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Get regular PageSpeed Insights results and store or visualize them.

Grafana Dashboard: Row for Lab-Data Grafana Dashboard: Row for Field-Data (CrUX)
Screenshot from Grafana showing the graphs for Lab-Data Screenshot from Grafana showing the graphs for Field-Data


At first, get an API key for Google PageSpeed Insights.

You will need Python 3.9 and pip if you just want to run this script from time to time manually.

If you're interested in regular metrics and want to store the data in an InfluxDB 2 and get graphs from Grafana you will need docker (>= 20.10.6) and docker-compose (>= 1.25.0).


git clone

cd pagespeed10x

pip install -r requirements.txt
# or run `make` which will do the same and starts the unit tests


Everything can be configured through environment variables. There is a .env.example in the project containing all available environment variables which you can use as a starting point (cp .env.example .env). Of course you still have to fill in the correct values for the environment variables.

name example description
(actually it's longer, but you get the idea)
Get an API key for Google PageSpeed Insights. You will need it for requesting the API regularly.
TESTSITES '["https://www.domain1.tld",
Here you can add several urls which will be requested if there is no
-u https://domain.tld argument given when calling the script.
Please note: Use the exact single and double quotes as shown in the example.
INFLUXDB_ON True If set to True the data will be stored in an InfluxDB 2
INFLUXDB_USER admin InfluxDB 2 username
INFLUXDB_PASSWORD a password Password for the INFLUXDB_USER
INFLUXDB_TOKEN a loooong token Token to communicate with the InfluxDB 2
INFLUXDB_ORG my_awesome_org Your InfluxDB 2 organization name
INFLUXDB_BUCKET performance The InfluxDB 2 bucket to store the data in
INFLUXDB_HOST http://influxdb URL to the InfluxDB 2 host. Please note This must be the name of the influxdb service in docker-compose.yml if you're using the docker-compose setup
INFLUXDB_PORT 8086 Port to access the InfluxDB container from outside
GRAFANA_PORT 3000 Port to access the Grafana container from outside
DB_SQL_ON True If set to True the data will be stored in a SQLite3 database
DB_SQL_FILENAME pagespeed10x.sqlite.db Filename for the SQLite3 database
DB_SQL_TABLE measurements Name for the table in the SQLite3 database
HOST_UID 1000 The Grafana container will be run with this UID to prevent volume write-access problems.
The SQLite3 database file be set to be owned by this UID aswell.
HOST_GID 1000 The SQLite3 database file be set to be owned by this GID.
VERBOSE True If set to True results will be put out on the command line. A VERBOSE=False can be overruled by the CLI argument -v


The script can be run from the command line. It provides some arguments:

short long default description
-h ‑‑help Help for the cli arguments.
-s ‑‑strategy ['desktop','mobile'] Choose between 'desktop' or 'mobile', if none is given both will be requested.
-c ‑‑comment empty string Add a comment which will be stored in the SQLite3 database if you activated this feature.
-u ‑‑url False Name the url you want to perform a PageSpeed Insights test for.
-v ‑‑verbose False This argument doesn't need a value. Just add a -v if you want the results to be put out on the command line.

Full example with output on the command line:

./pagespeed10x/ -s desktop -u -c "first test" -v


Simple Usage

This is an example for basic usage of the script. The results will be put out on the command line but nothing will be saved.

./pagespeed10x/ -s desktop -u -v

Persisting data in a SQLite3 database

Set the DB_SQL_ON, DB_SQL_FILENAME and DB_SQL_TABLE environment variables in your .env file. Run the script as before. The SQLite3 database will be created and data will be saved.

./pagespeed10x/ -s desktop -u -c "new feature X got added" -v

If you want to check more than one url simply use the TESTSITES environment variable via the .env file and omit the -u https://domain.tld argument when calling the script. If you want to perform a desktop- and mobile-test with one call of the script simply omit the -s desktop argument.

Please note: If there is any problem with writing data to the SQLite3 database the script won't stop. It will just inform you about the problems and will continue running. This choice was made for the reason if someone has the SQL- and InfluxDB-Feature enabled there is chance the data won't get lost and will be at least saved to the InfluxDB.

Persisting data in an InfluxDB 2 and having a Grafana dashboard

Fill out all the environment variables for InfluxDB 2, Grafana and the HOST_UID in your .env file. You can set the urls for testing through the TESTSITES environtment variable.

Start the docker containers:

docker-compose up

The first run will take longer for setting everything up but after that it'll be faster. When everything is ready the TESTSITES-urls will be tested every 30th minute (7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 8:30,...).

You can login to the InfluxDB via localhost:8086 (or your specified port) and your login credentials. The Grafana dashboard is reachable via localhost:3000 (or your specified port). Default credentials on Grafana are admin:admin.

The containers are persisting their data in the storage folder and the respective sub-folders.


Grafana is pre-configured with a datasource (localhost:3000/datasources) for the InfluxDB using the data from the environment variables and it comes with a dashboard (localhost:3000/dashboards), simply called "Pagespeed Dashboard".


The thresholds used in the Grafana dashboard are taken from the corresponding pages for the metrics. Of course they can simply be adjusted within Grafana (the dashboard is configured as editable).


This project has some basic unittests. You can run them by calling nose2 in the projects main folder. If you have make on your machine you can simply run make after cloning the project. It will install all requirements and will run the tests.