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Test Case List
Manuel edited this page Mar 7, 2024
142 revisions
✅ = Automated Test Case implemented
Component tests
- ✅ should display the login form.
- ✅ should display a "You need to login to continue." text.
- ✅ should display an email input.
- ✅ should display an password input.
- ✅ should display a "Remember Me" button.
- ✅ should display a "LOGIN" button.
- ✅ should display a "CREATE ACCOUNT" button.
- ✅ should have focus set on then email field.
- ✅ should display a password input field of type password.
Functional tests
Positive tests
- ✅ should redirect to login page when user is not logged in.
- ✅ should allow the user to login with valid credentials.
- ✅ should display a success message on login success.
- ✅ should allow the user to check a 'Remember Me' button and have his email pre-written on the email input on next visit.
- ✅ should not display the user's email on the email field when "Remember Me" checkbox isn not checked.
- ✅ should redirect to the 'Register User' form when CREATE ACCOUNT button is clicked.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow the user to login with invalid credentials.
- ✅ should display an alert message when either email or password are invalid.
- should display error label 'Email address not registered.' when submitting an unregistered email.
- should display error label 'An email address is required.' when submitting an empty email address.
- should display error label 'A password is required.' when submitting an empty password.
Component tests
- ✅ should display the register form.
- ✅ should display an username input.
- ✅ should display an email input.
- ✅ should display an password input.
- ✅ should display an password confirmation input.
- ✅ should display a 'REGISTER' button.
- ✅ should have focus set on then username field.
- ✅ should display a password input field of type password.
- ✅ should display a password confirmation input field of type password.
- ✅ should display a 'Already have an account? Login here!' link that redirects to login page.
Functional tests
Positive tests
- ✅ should allow the user to register with valid credentials.
- ✅ should display a success message on register success.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow user to register with existing credentials.
- should display an alert message when username, email, password or password confirmation are invalid.
- should display error label 'A username is required.' when submitting empty username.
- should display error label 'username must be at least 6 characters' when submitting an invalid username.
- should display error label 'A email address is required.' when submitting empty email address.
- should display error label 'Email address is invalid.' when submitting an invalid email address.
- should display error label 'A password is required.' appears submitting empty password.
- should display error label 'A password confirmation is required.' when submitting empty password confirmation.
- should display error label 'Passwords do not match.' when submitting incorrect password confirmation.
- should display error label 'password must be at least 8 characters' when submitting a password without at least 8 characters.
- should display error label 'password must contain at least 1 uppercase character' when submitting a password without at least 1 uppercase character.
- should display error label 'password must contain at least 1 lowercase character' when submitting a password without at least 1 lowercase character.
- should display error label 'password must contain at least 1 number character' when submitting a password without at least 1 number character.
- should display error label 'password must contain at least 1 special character' when submitting a password without at least 1 special character.
Component tests
- ✅ should display h1 heading with the text "To Dos".
- ✅ should display first statistics block with the text "Completed today:".
- ✅ should display second statistics block with the text "Avg daily completed:".
- ✅ should display third statistics block with the text "Percentage difference:".
- ✅ should display input with placeholder text "Add new todos...".
- ✅ should display button with the text "Add Todo".
Positive tests
- ✅ should add a todo by writing on input and clicking on a "Add todo" button.
- ✅ should add a todo by writing on input and pressing enter key.
- ✅ should display added todos correctly on the list.
- ✅ should persist todos after page reload.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow to add a todo with more than 40 characters.
- ✅ should display an error label "Todos cannot be more than 40 characters" when exceeding that amount.
- ✅ should not allow to add a todo when leaving input field empty.
- ✅ should display an error label indicating "Todos cannot be less than 3 characters" when falling below that amount.
Positive tests
- ✅ should edit a todo.
- ✅ should persist edited todos after page reload.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow to edit a todo so it has more than 40 characters.
- ✅ should display an error label "Todo cannot contain more than 40 characters" when edited todo exceeds that amount.
- ✅ should not allow to edit a todo so it has less than 3 characters.
- ✅ should display an error label "Todo cannot contain less than 3 characters" when edited todo falls below that amount.
Positive tests
- ✅ should delete a todo and remove it from the list.
- ✅ should not show deleted todos after page reload.
Positive tests
- ✅ should mark a todo as complete.
- ✅ should move the completed todo to the completed todos list.
Positive tests
- ✅ should reorder todos by dragging them up and down.
- ✅ should persist reordered todos order after page reload.
- ✅ should edit reordered todos.
Positive tests
- ✅ should display the number of completed todos for the day.
- ✅ should display the average number of completed todos per day.
- ✅ should display the percentage increase/decrease indicator for completed todos.
Negative tests
- ✅ should display 0 as the number of completed todos today when user sets todos as complete and then sets them as uncomplete.
- ✅ should display 0 as the number of average daily completed todos today when user sets todos as complete and then sets them as uncomplete.
- ✅ should display 0% as the number of percentage difference when user sets todos as complete and then sets them as uncomplete.
Positive tests
- ✅ should display 3 tabs above the todos list: "All", "Completed", "Uncompleted".
- ✅ should by default have All tab active.
- ✅ should by default display all existing todos.
- ✅ should display all todos when user clicks on the "All" tab.
- ✅ should display only completed todos when user clicks on the "Completed" tab.
- ✅ should display only uncomplete todos when user clicks on the "Uncompleted" tab.
- ✅ should only have 1 active tab at any moment.
- ✅ should have as active tab the last tab clicked.
Positive tests
- ✅ should add a daily by writing on input and clicking the "Add daily" button.
- ✅ should add a daily by writing on input and pressing enter key.
- ✅ should display the daily correctly on the list.
- should persist added dailies after page reload.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not add dailies with more than 40 characters.
- ✅ should not add dailies when leaving the input empty.
Positive tests
- ✅ should edit an existing daily.
- should persist edited dailies after page reload.
Positive tests
- ✅ should delete a daily and remove it from the daily list.
- should persist deleted dailies after page reload.
Positive tests
- ✅ should mark a daily as complete.
- ✅ should add a line-through to daily text when marked as completed.
Positive tests
- should reorder dailies by dragging them up and down.
- should persist reordered dailies after a page reload.
- should edit reordered dailies.
Positive tests
- ✅ should reactivate completed dailies at the start of the next day.
Positive tests
- ✅ should update streak counter correctly when a daily is completed consecutively.
- ✅ should reset the streak counter to 0 when a daily is not completed for more than 1 day.
- Verify a new learning can be added.
- Verify the learning appears in the learnings table.
- Verify learnings are ordered based on the number of occurrences.
- Verify most repeated learnings appear first.
- Verify a user can create and save a new blog post.
- Verify the post appears in the drafts section.
- Verify a draft blog post can be published.
- Verify the post is visible publicly.
Positive tests
- ✅ should allow a user to log in with valid (existing) data.
- ✅ should include a success message in its response.
- ✅ should include the correct user properties in its response.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow a user to log in with invalid (unexisting) data.
- ✅ should not allow a user to log in with empty data.
- ✅ should respond with a message indicating any missing credentials.
Positive tests
- ✅ should allow a user to register with valid data.
- ✅ should respond with a success message when registering user.
- ✅ should respond with the correct properties for the registered user.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not allow a user to register with invalid (existing) data.
- ✅ should not allow a user to register with empty data.
- ✅ should respond with a message indicating any missing credentials.
Positive tests
- ✅ should create a todo with valid data.
- ✅ should have correct success message on response.
- ✅ should have properties of correct type.
- ✅ should have last id on response.
- ✅ should add +1 to the current number of todos.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not create a todo with invalid data.
- ✅ should not allow a user to create todo with empty data.
- ✅ should respond with a message indicating any missing data.
- ✅ should not create a todo with invalid token.
Positive tests
- ✅ should retrieve all existing todos.
- ✅ should retrieve a specific todo.
- ✅ should have completed and description properties on returned todos.
- ✅ should have the correct type on returned todos.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not retrieve a todo with invalid token.
Positive tests
- ✅ should update a specific todo with valid data.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not update a todo with invalid data.
- ✅ should not update a todo with invalid id.
- ✅ should not update todo with empty data.
- ✅ should respond with a message indicating any missing data.
- ✅ should not update a todo with invalid token.
Positive tests
- ✅ should delete a specific todo with valid id.
- ✅ should subtract -1 to the current number of todos when deleting one.
Negative tests
- ✅ should not delete a todo with invalid id.
- ✅ should not delete a todo with invalid token.
Todo Section:
- ✅ should display h1 heading with the text "To Dos".
- ✅ should display first statistics block with the text "Completed todos:".
- ✅ should display second statistics block with the text "Avg daily completed todos:".
- ✅ should display third statistics block with the text "Percentage difference:".
- ✅ should display input with placeholder text "Add new todos...".
- ✅ should display button with the text "Add Todo".