- BREAKING CHANGE! Generalize implementation of the Sente remote component implementation, making it possible to control options passed to
However, because defaults are now more in line with Sente's defaults, the previous default Datsync behaviour (packers, etc) needs to be accounted for in updating. - Fix bootstrap message initialization on chsk/state first-open for newer versions of Sente (new chsk message structure)
- On Sente connection, a [:dat.remote/connected true] message gets sente for triggering boostrapping and other events/effects that might need to wait for comms to be ready before initialization
- The :dat.sync.client/request-bootstrap handler is triggered by the above "connected" message, which in turn sends the :dat.sync.client/bootstrap message to the server over the remote
- Some translation cleanup
- Ready made datsync and datremote system components, all pluggable with datreactor component for coordinating event handling/transaction
- Namespaces
- Event id changes
Basic translation functionality; as released at Clojure West 2016.