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408 lines (316 loc) · 14.4 KB

File metadata and controls

408 lines (316 loc) · 14.4 KB


4.2.1 (2024-09-20)

  • Dependency updates:
    • maxmind-db was upgraded to 3.1.1.
    • Jackson was upgraded to 2.17.2.
  • Added missing API documentation.

4.2.0 (2023-12-05)

  • A WebServiceProvider interface has been added to facilitate mocking of WebServiceClient. Requested by Evan Chrisinger. GitHub #359.
  • The GeoIP2 IP Risk database has been discontinued. Methods and classes related to it have been deprecated.
  • The fromString static method on the ConnectionType enum now has the JsonCreator annotation so that it is used when deserializing. This will prevent new additions in the future from causing a deserialization error.
  • The isAnycast() method was added to com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits. This returns true if the IP address belongs to an anycast network. This is available for the GeoIP2 Country, City Plus, and Insights web services and the GeoIP2 Country, City, and Enterprise databases.

4.1.0 (2023-07-28)

  • Added SATELLITE to the ConnectionType enum.

4.0.1 (2023-03-02)

  • com.maxmind.db is now a transitive dependency of this Java module.

4.0.0 (2022-12-12)

  • This library is now a Java module.
  • Added support for the GeoIP2 IP Risk database.

3.0.2 (2022-10-31)

  • Updated Jackson and maxmind-db dependencies.

3.0.1 (2022-03-29)

  • Updated Jackson dependencies to address CVE-2020-36518. Pull request by slunker. GitHub #306.
  • Minor doc updates.

3.0.0 (2022-01-24)

  • Java 11 or greater is now required.
  • Apache HttpClient has been replaced with
  • The close() method on WebServiceClient is now deprecated. It no longer does anything.
  • On WebServiceClient.Builder:
    • connectTimeout(int) has been deprecated in favor of connectTimeout(Duration).
    • readTimeout(int) has been deprecated in favor of requestTimeout(Duration).
    • proxy(Proxy) has been deprecated in favor of proxy(ProxySelector).
  • On HttpException and InvalidRequestException, getUrl() has been deprecated in favor of getUri(). Constructors that took a URL have been replaced with the equivalent taking a URI.
  • Deprecated constructors on model and trait classes were removed.
  • Model data types were updated to better reflect database data types. In particular:
    • getGeoNameId() on City, Continent, Country, RepresentedCountry, and Subdivision now returns a Long rather than an Integer.
    • getAutonomousSystemNumber() on AsnResponse and Traits now returns a Long rather than an Integer.

2.16.1 (2021-11-18)

  • Added JsonProperty annotations to getMobileCountryCode() and getMobileNetworkCode() so that it is possible to serialize the object as JSON and then deserialize without losing data.

2.16.0 (2021-11-18)

  • Support for mobile country code (MCC) and mobile network codes (MNC) was added for the GeoIP2 ISP and Enterprise databases as well as the GeoIP2 City and Insights web services. getMobileCountryCode() and getMobileNetworkCode() were added to com.maxmind.geoip2.model.IspResponse for the GeoIP2 ISP database and com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits for the Enterprise database and the GeoIP2 City and Insights web services. We expect this data to be available by late January, 2022.
  • Deprecated model constructors that exist for backwards compatibility. These constructors are not generally used by users of this library directly except perhaps when mocking the reader in tests.

2.15.0 (2020-10-14)

  • No changes since 2.15.0-rc1.

2.15.0-rc1 (2020-09-29)

  • The HTTP client now allows up to 20 connections to be active at once. Previously the limit was 2.
  • Update maxmind-db dependency to a new version that no longer uses Jackson. This improves database lookup performance.
  • The isResidentialProxy() method was added to com.maxmind.geoip2.model.AnonymousIpResponse and com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits for use with the Anonymous IP database and GeoIP2 Precision insights.

2.14.0 (2020-06-15)

  • Update maxmind-db dependency to reduce locking when being used from multiple threads and to improve the exceptions thrown on an invalid database.
  • Update Jackson dependencies.

2.13.1 (2020-03-03)

  • Update maxmind-db dependency to fix handling of long strings in the database. Reported by Dongmin Yu. GitHub #181.
  • Update Jackson dependencies.

2.13.0 (2019-12-18)

  • IMPORTANT: Java 8 is now required. If you need Java 7 support, please continue using 2.12.0.
  • DatabaseReader now provides the methods that return an Optional rather than throwing an exception when the record is not found in the database. These methods are prefixed with "try". Closes #28. Pull request by Luke Butters. GitHub #147.
  • getNetwork() methods have been added to the various response models. These return a com.maxmind.db.Network object representing the largest network where all the fields besides the IP address are the same.
  • Updated documentation of anonymizer methods isAnonymousVpn() and isHostingProvider() to be more descriptive.
  • The DatabaseReader methods city() and country() can now be called on the Enterprise database and the country() method can be called on City databases. Request by Gergely Boromissza. GitHub #132.
  • New getStaticIpScore() and getUserCount() methods were added to com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits for use with GeoIP2 Precision Insights. They represent a measure of how static or dynamic an IP address is, and an estimate of the number of users sharing a given address or network, respectively.

2.12.0 (2018-04-11)

  • Rename userId to accountId in various places and support the future error codes ACCOUNT_ID_REQUIRED and ACCOUNT_ID_UNKNOWN.

2.11.0 (2018-01-19)

  • The web service client now correctly handles a proxy of Proxy.NO_PROXY.
  • The isInEuropeanUnion() method was added to com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Country. This returns true if the country is a member state of the European Union.

2.10.0 (2017-10-27)

  • The following new anonymizer methods were added to com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits for use with GeoIP2 Precision Insights: isAnonymous(), isAnonymousVpn(), isHostingProvider(), isPublicProxy(), and isTorExitNode().

2.9.0 (2017-05-08)

  • Added support for GeoLite2 ASN database.

2.8.1 (2017-02-22)

  • Update maxmind-db dependency to fix jackson-databind version range issue. Closes GitHub #77.
  • Update most other dependencies.

2.8.0 (2016-09-15)

  • All changes included in 2.8.0-rc1.
  • Updated documentation to clarify what the accuracy radius refers to.

2.8.0-rc1 (2016-06-20)

  • IMPORTANT: Java 7 is now required. If you need Java 6 support, please continue using 2.7.0 or earlier.
  • This library no longer uses Google HTTP Client. It now directly uses Apache HttpClient. Closes #40, #66.
  • WebServiceClient now implements Closeable. A pool of connections will be kept alive to be used across requests. To ensure all connections are closed when the object goes out of scope, call close() or use the try-with-resource statement as appropriate.
  • Setting of a proxy for the WebServiceClient is now supported by the proxy(Proxy) builder method.
  • Updated documentation to reflect that the accuracy radius is now included in City.
  • Updated dependencies.

2.7.0 (2016-04-15)

  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Enterprise database.

2.6.0 (2016-01-13)

  • This release was updated to 1.2.0 of the MaxMind DB reader, which includes faster caching with fewer allocations.
  • The IP addresses in the database models are now injected via Jackson rather than being added to the JsonNode before deserialization. Pull requests by Viktor Szathmáry. GitHub #56.

2.5.0 (2016-01-04)

  • The database reader now supports pluggable caching of the decoded data. By default, no caching is performed. Please see the file or the API docs for information on how to enable caching. Pull requests by Viktor Szathmáry. GitHub #55.

2.4.0 (2015-12-21)

  • Jackson now uses the constructors on model classes when mapping JSON and database records to them rather than overriding the access modifiers on them. Pull request by Martijn van Groningen. GitHub #51 & #52.
  • The format of the output of the toString() methods in the models has changed to better represent the values returned by the databases and web services. toString() should be only used for debugging and diagnostics. Do not try to parse it. If you want the contents of the model as a machine- readable string, use toJson().
  • This release depends on version 1.0.1 of the MaxMind DB reader, which includes several performance enhancements from by Viktor Szathmáry.

2.3.1 (2015-07-07)

  • No code changes in this release
  • Fix for version number in pom.xml example in
  • Slight documentation improvement referring to MaxMind-DB-Reader-java

2.3.0 (2015-06-29)

  • Add support for the average_income and population_density fields.
  • The isAnonymousProxy() and isSatelliteProvider() methods on com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits have been deprecated. Please use our [GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database]( ip-database) to determine whether an IP address is used by an anonymizing service.

2.2.0 (2015-04-24)

  • A DatabaseProvider interface has been added to facilitate mocking of DatabaseReader. Pull request by Yonatan Most. GitHub #34.
  • A getLeastSpecificSubdivision() method has been added to the CityResponse and InsightsResponse model classes. This returns the least specific subdivision for the location, e.g., England for Oxford, GB. Pull request by Daniel Kaneider. GitHub #35.
  • The InsightsResponse and Location classes are no longer declared final.
  • AbstractResponse is now declared abstract.

2.1.0 (2014-11-06)

  • Added support for the GeoIP2 Anonymous IP database. The DatabaseReader class now has an anonymousIp() method which returns an AnonymousIpResponse object.

2.0.0 (2014-09-29)

  • First production release.

0.10.0 (2014-09-23)

  • The deprecated cityIspOrg() and omni() methods have been removed from DatabaseReader and WebServiceClient.
  • The lookup methods on DatabaseReader now throw an UnsupportedOperationException if the incorrect method is used for the database.
  • DatabaseReader now provides the metadata for the database through the getDatabase() method.
  • All of our dependencies were updated to the latest available version.

0.9.0 (2014-09-02)

  • The timeout setter on WebServiceClient.Builder was renamed to connectTimeout and a readTimeout setter was added. The former timeout sets the timeout to establish a connection and the latter sets the timeout for reading from an established connection.

0.8.1 (2014-08-27)

  • Updated to depend on the latest version of com.maxmind.db and com.fasterxml.jackson.core.

0.8.0 (2014-07-22)

  • The web service client API has been updated for the v2.1 release of the web service. In particular, the cityIspOrg and omni methods on WebServiceClient have been deprecated. The city method now provides all of the data formerly provided by cityIspOrg, and the omni method has been replaced by the insights method.
  • Support was added for the GeoIP2 Connection Type, Domain, and ISP databases.

0.7.2 (2014-06-02)

  • Updated to version 0.3.3 of maxmind-db, which fixes a potential resource leak when used with a thread pool.
  • Updated Google HTTP Client dependency.
  • The Maven build was updated to include a zip file with all dependencies.

0.7.1 (2014-04-02)

  • Added toJson method to response objects.
  • Fixed a potential issue when using the WebServiceClient in multi-threaded applications.
  • Updated documentation.

0.7.0 (2013-11-05)

  • Renamed getSubdivisionsList to getSubdivisions on AbstractNamedRecord.
  • An InputStream constructor was added to the DatabaseReader.Builder class. This reads the stream into memory as if it was using the FileMode.MEMORY mode. Patch by Matthew Daniel.
  • The source code is now attached during packaging. Patch by Matthew Daniel.

0.6.0 (2013-10-23)

  • IMPORTANT API CHANGE: The DatabaseReader class now uses a builder to construct the object. The class constructor on DatabaseReader is no longer public.
  • Renamed the languages method on the WebServiceClient.Builder to locales.

0.5.0 (2013-10-17)

  • Reorganized the response and record classes. The response classes end with Response. The record classes no longer end in Record.

0.4.1 (2013-08-16)

  • Set the user-agent header to include API information.
  • Updated documentation.
  • Removed unused dependency from Maven POM.

0.4.0 (2013-07-08)

  • Removed class hierarchy among web-service endpoint models.
  • Refactored database-reader API to more closely match the web-service API. Created a Java interface for the two classes.

0.3.0 (2013-06-27)

  • Reorganized the classes. Client was renamed WebServiceClient and moved to com.maxmind.geoip2. Record classes now have a suffix of "Record". The product classes (e.g., Omni) were renamed to their product name with no "Lookup" suffix.
  • Additional specific exceptions were added to replace the general WebServiceException.
  • A DatabaseReader class was added to the distribution. This reads GeoIP2 databases and returns similar product object to WebServiceClient.

0.2.0 (2013-06-13)

  • Replaced the public constructor on Client with a Builder class.

0.1.1 (2013-06-10)

  • First official beta release.
  • Documentation updates and corrections.
  • Changed license to Apache License, Version 2.0.

0.1.0 (2013-05-21)

  • Initial release