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lionkmp edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the ai64_extractor wiki!

ai64 allows you to convert complete directory structures containing c64 programs into IDE64 compatible copy of the whole structure. e.g. try running it on a complete copy of an FTP Archive, before burning a CD for IDE64 usage. Most of the archive will be converted to .prg and .d64 files, which are very easy to use on C64!

See README.txt for more information.

Development planning

Command line switches

Single-letter getopt is used, which is quite limited in option names, so here we'll plan when a letter should be reserved for a planned feature.

Currently in use

  • -s path/name Skip to this source file before staring processing (Use this to continue after something went wrong)
  • -x , Use ',' as file extension separator (default '.')
  • -n 100 Number of maximum files per folder (default 300)
  • -v Verbose, list successfully processed files
  • -V Super-verbose, also list archives while processing them
  • -w Force windows compatible file naming (remove more chars)
  • -l 16 Limit non-standard files' name length (default 16, w/o ext)
  • -L 16 Limit standard files' name length (default 16) (PRG, SEQ..)
  • -u Enable unicode chars like ↑ | (remove otherwise)
  • -t path Temp dir for extractions (default '/tmp/[USER].ai64/')
  • -e err_handling Error handling, either 'ignore' (default), 'ask' or 'halt'.

Future plans:

  • -r prg,sid Comma separated list of extensions to remove (default: none). (sd2iec may live fine without extension, giving some extra chars to the name especially when it's a .sid)
  • -f format This could be used to preconfigure options easily for specific output format. Examples could be:
    • sd2iec -> -w -l 12 -n 100
    • sd2iec_no_xe -> -w -l 12 -L 12 -n 100
    • fusecfs -> -u -x ,
    • pclink -> -w

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