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Pierre Lindenbaum edited this page Sep 5, 2016 · 7 revisions


converts UCSC knownGenes file to BED.


Requirements / Dependencies

Download and Compile

$ git clone ""
$ cd jvarkit
$ make kg2bed

by default, the libraries are not included in the jar file, so you shouldn't move them ( ). You can create a bigger but standalone executable jar by adding standalone=yes on the command line:

$ git clone ""
$ cd jvarkit
$ make kg2bed standalone=yes

The required libraries will be downloaded and installed in the dist directory.

edit '' (optional)

The a file can be created edited to override/add some definitions.

For example it can be used to set the HTTP proxy:


$ java -jar dist/kg2bed.jar  [options] (stdin|file) 


  • -o|--output (OUTPUT-FILE) Output file. Default:stdout.
  • -i|--intron Hide Introns Default value : "false".
  • -u|--utr Hide UTRs Default value : "false".
  • -c|--cds Hide CDSs Default value : "false".
  • -x|--exon Hide Exons Default value : "false".
  • -t|--transcript Hide Transcript Default value : "false".
  • -h|--help print help
  • -version|--version show version and exit

##Source Code

Main code is:


$ curl -s "" |\
  gunzip -c |\
  java -jar dist/kg2bed.jar
chr1	11873	14409	+	uc001aaa.3	TRANSCRIPT	uc001aaa.3
chr1	11873	12227	+	uc001aaa.3	EXON	Exon 1
chr1	12227	12612	+	uc001aaa.3	INTRON	Intron 1
chr1	11873	12227	+	uc001aaa.3	UTR	UTR3
chr1	12612	12721	+	uc001aaa.3	EXON	Exon 2
chr1	12721	13220	+	uc001aaa.3	INTRON	Intron 2
chr1	12612	12721	+	uc001aaa.3	UTR	UTR3
chr1	13220	14409	+	uc001aaa.3	EXON	Exon 3
chr1	13220	14409	+	uc001aaa.3	UTR	UTR3
chr1	11873	14409	+	uc010nxr.1	TRANSCRIPT	uc010nxr.1
chr1	11873	12227	+	uc010nxr.1	EXON	Exon 1
chr1	12227	12645	+	uc010nxr.1	INTRON	Intron 1
chr1	11873	12227	+	uc010nxr.1	UTR	UTR3
chr1	12645	12697	+	uc010nxr.1	EXON	Exon 2
chr1	12697	13220	+	uc010nxr.1	INTRON	Intron 2

See also


  • 2014: Creation
  • 2015-07-21 : removed duplicate exon



The project is licensed under the MIT license.


Should you cite kg2bed ?

The current reference is:

Lindenbaum, Pierre (2015): JVarkit: java-based utilities for Bioinformatics. figshare.

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