Cryptography and Security Project
These instructions will install the system in your local machine.
Install Maven, if you haven't yet
brew install maven
sudo apt-get install maven
Clone the repository or download source code:
git clone
Change working directory to project root (i.e where pom.xml is located):
cd <project-root>
Let maven resolve dependencies:
mvn dependency:resolve
Create jar file
mvn clean compile assembly:single
The application can be executed running java -jar <path-to-jar> <program parameters>
It can be configured in order to execute in different modes. This is done including parameters. The following sections will describe these modes.
You can display the usage message by setting the -h
or the --help
Example of usage:
java -jar <path-to-jar> -h
It can either be to recover a picture from some given shadows or to distribute a secret picture among other shadow pictures
Options are:
- To recover
- To distribute
If used with -d, the image to distribute. If used with -r, the output file for the recovered image.
-secret <secretFileName>
K is the minimum number of shadows needed to retrieve the picture
-k K
Only allowed when used with -d. Total number of shadows to generate. If not provided, will make n the number of pictures in the specified directory.
-n N
If used with -d, directory containing images where secret will be distributed. If used with -r, directory containing images from which to recover the secret. In either case, default is current directory. (default: ./)
-dir <path>
- Juan Li Puma
- Martin Goffan
- Natalia Navas
- Francisco Bartolomé