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About this package

This repository contains the modeling work for for a core set of objects and classes used in systems at MBARI. The goal is to create high level models to allow for a combined catalog of various MBARI data.

The repository for the source code is located here:

Version History
1.1.1 - Added the crc to the File object so that we can store the CRC value associated with a File.

1.1.2 - Added string field 'content_tree' to the Resource object to hold the string representation of the content of the file. For example, you could convert an XML document to JSON and then store the JSON in string format in this field.

2.0.0 - Breaking change where I removed the checksum value on file and reorder properties file.crc and resource.content_tree so they are in alphabetical order. This changes the underlying protocol structure so it's a breaking change

2.0.1 - Upgraded the Protocol buffer libraries from 3.6.1 to 3.10.0
2.0.2 - Upgraded the Protocol buffer librarres from 3.10.0 to 3.14.0


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