diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e157a14..a8c02ea 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ # ADIS 2023 -As part of the [Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2023): Digitalization and Workflows workshop](https://www.mpie.de/4902385/adis2023) the developers of the workflow frameworks [Aiida](https://aiida.net), [jobflow](https://materialsproject.github.io/jobflow/), [pyiron](https://pyiron.org) and [simstack](https://simstack.readthedocs.io) met and discussded their frameworks. During these discussions it became clear that while the naming and the extend of the implementation of certain components differ, there were also large number of similarities. To enable a more direct comparison of the different frameworks, the same workflow was implemented in all four workflow frameworks. These implementations are shared in this [repository](https://github.com/materialdigital/ADIS2023) and are rendered as a [jupyter book website](https://materialdigital.github.io/ADIS2023). The examples can even be executed directly in the web browser using [mybinder](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/materialdigital/ADIS2023/HEAD). +As part of the [Ab initio Description of Iron and Steel (ADIS2023): Digitalization and Workflows workshop](https://www.mpie.de/4902385/adis2023) the developers of the workflow frameworks [Aiida](https://aiida.net), [jobflow](https://materialsproject.github.io/jobflow/), [pyiron](https://pyiron.org) and [simstack](https://simstack.readthedocs.io) met and discussded their frameworks. During these discussions it became clear that while the naming and the extent of the implementation of certain components differ, there were also large number of similarities. To enable a more direct comparison of the different frameworks, the same workflow was implemented in all four workflow frameworks. These implementations are shared in this [repository](https://github.com/materialdigital/ADIS2023) and are rendered as a [jupyter book website](https://materialdigital.github.io/ADIS2023). The examples can even be executed directly in the web browser using [mybinder](https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/materialdigital/ADIS2023/HEAD).