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Describe Images Using ChatGPT™

To run the code shown on this page, open the MLX file in MATLAB®: mlx-scripts/DescribeImagesUsingChatGPT.mlx

This example shows how to generate image descriptions using the addUserMessageWithImages function. To run this example, you need a valid API key from a paid OpenAI™ API account, and a history of successful payment.


Load and Display Image Data

Load the sample image from Wikipedia. Use the imread function to read images from URLs or filenames.

image_url = '';
im = imread(image_url);


Generate Image Descriptions

Ask questions about the image with the URL.

chat = openAIChat("You are an AI assistant."); 

Create a message and pass the image URL along with the prompt.

messages = messageHistory;
messages = addUserMessageWithImages(messages,"What is in the image?", string(image_url));

Generate a response. By default, the model returns a very short response. To override it, set MaxNumTokens to 4096.

[txt,~,response] = generate(chat,messages,MaxNumTokens=4096);
if response.StatusCode == "OK"
    wrappedText = wrapText(txt)
wrappedText = 
    "The image depicts a serene landscape featuring a wooden pathway that runs 
     through a lush, green marsh or meadow. The path is bordered by tall grass and 
     some shrubs, with a clear blue sky overhead dotted with clouds. The scene 
     evokes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty."

Helper function

function wrappedText = wrapText(text)
    s = textwrap(text,80);
    wrappedText = string(join(s,newline));

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