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File metadata and controls

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Linting and formatting with VSCODE

Tools to install in the VENV

The Lint softwares

  • flake8: linter for the whole python script
  • pydocstyle: lint for the documentation (various styles are possible, my favorite is numpy)
  • isort: sort imports

The formatter:

  • black

All of these can be installed through pip or conda. In the latter case, all are available in the conda-forge library.

Extensions to install

  • Python
    • formatting.provider = black
    • linting.enabled = true
    • linting.pycodestyle = true
    • linting.pycodestyle.args = --max-line-length=88
    • linting.lint_on_save = true
    • regarding all path, if you leave the defaults you will use packages from the venv
  • black formatter
  • flake8
    • args: --ignore=W293, --ignore=W503, --ignore=D412, --ignore=D105. This can be modify at will, I decided to use this concurrently with the settings used in the pyge repo.
  • isort


  1. save a document to lint it
  2. autoformat using black using: ctrl + shift + p and using format document
  3. correct other errors by looking at the error tab (by default, in the lower part of the editor)
  4. isort by right clicking and select sort imports