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806 lines (635 loc) · 45.3 KB



Name Offset Length Description
kmac.INTR_STATE 0x0 4 Interrupt State Register
kmac.INTR_ENABLE 0x4 4 Interrupt Enable Register
kmac.INTR_TEST 0x8 4 Interrupt Test Register
kmac.ALERT_TEST 0xc 4 Alert Test Register
kmac.CFG_REGWEN 0x10 4 Controls the configurability of !!CFG_SHADOWED register.
kmac.CFG_SHADOWED 0x14 4 KMAC Configuration register.
kmac.CMD 0x18 4 KMAC/ SHA3 command register.
kmac.STATUS 0x1c 4 KMAC/SHA3 Status register.
kmac.ENTROPY_PERIOD 0x20 4 Entropy Timer Periods.
kmac.ENTROPY_REFRESH_HASH_CNT 0x24 4 Entropy Refresh Counter
kmac.ENTROPY_REFRESH_THRESHOLD_SHADOWED 0x28 4 Entropy Refresh Threshold
kmac.ENTROPY_SEED 0x2c 4 Entropy Seed
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_0 0x30 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_1 0x34 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_2 0x38 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_3 0x3c 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_4 0x40 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_5 0x44 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_6 0x48 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_7 0x4c 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_8 0x50 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_9 0x54 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_10 0x58 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_11 0x5c 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_12 0x60 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_13 0x64 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_14 0x68 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE0_15 0x6c 4 KMAC Secret Key
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_0 0x70 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_1 0x74 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_2 0x78 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_3 0x7c 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_4 0x80 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_5 0x84 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_6 0x88 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_7 0x8c 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_8 0x90 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_9 0x94 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_10 0x98 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_11 0x9c 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_12 0xa0 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_13 0xa4 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_14 0xa8 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_SHARE1_15 0xac 4 KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.
kmac.KEY_LEN 0xb0 4 Secret Key length in bit.
kmac.PREFIX_0 0xb4 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_1 0xb8 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_2 0xbc 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_3 0xc0 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_4 0xc4 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_5 0xc8 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_6 0xcc 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_7 0xd0 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_8 0xd4 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_9 0xd8 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.PREFIX_10 0xdc 4 cSHAKE Prefix register.
kmac.ERR_CODE 0xe0 4 KMAC/SHA3 Error Code
kmac.STATE 0x400 512 Keccak State (1600 bit) memory.
kmac.MSG_FIFO 0x800 2048 Message FIFO.


Interrupt State Register

  • Offset: 0x0
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7


{"reg": [{"name": "kmac_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fifo_empty", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "kmac_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 120}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:3 Reserved
2 rw1c 0x0 kmac_err
1 ro 0x0 fifo_empty
0 rw1c 0x0 kmac_done

INTR_STATE . kmac_err

KMAC/SHA3 error occurred. ERR_CODE register shows the details

INTR_STATE . fifo_empty

The message FIFO is empty. This interrupt is raised only if the message FIFO is actually writable by software, i.e., if all of the following conditions are met: i) The KMAC block is not exercised by a hardware application interface. ii) The SHA3 block is in the Absorb state. iii) Software has not yet written the Process command to finish the absorption process. For the interrupt to be raised, the message FIFO must also have been full previously. Otherwise, the hardware empties the FIFO faster than software can fill it and there is no point in interrupting the software to inform it about the message FIFO being empty.

INTR_STATE . kmac_done

KMAC/SHA3 absorbing has been completed


Interrupt Enable Register

  • Offset: 0x4
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7


{"reg": [{"name": "kmac_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fifo_empty", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "kmac_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 120}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:3 Reserved
2 rw 0x0 kmac_err Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.kmac_err is set.
1 rw 0x0 fifo_empty Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.fifo_empty is set.
0 rw 0x0 kmac_done Enable interrupt when INTR_STATE.kmac_done is set.


Interrupt Test Register

  • Offset: 0x8
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7


{"reg": [{"name": "kmac_done", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fifo_empty", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "kmac_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 120}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:3 Reserved
2 wo 0x0 kmac_err Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.kmac_err to 1.
1 wo 0x0 fifo_empty Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.fifo_empty to 1.
0 wo 0x0 kmac_done Write 1 to force INTR_STATE.kmac_done to 1.


Alert Test Register

  • Offset: 0xc
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x3


{"reg": [{"name": "recov_operation_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fatal_fault_err", "bits": 1, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 30}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 210}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:2 Reserved
1 wo 0x0 fatal_fault_err Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind.
0 wo 0x0 recov_operation_err Write 1 to trigger one alert event of this kind.


Controls the configurability of CFG_SHADOWED register.

This register ensures the contents of CFG_SHADOWED register cannot be changed by the software while the KMAC/SHA3 is in operation mode.

  • Offset: 0x10
  • Reset default: 0x1
  • Reset mask: 0x1


{"reg": [{"name": "en", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 31}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:1 Reserved
0 ro 0x1 en Configuration enable.


KMAC Configuration register.

This register is updated when the hashing engine is in Idle. If the software updates the register while the engine computes, the updated value will be discarded.

  • Offset: 0x14
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x51b133f
  • Register enable: CFG_REGWEN


{"reg": [{"name": "kmac_en", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "kstrength", "bits": 3, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "mode", "bits": 2, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 2}, {"name": "msg_endianness", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "state_endianness", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 2}, {"name": "sideload", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 3}, {"name": "entropy_mode", "bits": 2, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "entropy_fast_process", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "msg_mask", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 3}, {"name": "entropy_ready", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "en_unsupported_modestrength", "bits": 1, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 5}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 290}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:27 Reserved
26 rw 0x0 en_unsupported_modestrength
25 Reserved
24 rw 0x0 entropy_ready
23:21 Reserved
20 rw 0x0 msg_mask
19 rw 0x0 entropy_fast_process
18 Reserved
17:16 rw 0x0 entropy_mode
15:13 Reserved
12 rw 0x0 sideload
11:10 Reserved
9 rw 0x0 state_endianness
8 rw 0x0 msg_endianness
7:6 Reserved
5:4 rw 0x0 mode
3:1 rw 0x0 kstrength
0 rw 0x0 kmac_en

CFG_SHADOWED . en_unsupported_modestrength

Enable Unsupported Mode and Strength configs.

SW may set this field for KMAC to move forward with unsupported Keccak Mode and Strength configurations, such as cSHAKE512.

If not set, KMAC won't propagate the SW command (CmdStart) to the rest of the blocks (AppIntf, KMAC Core, SHA3).

CFG_SHADOWED . entropy_ready

Entropy Ready status.

Software sets this field to allow the entropy generator in KMAC to fetch the entropy and run.

CFG_SHADOWED . msg_mask

Message Masking with PRNG.

If 1, KMAC applies PRNG to the input messages to the Keccak module when KMAC mode is on.

CFG_SHADOWED . entropy_fast_process

Entropy Fast process mode.

If 1, entropy logic uses garbage data while not processing the KMAC key block. It will re-use previous entropy value and will not expand the entropy when it is consumed. Only it refreshes the entropy while processing the secret key block. This process should not be used if SCA resistance is required because it may cause side channel leakage.

CFG_SHADOWED . entropy_mode

Entropy Mode

Using this field, software can configure mode of operation of the internal pseudo-random number generator (PRNG). For the hardware to actually switch to an entropy mode other than the default idle_mode, software further needs to set the CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_ready bit. After that point, the hardware cannot be made to return to idle_mode unless the module is reset.

Value Name Description
0x0 idle_mode Default mode after reset. The sole purpose of this mode is to enable ROM_CTRL operation right after coming out of reset. The internal PRNG is not reseeded with fresh entropy, nor updated while the core operates. It should therefore not be used after this very initial stage. Software should setup a different mode and set !!CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_ready as early as possible. The module cannot be made to return to idle_mode once any of the other modes have been used.
0x1 edn_mode Receive fresh entropy from EDN for reseeding the internal PRNG. This entropy mode is to be used for regular operation. Once the !!CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_ready bit is set after reset, the module requests fresh entropy from EDN for reseeding the internal PRNG. Only after that, the module can start processing commands. Depending on !!CFG_SHADOWED, the internal PRNG is then used for (re-)masking inputs (prefix, key, message) and intermediate results of the Keccak core. Depending on !!ENTROPY_PERIOD, the module will periodically reseed the internal PRNG with fresh entropy from EDN. Using !!CMD.entropy_req software can manually initiate the reseeding.
0x2 sw_mode Receive initial entropy from software for reseeding the internal PRNG. This entropy mode is a fall-back option to be used if the entropy complex is not available. Once the !!CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_ready bit is set after reset, the module will wait for software to write each of the !!ENTROPY_SEED_0 - !!ENTROPY_SEED_4 registers exactly once and in ascending order. Only after that, the module can start processing commands. Depending on !!CFG_SHADOWED, the internal PRNG is then used for (re-)masking inputs (prefix, key, message) and intermediate results of the Keccak core. After this point, the PRNG can no longer be reseeded by software - also after switching back into this mode from edn_mode. However, it is possible to switch to edn_mode.

Other values are reserved.

CFG_SHADOWED . sideload

Sideloaded Key.

If 1, KMAC uses KeyMgr sideloaded key for SW initiated KMAC operation. KMAC uses the sideloaded key regardless of this configuration when KeyMgr initiates the KMAC operation for Key Derivation Function (KDF).

CFG_SHADOWED . state_endianness

State Endianness.

If 1 then each individual word in the STATE output register is converted to big-endian byte order. The order of the words in relation to one another is not changed. This setting does not affect how the state is interpreted during computation.

CFG_SHADOWED . msg_endianness

Message Endianness.

If 1 then each individual multi-byte value, regardless of its alignment, written to MSG_FIFO will be added to the message in big-endian byte order. If 0, each value will be added to the message in little-endian byte order. A message written to MSG_FIFO one byte at a time will not be affected by this setting. From a hardware perspective byte swaps are performed on a TL-UL word granularity.


Keccak hashing mode.

This module supports SHA3 main hashing algorithm and the part of its derived functions, SHAKE and cSHAKE with limitations. This field is to select the mode.

Value Name Description
0x0 SHA3 SHA3 hashing mode. It appends 2'b 10 to the end of msg
0x2 SHAKE SHAKE hashing mode. It appends 1111 to the end of msg
0x3 cSHAKE cSHAKE hashing mode. It appends 00 to the end of msg

Other values are reserved.

CFG_SHADOWED . kstrength

Hashing Strength

3 bit field to select the security strength of SHA3 hashing engine. If mode field is set to SHAKE or cSHAKE, only 128 and 256 strength can be selected. Other value will result error when hashing starts.

Value Name Description
0x0 L128 128 bit strength. Keccak rate is 1344 bit
0x1 L224 224 bit strength. Keccak rate is 1152 bit
0x2 L256 256 bit strength. Keccak rate is 1088 bit
0x3 L384 384 bit strength. Keccak rate is 832 bit
0x4 L512 512 bit strength. Keccak rate is 576 bit

Other values are reserved.

CFG_SHADOWED . kmac_en

KMAC datapath enable.

If this bit is 1, the incoming message is processed in KMAC with the secret key.


KMAC/ SHA3 command register.

This register is to control the KMAC to start accepting message, to process the message, and to manually run additional keccak rounds at the end. Only at certain stage, the CMD affects to the control logic. It follows the sequence of

start --> process --> {run if needed --> } done

  • Offset: 0x18
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x73f


{"reg": [{"name": "cmd", "bits": 6, "attr": ["r0w1c"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 2}, {"name": "entropy_req", "bits": 1, "attr": ["r0w1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "hash_cnt_clr", "bits": 1, "attr": ["r0w1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "err_processed", "bits": 1, "attr": ["r0w1c"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 21}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 150}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:11 Reserved
10 r0w1c x err_processed
9 r0w1c x hash_cnt_clr
8 r0w1c x entropy_req
7:6 Reserved
5:0 r0w1c x cmd

CMD . err_processed

When error occurs and one of the state machine stays at Error handling state, SW may process the error based on ERR_CODE, then let FSM back to the reset state

CMD . hash_cnt_clr

If writes 1, it clears the hash (KMAC) counter in the entropy module

CMD . entropy_req

SW triggered Entropy Request

If writes 1 to this field

CMD . cmd

Issue a command to the KMAC/SHA3 IP. The command is sparse encoded. To prevent sw from writing multiple commands at once, the field is defined as enum.

Value Name Description
0x1d start Writing 6'b011101 or dec 29 into this field when KMAC/SHA3 is in idle, KMAC/SHA3 begins its operation. If the mode is cSHAKE, before receiving the message, the hashing logic processes Function name string N and customization input string S first. If KMAC mode is enabled, additionally it processes secret key block.
0x2e process Writing 6'b101110 or dec 46 into this field when KMAC/SHA3 began its operation and received the entire message, it computes the digest or signing.
0x31 run The run field is used in the sponge squeezing stage. It triggers the keccak round logic to run full 24 rounds. This is optional and used when software needs more digest bits than the keccak rate. It only affects when the kmac/sha3 operation is completed.
0x16 done Writing 6'b010110 or dec 22 into this field when KMAC/SHA3 squeezing is completed, KMAC/SHA3 hashing engine clears internal variables and goes back to Idle state for next command.

Other values are reserved.


KMAC/SHA3 Status register.

  • Offset: 0x1c
  • Reset default: 0x4001
  • Reset mask: 0x3df07


{"reg": [{"name": "sha3_idle", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sha3_absorb", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "sha3_squeeze", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 5}, {"name": "fifo_depth", "bits": 5, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 1}, {"name": "fifo_empty", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "fifo_full", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ALERT_FATAL_FAULT", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"name": "ALERT_RECOV_CTRL_UPDATE_ERR", "bits": 1, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": -90}, {"bits": 14}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 290}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:18 Reserved
15 ro x fifo_full
14 ro 0x1 fifo_empty
13 Reserved
12:8 ro x fifo_depth
7:3 Reserved
2 ro x sha3_squeeze
1 ro x sha3_absorb
0 ro 0x1 sha3_idle


An update error has not occurred (0) or has occured (1) in the shadowed Control Register. KMAC operation needs to be restarted by re-writing the Control Register.


No fatal fault has occurred inside the KMAC unit (0). A fatal fault has occured and the KMAC unit needs to be reset (1), Examples for such faults include i) TL-UL bus integrity fault ii) storage errors in the shadow registers iii) errors in the message, round, or key counter iv) any internal FSM entering an invalid state v) an error in the redundant lfsr

STATUS . fifo_full

Message FIFO Full indicator

STATUS . fifo_empty

Message FIFO Empty indicator.

The FIFO's Pass parameter is set to 1'b 1. So, by default, if the SHA engine is ready, the write data to FIFO just passes through.

In this case, fifo_depth remains 0. fifo_empty, however, lowers the value to 0 for a cycle, then goes back to the empty state, 1.

See the "Message FIFO" section in the spec for the reason.

STATUS . fifo_depth

Count of occupied entries in the message FIFO.

STATUS . sha3_squeeze

If 1, SHA3 completes sponge absorbing stage. In this stage, SW can manually run the hashing engine.

STATUS . sha3_absorb

If 1, SHA3 is receiving message stream and processing it

STATUS . sha3_idle

If 1, SHA3 hashing engine is in idle state.


Entropy Timer Periods.

  • Offset: 0x20
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffff03ff
  • Register enable: CFG_REGWEN


{"reg": [{"name": "prescaler", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 6}, {"name": "wait_timer", "bits": 16, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:16 rw 0x0 wait_timer
15:10 Reserved
9:0 rw 0x0 prescaler

ENTROPY_PERIOD . wait_timer

EDN request wait timer.

The entropy module in KMAC waits up to this field in the timer pulse after it sends request to EDN module. If the timer expires, the entropy module moves to an error state and notifies to the system.

If there is a pending EDN request during wait timer update, then this update is delayed until the EDN request is complete.

If 0, the entropy module waits the EDN response always. If EDN does not respond in this configuration, the software shall reset the IP.

ENTROPY_PERIOD . prescaler

EDN Wait timer prescaler.

EDN Wait timer has 16 bit value. The timer value is increased when the timer pulse is generated. Timer pulse is raises when the number of the clock cycles hit this prescaler value.

The exact period of the timer pulse is unknown as the KMAC input clock may contain jitters.


Entropy Refresh Counter

KMAC entropy can be refreshed after the given threshold KMAC operations run. If the KMAC hash counter ENTROPY_REFRESH_HASH_CNT hits (GTE) the configured threshold ENTROPY_REFRESH_THRESHOLD_SHADOWED, the entropy module in the KMAC IP requests new seed to EDN and reset the KMAC hash counter.

If the threshold is 0, the refresh by the counter does not work. And the counter is only reset by the CMD.hash_cnt_clr CSR bit.

  • Offset: 0x24
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x3ff
  • Register enable: CFG_REGWEN


{"reg": [{"name": "hash_cnt", "bits": 10, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 22}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:10 Reserved
9:0 ro 0x0 hash_cnt Hash (KMAC) counter


Entropy Refresh Threshold

KMAC entropy can be refreshed after the given threshold KMAC operations run. If the KMAC hash counter ENTROPY_REFRESH_HASH_CNT hits (GTE) the configured threshold ENTROPY_REFRESH_THRESHOLD_SHADOWED, the entropy module in the KMAC IP requests new seed to EDN and reset the KMAC hash counter.

If the threshold is 0, the refresh by the counter does not work. And the counter is only reset by the CMD.hash_cnt_clr CSR bit.

  • Offset: 0x28
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x3ff
  • Register enable: CFG_REGWEN


{"reg": [{"name": "threshold", "bits": 10, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 22}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:10 Reserved
9:0 rw 0x0 threshold Hash Threshold


Entropy Seed

Entropy seed register for the integrated entropy generator.

If CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_mode is set to sw_mode, software first needs to set CFG_SHADOWED.entropy_ready. Then, software needs to write the ENTROPY_SEED register 9 times. Upon each write, the written value is loaded into the corresponding state chunk of the entropy generator.

After writing the ENTROPY_SEED register 9 times, the entropy generator will start its operation. After this point, writing this register has no longer any effect.

  • Offset: 0x2c
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffffffff


{"reg": [{"name": "seed", "bits": 32, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:0 wo x seed 32-bit chunk of the entropy generator seed


KMAC Secret Key

KMAC secret key can be up to 512 bit. Order of the secret key is: key[512:0] = {KEY15, KEY14, ... , KEY0};

The registers are allowed to be updated when the engine is in Idle state. If the engine computes the hash, it discards any attempts to update the secret keys and report an error.

Current KMAC supports up to 512 bit secret key. It is the sw responsibility to keep upper bits of the secret key to 0.

  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffffffff


Name Offset
KEY_SHARE0_0 0x30
KEY_SHARE0_1 0x34
KEY_SHARE0_2 0x38
KEY_SHARE0_3 0x3c
KEY_SHARE0_4 0x40
KEY_SHARE0_5 0x44
KEY_SHARE0_6 0x48
KEY_SHARE0_7 0x4c
KEY_SHARE0_8 0x50
KEY_SHARE0_9 0x54
KEY_SHARE0_10 0x58
KEY_SHARE0_11 0x5c
KEY_SHARE0_12 0x60
KEY_SHARE0_13 0x64
KEY_SHARE0_14 0x68
KEY_SHARE0_15 0x6c


{"reg": [{"name": "key", "bits": 32, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:0 wo x key 32-bit chunk of up-to 512-bit Secret Key


KMAC Secret Key, 2nd share.

KMAC secret key can be up to 512 bit. Order of the secret key is: key[512:0] = {KEY15, KEY14, ... , KEY0};

The registers are allowed to be updated when the engine is in Idle state. If the engine computes the hash, it discards any attempts to update the secret keys and report an error.

Current KMAC supports up to 512 bit secret key. It is the sw responsibility to keep upper bits of the secret key to 0.

  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffffffff


Name Offset
KEY_SHARE1_0 0x70
KEY_SHARE1_1 0x74
KEY_SHARE1_2 0x78
KEY_SHARE1_3 0x7c
KEY_SHARE1_4 0x80
KEY_SHARE1_5 0x84
KEY_SHARE1_6 0x88
KEY_SHARE1_7 0x8c
KEY_SHARE1_8 0x90
KEY_SHARE1_9 0x94
KEY_SHARE1_10 0x98
KEY_SHARE1_11 0x9c
KEY_SHARE1_12 0xa0
KEY_SHARE1_13 0xa4
KEY_SHARE1_14 0xa8
KEY_SHARE1_15 0xac


{"reg": [{"name": "key", "bits": 32, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:0 wo x key 32-bit chunk of up-to 512-bit Secret Key


Secret Key length in bit.

This value is used to make encoded secret key in KMAC. KMAC supports certain lengths of the secret key. Currently it supports 128b, 192b, 256b, 384b, and 512b secret keys.

  • Offset: 0xb0
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0x7
  • Register enable: CFG_REGWEN


{"reg": [{"name": "len", "bits": 3, "attr": ["wo"], "rotate": 0}, {"bits": 29}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:3 Reserved
2:0 wo 0x0 len

KEY_LEN . len

Key length choice

Value Name Description
0x0 Key128 Key length is 128 bit.
0x1 Key192 Key length is 192 bit.
0x2 Key256 Key length is 256 bit.
0x3 Key384 Key length is 384 bit.
0x4 Key512 Key length is 512 bit.

Other values are reserved.


cSHAKE Prefix register.

Prefix including Function Name N and Customization String S. The SHA3 assumes this register value is encoded as: encode_string(N) || encode_string(S) || 0. It means that the software can freely decide the length of N or S based on the given Prefix register size 320bit. 320bit is determined to have 32-bit of N and up to 256-bit of S + encode of their length.

It is SW responsibility to fill the register with encoded value that is described at Section 2.3.2 String Encoding in NIST SP 800-185 specification.

Order of Prefix is: prefix[end:0] := {PREFIX(N-1), ..., PREFIX(1), PREFIX(0) }

The registers are allowed to be updated when the engine is in Idle state. If the engine computes the hash, it discards any attempts to update the secret keys and report an error.

  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffffffff


Name Offset
PREFIX_0 0xb4
PREFIX_1 0xb8
PREFIX_2 0xbc
PREFIX_3 0xc0
PREFIX_4 0xc4
PREFIX_5 0xc8
PREFIX_6 0xcc
PREFIX_7 0xd0
PREFIX_8 0xd4
PREFIX_9 0xd8
PREFIX_10 0xdc


{"reg": [{"name": "prefix", "bits": 32, "attr": ["rw"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name Description
31:0 rw 0x0 prefix 32-bit chunk of Encoded NS Prefix


KMAC/SHA3 Error Code

  • Offset: 0xe0
  • Reset default: 0x0
  • Reset mask: 0xffffffff


{"reg": [{"name": "err_code", "bits": 32, "attr": ["ro"], "rotate": 0}], "config": {"lanes": 1, "fontsize": 10, "vspace": 80}}
Bits Type Reset Name
31:0 ro 0x0 err_code

ERR_CODE . err_code

If the kmac_err interrupt occurs, this register has information on the error cause. Bits 31:24 contain the error code (please refer to err_code_e in hw/ip/kmac/rtl/ for the encoding, and bits 23:0 contain additional debug information. This register does not get cleared when the kmac_err interrupt state gets cleared.


Keccak State (1600 bit) memory.

The software can get the processed digest by reading this memory region. Unlike MSG_FIFO, STATE memory space sees the addr[9:0]. If Masking feature is enabled, the software reads two shares from this memory space.

0x400 - 0x4C7: State share 0x500 - 0x5C7: Mask share of the state, 0 if EnMasking = 0

  • Word Aligned Offset Range: 0x400to0x5fc
  • Size (words): 128
  • Access: ro
  • Byte writes are not supported.


Message FIFO.

Any write operation to this window will be appended to MSG_FIFO. SW can simply write bytes/words to any address within this address range. Ordering and packing of the incoming bytes/words are handled internally. Therefore, the least significant 12 bits of the address are ignored.

  • Word Aligned Offset Range: 0x800to0xffc
  • Size (words): 512
  • Access: wo
  • Byte writes are supported.