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510 lines (399 loc) · 27 KB



Name Offset Length Description
clkmgr.ALERT_TEST 0x0 4 Alert Test Register
clkmgr.EXTCLK_CTRL_REGWEN 0x4 4 External clock control write enable
clkmgr.EXTCLK_CTRL 0x8 4 Select external clock
clkmgr.EXTCLK_STATUS 0xc 4 Status of requested external clock switch
clkmgr.JITTER_REGWEN 0x10 4 Jitter write enable
clkmgr.JITTER_ENABLE 0x14 4 Enable jittery clock
clkmgr.CLK_ENABLES 0x18 4 Clock enable for software gateable clocks.
clkmgr.CLK_HINTS 0x1c 4 Clock hint for software gateable transactional clocks during active mode.
clkmgr.CLK_HINTS_STATUS 0x20 4 Since the final state of !!CLK_HINTS is not always determined by software,
clkmgr.MEASURE_CTRL_REGWEN 0x24 4 Measurement control write enable
clkmgr.IO_MEAS_CTRL_EN 0x28 4 Enable for measurement control
clkmgr.IO_MEAS_CTRL_SHADOWED 0x2c 4 Configuration controls for io measurement.
clkmgr.IO_DIV2_MEAS_CTRL_EN 0x30 4 Enable for measurement control
clkmgr.IO_DIV2_MEAS_CTRL_SHADOWED 0x34 4 Configuration controls for io_div2 measurement.
clkmgr.IO_DIV4_MEAS_CTRL_EN 0x38 4 Enable for measurement control
clkmgr.IO_DIV4_MEAS_CTRL_SHADOWED 0x3c 4 Configuration controls for io_div4 measurement.
clkmgr.MAIN_MEAS_CTRL_EN 0x40 4 Enable for measurement control
clkmgr.MAIN_MEAS_CTRL_SHADOWED 0x44 4 Configuration controls for main measurement.
clkmgr.USB_MEAS_CTRL_EN 0x48 4 Enable for measurement control
clkmgr.USB_MEAS_CTRL_SHADOWED 0x4c 4 Configuration controls for usb measurement.
clkmgr.RECOV_ERR_CODE 0x50 4 Recoverable Error code
clkmgr.FATAL_ERR_CODE 0x54 4 Error code


Alert Test Register

  • Offset: 0x0
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x3


{"reg": [{"name": "recov_fault", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fatal_fault", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 30}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 130}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:2 Reserved
1 wo 0x0 fatal_fault Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind.
0 wo 0x0 recov_fault Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind.


External clock control write enable

  • Offset: 0x4
  • Reset default: 0x1
  • Reset mask: 0x1


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:1 Reserved
0 rw0c 0x1 EN When 1, the value of EXTCLK_CTRL can be set. When 0, writes to EXTCLK_CTRL have no effect.


Select external clock


{"reg": [{"name": "SEL", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "HI_SPEED_SEL", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 24}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 140}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:8 Reserved
7:4 rw 0x9 HI_SPEED_SEL
3:0 rw 0x9 SEL


A value of kMultiBitBool4True selects nominal speed external clock. All other values selects low speed clocks.

Note this field only has an effect when the EXTCLK_CTRL.SEL field is set to kMultiBitBool4True.

Nominal speed means the external clock is approximately the same frequency as the internal oscillator source. When this option is used, all clocks operate at roughly the nominal frequency.

Low speed means the external clock is approximately half the frequency of the internal oscillator source. When this option is used, the internal dividers are stepped down. As a result, previously undivided clocks now run at half frequency, while previously divided clocks run at roughly the nominal frequency.

See external clock switch support in documentation for more details.


When the current value is not kMultiBitBool4True, writing a value of kMultiBitBool4True selects external clock as clock for the system. Writing any other value has no impact.

When the current value is kMultiBitBool4True, writing a value of kMultiBitBool4False selects internal clock as clock for the system. Writing any other value during this stage has no impact.

While this register can always be programmed, it only takes effect when debug functions are enabled in life cycle TEST, DEV or RMA states.


Status of requested external clock switch

  • Offset: 0xc
  • Reset default: 0x9
  • Reset mask: 0xf


{"reg": [{"name": "ACK", "bits": 4, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:4 Reserved
3:0 ro 0x9 ACK


When EXTCLK_CTRL.SEL is set to kMultiBitBool4True, this field reflects whether the clock has been switched the external source.

kMultiBitBool4True indicates the switch is complete. kMultiBitBool4False indicates the switch is either not possible or still ongoing.


Jitter write enable

  • Offset: 0x10
  • Reset default: 0x1
  • Reset mask: 0x1


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:1 Reserved
0 rw0c 0x1 EN When 1, the value of JITTER_ENABLE can be changed. When 0, writes have no effect.


Enable jittery clock

  • Offset: 0x14
  • Reset default: 0x9
  • Reset mask: 0xf


{"reg": [{"name": "VAL", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 VAL Enable jittery clock. A value of kMultiBitBool4False disables the jittery clock, while all other values enable jittery clock.


Clock enable for software gateable clocks. These clocks are directly controlled by software.

  • Offset: 0x18
  • Reset default: 0xf
  • Reset mask: 0xf


{"reg": [{"name": "CLK_IO_DIV4_PERI_EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_IO_DIV2_PERI_EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_IO_PERI_EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_USB_PERI_EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 210}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3 rw 0x1 CLK_USB_PERI_EN 0 CLK_USB_PERI is disabled. 1 CLK_USB_PERI is enabled.
2 rw 0x1 CLK_IO_PERI_EN 0 CLK_IO_PERI is disabled. 1 CLK_IO_PERI is enabled.
1 rw 0x1 CLK_IO_DIV2_PERI_EN 0 CLK_IO_DIV2_PERI is disabled. 1 CLK_IO_DIV2_PERI is enabled.
0 rw 0x1 CLK_IO_DIV4_PERI_EN 0 CLK_IO_DIV4_PERI is disabled. 1 CLK_IO_DIV4_PERI is enabled.


Clock hint for software gateable transactional clocks during active mode. During low power mode, all clocks are gated off regardless of the software hint.

Transactional clocks are not fully controlled by software. Instead software provides only a disable hint.

When software provides a disable hint, the clock manager checks to see if the associated hardware block is idle. If the hardware block is idle, then the clock is disabled. If the hardware block is not idle, the clock is kept on.

For the enable case, the software hint is immediately honored and the clock turned on. Hardware does not provide any feedback in this case.

  • Offset: 0x1c
  • Reset default: 0xf
  • Reset mask: 0xf


{"reg": [{"name": "CLK_MAIN_AES_HINT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_HMAC_HINT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_KMAC_HINT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_OTBN_HINT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 200}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3 rw 0x1 CLK_MAIN_OTBN_HINT 0 CLK_MAIN_OTBN can be disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_OTBN is enabled.
2 rw 0x1 CLK_MAIN_KMAC_HINT 0 CLK_MAIN_KMAC can be disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_KMAC is enabled.
1 rw 0x1 CLK_MAIN_HMAC_HINT 0 CLK_MAIN_HMAC can be disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_HMAC is enabled.
0 rw 0x1 CLK_MAIN_AES_HINT 0 CLK_MAIN_AES can be disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_AES is enabled.


Since the final state of CLK_HINTS is not always determined by software, this register provides read feedback for the current clock state.

  • Offset: 0x20
  • Reset default: 0xf
  • Reset mask: 0xf


{"reg": [{"name": "CLK_MAIN_AES_VAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_HMAC_VAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_KMAC_VAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "CLK_MAIN_OTBN_VAL", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 190}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3 ro 0x1 CLK_MAIN_OTBN_VAL 0 CLK_MAIN_OTBN is disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_OTBN is enabled.
2 ro 0x1 CLK_MAIN_KMAC_VAL 0 CLK_MAIN_KMAC is disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_KMAC is enabled.
1 ro 0x1 CLK_MAIN_HMAC_VAL 0 CLK_MAIN_HMAC is disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_HMAC is enabled.
0 ro 0x1 CLK_MAIN_AES_VAL 0 CLK_MAIN_AES is disabled. 1 CLK_MAIN_AES is enabled.


Measurement control write enable

  • Offset: 0x24
  • Reset default: 0x1
  • Reset mask: 0x1


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw0c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:1 Reserved
0 rw0c 0x1 EN When 1, the value of the measurement control can be set. When 0, writes have no effect.


Enable for measurement control


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 EN Enable measurement for io


Configuration controls for io measurement.

The threshold fields are made wider than required (by 1 bit) to ensure there is room to adjust for measurement inaccuracies.


{"reg": [{"name": "HI", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "LO", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 12}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:20 Reserved
19:10 rw 0x1d6 LO Min threshold for io measurement
9:0 rw 0x1ea HI Max threshold for io measurement


Enable for measurement control


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 EN Enable measurement for io_div2


Configuration controls for io_div2 measurement.

The threshold fields are made wider than required (by 1 bit) to ensure there is room to adjust for measurement inaccuracies.


{"reg": [{"name": "HI", "bits": 9, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "LO", "bits": 9, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 14}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:18 Reserved
17:9 rw 0xe6 LO Min threshold for io_div2 measurement
8:0 rw 0xfa HI Max threshold for io_div2 measurement


Enable for measurement control


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 EN Enable measurement for io_div4


Configuration controls for io_div4 measurement.

The threshold fields are made wider than required (by 1 bit) to ensure there is room to adjust for measurement inaccuracies.


{"reg": [{"name": "HI", "bits": 8, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "LO", "bits": 8, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 16}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:16 Reserved
15:8 rw 0x6e LO Min threshold for io_div4 measurement
7:0 rw 0x82 HI Max threshold for io_div4 measurement


Enable for measurement control


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 EN Enable measurement for main


Configuration controls for main measurement.

The threshold fields are made wider than required (by 1 bit) to ensure there is room to adjust for measurement inaccuracies.


{"reg": [{"name": "HI", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "LO", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 12}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:20 Reserved
19:10 rw 0x1ea LO Min threshold for main measurement
9:0 rw 0x1fe HI Max threshold for main measurement


Enable for measurement control


{"reg": [{"name": "EN", "bits": 4, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 28}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:4 Reserved
3:0 rw 0x9 EN Enable measurement for usb


Configuration controls for usb measurement.

The threshold fields are made wider than required (by 1 bit) to ensure there is room to adjust for measurement inaccuracies.


{"reg": [{"name": "HI", "bits": 9, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"name": "LO", "bits": 9, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 14}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:18 Reserved
17:9 rw 0xe6 LO Min threshold for usb measurement
8:0 rw 0xfa HI Max threshold for usb measurement


Recoverable Error code

  • Offset: 0x50
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7ff


{"reg": [{"name": "SHADOW_UPDATE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_MEASURE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_DIV2_MEASURE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_DIV4_MEASURE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "MAIN_MEASURE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "USB_MEASURE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_TIMEOUT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_DIV2_TIMEOUT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IO_DIV4_TIMEOUT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "MAIN_TIMEOUT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "USB_TIMEOUT_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 21}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 210}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:11 Reserved
10 rw1c 0x0 USB_TIMEOUT_ERR usb has timed out.
9 rw1c 0x0 MAIN_TIMEOUT_ERR main has timed out.
8 rw1c 0x0 IO_DIV4_TIMEOUT_ERR io_div4 has timed out.
7 rw1c 0x0 IO_DIV2_TIMEOUT_ERR io_div2 has timed out.
6 rw1c 0x0 IO_TIMEOUT_ERR io has timed out.
5 rw1c 0x0 USB_MEASURE_ERR usb has encountered a measurement error.
4 rw1c 0x0 MAIN_MEASURE_ERR main has encountered a measurement error.
3 rw1c 0x0 IO_DIV4_MEASURE_ERR io_div4 has encountered a measurement error.
2 rw1c 0x0 IO_DIV2_MEASURE_ERR io_div2 has encountered a measurement error.
1 rw1c 0x0 IO_MEASURE_ERR io has encountered a measurement error.
0 rw1c 0x0 SHADOW_UPDATE_ERR One of the shadow registers encountered an update error.


Error code

  • Offset: 0x54
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7


{"reg": [{"name": "REG_INTG", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "IDLE_CNT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "SHADOW_STORAGE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 200}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:3 Reserved
2 ro 0x0 SHADOW_STORAGE_ERR One of the shadow registers encountered a storage error.
1 ro 0x0 IDLE_CNT One of the idle counts encountered a duplicate error.
0 ro 0x0 REG_INTG Register file has experienced a fatal integrity error.