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Symbol Explanation

Symbol Meaning
N Total number of cluster nodes, at least 1. The total number of clusters cannot be dynamically expanded
M Minimum number of cluster high availability nodes, M = N/2 + 1. It is considered passed only when the number of votes is at least M
seed Seed node, the entry point for cluster access
leader The manager in the cluster, only the leader can modify the status of members
follower Ordinary members in the cluster, including seed and non-seed, can participate in voting
member A general term for cluster nodes, can be seed, follower, leader
version The version of the cluster, each time a new leader is generated, the version increases
receiver Specifically refers to
heartbeatInterval Heartbeat interval
heartbeatTimeout Heartbeat timeout
ttlTimeout Maximum downtime allowed for a node (including network exceptions)
retryInterval Retry interval, including rejoining the cluster, querying the status of the leader, etc.
proposal Proposal, divided into pre-proposal stage (pre) and formal proposal stage (formal)
vote Vote, corresponding to proposal, divided into pre-proposal stage (pre) and formal proposal stage (formal)
proposer The member who proposes the proposal
candidate The member who hopes to be elected as the leader by proposing

Event Handling Mechanism

Events are divided into two categories, system events (system-event) and (custom-event).

  1. system-event is handled by the system framework and will not be passed to the user's receiver.
  2. custom-event is passed to the user's receiver and processed according to the matching logic.

Sending Validation Principles

The sender of an event must ensure that the event is sent accurately, i.e., the information expressed by the event matches the state of the cluster when the event is sent (only focus on that moment).

  • For example, when sending LeaderKeepAliveAck, it is necessary to verify whether the sender is the leader, and only send it after successful verification.

Receiving Validation Principles

Suppose two nodes A and B in the cluster. Node A observes that the state of node B is λ1, and based on this observation, node A sends the observation result λ1 and the processing method θ to B.

When B receives the processing method θ, it needs to validate whether the current state is λ1.

  • If the observed result of B is also λ1, then execute θ.
  • If the observed result of B is not λ1, then do not process it.

State Machine

Node states and their meanings are as follows

State Description
joining Initialization state. When a node communicates with the leader for the first time to request joining the cluster, the leader will mark it as joining state.
active After a node successfully joins the cluster, the leader will mark it as active state.
unreachable When the leader does not receive the heartbeat packet from the node after heartbeatTimeout, it will mark the node as unreachable.
leaving When the leader does not receive the heartbeat from the node after ttlTimeout, it will mark the node as leaving.
removed After marking the node as leaving, the leader will perform some cleanup work. After the cleanup is completed, the node will be marked as removed.

State Machine

Current State Condition Next State
/ Join the cluster joining
joining Finish initialization active
active The leader does not receive the heartbeat after heartbeatTimeout unreachable
unreachable The heartbeatTimeout is reached and the heartbeat is received again active
unreachable The leader does not receive the heartbeat after ttlTimeout leaving
leaving Finish cleanup removed

Cluster Specification

Cluster Startup

  • seed startup:
    1. Iterate through all other seed nodes and attempt to join the cluster.
    2. If the joining is successful, end.
    3. If the joining fails, directly become the leader, version = 1, and end.
  • non-seed startup:
    1. Iterate through all seed nodes and attempt to join the cluster.
    2. If the joining is successful, end.
    3. If the joining fails, wait for retryInterval and repeat the process until the end.

Leader Recovery After Failure

  1. When the number of live nodes is at least M, a new leader can be elected, and the cluster is restored to a normal state.
  2. When the number of live nodes is less than M, the cluster becomes unavailable, and the nodes themselves still attempt to initiate the election process, but it will inevitably fail.
    • seed: If no leader is elected after 3 * ttlTimeout, clean up the cluster, increase the version number, and directly become the leader.
    • non-seed: If no leader is elected after 3 * ttlTimeout, clean up the cluster, reset the version number to 1, and reattempt to join the cluster.


  1. follower needs to maintain a heartbeat with the leader.
    • follower sends LeaderKeepAlive.
    • leader replies with LeaderKeepAliveAck.
    • If the leader does not receive the LeaderKeepAlive event from the follower after heartbeatTime, it marks the status of the follower as unreachable and notifies other followers.
    • If the leader does not receive the LeaderKeepAlive event from the follower after ttlTimeout, it marks the status of the follower as leaving and removed, then removes the follower from the cluster and notifies other followers.
    • If the follower does not receive the LeaderKeepAliveAck event from the leader after ttlTimeout, it resets the local leader, initiates the leader election process, and nominates itself as the leader.
  2. leader needs to maintain a heartbeat with all seed nodes to avoid isolated islands.
    • leader sends SeedKeepAlive.
    • seed replies with SeedKeepAliveAck.
    • If a seed finds that the observed leader is different from the local observed leader, it sends LeaderRelieve based on certain principles to force one leader to step down.
    • When the leader receives the message, it notifies other followers to rejoin the cluster (clears the cluster and resets the version to 1), and it also attempts to rejoin the cluster (clears the cluster and resets the version to 1).
    • Conflict resolution strategy for leader: If the versions are different, take the one with the larger version number. If the versions are the same, take the one with the larger Address (compare host strings first, then compare ports).

Follower Probe

  1. Maintain a heartbeat with the leader at intervals of heartbeatInterval and check the status of the leader.

Leader Probe

  1. Maintain a heartbeat with the follower and handle exceptions. The detailed process is not described here.
  2. Maintain a heartbeat with all seed nodes to avoid isolated islands.
    • If all nodes have the same seed configuration, isolation can be completely avoided.
    • If all nodes have different seed configurations, there is a certain probability of isolated islands.


  1. In one election, the id of each proposal must be different.
  2. After the election, to avoid receiving proposals from the previous election and polluting the candidate.
  3. After a new leader is generated, the local state needs to be cleared, including the maximum proposal number and the candidate corresponding to that proposal.
  4. The validity period of the local state is ttlTimeout * 3.


Normal Node Joining Process (NORMAL_JOINING_PROCESS)

Flowchart Source Code

skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

skinparam sequence {
	ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	LifeLineBorderColor blue
	LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
	ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
	ParticipantFontName Impact
	ParticipantFontSize 17
	ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
	ActorBackgroundColor aqua
	ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorFontSize 17
	ActorFontName Aapex

participant member
participant seed
participant leader

member -> seed: LeaderQuery
alt leader exist
seed --> member: LeaderResponse(leaderAddress)
member -> leader: JoinClusterRequest(address)
alt is leader
leader --> member: JoinClusterResponse(accept)
leader -> leader: moving member status to <joining>\nand broadcast to all active members
leader -> leader: moving member status to <active>\nand broadcast to all active members
alt is not leader
leader --> member: JoinClusterResponse(reject)
note right member: repeat this process from start\n(ask other seed)
alt leader not exist
seed --> member: LeaderResponse(not exist)
note right member: repeat this process from start\n(ask other seed)



Seed Node Joining Process (SEED_JOINING_PROCESS)

Flowchart Source Code

skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

skinparam sequence {
	ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	LifeLineBorderColor blue
	LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
	ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
	ParticipantFontName Impact
	ParticipantFontSize 17
	ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
	ActorBackgroundColor aqua
	ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorFontSize 17
	ActorFontName Aapex

participant seed1
participant seed2

seed1 -> seed2: LeaderQuery
alt leader exist
seed2 --> seed1: LeaderResponse(leaderAddress)
note right seed1: continue with steps in NORMAL_JOINING_PROCESS
alt leader not exist\nhas other seeds to try
note right seed1: repeat this process from start\n(ask other seed)
alt leader not exist\nhas no other seeds to try
note right seed1: let itself as leader



Leader Conflict Detection and Handling Process (LEADER_CONFLICT_PROCESS)

leader1 sends SeedKeepAlive event to seed, and the locally observed leader of seed is leader2.

Flowchart Source Code

skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

skinparam sequence {
	ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	LifeLineBorderColor blue
	LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
	ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
	ParticipantFontName Impact
	ParticipantFontSize 17
	ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
	ActorBackgroundColor aqua
	ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorFontSize 17
	ActorFontName Aapex

participant leader1
participant seed
participant leader2

leader1 -> seed: SeedKeepAlive(leader1, version1)\nfrom the local perspective
seed -> seed: check whether the leader1 and version1 \nare consistent with the local observations
seed --> leader1: SeedKeepAliveAck
alt inconsistent
note right seed: assume leader1 win the competition
seed -> leader2: LeaderRelieve(leader1)
leader2 -> leader2: rejoin the cluster\nand broadcast to all active members to do so
alt other case
note right seed: do nothing



Leader Election

Before starting the election, it is necessary to inquire other nodes whether the leader is normal from their perspectives. The election process begins only if at least M replies indicate that the leader is not normal. This is to avoid unnecessary leader elections due to a node's recovery from disconnection.

Flowchart Source Code

skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

skinparam sequence {
	ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	LifeLineBorderColor blue
	LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
	ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
	ParticipantFontName Impact
	ParticipantFontSize 17
	ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
	ActorBackgroundColor aqua
	ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorFontSize 17
	ActorFontName Aapex

participant follower
participant otherFollowers

follower -> otherFollowers: LeaderStatusQuery
otherFollowers --> follower: LeaderStatusQueryResponse(isHealthy)
alt leader is healthy
follower -> follower: in all replies, if the number of unhealthy < M,\nthen stop shis process
alt leader is not healthy
follower -> follower: in all replies, if the number of unhealthy >= M,\nthen start the following steps
follower -> otherFollowers: Proposal(pre, self, self)
otherFollowers --> follower: Vote(pre, isAccept, candidate),\nthe candidate has the largest accepted formal-proposal id
alt pre-proposal reject
follower -> follower: in all pre-votes, if the number of accept < M,\nthen stop this process
alt pre-proposal accept
follower -> follower: in all pre-votes, if the number of accept >= M,\nthen choose the candidate with largest formal-proposal id
follower -> otherFollowers: Proposal(formal, self, candidate)
otherFollowers --> follower: Vote(formal, isAccept)
alt formal-proposal reject
follower -> follower: in all formal-votes, if the number of accept < M,\nthen stop this process
alt formal-proposal accept
follower -> follower: in all formal-votes, if the number of accept >= M,\nthen the candidate is elected as leader



Node Handshake Conflict

Core Principles

  1. The party initiating the connection will send active-greet.
  2. The passive party receiving active-greet will reply with passive-greet.
  3. The mapping of address and channel is cached only when receiving the corresponding greet from the other party.
  4. If a mapping conflict is detected during caching, only the connection initiated by the party with the smaller address is kept.

In the following flow, assuming address(member1)<address(member2)

  • The red lines represent connections initiated by member1.
  • The green lines represent connections initiated by member2.
skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
skinparam handwritten true

skinparam sequence {
	ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	LifeLineBorderColor blue
	LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
	ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
	ParticipantBackgroundColor DodgerBlue
	ParticipantFontName Impact
	ParticipantFontSize 17
	ParticipantFontColor #A9DCDF
	ActorBackgroundColor aqua
	ActorFontColor DeepSkyBlue
	ActorFontSize 17
	ActorFontName Aapex

participant timeline

timeline-[#red]>timeline: member1 try to talk to member2,\nbut cannot find connection with member2,\nthen connect member2 and send active-greet
timeline-[#green]>timeline: member2 try to talk to member1,\nbut cannot find connection with member1,\nthen connect member1 and send active-greet
alt active-greet from member2 to member1 arrive first
timeline-[#green]>timeline: member1 received the active-greet from member2,\nand save member2->channel(green one) mapping,\nthen send passive-greet to member2
alt active-greet from member1 to member2 arrive first
timeline-[#red]>timeline: member2 received the active-greet from member1,\nand save member1->channel(red one) mapping,\nthen send passive-greet to member1
note right timeline: No matter the following two steps in which order the results will not be affected 
timeline-[#green]>timeline: member2 received the passive-greet from member1,\nand try to save member1->channel(green one) mapping but find mapping exists,\nthen save member1->channel(red one) according address comparation policy
timeline-[#red]>timeline: member1 received the passive-greet from member2,\nand try to save member2->channel(red one) mapping but find mapping exists,\nthen save member2->channel(red one) according address comparation policy
alt passive-greet from member1 to member2 arrive first
timeline-[#green]>timeline: member2 received the passive-greet from member1,\nand save member1->channel(green one) mapping
timeline-[#red]>timeline: member2 received the active-greet from member1,\nand try to save member1->channel(red one) mapping but find mapping exists,\nthen save member1-channel(red one) according address comparation policy\nsend passive-greet to member1
timeline-[#red]>timeline: member1 received the passive-greet from member2,\nand try to save member2->channel(red one) mapping but find mapping exists,\nthen save member2->channel(red one) according address comparation policy
alt active-greet from member1 to member2 arrive first
note right timeline: this case is opposite with the upper case



Exceptional Cases

Case 1

  1. member1 and member2 simultaneously detect the leader offline and inquire other members, receiving replies that the leader is not online.
  2. Both member1 and member2 simultaneously initiate leader elections, each nominating themselves as the leader.
  3. The proposal from member1 reaches other members first, so they all agree, and member1 becomes the leader.
  4. At this point, member2 has already accepted member1 as the leader, but due to the previous investigation where everyone said the leader is offline, it also initiates a leader election.

How to avoid it: The version when initiating the election must be the version when initiating the leader status query + 1.

Case 2

System messages are out of order.

  1. The leader sends JoinClusterResponse first and then sends MemberStatusUpdate.
  2. The member receives JoinClusterResponse first and then receives MemberStatusUpdate.
  3. But due to completely asynchronous processing, MemberStatusUpdate may be executed before JoinClusterResponse.
  4. This causes the member's state to become joining, although it will reply automatically, it is unnecessary.

Case 3

Does ClusterAlignment only synchronize with active nodes?

Case 4

  1. A member is in the joining process.
  2. The leader handling the joining process receives a LeaderRelieve.
  3. Since the member is not in the active state, it does not send ReJoinCluster to the member.
  4. Therefore, after the member exceeds 3 times the ttlTimeout, it will attempt to rejoin the cluster.