cla-bot - CLA automation
cla-bot is a bot that automates Contributor Licence Agreements (CLAs), automatically checking every commit and PR
From the developer
cla-bot is a GitHub Application for automation of Contributor Licence Agreements (CLAs). It checks whether contributors have signed an agreement, adding labels to PRs if they have, or prompting for signature if they have not.
This bot has the following features:
- Easily integrates with projects or entire organisations via a GitHub App
- Automatically checks every pull request and every commit
- Pull requests are re-checked on each push
- The approved contributor list can be maintained in various ways including JSON files or a webhook
- A re-check for a pull request can be triggered via a comment
- Uses labels and status checks to make the process visible
- Provides a fully-hosted solution, you don’t have to maintain your own bot installation
- You can provide templates for the various messages this bot posts
Pricing and setup
cla-bot is free for anyone too use
cla-bot is free for anyone too use
cla-bot - CLA automation is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate privacy policy and support documentation