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πŸš€ Hitchhikers' Guide to the Genny Repo πŸš€ {#mainpage}

πŸ”° Intro πŸ”°

This guide is meant to serve as a readme for anyone working in the Genny Repo. This is not meant as a guide to use Genny as a tool - that is in the file in the parent directory. The Genny Repo has a lot of different layers 🍰 to it, and before getting started it is useful to know what part of it to work on. This guide should give you an overview of where to get started!

πŸ“‚ Where are all the files? πŸ“‚

Some of the main files that you will be working on are probably located in src/gennylib/include/gennylib. The most common files among those are Orchestrator.hpp, PhaseLoop.hpp, and context.hpp. The respective .cpp files for Orchestrator and context are in src/gennylib/src, while PhaseLoop has no corresponding PhaseLoop.cpp file. To understand what kinds of πŸ“ˆ metrics Genny outputs, read through metrics.hpp and operation.hpp.

Another main component are the Actors. The Actors all live in src/cast_core/include/cast_core for the .hpp files and in src/cast_core/src for the .cpp files. We'll go into more detail about them later.

πŸ“œ Walkthrough πŸ“œ

πŸš— Default Driver πŸš—

The Default Driver (src/driver/src/DefaultDriver.cpp) is what sets everything up. Most of what you need to worry about is in the doRunLogic() function. The Orchestrator object is created here along with all of the Actors. Then a WorkloadContext (from context.hpp) object is instantiated and the actors are run. The runActor() function calls the run() member function for each actor. Finally, the function writes the metrics out to the specified file and returns 0 or an error code.

πŸ‘· Workload Context πŸ‘·

The WorkloadContext is defined in context.hpp. The WorkloadContext object is the YAML workload file decomposed into different pieces. The Orchestrator (which we'll get into later) and the metrics objects are known to the WorkloadContext, and the main function is to create a few different contexts. The WorkloadContext creates an ActorContext that has the YAML node and a mapping of a phaseNumber to its respective PhaseContext. The PhaseContext has the YAML node of the phase itself and knowledge of its ActorContext.

The main member function used in these classes is get(). Look to examples in context and other classes for examples. The second argument in <> tells whether the arg is required (use std::optional if not).

🌐 HelloWorld.yml example structure 🌐

This example is taken directly from the Workload.yml file.

# this whole file is parsed into the WorkloadContext.
SchemaVersion: 2018-07-01 # Required constant
Actors: # each item in Actors becomes an ActorContext
- Name: HelloTest
  Type: HelloWorld
  Threads: 2
  Phases: # each item in Phases becomes a PhaseContext
  - Message: Hello Phase 0 🐳
    Duration: 20000 # Duration/Repeat are handled by PhaseLoop
    Repeat: 2
  - Message: Hello Phase 1 πŸ‘¬
    Repeat: 5
- Name: HelloTest2
  Type: HelloWorld
  Threads: 2
  - Message: Hello Phase 0 🐳
    Duration: 4
  - Message: Hello Phase 1 πŸ‘¬
    Repeat: 4

πŸ’ƒ General Actor Structure πŸ’ƒ

We'll look at the HelloWorld Actor for example. The producer is called in the DefaultDriver before any of the initialization is done. Then when the driver calls run() (actually calling runActor() which then calls run), the actor iterates over its PhaseLoop using the PhaseLoop iterator class. The outer loop splits the _loop object into an ActorPhase (it actually creates an entry into the _loop object for each thread that the YAML file specifies). The inner loop iterates over the config and runs the specified operation for the actor for as many times as Repeat or Duration specify it to run.

Notes on Repeat, Duration, and Blocking

If both the Repeat and Duration keywords are specified, then it will run for the longer of the two (e.g.Β { Duration: 2 seconds, Repeat: 1 } the Duration will win unless the single iteration takes longer than 2 seconds).

If neither Duration nor Repeat is given for a Phase block, the YAML must specify Blocking: None to prevent accidentally causing an Actor to not run at all during a Phase. It is still possible for all Actors to specify Blocking:None for a given Phase in which case the number of iterations that all Actors will take in that Phase is undefined (but in practice is either 0 or 1 depending on how fast all the Actors call into the Orchestrator to say they're done blocking in the current Phase.)

See extended discussion of how Blocking works in src/workloads/docs/HelloWorld-MultiplePhases.yml.


The Cast keeps a set of ActorProducer objects that it exposes to the WorkloadContext. Each ActorProducer is a stateful object that knows a specific pattern for producing single Actor instances. It's perfectly acceptable to have two different ActorProducer instances that only differ in some preset constant value.

➰ PhaseLoop and ActorPhase ➰

The PhaseLoop class does two main things. It constructs the PhaseMap object and defines the beginning and end of the PhaseLoop Iterator class. The PhaseLoop object has a map that has one entry per Phase. So if the YAML was the one in the example above, each of the 2 HelloWorld Actor instances would have their own PhaseLoop instance which each contain two ActorPhase instances, one for each Phase.

The PhaseLoopIterator class does a few interesting things. In each iteration, it calls awaitPhaseStart() and awaitPhaseEnd() in the Orchestrator. If the Phase is blocking (a Repeat or Duration are specified), it calls awaitPhaseStart() and stays blocked, but if it is not, then it calls awaitPhaseEnd() immediately and runs. In operator++(), awaitPhaseEnd() is also called to signal that the thread is a blocking thread.

The ActorPhase object is iterated over in the inner loop of each Actor. The object is looped over for the number of times specified by Duration or Repeat, and then is returned. The IterationCompletionCheck object is passed as an argument to check whether the actor is done iterating, and then the PhaseLoopIterator object notifies the Orchestrator to step to the next Phase as described above.

🎼 The Orchestrator 🎼

The Orchestrator class is used to walk all of the Actors to the next Phase together, and to make sure that blocking threads finish before other threads start their processes. The Orchestrator adds a token for every thread that starts, and removes the token once the thread is finished. When the token count is 0, it signals the end of the Phase.

⏱Metrics ⏱

Genny records metrics using the metrics::Operation type found in metrics.hpp though the underlying implementation can be found in operation.hpp. An instance of metrics::Operation can capture several different data points about the operation it references.


In your actor class, declare a metrics::Operation member and initialize it using the ActorContext::operation() method in the actor's constructor.

class MyActor {
    MyActor(ActorContext& context)
        : _insertOp{context.operation("Insert", MyActor::id())} {}

    metrics::Operation _insertOp;

You then use the metrics::Operation member in your actor's run() method as follows.

void InsertRemove::run() {
    for (auto&& config : _loop) {
        for (auto&& _ : config) {
            // Calling metrics::Operation::start() starts the timer for
            // how long the operation takes.
            auto ctx = this->_insertOp.start();

            // ... Do insert ...

            // You can increment a counter for how many documents were
            // inserted.

            // You can also increment a counter for how many bytes were
            // inserted.

            // Calling metrics::OperationContext::success() marks that
            // the operation succeeded and stops the timer.

If you expect that your database operation may result in an exception, then you can wrap everything in a try/catch block.

auto ctx = this->_insertOp.start();
try {
    // ... Do insert ...

} catch (mongocxx::operation_exception& ex) {
    // You can increment a counter for how many write errors there were.

    // Calling metrics::OperationContext::failure() marks that the
    // operation failed and stops the timer.

You can also use metrics::OperationContext::discard() to abandon the data points that were being collected for the operation.

One of success(), failure(), or discard() must be called before the metrics::OperationContext instance goes out of scope. A warning message will be logged if they aren't because not explicitly handling any expected exceptions represents either a programmer error or unexpected server behavior.

πŸ”š End πŸ”š