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pcProx protocol

This document describes communication with the RFIDeas pcProx readers.

This document comes from Python pcprox library. It is not an official document, and not written or endorsed by RFIDeas.

This document is written in the hope that it can be useful for writing compatible software for the pcProx readers without needing their proprietary SDK.

Models / firmware

This documentation was written for the following models:

  • RDR-6081AKU / RDR-6081APU (125kHz HID Prox Desktop USB reader)

This probably works with other USB HID Prox models (RDR-60_1A_U):

  • RDR-6011AKU / RDR-6021AKU (125kHz HID Prox Vertical/Horizontal Nano reader)
  • RDR-60D1AKU (125kHz HID Prox USB dongle)
  • RDR-60N1AKU / RDR-60N2AKU (125kHz HID Prox non-housed USB)
  • RDR-60W1AKU (125kHz HID Prox surface-mount USB)

Other models may work, but they are not tested. There are some other models in the "82 series", but the differences there aren't known.

This is written for devices that emulate a USB keyboard device, that show up in lsusb as 0c27:3bfa RFIDeas, Inc pcProx Card Reader.

The firmware version tested was 07.3.0 (alternatively written as 07.30 in configuration dumps).

Notation used in this document

All integers here are unsigned and little-endian unless otherwise stated.

Unknown fields are marked as unknown. One should not modify this data.

Data types are as follows:

  • bool: 1 bit, boolean field (see sub-byte structures below)
  • uint4: 4 bit, unsigned integer (see sub-byte structures below)
  • uint8: 8 bit, unsigned integer
  • char: 8 bit, keyboard scancode. Bit 0x80 indicates SHIFT state (eg: 0x04 = a, 0x84 = A)
  • uint16: 16 bit, unsigned little-endian integer
  • uint24: 24 bit, unsigned little-endian integer

Additionally, some card formats may utilise lengths that do not align to bytes -- these are handled in a similar way to sub-byte structures.

Sub-byte structures

Some data here is contained in sub-byte structures such as bitfields, nibbles (4 bit integers).

These structures are grouped in curly braces for each byte.

These are documented such that the least significant bit is shown before the most significant bit. For example:

  uint4 a
  uint4 b

The resulting byte would be packed as a | (b << 4). If a = 0xf and b = 0x3, then the byte would be 0x3f.

A bitfield may be listed as:

   bool a
   bool b
   bool unknown
   bool c
   bool d

In this case, the bitfield should be interpreted as:

bit field
0x01 a
0x02 b
0x04 unknown
0x08 c
0x10 d

In the case of omitted bits, the remaining bits should be considered unknown.

USB communication

The pcProx readers expose a USB HID (keyboard) device to the host, using USB device ID 0c27:3bfa.

This driver is typically bound by the operating system, which can make direct communications more difficult. There are some udev rules included which make this easier.

All communication happens with USB control transfers.

There are two basic, high-level commands: read and write. Every read and every write is 8 bytes long.


A read is a USB HID Get Feature Report. Report IDs are not used. Reports are always 8 bytes long.

This is used to get the response to a previous write command.

The message contains these attributes:

bmRequestType = 0xa1
bRequest      = 0x01    (GET_REPORT)
wValue        = 0x0300  (FEATURE, report ID 0)
wIndex        = 0x00    (Interface)
wLength       = 0x08    (bytes)

hidapi: hid_get_feature_report(device, "\0" + 8 byte buffer, 9)

Note: Due to a bug in hidapi on OSX, you need to send a slightly different command which includes a report ID:

char* buf = "\1\0\0\0\0\0\0";
hid_get_feature_report(device, &buf, 8);

This results in a different wValue, but the device seems to still accept it.


A write is a USB HID Set Feature Report. Report IDs are not used. Reports are always 8 bytes long.

This is used to send commands to the device.

The message contains these attributes:

bmRequestType = 0x21
bRequest      = 0x09    (SET_REPORT)
wValue        = 0x0300  (FEATURE, report ID 0)
wIndex        = 0x00    (Interface)
data          = (command to send)
wLength       = 0x08    (bytes)

hidapi: hid_send_feature_report(device, "\0" + msg, 9)


There are four types of commands:

  • get commands: write commands that are followed with a read to get data from the device.

  • put commands: write commands that are followed with another write to change data on the device.

  • get+put commands: write commands that may be followed with either a read to get data, or a write to change data.

  • stateless commands: write commands that are never followed with another command.

Commands follow the structure:

uint8 code
uint8 parameter0
uint8 parameter1
uint8 parameter2
uint8 parameter3
uint8 parameter4
uint8 parameter5
uint8 parameter6

If a command doesn't take any parameters, then these should be left as 0x0.

List of commands

code get put description
0x80 ✔️ ✔️ Configuration page 0
0x81 ✔️ ✔️ Configuration page 1
0x82 ✔️ ✔️ Configuration page 2
0x83 ✔️ ?? Configuration page 3 ??
0x85 ✔️ ?? Configuration page 5 ??
0x8a ✔️ 🚫 Device info
0x8c ✔️ Configuration?
0x8e ✔️ 🚫 Card read buffer 1
0x8f ✔️ 🚫 Card read buffer 0
0x90 🚫 🚫 Finish configuration

Device info

  • code: 0x8c
  • parameters: none
  • get: ✔️
  • put: unlikely

This gets the firmware version:

uint8 unknown
uint8 unknown
   uint4 minor_version
   uint4 release_version
uint8 major_version
uint8 unknown
uint16 device_type
uint8 unknown

Finish configuration

  • code: 0x90
  • parameters: bitmask of pages to write to EEPROM in parameter0.
  • get: 🚫
  • put: 🚫

This instructs the device that configuration has finished and to resume normal operation.

The configuration may be optionally saved to the device's EEPROM, using a bitmask in parameter0:

   bool page0
   bool page1
   bool page2

If the configuration is written to the EEPROM, the device uses this configuration on next power-on.

Configuration pages

  • code: 0x80, 0x81 0x82
  • parameters: none
  • get: ✔️
  • put: ✔️

This instructs the device to select a configuration page for reading or writing.

If writing to the configuration, this must then be followed by a finish configuration command to resume normal device operation.

Configuration options are also described in the configuration utility manual, and in exported "HWG" files.

Page 0 (0x80)

uint8 iFACDispLen           // If bFixLenDsp = 1, facility codes will be padded
                            // to this many digits (with zeros).

uint8 iIDDispLen            // If bFixLenDsp = 1, card IDs will be padded to
                            // this many digits (with zeros).

   uint4 iLeadParityBitCnt  // Number of leading bits to strip from the card
                            // data.

   uint4 iTrailParityBitCnt // Number of trailing bits to strip from the card
                            // data.
uint8 iIDBitCnt             // If bStripFac = 1, only the first iIDBitCnt bits
                            // will be returned.

uint8 iTotalBitCnt          // If bFrcBitCntEx = 1, only cards with this many
                            // bits will be read (including parity).

char iFACIDDelim            // If bUseDelFac2Id = 1, this character is sent
                            // between the facility code and card ID.

char iELDelim               // If bNoUseELChar = 0, this character is sent after
                            // the card ID. Default = 40 (ENTER)

  bool bFixLenDsp           // If 1, IDs are padded to iIDDispLen digits, and
                            // facility codes are padded to iFACDispLen digits.

  bool bFrcBitCntEx         // If 1, only cards with iTotalBitCnt bits will be
                            // read.

  bool bStripFac            // If 1, only the first iIDBitCnt bits will be
                            // returned for the card ID.

  bool bSndFac              // If 1, and if bStripFac = 1, the facility code
                            // will be sent.

  bool bUseDelFac2Id        // If 1, and if bStripFac = 1 and bSndFac = 1,
                            // iFACIDDelim will be sent between the facility
                            // code and the card ID.

  bool bNoUseELChar         // If 0, sends iELDelim after the card ID. If 1,
                            // doesn't send anything.

  bool bSndOnRx             // TODO

  bool bHaltKBSnd           // If 0, the card number will be sent as keystrokes.
                            // If 1, then the card data can only be read with
                            // the 'card read buffer' commands.

Page 1 (0x81)

uint8 unknown
uint8 iBitStrmTO            // in 4ms increments
uint8 iIDHoldTO             // in 50ms increments
uint8 iIDLockOutTm          // in 50ms increments
uint8 iUSBKeyPrsTm          // in 4ms increments
uint8 iUSBKeyRlsTm          // in 4ms increments
  bool unknown
  bool bUse64Bit
  bool unknown
  bool bPrxProEm
  bool bSndSFID
  bool bSndSFFC
  bool bSndSFON
  bool bUseNumKP            // Send numbers using numeric keypad scancodes. This
                            // requires NumLock be turned on. This is useful for
                            // keyboards where the numbers are not on the top
                            // row of the keyboard in the unshifted state (eg:
                            // French AZERTY, 1-handed Dvorak layouts)
uint8 unknown

Page 2 (0x82)

  bool iRedLEDState         // If bAppCtrlsLED = 1, the state of the red LED.
  bool iGrnLEDState         // If bAppCtrlsLED = 1, the state of the green LED.
  bool iBeeperState         // Appears to do nothing?
  bool iRelayState          // Appears to do nothing?
  bool bUseLeadChrs
  bool bAppCtrlsLED         // If 1, then iRedLEDState and iGrnLEDState will be
                            // used. If 0, the reader controls the LEDs.

  bool bDspHex              // If 1, emits card ID and facility code as
                            // hexadecimal (only works on QWERTY-like
                            // keyboards). If 0, emits them as decimal.
                            // TODO: check bSndSFFC/bSndSFID

  bool bWiegInvData
  bool bBeepID
  bool bRevWiegBits
  bool bRevBytes
  bool bUseInvDataF
char iCrdGnChr0
char iCrdGnChr1
  uint4 iLeadChrCnt
  uint4 iTrailChrCnt
char iLeadChr0
char iLeadChr1
char iLeadChr2

iLeadChr* is shared with iTrailChr* as follows:

  • iLeadChrCnt + iTrailChr must be less than or equal to 3

  • iTrailChr0 is offset by iLeadChrCnt. ie:

    • if iLeadChrCnt = 0, then iTrailChr0 is stored in iLeadChr0.
    • if iLeadChrCnt = 1, then iTrailChr0 is stored in iLeadChr1.
    • if iLeadChrCnt = 2, then iTrailChr0 is stored in iLeadChr2.
    • if iLeadChrCnt = 3, then no iTrailChr can be stored.

Card read buffer

  • code: 0x8f, 0x8e
  • parameters: none
  • get: ✔️
  • put: unlikely

This gets the contents of the card read buffer.

This works best when bHaltKBSnd = 1, which will prevent pcProx from sending keystrokes for the card ID. The configuration manual describes this as Software Developer Kit (SDK) Mode.

For HID cards, pcProx will:

  • Remove parity bits according to iLeadParityBitCnt and iTrailParityBitCnt. Parity bits are never checked.

  • If bFrcBitCntEx = 1, then only cards with a length of iTotalBitCnt will be read. Non-matching cards will get no response from the reader.

  • If bFrcBitCntEx = 0, then any card will be read.

Note: You get raw card data, so iIDBitCnt is not relevant for this method.

Buffer 0 (0x8f)

This buffer contains the card data. Parity bits will be stripped according to iLeadParityBitCnt and iTrailParityBitCnt.

This is not a complete list -- but a more complete list of general data layouts is available here.

Note: A single bit length on a HID can have multiple meanings, depending on the system.

For the 26-bit HID layout (H10301), with iLeadParityBitCnt = 1, iTrailParityBitCnt = 1:

uint16 card_number
uint8 facility_code

For the Corporate 1000 35-bit layout, with iLeadParityBitCnt = 2, iTrailParityBitCnt = 1:

uint20 card_number // bytes 0-1, lower nibble of byte 2
uint12 facility_code // upper nibble of byte 2, byte 3

For the Corporate 1000 48-bit standard layout, with iLeadParityBitCnt = 2, iTrailParityBitCnt = 1:

uint23 card_number // bytes 0-1, lower 7 bits of byte 2
uint24 facility_code // highest bit of byte 2, byte 3, lower 7 bits of byte 4

Buffer 1 (0x8e)

This buffer contains information about the card.

uint8 buffer_length
uint8 buffer_length (again)

buffer_length is the number of bits of data from the card that are in Buffer 0.

The total bit length of the card is buffer_length + iLeadParityBitCnt + iTrailParityBitCnt.