
+ Gets or sets retry pause time.
+ Get the Client SDK version property
+ This ID is used to support Dataverse Telemetry when trouble shooting SDK based errors.
+ When Set by the caller, all Dataverse API Actions executed by this client will be tracked under a single session id for later troubleshooting.
+ For example, you are able to group all actions in a given run of your client ( several creates / reads and such ) under a given tracking id that is shared on all requests.
+ providing this ID when reporting a problem will aid in trouble shooting your issue.
+ Gets the Tenant Id of the current connection.
+ Use Dataverse Web API instead of Dataverse Object Model service where possible - Defaults to False.
+ Helper class that gets/sets the data for connecting to debug online env.
+ Gets the issuer Uri for the selected debug env.
+ Method to check if currently selected online region in UI is custom debug env. or not.
+ Returns an instance of this class.
+ Stores the string identifier for the currently selected online region(the one selected from online region drop down).
+ This class provides an override for the default trace settings.
+ These settings must be set before the components in the control are used for them to be effective.
+ Adds a listener to the trace listen array
+ Trace Listener you wish to add
+ true on success, false on fail.
+ Closes any trace listeners that were configured
+ Override Trace Level setting.
+ Trace listener broker class
+ Method to refresh listeners for all the registered trace loggers
+ Method to register trace logger
+ Method to un register trace logger
+ TraceLoggerBase Class.
+ default TraceLoggerBase constructor
+ Initialize Trace Source
+ Logg an error with an Exception
+ Log a Message as an Information event.
+ Log a Trace event
+ Log a Trace event
+ To refresh listeners
+ Reset the last Stored Error
+ Current Trace level
+ Last Error from Dataverse
+ Last Exception from Dataverse
+ Trace source
+ Trace Name
+ Parameter for delegate - RegisterdTraceListeners in TraceControlSettingsBase class
+ Constructor
+ Source name of trace listner
+ Override Trace Level setting
+ List of trace listners
+ Trace setting store
+ Source name of trace listner
+ Used to encompass a ServiceClient Connection Centric exceptions
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Error Message
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Error Message
+ Supporting Exception
+ Used to encompass a ServiceClient Operation Exception
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Error Message
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Error Message
+ Supporting Exception
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception
+ Error Message
+ Error code
+ Data Properties
+ Help Link
+ Creates a CdsService Client Exception from a httpOperationResult.
+ Utility class for XML related operations.
+ Prevent XmlUtil from ever being constructed
+ Creates an XmlDocument object with secure default property values.
+ the new XmlDocument object
+ Creates an XmlDocument object with secure default property values.
+ Extracts xml from the given stream and reads it into the XmlDocument.
+ The XML stream to load.
+ the new XmlDocument object
+ Creates an XmlDocument object with secure default property values.
+ Loads the given XML into the XmlDocument.
+ The XML to load.
+ the new XmlDocument object
+ Creates an XmlDocument object with secure default property values.
+ Loads the given XML into the XmlDocument.
+ This overload is useful when a whitespace only element value is valid content.
+ The XML to load.
+ Whether the whitespaces are to be preserved or not.
+ the new XmlDocument object
+ Creates an XmlDocument object with secure default property values.
+ The XmlTextReader to get the data from.
+ the new XmlDocument object
+ Creates an XmlReader object with secure default property values.
+ Xml stream.
+ The new XmlReader object.
+ Creates an XmlReader object with secure default property values.
+ The string to get the data from.
+ the new XmlReader object
+ Creates an XmlReader object with secure default property values and given whitespace setting.
+ The string to get the data from.
+ Whether the whitespaces are to be preserved or not.
+ the new XmlReader object
+ Creates an XmlWriter on top of the provided TextWriter as per
+ the .Net Framework guidelines.
+ TextWriter to write into
+ True to indent the output
+ An XmlWriter
+ Creates an XmlWriter which writes to the specified filename using
+ the specified encoding.
+ File to write to
+ Encoding to use
+ True to indent the output
+ An XmlWriter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.ReleaseNotes.txt b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.ReleaseNotes.txt
index 3b6b303..db2991c 100644
--- a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.ReleaseNotes.txt
+++ b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.ReleaseNotes.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
This package is an extension to the Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client Nuget package.
- This package is intended to work with .net full framework 4.6.2, 4.7.2 and 4.8, .net 3.1, net 5, and .net 6.0
+ This package is intended to work with .net full framework 4.6.2, 4.7.2 and 4.8, and .net 6.0
+removed support for .net 3.1 and .net 5.0.
No updates
diff --git a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.nuspec b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.nuspec
index 8ce8b0f..248e9f5 100644
--- a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.nuspec
+++ b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics.nuspec
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@
@@ -45,8 +42,6 @@
diff --git a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.ReleaseNotes.txt b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.ReleaseNotes.txt
index 1bb0a88..84cca9f 100644
--- a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.ReleaseNotes.txt
+++ b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.ReleaseNotes.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- This package is intended to work with .net full framework 4.6.2, 4.7.2 and 4.8, .net core 3.1, 5.0 and 6.0
+ This package is intended to work with .net full framework 4.6.2, 4.7.2 and 4.8, and 6.0
General Documentation can be found here:
Connection String Docs can be found here:
@@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ Notice:
Note: Only AD on FullFramework, OAuth, Certificate, ClientSecret Authentication types are supported at this time.
+REMOVED .net 3.1 and .net 5 support as they are out of support frameworks.
+Added new DiscoverOnlineOrganizationsAsync which supports CancellationToken
+Added new RetrieveSolutionImportResultAsync for retrieving solution import result from Dataverse
+Added StageSolution API to Deployment Extensions.
+Added Support for "StageSolution" as source for import solution. to use it, you must first stage the solution, then call importsolution passing the staged solution id.
+Added GetAsyncOperationStatus API to Deployment Extensions. This provides a simple way to get the status of an async operation.
+Added async version of ExecuteWebRequest. Git: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatform-DataverseServiceClient/issues/354
+Updated telemetry behavior to remove some unnecessary log noise when cloning connections.
+Updated auth flow to reduce access token acquire frequency. Git: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatform-DataverseServiceClient/issues/377
+Updated min version of DV required for SessionID Support.
+Updated Async via sync calls to support more current patterns. Git: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatform-DataverseServiceClient/issues/372
+Fix for cleaning up Last Error reported by Git: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatform-DataverseServiceClient/issues/359
+Fix for Object Null exception that occurs when using .Clone under request load in a multi threaded use case. Git issue: https://github.com/microsoft/PowerPlatform-DataverseServiceClient/issues/362
+Dependency changes:
+ System.ServiceModel.Security moved to 4.10.2 due min dependency (transient dependency is vulnerable to CVE-2022-34716).
+ System.ServiceModel.Http moved to 4.10.2 due min dependency (transient dependency is vulnerable to CVE-2022-34716).
Added .net 6.0 Target for the Client.
Added implementation for CreateAndReturnAsync variations.
Updated Default Login flow to use WebAPI to allow for detecting Admin Mode on server during login.
diff --git a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.nuspec b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.nuspec
index 4915fd4..576015c 100644
--- a/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.nuspec
+++ b/src/nuspecs/Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.nuspec
@@ -47,36 +47,6 @@
@@ -89,7 +59,7 @@
@@ -124,13 +94,6 @@