Related plugins for mercurius
- mercurius-auth
- mercurius-cache
- mercurius-validation
- mercurius-upload
- altair-fastify-plugin
- mercurius-apollo-registry
- mercurius-apollo-tracing
- mercurius-postgraphile
- mercurius-logging
- mercurius-fetch
- mercurius-hit-map
Mercurius Auth is a plugin for Mercurius that adds configurable Authentication and Authorization support.
Check the mercurius-auth
documentation for detailed usage.
Mercurius Cache is a plugin for Mercurius that caches the results of your GraphQL resolvers, for Mercurius.
Check the mercurius-cache
documentation for detailed usage.
Mercurius Validation is a plugin for Mercurius that adds configurable validation support.
Check the mercurius-validation
documentation for detailed usage.
Implementation of graphql-upload for File upload support.
Check for detailed usage.
Altair plugin. Fully featured GraphQL Client IDE, good alternative of graphiql
npm install altair-fastify-plugin
const AltairFastify = require('altair-fastify-plugin')
// ...
const app = Fastify()
app.register(mercurius, {
// ...
graphiql: false,
ide: false,
path: '/graphql'
// ...
app.register(AltairFastify, {
path: '/altair',
baseURL: '/altair/',
// 'endpointURL' should be the same as the mercurius 'path'
endpointURL: '/graphql'
app.listen({ port: 3000 })
And it will be available at http://localhost:3000/altair
Check here for more information.
A Mercurius plugin for schema reporting to Apollo Studio.
Check for usage and readme.
npm install mercurius-apollo-registry
const app = Fastify()
const mercurius = require('mercurius')
const mercuriusApolloRegistry = require('mercurius-apollo-registry')
const schema = `define schema here`
const resolvers = {
// ...
app.register(mercurius, {
graphiql: true
app.register(mercuriusApolloRegistry, {
app.listen({ port: 3000 })
A Mercurius plugin for reporting performance metrics and errors to Apollo Studio.
npm install mercurius-apollo-tracing
const mercuriusTracing = require('mercurius-apollo-tracing')
app.register(mercuriusTracing, {
apiKey: 'REPLACE-THIS-VALUE-WITH-APOLLO-API-KEY', // replace with the one from apollo studio
graphRef: 'yourGraph@ref' // replace 'yourGraph@ref'' with the one from apollo studio
A Mercurius plugin for integrating PostGraphile schemas with Mercurius
Check for usage and readme.
A Mercurius plugin to enhance the GQL request logging adding useful insights:
"level": 30,
"time": 1660395516406,
"hostname": "eomm",
"reqId": "req-1",
"graphql": {
"queries": [
Check the mercurius-logging
documentation for usage and settings.
Mercurius Fetch is a plugin for Mercurius that adds fetch to a rest api directly on query or properties of query.
Check the mercurius-fetch
documentation for detailed usage.
A Mercurius plugin to count how many times the application's resolvers are executed by the clients.
const app = Fastify()
app.register(mercurius, {
app.get('/hit', async () => {
const hitMap = await app.getHitMap()
return hitMap
Check the mercurius-hit-map
documentation for usage and settings.