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linux split equivalent for BAM file . See also


See also Compilation.

$ make biostar90204


$ java -jar dist/biostar90204.jar (stdin|file) 


Option Description
-n (int) put NUMBER of SAM RECORD per output file. REQUIRED.
-p (prefix) output file prefix. default:_splitbam
-a (int) suffix length. default:.2
-M (fileout) manifest file. Optional
-h get help (this screen) and exit.
-v print version and exit.
-L (level) log level. One of java.util.logging.Level . Optional.

##Source Code

Main code is:


$ java -jar dist/biostar90204.jar -m bam.manifest -n 3 -a 5 samtools-0.1.18/examples/toy.sam

$ cat bam.manifest
_splitbam.00001.bam	1	3
_splitbam.00002.bam	4	6
_splitbam.00003.bam	7	9
_splitbam.00004.bam	10	12

$ samtools-0.1.18/samtools view -h _splitbam.00003.bam 
@HD	VN:1.4	SO:unsorted
@SQ	SN:ref	LN:45
@SQ	SN:ref2	LN:40
@PG	ID:0	VN:7e17f8bd273cf081d4415bc4f579cd34e2c681d1	CL:-m bam.manifest -n 3 -a 5 samtools-0.1.18/examples/toy.sam
@CO	SPLIT:Starting from Read7
x1	0	ref2	1	30	20M	*	0	0	AGGTTTTATAAAACAAATAA	????????????????????
x2	0	ref2	2	30	21M	*	0	0	GGTTTTATAAAACAAATAATT	?????????????????????
x3	0	ref2	6	30	9M4I13M	*	0	0	TTATAAAACAAATAATTAAGTCTACA	??????????????????????????

##See also


  • 2014: Creation
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