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1714 lines (1589 loc) · 178 KB


  • WARNING: currently NOT compatible with keras 3.x, if using tensorflow>=2.16.0, needs to install pip install tf-keras~=$(pip show tensorflow | awk -F ': ' '/Version/{print $2}') manually. While importing, import this package ahead of Tensorflow, or set export TF_USE_LEGACY_KERAS=1.
  • It's not recommended downloading and loading model from h5 file directly, better building model and loading weights like import kecam; mm = kecam.models.LCNet050().
  • for TF is still under testing...

General Usage


  • Default import will not specific these while using them in READMEs.
    import os
    import sys
    import tensorflow as tf
    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from tensorflow import keras
  • Install as pip package. kecam is a short alias name of this package. Note: the pip package kecam doesn't set any backend requirement, make sure either Tensorflow or PyTorch installed before hand. For PyTorch backend usage, refer Keras PyTorch Backend.
    pip install -U kecam
    # Or
    pip install -U keras-cv-attention-models
    # Or
    pip install -U git+
    Refer to each sub directory for detail usage.
  • Basic model prediction
    from keras_cv_attention_models import volo
    mm = volo.VOLO_d1(pretrained="imagenet")
    """ Run predict """
    import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow import keras
    from keras_cv_attention_models.test_images import cat
    img = cat()
    imm = keras.applications.imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(img, mode='torch')
    pred = mm(tf.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(imm, mm.input_shape[1:3]), 0)).numpy()
    pred = tf.nn.softmax(pred).numpy()  # If classifier activation is not softmax
    # [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.99664897),
    #  ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.0007249644),
    #  ('n02123159', 'tiger_cat', 0.00020345),
    #  ('n02127052', 'lynx', 5.4973923e-05),
    #  ('n02123597', 'Siamese_cat', 2.675306e-05)]
    Or just use model preset preprocess_input and decode_predictions
    from keras_cv_attention_models import coatnet
    mm = coatnet.CoAtNet0()
    from keras_cv_attention_models.test_images import cat
    preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(cat()))
    # [[('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.9999875), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 5.194884e-06), ...]]
    The preset preprocess_input and decode_predictions also compatible with PyTorch backend.
    os.environ['KECAM_BACKEND'] = 'torch'
    from keras_cv_attention_models import caformer
    mm = caformer.CAFormerS18()
    # >>>> Using PyTorch backend
    # >>>> Aligned input_shape: [3, 224, 224]
    # >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/caformer_s18_224_imagenet.h5
    from keras_cv_attention_models.test_images import cat
    preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(cat()))
    # torch.Size([1, 1000])
    # [[('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.8817097), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.009335292), ...]]
  • num_classes=0 set for excluding model top GlobalAveragePooling2D + Dense layers.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import resnest
    mm = resnest.ResNest50(num_classes=0)
    # (None, 7, 7, 2048)
  • num_classes={custom output classes} others than 1000 or 0 will just skip loading the header Dense layer weights. As model.load_weights(weight_file, by_name=True, skip_mismatch=True) is used for loading weights.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import swin_transformer_v2
    mm = swin_transformer_v2.SwinTransformerV2Tiny_window8(num_classes=64)
    # >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/swin_transformer_v2_tiny_window8_256_imagenet.h5
    # WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping loading weights for layer #601 (named predictions) due to mismatch in shape for weight predictions/kernel:0. Weight expects shape (768, 64). Received saved weight with shape (768, 1000)
    # WARNING:tensorflow:Skipping loading weights for layer #601 (named predictions) due to mismatch in shape for weight predictions/bias:0. Weight expects shape (64,). Received saved weight with shape (1000,)
  • Reload own model weights by set pretrained="xxx.h5". Better than calling model.load_weights directly, if reloading model with different input_shape and with weights shape not matching.
    import os
    from keras_cv_attention_models import coatnet
    pretrained = os.path.expanduser('~/.keras/models/coatnet0_224_imagenet.h5')
    mm = coatnet.CoAtNet1(input_shape=(384, 384, 3), pretrained=pretrained)  # No sense, just showing usage
  • Alias name kecam can be used instead of keras_cv_attention_models. It's only with from keras_cv_attention_models import *.
    import kecam
    mm = kecam.yolor.YOLOR_CSP()
    imm = kecam.test_images.dog_cat()
    preds = mm(mm.preprocess_input(imm))
    bboxs, lables, confidences = mm.decode_predictions(preds)[0]
    kecam.coco.show_image_with_bboxes(imm, bboxs, lables, confidences)
  • Calculate flops method from TF 2.0 Feature: Flops calculation #32809. For PyTorch backend, needs thop pip install thop.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import coatnet, resnest, model_surgery
    # >>>> FLOPs: 4,221,908,559, GFLOPs: 4.2219G
    # >>>> FLOPs: 5,378,399,992, GFLOPs: 5.3784G
  • [Deprecated] tensorflow_addons is not imported by default. While reloading model depending on GroupNormalization like MobileViTV2 from h5 directly, needs to import tensorflow_addons manually first.
    import tensorflow_addons as tfa
    model_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.keras/models/mobilevit_v2_050_256_imagenet.h5')
    mm = keras.models.load_model(model_path)
  • Export TF model to onnx. Needs tf2onnx for TF, pip install onnx tf2onnx onnxsim onnxruntime. For using PyTorch backend, exporting onnx is supported by PyTorch.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import volo, nat, model_surgery
    mm = nat.DiNAT_Small(pretrained=True)
    model_surgery.export_onnx(mm, fuse_conv_bn=True, batch_size=1, simplify=True)
    # Exported simplified onnx: dinat_small.onnx
    # Run test
    from keras_cv_attention_models.imagenet import eval_func
    aa = eval_func.ONNXModelInterf( + '.onnx')
    inputs = np.random.uniform(size=[1, *mm.input_shape[1:]]).astype('float32')
    print(f"{np.allclose(aa(inputs), mm(inputs), atol=1e-5) = }")
    # np.allclose(aa(inputs), mm(inputs), atol=1e-5) = True
  • Model summary model_summary.csv contains gathered model info.
    • params for model params count in M
    • flops for FLOPs in G
    • input for model input shape
    • acc_metrics means Imagenet Top1 Accuracy for recognition models, COCO val AP for detection models
    • inference_qps for T4 inference query per second with batch_size=1 + trtexec
    • extra means if any extra training info.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import plot_func
    plot_series = [
        "efficientnetv2", 'tinynet', 'lcnet', 'mobilenetv3', 'fasternet', 'fastervit', 'ghostnet',
        'inceptionnext', 'efficientvit_b', 'mobilevit', 'convnextv2', 'efficientvit_m', 'hiera',
        plot_series, model_table="model_summary.csv", log_scale_x=True, allow_extras=['mae_in1k_ft1k']
  • Code format is using line-length=160:
    find ./* -name "*.py" | grep -v __init__ | xargs -I {} black -l 160 {}

T4 Inference

  • T4 Inference in the model tables are tested using trtexec on Tesla T4 with CUDA=12.0.1-1, Driver=525.60.13. All models are exported as ONNX using PyTorch backend, using batch_szie=1 only. Note: this data is for reference only, and vary in different batch sizes or benchmark tools or platforms or implementations.
  • All results are tested using colab trtexec.ipynb. Thus reproducible by any others.
os.environ["KECAM_BACKEND"] = "torch"

from keras_cv_attention_models import convnext, test_images, imagenet
# >>>> Using PyTorch backend
mm = convnext.ConvNeXtTiny()
# Exported onnx: convnext_tiny.onnx
# Running onnxsim.simplify...
# Exported simplified onnx: convnext_tiny.onnx

# Onnx run test
tt = imagenet.eval_func.ONNXModelInterf('convnext_tiny.onnx')
# [[('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.880507), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.0047998047), ...]]

""" Run trtexec benchmark """
!trtexec --onnx=convnext_tiny.onnx --fp16 --allowGPUFallback --useSpinWait --useCudaGraph


  • attention_layers is only, which imports core layers defined in model architectures. Like RelativePositionalEmbedding from botnet, outlook_attention from volo, and many other Positional Embedding Layers / Attention Blocks.
from keras_cv_attention_models import attention_layers
aa = attention_layers.RelativePositionalEmbedding()
print(f"{aa(tf.ones([1, 4, 14, 16, 256])).shape = }")
# aa(tf.ones([1, 4, 14, 16, 256])).shape = TensorShape([1, 4, 14, 16, 14, 16])

Model surgery

  • model_surgery including functions used to change model parameters after built.
from keras_cv_attention_models import model_surgery
mm = keras.applications.ResNet50()  # Trainable params: 25,583,592

# Replace all ReLU with PReLU. Trainable params: 25,606,312
mm = model_surgery.replace_ReLU(mm, target_activation='PReLU')

# Fuse conv and batch_norm layers. Trainable params: 25,553,192
mm = model_surgery.convert_to_fused_conv_bn_model(mm)

ImageNet training and evaluating

  • ImageNet contains more detail usage and some comparing results.
  • Init Imagenet dataset using tensorflow_datasets #9.
  • For custom dataset, can be used creating a json format file, which can be used as --data_name xxx.json for training, detail usage can be found in Custom recognition dataset.
  • Another method creating custom dataset is using tfds.load, refer Writing custom datasets and Creating private tensorflow_datasets from tfds #48 by @Medicmind.
  • Running an AWS Sagemaker estimator job using keras_cv_attention_models can be found in AWS Sagemaker script example by @Medicmind.
  • aotnet.AotNet50 default parameters set is a typical ResNet50 architecture with Conv2D use_bias=False and padding like PyTorch.
  • Default parameters for is like A3 configuration from ResNet strikes back: An improved training procedure in timm with batch_size=256, input_shape=(160, 160).
    # `antialias` is default enabled for resize, can be turned off be set `--disable_antialias`.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" python3 --seed 0 -s aotnet50
    # Evaluation using input_shape (224, 224).
    # `antialias` usage should be same with training.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m aotnet50_epoch_103_val_acc_0.7674.h5 -i 224 --central_crop 0.95
    # >>>> Accuracy top1: 0.78466 top5: 0.94088
  • Restore from break point by setting --restore_path and --initial_epoch, and keep other parameters same. restore_path is higher priority than model and additional_model_kwargs, also restore optimizer and loss. initial_epoch is mainly for learning rate scheduler. If not sure where it stopped, check checkpoints/{save_name}_hist.json.
    import json
    with open("checkpoints/aotnet50_hist.json", "r") as ff:
        aa = json.load(ff)
    # 41 ==> 41 epochs are finished, initial_epoch is 41 then, restart from epoch 42
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" python3 --seed 0 -r checkpoints/aotnet50_latest.h5 -I 41
    # >>>> Restore model from: checkpoints/aotnet50_latest.h5
    # Epoch 42/105
  • is used for evaluating model accuracy. EfficientNetV2 self tested imagenet accuracy #19 just showing how different parameters affecting model accuracy.
    # evaluating pretrained builtin model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m regnet.RegNetZD8
    # evaluating pretrained timm model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m timm.models.resmlp_12_224 --input_shape 224
    # evaluating specific h5 model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m checkpoints/xxx.h5
    # evaluating specific tflite model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m xxx.tflite
  • Progressive training refer to PDF 2104.00298 EfficientNetV2: Smaller Models and Faster Training. AotNet50 A3 progressive input shapes 96 128 160:
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" python3 \
    --progressive_epochs 33 66 -1 \
    --progressive_input_shapes 96 128 160 \
    --progressive_magnitudes 2 4 6 \
    -s aotnet50_progressive_3_lr_steps_100 --seed 0
  • Transfer learning with freeze_backbone or freeze_norm_layers: EfficientNetV2B0 transfer learning on cifar10 testing freezing backbone #55.
  • Token label train test on CIFAR10 #57. Currently not working as well as expected. Token label is implementation of Github zihangJiang/TokenLabeling, paper PDF 2104.10858 All Tokens Matter: Token Labeling for Training Better Vision Transformers.

COCO training and evaluating

  • Currently still under testing.

  • COCO contains more detail usage.

  • can be used creating a json format file, which can be used as --data_name xxx.json for training, detail usage can be found in Custom detection dataset.

  • Default parameters for is EfficientDetD0 with input_shape=(256, 256, 3), batch_size=64, mosaic_mix_prob=0.5, freeze_backbone_epochs=32, total_epochs=105. Technically, it's any pyramid structure backbone + EfficientDet / YOLOX header / YOLOR header + anchor_free / yolor / efficientdet anchors combination supported.

  • Currently 4 types anchors supported, parameter anchors_mode controls which anchor to use, value in ["efficientdet", "anchor_free", "yolor", "yolov8"]. Default None for det_header presets.

  • NOTE: YOLOV8 has a default regression_len=64 for bbox output length. Typically it's 4 for other detection models, for yolov8 it's reg_max=16 -> regression_len = 16 * 4 == 64.

    anchors_mode use_object_scores num_anchors anchor_scale aspect_ratios num_scales grid_zero_start
    efficientdet False 9 4 [1, 2, 0.5] 3 False
    anchor_free True 1 1 [1] 1 True
    yolor True 3 None presets None offset=0.5
    yolov8 False 1 1 [1] 1 False
    # Default EfficientDetD0
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3
    # Default EfficientDetD0 using input_shape 512, optimizer adamw, freezing backbone 16 epochs, total 50 + 5 epochs
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 -i 512 -p adamw --freeze_backbone_epochs 16 --lr_decay_steps 50
    # EfficientNetV2B0 backbone + EfficientDetD0 detection header
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --backbone efficientnet.EfficientNetV2B0 --det_header efficientdet.EfficientDetD0
    # ResNest50 backbone + EfficientDetD0 header using yolox like anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --backbone resnest.ResNest50 --anchors_mode anchor_free
    # UniformerSmall32 backbone + EfficientDetD0 header using yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --backbone uniformer.UniformerSmall32 --anchors_mode yolor
    # Typical YOLOXS with anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --det_header yolox.YOLOXS --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # YOLOXS with efficientdet anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --det_header yolox.YOLOXS --anchors_mode efficientdet --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # CoAtNet0 backbone + YOLOX header with yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --backbone coatnet.CoAtNet0 --det_header yolox.YOLOX --anchors_mode yolor
    # Typical YOLOR_P6 with yolor anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --det_header yolor.YOLOR_P6 --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # YOLOR_P6 with anchor_free anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --det_header yolor.YOLOR_P6 --anchors_mode anchor_free  --freeze_backbone_epochs 0
    # ConvNeXtTiny backbone + YOLOR header with efficientdet anchors
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' python3 --backbone convnext.ConvNeXtTiny --det_header yolor.YOLOR --anchors_mode yolor

    Note: COCO training still under testing, may change parameters and default behaviors. Take the risk if would like help developing.

  • is used for evaluating model AP / AR on COCO validation set. It has a dependency pip install pycocotools which is not in package requirements. More usage can be found in COCO Evaluation.

    # EfficientDetD0 using resize method bilinear w/o antialias
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m efficientdet.EfficientDetD0 --resize_method bilinear --disable_antialias
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (512, 512), pyramid_levels: [3, 7], anchors_mode: efficientdet
    # YOLOX using BGR input format
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m yolox.YOLOXTiny --use_bgr_input --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (416, 416), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: anchor_free
    # YOLOR / YOLOV7 using letterbox_pad and other tricks.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m yolor.YOLOR_CSP --nms_method hard --nms_iou_or_sigma 0.65 \
    --nms_max_output_size 300 --nms_topk -1 --letterbox_pad 64 --input_shape 704
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (704, 704), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: yolor
    # Specify h5 model
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='1' python3 -m checkpoints/yoloxtiny_yolor_anchor.h5
    # >>>> [COCOEvalCallback] input_shape: (416, 416), pyramid_levels: [3, 5], anchors_mode: yolor
  • [Experimental] Training using PyTorch backend

    import os, sys, torch
    os.environ["KECAM_BACKEND"] = "torch"
    from keras_cv_attention_models.yolov8 import train, yolov8
    from keras_cv_attention_models import efficientnet
    global_device = torch.device("cuda:0") if torch.cuda.is_available() and int(os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "0")) >= 0 else torch.device("cpu")
    # model Trainable params: 7,023,904, GFLOPs: 8.1815G
    bb = efficientnet.EfficientNetV2B0(input_shape=(3, 640, 640), num_classes=0)
    model = yolov8.YOLOV8_N(backbone=bb, classifier_activation=None, pretrained=None).to(global_device)  # Note: classifier_activation=None
    # model = yolov8.YOLOV8_N(input_shape=(3, None, None), classifier_activation=None, pretrained=None).to(global_device)
    ema = train.train(model, dataset_path="coco.json", initial_epoch=0)


CLIP training and evaluating

  • CLIP contains more detail usage.
  • can be used creating a tsv / json format file, which can be used as --data_name xxx.tsv for training, detail usage can be found in Custom caption dataset.
  • Train using on COCO captions Default --data_path is a testing one datasets/coco_dog_cat/captions.tsv.
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" python -i 160 -b 128 \
    --text_model_pretrained None --data_path coco_captions.tsv
    Train Using PyTorch backend by setting KECAM_BACKEND='torch'
    KECAM_BACKEND='torch' CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -i 160 -b 128 \
    --text_model_pretrained None --data_path coco_captions.tsv

Text training

  • Currently it's only a simple one modified from Github karpathy/nanoGPT.
  • Train using As dataset is randomly sampled, needs to specify steps_per_epoch
    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" python -m LLaMA2_15M \
    --steps_per_epoch 8000 --batch_size 8 --tokenizer SentencePieceTokenizer
    Train Using PyTorch backend by setting KECAM_BACKEND='torch'
    KECAM_BACKEND='torch' CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m LLaMA2_15M \
    --steps_per_epoch 8000 --batch_size 8 --tokenizer SentencePieceTokenizer
    from keras_cv_attention_models import plot_func
    hists = ['checkpoints/text_llama2_15m_tensorflow_hist.json', 'checkpoints/text_llama2_15m_torch_hist.json']
    plot_func.plot_hists(hists, addition_plots=['val_loss', 'lr'], skip_first=3)

DDPM training

  • Stable Diffusion contains more detail usage.
  • Note: Works better with PyTorch backend, Tensorflow one seems overfitted if training logger like --epochs 200, and evaluation runs ~5 times slower. [???]
  • Dataset can be a directory containing images for basic DDPM training using images only, or a recognition json file created following Custom recognition dataset, which will train using labels as instruction.
    python --train_images cifar10/train/ --test_images cifar10/test/
    # >>>> total_train_samples: 50000, total_test_samples: 10000, num_classes: 10
    # >>>> Saved to: cifar10.json
  • Train using on cifar10 with labels Default --data_path is builtin cifar10.
    # Set --eval_interval 50 as TF evaluation is rather slow [???]
    TF_XLA_FLAGS="--tf_xla_auto_jit=2" CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python --eval_interval 50
    Train Using PyTorch backend by setting KECAM_BACKEND='torch'


  • Visualizing is for visualizing convnet filters or attention map scores.
  • make_and_apply_gradcam_heatmap is for Grad-CAM class activation visualization.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import visualizing, test_images, resnest
    mm = resnest.ResNest50()
    img =
    superimposed_img, heatmap, preds = visualizing.make_and_apply_gradcam_heatmap(mm, img, layer_name="auto")
  • plot_attention_score_maps is model attention score maps visualization.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import visualizing, test_images, botnet
    img =
    _ = visualizing.plot_attention_score_maps(botnet.BotNetSE33T(), img)

TFLite Conversion

  • Currently TFLite not supporting tf.image.extract_patches / tf.transpose with len(perm) > 4. Some operations could be supported in latest or tf-nightly version, like previously not supported gelu / Conv2D with groups>1 are working now. May try if encountering issue.
  • More discussion can be found Converting a trained keras CV attention model to TFLite #17. Some speed testing results can be found How to speed up inference on a quantized model #44.
  • Functions like model_surgery.convert_groups_conv2d_2_split_conv2d and model_surgery.convert_gelu_to_approximate are not needed using up-to-date TF version.
  • Not supporting VOLO / HaloNet models converting, cause they need a longer tf.transpose perm.
  • model_surgery.convert_dense_to_conv converts all Dense layer with 3D / 4D inputs to Conv1D / Conv2D, as currently TFLite xnnpack not supporting it.
    from keras_cv_attention_models import beit, model_surgery, efficientformer, mobilevit
    mm = efficientformer.EfficientFormerL1()
    mm = model_surgery.convert_dense_to_conv(mm)  # Convert all Dense layers
    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(mm)
    open( + ".tflite", "wb").write(converter.convert())
    Model Dense, use_xnnpack=false Conv, use_xnnpack=false Conv, use_xnnpack=true
    MobileViT_S Inference (avg) 215371 us Inference (avg) 163836 us Inference (avg) 163817 us
    EfficientFormerL1 Inference (avg) 126829 us Inference (avg) 107053 us Inference (avg) 107132 us
  • model_surgery.convert_extract_patches_to_conv converts tf.image.extract_patches to a Conv2D version:
    from keras_cv_attention_models import cotnet, model_surgery
    from keras_cv_attention_models.imagenet import eval_func
    mm = cotnet.CotNetSE50D()
    mm = model_surgery.convert_groups_conv2d_2_split_conv2d(mm)
    # mm = model_surgery.convert_gelu_to_approximate(mm)  # Not required if using up-to-date TFLite
    mm = model_surgery.convert_extract_patches_to_conv(mm)
    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(mm)
    open( + ".tflite", "wb").write(converter.convert())
    test_inputs = np.random.uniform(size=[1, *mm.input_shape[1:]])
    print(np.allclose(mm(test_inputs), eval_func.TFLiteModelInterf( + '.tflite')(test_inputs), atol=1e-7))
    # True
  • model_surgery.prepare_for_tflite is just a combination of above functions:
    from keras_cv_attention_models import beit, model_surgery
    mm = beit.BeitBasePatch16()
    mm = model_surgery.prepare_for_tflite(mm)
    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(mm)
    open( + ".tflite", "wb").write(converter.convert())
  • Detection models including efficinetdet / yolox / yolor, model can be converted a TFLite format directly. If need DecodePredictions also included in TFLite model, need to set use_static_output=True for DecodePredictions, as TFLite requires a more static output shape. Model output shape will be fixed as [batch, max_output_size, 6]. The last dimension 6 means [bbox_top, bbox_left, bbox_bottom, bbox_right, label_index, confidence], and those valid ones are where confidence > 0.
    """ Init model """
    from keras_cv_attention_models import efficientdet
    model = efficientdet.EfficientDetD0(pretrained="coco")
    """ Create a model with DecodePredictions using `use_static_output=True` """
    model.decode_predictions.use_static_output = True
    # parameters like score_threshold / iou_or_sigma can be set another value if needed.
    nn = model.decode_predictions(model.outputs[0], score_threshold=0.5)
    bb = keras.models.Model(model.inputs[0], nn)
    """ Convert TFLite """
    converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(bb)
    open( + ".tflite", "wb").write(converter.convert())
    """ Inference test """
    from keras_cv_attention_models.imagenet import eval_func
    from keras_cv_attention_models import test_images
    dd = eval_func.TFLiteModelInterf( + ".tflite")
    imm =
    inputs = tf.expand_dims(tf.image.resize(imm, dd.input_shape[1:-1]), 0)
    inputs = keras.applications.imagenet_utils.preprocess_input(inputs, mode='torch')
    preds = dd(inputs)[0]
    print(f"{preds.shape = }")
    # preds.shape = (100, 6)
    pred = preds[preds[:, -1] > 0]
    bboxes, labels, confidences = pred[:, :4], pred[:, 4], pred[:, -1]
    print(f"{bboxes = }, {labels = }, {confidences = }")
    # bboxes = array([[0.22825494, 0.47238672, 0.816262  , 0.8700745 ]], dtype=float32),
    # labels = array([16.], dtype=float32),
    # confidences = array([0.8309707], dtype=float32)
    """ Show result """
    from keras_cv_attention_models.coco import data
    data.show_image_with_bboxes(imm, bboxes, labels, confidences, num_classes=90)

Using PyTorch as backend

  • Experimental Keras PyTorch Backend.
  • Set os environment export KECAM_BACKEND='torch' to enable this PyTorch backend.
  • Currently supports most recognition and detection models except hornet*gf / nfnets / volo. For detection models, using torchvision.ops.nms while running prediction.
  • Basic model build and prediction.
    • Will load same h5 weights as TF one if available.
    • Note: input_shape will auto fit image data format. Given input_shape=(224, 224, 3) or input_shape=(3, 224, 224), will both set to (3, 224, 224) if channels_first.
    • Note: model is default set to eval mode.
    os.environ['KECAM_BACKEND'] = 'torch'
    from keras_cv_attention_models import res_mlp
    mm = res_mlp.ResMLP12()
    # >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/resmlp12_imagenet.h5
    print(f"{mm.input_shape = }")
    # mm.input_shape = [None, 3, 224, 224]
    import torch
    print(f"{isinstance(mm, torch.nn.Module) = }")
    # isinstance(mm, torch.nn.Module) = True
    # Run prediction
    from keras_cv_attention_models.test_images import cat
    # [('n02124075', 'Egyptian_cat', 0.9597896), ('n02123045', 'tabby', 0.012809471), ...]
  • Export typical PyTorch onnx / pth.
    import torch
    torch.onnx.export(mm, torch.randn(1, 3, *mm.input_shape[2:]), + ".onnx")
    # Or by export_onnx
    # Exported onnx: resmlp12.onnx
    # Exported pth: resmlp12.pth
  • Save weights as h5. This h5 can also be loaded in typical TF backend model. Currently it's only weights without model structure supported.
  • Training with compile and fit Note: loss function arguments should be y_true, y_pred, while typical torch loss functions using y_pred, y_true.
    import torch
    from keras_cv_attention_models.backend import models, layers
    mm = models.Sequential([layers.Input([3, 32, 32]), layers.Conv2D(32, 3), layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(), layers.Dense(10)])
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        _ ="cuda")
    xx = torch.rand([64, *mm.input_shape[1:]])
    yy = torch.functional.F.one_hot(torch.randint(0, mm.output_shape[-1], size=[64]), mm.output_shape[-1]).float()
    loss = lambda y_true, y_pred: (y_true - y_pred.float()).abs().mean()
    # Will check kwargs for calling `self.train_compile` or `torch.nn.Module.compile`
    mm.compile(optimizer="AdamW", loss=loss, metrics='acc', grad_accumulate=4), yy, epochs=2, batch_size=4)

Using keras core as backend

  • [Experimental] Set os environment export KECAM_BACKEND='keras_core' to enable this keras_core backend. Not using keras>3.0, as still not compiling with TensorFlow==2.15.0
  • keras-core has its own backends, supporting tensorflow / torch / jax, by editting ~/.keras/keras.json "backend" value.
  • Currently most recognition models except HaloNet / BotNet supported, also GPT2 / LLaMA2 supported.
  • Basic model build and prediction.
    !pip install sentencepiece  # required for llama2 tokenizer
    os.environ['KECAM_BACKEND'] = 'keras_core'
    os.environ['KERAS_BACKEND'] = 'jax'
    import kecam
    print(f"{kecam.backend.backend() = }")
    # kecam.backend.backend() = 'jax'
    mm = kecam.llama2.LLaMA2_42M()
    # >>>> Load pretrained from: ~/.keras/models/llama2_42m_tiny_stories.h5
    mm.run_prediction('As evening fell, a maiden stood at the edge of a wood. In her hands,')
    # >>>> Load tokenizer from file: ~/.keras/datasets/llama_tokenizer.model
    # <s>
    # As evening fell, a maiden stood at the edge of a wood. In her hands, she held a beautiful diamond. Everyone was surprised to see it.
    # "What is it?" one of the kids asked.
    # "It's a diamond," the maiden said.
    # ...

Recognition Models


  • Keras AotNet is just a ResNet / ResNetV2 like framework, that set parameters like attn_types and se_ratio and others, which is used to apply different types attention layer. Works like byoanet / byobnet from timm.
  • Default parameters set is a typical ResNet architecture with Conv2D use_bias=False and padding like PyTorch.
from keras_cv_attention_models import aotnet
# Mixing se and outlook and halo and mhsa and cot_attention, 21M parameters.
# 50 is just a picked number that larger than the relative `num_block`.
attn_types = [None, "outlook", ["bot", "halo"] * 50, "cot"],
se_ratio = [0.25, 0, 0, 0],
model = aotnet.AotNet50V2(attn_types=attn_types, se_ratio=se_ratio, stem_type="deep", strides=1)


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
BeitBasePatch16, 21k_ft1k 86.53M 17.61G 224 85.240 321.226 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 86.74M 55.70G 384 86.808 164.705 qps
BeitLargePatch16, 21k_ft1k 304.43M 61.68G 224 87.476 105.998 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 305.00M 191.65G 384 88.382 45.7307 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 512 305.67M 363.46G 512 88.584 21.3097 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
BeitV2BasePatch16 86.53M 17.61G 224 85.5 322.52 qps
- 21k_ft1k 86.53M 17.61G 224 86.5 322.52 qps
BeitV2LargePatch16 304.43M 61.68G 224 87.3 105.734 qps
- 21k_ft1k 304.43M 61.68G 224 88.4 105.734 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
BotNet50 21M 5.42G 224 746.454 qps
BotNet101 41M 9.13G 224 448.102 qps
BotNet152 56M 12.84G 224 316.671 qps
BotNet26T 12.5M 3.30G 256 79.246 1188.84 qps
BotNextECA26T 10.59M 2.45G 256 79.270 1038.19 qps
BotNetSE33T 13.7M 3.89G 256 81.2 610.429 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CAFormerS18 26M 4.1G 224 83.6 399.127 qps
- 384 26M 13.4G 384 85.0 181.993 qps
- 21k_ft1k 26M 4.1G 224 84.1 399.127 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 26M 13.4G 384 85.4 181.993 qps
CAFormerS36 39M 8.0G 224 84.5 204.328 qps
- 384 39M 26.0G 384 85.7 102.04 qps
- 21k_ft1k 39M 8.0G 224 85.8 204.328 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 39M 26.0G 384 86.9 102.04 qps
CAFormerM36 56M 13.2G 224 85.2 162.257 qps
- 384 56M 42.0G 384 86.2 65.6188 qps
- 21k_ft1k 56M 13.2G 224 86.6 162.257 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 56M 42.0G 384 87.5 65.6188 qps
CAFormerB36 99M 23.2G 224 85.5 116.865 qps
- 384 99M 72.2G 384 86.4 50.0244 qps
- 21k_ft1k 99M 23.2G 224 87.4 116.865 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 99M 72.2G 384 88.1 50.0244 qps
Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ConvFormerS18 27M 3.9G 224 83.0 295.114 qps
- 384 27M 11.6G 384 84.4 145.923 qps
- 21k_ft1k 27M 3.9G 224 83.7 295.114 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 27M 11.6G 384 85.0 145.923 qps
ConvFormerS36 40M 7.6G 224 84.1 161.609 qps
- 384 40M 22.4G 384 85.4 80.2101 qps
- 21k_ft1k 40M 7.6G 224 85.4 161.609 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 40M 22.4G 384 86.4 80.2101 qps
ConvFormerM36 57M 12.8G 224 84.5 130.161 qps
- 384 57M 37.7G 384 85.6 63.9712 qps
- 21k_ft1k 57M 12.8G 224 86.1 130.161 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 57M 37.7G 384 86.9 63.9712 qps
ConvFormerB36 100M 22.6G 224 84.8 98.0751 qps
- 384 100M 66.5G 384 85.7 48.5897 qps
- 21k_ft1k 100M 22.6G 224 87.0 98.0751 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 100M 66.5G 384 87.6 48.5897 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CMTTiny, (Self trained 105 epochs) 9.5M 0.65G 160 77.4 315.566 qps
- (305 epochs) 9.5M 0.65G 160 78.94 315.566 qps
- 224, (fine-tuned 69 epochs) 9.5M 1.32G 224 80.73 254.87 qps
CMTTiny_torch, (1000 epochs) 9.5M 0.65G 160 79.2 338.207 qps
CMTXS_torch 15.2M 1.58G 192 81.8 241.288 qps
CMTSmall_torch 25.1M 4.09G 224 83.5 171.109 qps
CMTBase_torch 45.7M 9.42G 256 84.5 103.34 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CoaTLiteTiny 5.7M 1.60G 224 77.5 450.27 qps
CoaTLiteMini 11M 2.00G 224 79.1 452.884 qps
CoaTLiteSmall 20M 3.97G 224 81.9 248.846 qps
CoaTTiny 5.5M 4.33G 224 78.3 152.495 qps
CoaTMini 10M 6.78G 224 81.0 124.845 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CoAtNet0, 160, (105 epochs) 23.3M 2.09G 160 80.48 584.059 qps
CoAtNet0, (305 epochs) 23.8M 4.22G 224 82.79 400.333 qps
CoAtNet0 25M 4.6G 224 82.0 400.333 qps
- use_dw_strides=False 25M 4.2G 224 81.6 461.197 qps
CoAtNet1 42M 8.8G 224 83.5 206.954 qps
- use_dw_strides=False 42M 8.4G 224 83.3 228.938 qps
CoAtNet2 75M 16.6G 224 84.1 156.359 qps
- use_dw_strides=False 75M 15.7G 224 84.1 165.846 qps
CoAtNet2, 21k_ft1k 75M 16.6G 224 87.1 156.359 qps
CoAtNet3 168M 34.7G 224 84.5 95.0703 qps
CoAtNet3, 21k_ft1k 168M 34.7G 224 87.6 95.0703 qps
CoAtNet3, 21k_ft1k 168M 203.1G 512 87.9 95.0703 qps
CoAtNet4, 21k_ft1k 275M 360.9G 512 88.1 74.6022 qps
CoAtNet4, 21k_ft1k, PT-RA-E150 275M 360.9G 512 88.56 74.6022 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ConvNeXtTiny 28M 4.49G 224 82.1 361.58 qps
- 21k_ft1k 28M 4.49G 224 82.9 361.58 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 28M 13.19G 384 84.1 182.134 qps
ConvNeXtSmall 50M 8.73G 224 83.1 202.007 qps
- 21k_ft1k 50M 8.73G 224 84.6 202.007 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 50M 25.67G 384 85.8 108.125 qps
ConvNeXtBase 89M 15.42G 224 83.8 160.036 qps
- 384 89M 45.32G 384 85.1 83.3095 qps
- 21k_ft1k 89M 15.42G 224 85.8 160.036 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 89M 45.32G 384 86.8 83.3095 qps
ConvNeXtLarge 198M 34.46G 224 84.3 102.27 qps
- 384 198M 101.28G 384 85.5 47.2086 qps
- 21k_ft1k 198M 34.46G 224 86.6 102.27 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 198M 101.28G 384 87.5 47.2086 qps
ConvNeXtXlarge, 21k_ft1k 350M 61.06G 224 87.0 40.5776 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 350M 179.43G 384 87.8 21.797 qps
ConvNeXtXXLarge, clip 846M 198.09G 256 88.6


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ConvNeXtV2Atto 3.7M 0.55G 224 76.7 705.822 qps
ConvNeXtV2Femto 5.2M 0.78G 224 78.5 728.02 qps
ConvNeXtV2Pico 9.1M 1.37G 224 80.3 591.502 qps
ConvNeXtV2Nano 15.6M 2.45G 224 81.9 471.918 qps
- 21k_ft1k 15.6M 2.45G 224 82.1 471.918 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 15.6M 7.21G 384 83.4 213.802 qps
ConvNeXtV2Tiny 28.6M 4.47G 224 83.0 301.982 qps
- 21k_ft1k 28.6M 4.47G 224 83.9 301.982 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 28.6M 13.1G 384 85.1 139.578 qps
ConvNeXtV2Base 89M 15.4G 224 84.9 132.575 qps
- 21k_ft1k 89M 15.4G 224 86.8 132.575 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 89M 45.2G 384 87.7 66.5729 qps
ConvNeXtV2Large 198M 34.4G 224 85.8 86.8846 qps
- 21k_ft1k 198M 34.4G 224 87.3 86.8846 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 198M 101.1G 384 88.2 24.4542 qps
ConvNeXtV2Huge 660M 115G 224 86.3
- 21k_ft1k 660M 337.9G 384 88.7
- 21k_ft1k, 384 660M 600.8G 512 88.9


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CotNet50 22.2M 3.25G 224 81.3 324.913 qps
CotNetSE50D 23.1M 4.05G 224 81.6 513.077 qps
CotNet101 38.3M 6.07G 224 82.8 183.824 qps
CotNetSE101D 40.9M 8.44G 224 83.2 251.487 qps
CotNetSE152D 55.8M 12.22G 224 84.0 175.469 qps
CotNetSE152D 55.8M 24.92G 320 84.6 175.469 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
CSPNeXtTiny 2.73M 0.34G 224 69.44
CSPNeXtSmall 4.89M 0.66G 224 74.41
CSPNeXtMedium 13.05M 1.92G 224 79.27
CSPNeXtLarge 27.16M 4.19G 224 81.30
CSPNeXtXLarge 48.85M 7.75G 224 82.10


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
DaViT_T 28.36M 4.56G 224 82.8 224.563 qps
DaViT_S 49.75M 8.83G 224 84.2 145.838 qps
DaViT_B 87.95M 15.55G 224 84.6 114.527 qps
DaViT_L, 21k_ft1k 196.8M 103.2G 384 87.5 34.7015 qps
DaViT_H, 1.5B 348.9M 327.3G 512 90.2 12.363 qps
DaViT_G, 1.5B 1.406B 1.022T 512 90.4


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
DiNAT_Mini 20.0M 2.73G 224 81.8 83.9943 qps
DiNAT_Tiny 27.9M 4.34G 224 82.7 61.1902 qps
DiNAT_Small 50.7M 7.84G 224 83.8 41.0343 qps
DiNAT_Base 89.8M 13.76G 224 84.4 30.1332 qps
DiNAT_Large, 21k_ft1k 200.9M 30.58G 224 86.6 18.4936 qps
- 21k, (num_classes=21841) 200.9M 30.58G 224
- 21k_ft1k, 384 200.9M 89.86G 384 87.4
DiNAT_Large_K11, 21k_ft1k 201.1M 92.57G 384 87.5


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
DINOv2_ViT_Small14 22.83M 47.23G 518 81.1 165.271 qps
DINOv2_ViT_Base14 88.12M 152.6G 518 84.5 54.9769 qps
DINOv2_ViT_Large14 306.4M 509.6G 518 86.3 17.4108 qps
DINOv2_ViT_Giant14 1139.6M 1790.3G 518 86.5


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EdgeNeXt_XX_Small 1.33M 266M 256 71.23 902.957 qps
EdgeNeXt_X_Small 2.34M 547M 256 74.96 638.346 qps
EdgeNeXt_Small 5.59M 1.27G 256 79.41 536.762 qps
- usi 5.59M 1.27G 256 81.07 536.762 qps
EdgeNeXt_Base 18.5M 3.86G 256 82.47 383.461 qps
- usi 18.5M 3.86G 256 83.31 383.461 qps
- 21k_ft1k 18.5M 3.86G 256 83.68 383.461 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientFormerL1, distill 12.3M 1.31G 224 79.2 1214.22 qps
EfficientFormerL3, distill 31.4M 3.95G 224 82.4 596.705 qps
EfficientFormerL7, distill 74.4M 9.79G 224 83.3 298.434 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientFormerV2S0, distill 3.60M 405.2M 224 76.2 1114.38 qps
EfficientFormerV2S1, distill 6.19M 665.6M 224 79.7 841.186 qps
EfficientFormerV2S2, distill 12.7M 1.27G 224 82.0 573.9 qps
EfficientFormerV2L, distill 26.3M 2.59G 224 83.5 377.224 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientNetV1B0 5.3M 0.39G 224 77.6 1129.93 qps
- NoisyStudent 5.3M 0.39G 224 78.8 1129.93 qps
EfficientNetV1B1 7.8M 0.70G 240 79.6 758.639 qps
- NoisyStudent 7.8M 0.70G 240 81.5 758.639 qps
EfficientNetV1B2 9.1M 1.01G 260 80.5 668.959 qps
- NoisyStudent 9.1M 1.01G 260 82.4 668.959 qps
EfficientNetV1B3 12.2M 1.86G 300 81.9 473.607 qps
- NoisyStudent 12.2M 1.86G 300 84.1 473.607 qps
EfficientNetV1B4 19.3M 4.46G 380 83.3 265.244 qps
- NoisyStudent 19.3M 4.46G 380 85.3 265.244 qps
EfficientNetV1B5 30.4M 10.40G 456 84.3 146.758 qps
- NoisyStudent 30.4M 10.40G 456 86.1 146.758 qps
EfficientNetV1B6 43.0M 19.29G 528 84.8 88.0369 qps
- NoisyStudent 43.0M 19.29G 528 86.4 88.0369 qps
EfficientNetV1B7 66.3M 38.13G 600 85.2 52.6616 qps
- NoisyStudent 66.3M 38.13G 600 86.9 52.6616 qps
EfficientNetV1L2, NoisyStudent 480.3M 477.98G 800 88.4


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientNetEdgeTPUSmall 5.49M 1.79G 224 78.07 1459.38 qps
EfficientNetEdgeTPUMedium 6.90M 3.01G 240 79.25 1028.95 qps
EfficientNetEdgeTPULarge 10.59M 7.94G 300 81.32 527.034 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientNetV2B0 7.1M 0.72G 224 78.7 1109.84 qps
- 21k_ft1k 7.1M 0.72G 224 77.55? 1109.84 qps
EfficientNetV2B1 8.1M 1.21G 240 79.8 842.372 qps
- 21k_ft1k 8.1M 1.21G 240 79.03? 842.372 qps
EfficientNetV2B2 10.1M 1.71G 260 80.5 762.865 qps
- 21k_ft1k 10.1M 1.71G 260 79.48? 762.865 qps
EfficientNetV2B3 14.4M 3.03G 300 82.1 548.501 qps
- 21k_ft1k 14.4M 3.03G 300 82.46? 548.501 qps
EfficientNetV2T 13.6M 3.18G 288 82.34 496.483 qps
EfficientNetV2T_GC 13.7M 3.19G 288 82.46 368.763 qps
EfficientNetV2S 21.5M 8.41G 384 83.9 344.109 qps
- 21k_ft1k 21.5M 8.41G 384 84.9 344.109 qps
EfficientNetV2M 54.1M 24.69G 480 85.2 145.346 qps
- 21k_ft1k 54.1M 24.69G 480 86.2 145.346 qps
EfficientNetV2L 119.5M 56.27G 480 85.7 85.6514 qps
- 21k_ft1k 119.5M 56.27G 480 86.9 85.6514 qps
EfficientNetV2XL, 21k_ft1k 206.8M 93.66G 512 87.2 55.141 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientViT_B0 3.41M 0.12G 224 71.6 ? 1581.76 qps
EfficientViT_B1 9.10M 0.58G 224 79.4 943.587 qps
- 256 9.10M 0.78G 256 79.9 840.844 qps
- 288 9.10M 1.03G 288 80.4 680.088 qps
EfficientViT_B2 24.33M 1.68G 224 82.1 583.295 qps
- 256 24.33M 2.25G 256 82.7 507.187 qps
- 288 24.33M 2.92G 288 83.1 419.93 qps
EfficientViT_B3 48.65M 4.14G 224 83.5 329.764 qps
- 256 48.65M 5.51G 256 83.8 288.605 qps
- 288 48.65M 7.14G 288 84.2 229.992 qps
EfficientViT_L1 52.65M 5.28G 224 84.48 503.068 qps
EfficientViT_L2 63.71M 6.98G 224 85.05 396.255 qps
- 384 63.71M 20.7G 384 85.98 207.322 qps
EfficientViT_L3 246.0M 27.6G 224 85.814 174.926 qps
- 384 246.0M 81.6G 384 86.408 86.895 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EfficientViT_M0 2.35M 79.4M 224 63.2 814.522 qps
EfficientViT_M1 2.98M 167M 224 68.4 948.041 qps
EfficientViT_M2 4.19M 201M 224 70.8 906.286 qps
EfficientViT_M3 6.90M 263M 224 73.4 758.086 qps
EfficientViT_M4 8.80M 299M 224 74.3 672.891 qps
EfficientViT_M5 12.47M 522M 224 77.1 577.254 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EvaLargePatch14, 21k_ft1k 304.14M 61.65G 196 88.59 115.532 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 336 304.53M 191.55G 336 89.20 53.3467 qps
EvaGiantPatch14, clip 1012.6M 267.40G 224 89.10
- m30m 1013.0M 621.45G 336 89.57
- m30m 1014.4M 1911.61G 560 89.80


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
EVA02TinyPatch14, mim_in22k_ft1k 5.76M 4.72G 336 80.658 320.123 qps
EVA02SmallPatch14, mim_in22k_ft1k 22.13M 15.57G 336 85.74 161.774 qps
EVA02BasePatch14, mim_in22k_ft22k_ft1k 87.12M 107.6G 448 88.692 34.3962 qps
EVA02LargePatch14, mim_m38m_ft22k_ft1k 305.08M 363.68G 448 90.054


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
FasterNetT0 3.9M 0.34G 224 71.9 1890.83 qps
FasterNetT1 7.6M 0.85G 224 76.2 1788.16 qps
FasterNetT2 15.0M 1.90G 224 78.9 1353.12 qps
FasterNetS 31.1M 4.55G 224 81.3 818.814 qps
FasterNetM 53.5M 8.72G 224 83.0 436.383 qps
FasterNetL 93.4M 15.49G 224 83.5 319.809 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
FasterViT0 31.40M 3.51G 224 82.1 716.809 qps
FasterViT1 53.37M 5.52G 224 83.2 491.971 qps
FasterViT2 75.92M 9.00G 224 84.2 377.006 qps
FasterViT3 159.55M 18.75G 224 84.9 216.481 qps
FasterViT4 351.12M 41.57G 224 85.4 71.6303 qps
FasterViT5 957.52M 114.08G 224 85.6
FasterViT6, +.2 1360.33M 144.13G 224 85.8


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
FastViT_T8 4.03M 0.65G 256 76.2 1020.29 qps
- distill 4.03M 0.65G 256 77.2 1020.29 qps
- deploy=True 3.99M 0.64G 256 76.2 1323.14 qps
FastViT_T12 7.55M 1.34G 256 79.3 734.867 qps
- distill 7.55M 1.34G 256 80.3 734.867 qps
- deploy=True 7.50M 1.33G 256 79.3 956.332 qps
FastViT_S12 9.47M 1.74G 256 79.9 666.669 qps
- distill 9.47M 1.74G 256 81.1 666.669 qps
- deploy=True 9.42M 1.74G 256 79.9 881.429 qps
FastViT_SA12 11.58M 1.88G 256 80.9 656.95 qps
- distill 11.58M 1.88G 256 81.9 656.95 qps
- deploy=True 11.54M 1.88G 256 80.9 833.011 qps
FastViT_SA24 21.55M 3.66G 256 82.7 371.84 qps
- distill 21.55M 3.66G 256 83.4 371.84 qps
- deploy=True 21.49M 3.66G 256 82.7 444.055 qps
FastViT_SA36 31.53M 5.44G 256 83.6 267.986 qps
- distill 31.53M 5.44G 256 84.2 267.986 qps
- deploy=True 31.44M 5.43G 256 83.6 325.967 qps
FastViT_MA36 44.07M 7.64G 256 83.9 211.928 qps
- distill 44.07M 7.64G 256 84.6 211.928 qps
- deploy=True 43.96M 7.63G 256 83.9 274.559 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
FBNetV3B 5.57M 539.82M 256 79.15 713.882 qps
FBNetV3D 10.31M 665.02M 256 79.68 635.963 qps
FBNetV3G 16.62M 1379.30M 256 82.05 478.835 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
FlexiViTSmall 22.06M 5.36G 240 82.53 744.578 qps
FlexiViTBase 86.59M 20.33G 240 84.66 301.948 qps
FlexiViTLarge 304.47M 71.09G 240 85.64 105.187 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc Download
GCViT_XXTiny 12.0M 2.15G 224 79.9 337.7 qps
GCViT_XTiny 20.0M 2.96G 224 82.0 255.625 qps
GCViT_Tiny 28.2M 4.83G 224 83.5 174.553 qps
GCViT_Tiny2 34.5M 6.28G 224 83.7
GCViT_Small 51.1M 8.63G 224 84.3 131.577 qps
GCViT_Small2 68.6M 11.7G 224 84.8
GCViT_Base 90.3M 14.9G 224 85.0 105.845 qps
GCViT_Large 202.1M 32.8G 224 85.7
- 21k_ft1k 202.1M 32.8G 224 86.6
- 21k_ft1k, 384 202.9M 105.1G 384 87.4
- 21k_ft1k, 512 203.8M 205.1G 512 87.6


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
GhostNet_050 2.59M 42.6M 224 66.88 1272.25 qps
GhostNet_100 5.18M 141.7M 224 74.16 1167.4 qps
GhostNet_130 7.36M 227.7M 224 75.79 1024.49 qps
- ssld 7.36M 227.7M 224 79.38 1024.49 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
GhostNetV2_100 6.12M 168.5M 224 75.3 797.088 qps
GhostNetV2_130 8.96M 271.1M 224 76.9 722.668 qps
GhostNetV2_160 12.39M 400.9M 224 77.8 572.268 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
GMLPTiny16 6M 1.35G 224 72.3 234.187 qps
GMLPS16 20M 4.44G 224 79.6 138.363 qps
GMLPB16 73M 15.82G 224 81.6 77.816 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
GPViT_L1 9.59M 6.15G 224 80.5 210.166 qps
GPViT_L2 24.2M 15.74G 224 83.4 139.656 qps
GPViT_L3 36.7M 23.54G 224 84.1 131.284 qps
GPViT_L4 75.5M 48.29G 224 84.3 94.1899 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
HaloNextECA26T 10.7M 2.43G 256 79.50 1028.93 qps
HaloNet26T 12.5M 3.18G 256 79.13 1096.79 qps
HaloNetSE33T 13.7M 3.55G 256 80.99 582.008 qps
HaloRegNetZB 11.68M 1.97G 224 81.042 575.961 qps
HaloNet50T 22.7M 5.29G 256 81.70 512.677 qps
HaloBotNet50T 22.6M 5.02G 256 82.0 431.616 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
HieraTiny, mae_in1k_ft1k 27.91M 4.93G 224 82.8 644.356 qps
HieraSmall, mae_in1k_ft1k 35.01M 6.44G 224 83.8 491.669 qps
HieraBase, mae_in1k_ft1k 51.52M 9.43G 224 84.5 351.542 qps
HieraBasePlus, mae_in1k_ft1k 69.90M 12.71G 224 85.2 291.446 qps
HieraLarge, mae_in1k_ft1k 213.74M 40.43G 224 86.1 111.042 qps
HieraHuge, mae_in1k_ft1k 672.78M 125.03G 224 86.9


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
HorNetTiny 22.4M 4.01G 224 82.8 222.665 qps
HorNetTinyGF 23.0M 3.94G 224 83.0
HorNetSmall 49.5M 8.87G 224 83.8 166.998 qps
HorNetSmallGF 50.4M 8.77G 224 84.0
HorNetBase 87.3M 15.65G 224 84.2 133.842 qps
HorNetBaseGF 88.4M 15.51G 224 84.3
HorNetLarge 194.5M 34.91G 224 86.8 89.8254 qps
HorNetLargeGF 196.3M 34.72G 224 87.0
HorNetLargeGF 201.8M 102.0G 384 87.7


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
IFormerSmall 19.9M 4.88G 224 83.4 254.392 qps
- 384 20.9M 16.29G 384 84.6 128.98 qps
IFormerBase 47.9M 9.44G 224 84.6 147.868 qps
- 384 48.9M 30.86G 384 85.7 77.8391 qps
IFormerLarge 86.6M 14.12G 224 84.6 113.434 qps
- 384 87.7M 45.74G 384 85.8 60.0292 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
InceptionNeXtTiny 28.05M 4.21G 224 82.3 606.527 qps
InceptionNeXtSmall 49.37M 8.39G 224 83.5 329.01 qps
InceptionNeXtBase 86.67M 14.88G 224 84.0 260.639 qps
- 384 86.67M 43.73G 384 85.2 142.888 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
LCNet050 1.88M 46.02M 224 63.10 3107.89 qps
- ssld 1.88M 46.02M 224 66.10 3107.89 qps
LCNet075 2.36M 96.82M 224 68.82 3083.55 qps
LCNet100 2.95M 158.28M 224 72.10 2752.6 qps
- ssld 2.95M 158.28M 224 74.39 2752.6 qps
LCNet150 4.52M 338.05M 224 73.71 2250.69 qps
LCNet200 6.54M 585.35M 224 75.18 2028.31 qps
LCNet250 9.04M 900.16M 224 76.60 1686.7 qps
- ssld 9.04M 900.16M 224 80.82 1686.7 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
LeViT128S, distill 7.8M 0.31G 224 76.6 800.53 qps
LeViT128, distill 9.2M 0.41G 224 78.6 628.714 qps
LeViT192, distill 11M 0.66G 224 80.0 597.299 qps
LeViT256, distill 19M 1.13G 224 81.6 538.885 qps
LeViT384, distill 39M 2.36G 224 82.6 460.139 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MaxViT_Tiny 31M 5.6G 224 83.62 195.283 qps
- 384 31M 17.7G 384 85.24 92.5725 qps
- 512 31M 33.7G 512 85.72 52.6485 qps
MaxViT_Small 69M 11.7G 224 84.45 149.286 qps
- 384 69M 36.1G 384 85.74 61.5757 qps
- 512 69M 67.6G 512 86.19 34.7002 qps
MaxViT_Base 119M 24.2G 224 84.95 74.7351 qps
- 384 119M 74.2G 384 86.34 31.9028 qps
- 512 119M 138.5G 512 86.66 17.8139 qps
- imagenet21k 135M 24.2G 224 74.7351 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 119M 74.2G 384 88.24 31.9028 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 512 119M 138.5G 512 88.38 17.8139 qps
MaxViT_Large 212M 43.9G 224 85.17 58.0967 qps
- 384 212M 133.1G 384 86.40 24.1388 qps
- 512 212M 245.4G 512 86.70 13.063 qps
- imagenet21k 233M 43.9G 224 58.0967 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 212M 133.1G 384 88.32 24.1388 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 512 212M 245.4G 512 88.46 13.063 qps
MaxViT_XLarge, imagenet21k 507M 97.7G 224
- 21k_ft1k, 384 475M 293.7G 384 88.51
- 21k_ft1k, 512 475M 535.2G 512 88.70


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MetaTransformerBasePatch16, laion_2b 86.86M 55.73G 384 85.4 150.731 qps
MetaTransformerLargePatch14, laion_2b 304.53M 191.6G 336 88.1 50.1536 qps

MLP mixer

Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MLPMixerS32, JFT 19.1M 1.01G 224 68.70 488.839 qps
MLPMixerS16, JFT 18.5M 3.79G 224 73.83 451.962 qps
MLPMixerB32, JFT 60.3M 3.25G 224 75.53 247.629 qps
- sam 60.3M 3.25G 224 72.47 247.629 qps
MLPMixerB16 59.9M 12.64G 224 76.44 207.423 qps
- 21k_ft1k 59.9M 12.64G 224 80.64 207.423 qps
- sam 59.9M 12.64G 224 77.36 207.423 qps
- JFT 59.9M 12.64G 224 80.00 207.423 qps
MLPMixerL32, JFT 206.9M 11.30G 224 80.67 95.1865 qps
MLPMixerL16 208.2M 44.66G 224 71.76 77.9928 qps
- 21k_ft1k 208.2M 44.66G 224 82.89 77.9928 qps
- JFT 208.2M 44.66G 224 84.82 77.9928 qps
- 448 208.2M 178.54G 448 83.91
- 448, JFT 208.2M 178.54G 448 86.78
MLPMixerH14, JFT 432.3M 121.22G 224 86.32
- 448, JFT 432.3M 484.73G 448 87.94


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MobileNetV3Small050 1.29M 24.92M 224 57.89 2458.28 qps
MobileNetV3Small075 2.04M 44.35M 224 65.24 2286.44 qps
MobileNetV3Small100 2.54M 57.62M 224 67.66 2058.06 qps
MobileNetV3Large075 3.99M 156.30M 224 73.44 1643.78 qps
MobileNetV3Large100 5.48M 218.73M 224 75.77 1629.44 qps
- miil 5.48M 218.73M 224 77.92 1629.44 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MobileViT_XXS 1.3M 0.42G 256 69.0 1319.43 qps
MobileViT_XS 2.3M 1.05G 256 74.7 1019.57 qps
MobileViT_S 5.6M 2.03G 256 78.3 790.943 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MobileViT_V2_050 1.37M 0.47G 256 70.18 718.337 qps
MobileViT_V2_075 2.87M 1.04G 256 75.56 642.323 qps
MobileViT_V2_100 4.90M 1.83G 256 78.09 591.217 qps
MobileViT_V2_125 7.48M 2.84G 256 79.65 510.25 qps
MobileViT_V2_150 10.6M 4.07G 256 80.38 466.482 qps
- 21k_ft1k 10.6M 4.07G 256 81.46 466.482 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 10.6M 9.15G 384 82.60 278.834 qps
MobileViT_V2_175 14.3M 5.52G 256 80.84 412.759 qps
- 21k_ft1k 14.3M 5.52G 256 81.94 412.759 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 14.3M 12.4G 384 82.93 247.108 qps
MobileViT_V2_200 18.4M 7.12G 256 81.17 394.325 qps
- 21k_ft1k 18.4M 7.12G 256 82.36 394.325 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 18.4M 16.2G 384 83.41 229.399 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
MogaNetXtiny 2.96M 806M 224 76.5 398.488 qps
MogaNetTiny 5.20M 1.11G 224 79.0 362.409 qps
- 256 5.20M 1.45G 256 79.6 335.372 qps
MogaNetSmall 25.3M 4.98G 224 83.4 249.807 qps
MogaNetBase 43.7M 9.96G 224 84.2 133.071 qps
MogaNetLarge 82.5M 15.96G 224 84.6 84.2045 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
NAT_Mini 20.0M 2.73G 224 81.8 85.2324 qps
NAT_Tiny 27.9M 4.34G 224 83.2 62.6147 qps
NAT_Small 50.7M 7.84G 224 83.7 41.1545 qps
NAT_Base 89.8M 13.76G 224 84.3 30.8989 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
NFNetL0 35.07M 7.13G 288 82.75
NFNetF0 71.5M 12.58G 256 83.6
NFNetF1 132.6M 35.95G 320 84.7
NFNetF2 193.8M 63.24G 352 85.1
NFNetF3 254.9M 115.75G 416 85.7
NFNetF4 316.1M 216.78G 512 85.9
NFNetF5 377.2M 291.73G 544 86.0
NFNetF6, sam 438.4M 379.75G 576 86.5
NFNetF7 499.5M 481.80G 608
ECA_NFNetL0 24.14M 7.12G 288 82.58
ECA_NFNetL1 41.41M 14.93G 320 84.01
ECA_NFNetL2 56.72M 30.12G 384 84.70
ECA_NFNetL3 72.04M 52.73G 448


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
PVT_V2B0 3.7M 580.3M 224 70.5 561.593 qps
PVT_V2B1 14.0M 2.14G 224 78.7 392.408 qps
PVT_V2B2 25.4M 4.07G 224 82.0 210.476 qps
PVT_V2B2_linear 22.6M 3.94G 224 82.1 226.791 qps
PVT_V2B3 45.2M 6.96G 224 83.1 135.51 qps
PVT_V2B4 62.6M 10.19G 224 83.6 97.666 qps
PVT_V2B5 82.0M 11.81G 224 83.8 81.4798 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
RegNetY040 20.65M 3.98G 224 82.3 749.277 qps
RegNetY064 30.58M 6.36G 224 83.0 436.946 qps
RegNetY080 39.18M 7.97G 224 83.17 513.43 qps
RegNetY160 83.59M 15.92G 224 82.0 338.046 qps
RegNetY320 145.05M 32.29G 224 82.5 188.508 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
RegNetZB16 9.72M 1.44G 224 79.868 751.035 qps
RegNetZC16 13.46M 2.50G 256 82.164 636.549 qps
RegNetZC16_EVO 13.49M 2.55G 256 81.9
RegNetZD32 27.58M 5.96G 256 83.422 459.204 qps
RegNetZD8 23.37M 3.95G 256 83.5 460.021 qps
RegNetZD8_EVO 23.46M 4.61G 256 83.42
RegNetZE8 57.70M 9.88G 256 84.5 274.97 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
RepViT_M09, distillation 5.10M 0.82G 224 79.1
- deploy=True 5.07M 0.82G 224 79.1 966.72 qps
RepViT_M10, distillation 6.85M 1.12G 224 80.3 1157.8 qps
- deploy=True 6.81M 1.12G 224 80.3
RepViT_M11, distillation 8.29M 1.35G 224 81.2 846.682 qps
- deploy=True 8.24M 1.35G 224 81.2 1027.5 qps
RepViT_M15, distillation 14.13M 2.30G 224 82.5
- deploy=True 14.05M 2.30G 224 82.5
RepViT_M23, distillation 23.01M 4.55G 224 83.7
- deploy=True 22.93M 4.55G 224 83.7


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ResMLP12 15M 3.02G 224 77.8 928.402 qps
ResMLP24 30M 5.98G 224 80.8 420.709 qps
ResMLP36 116M 8.94G 224 81.1 309.513 qps
ResMLP_B24 129M 100.39G 224 83.6 78.3015 qps
- 21k_ft1k 129M 100.39G 224 84.4 78.3015 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ResNest50 28M 5.38G 224 81.03 534.627 qps
ResNest101 49M 13.33G 256 82.83 257.074 qps
ResNest200 71M 35.55G 320 83.84 118.183 qps
ResNest269 111M 77.42G 416 84.54 61.167 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ResNet50D 25.58M 4.33G 224 80.530 930.214 qps
ResNet101D 44.57M 8.04G 224 83.022 502.268 qps
ResNet152D 60.21M 11.75G 224 83.680 353.279 qps
ResNet200D 64.69M 15.25G 224 83.962 287.73 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ResNet51Q 35.7M 4.87G 224 82.36 838.754 qps
ResNet61Q 36.8M 5.96G 224 730.245 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
ResNeXt50, (32x4d) 25M 4.23G 224 79.768 1041.46 qps
- SWSL 25M 4.23G 224 82.182 1041.46 qps
ResNeXt50D, (32x4d + deep) 25M 4.47G 224 79.676 1010.94 qps
ResNeXt101, (32x4d) 42M 7.97G 224 80.334 571.652 qps
- SWSL 42M 7.97G 224 83.230 571.652 qps
ResNeXt101W, (32x8d) 89M 16.41G 224 79.308 367.431 qps
- SWSL 89M 16.41G 224 84.284 367.431 qps
ResNeXt101W_64, (64x4d) 83.46M 15.46G 224 82.46 377.83 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
SwinTransformerV2Tiny_ns 28.3M 4.69G 224 81.8 289.205 qps
SwinTransformerV2Small_ns 49.7M 9.12G 224 83.5 169.645 qps
SwinTransformerV2Tiny_window8 28.3M 5.99G 256 81.8 275.547 qps
SwinTransformerV2Tiny_window16 28.3M 6.75G 256 82.8 217.207 qps
SwinTransformerV2Small_window8 49.7M 11.63G 256 83.7 157.559 qps
SwinTransformerV2Small_window16 49.7M 12.93G 256 84.1 129.953 qps
SwinTransformerV2Base_window8 87.9M 20.44G 256 84.2 126.294 qps
SwinTransformerV2Base_window16 87.9M 22.17G 256 84.6 99.634 qps
SwinTransformerV2Base_window16, 21k_ft1k 87.9M 22.17G 256 86.2 99.634 qps
SwinTransformerV2Base_window24, 21k_ft1k 87.9M 55.89G 384 87.1 35.0508 qps
SwinTransformerV2Large_window16, 21k_ft1k 196.7M 48.03G 256 86.9
SwinTransformerV2Large_window24, 21k_ft1k 196.7M 117.1G 384 87.6


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
TinyNetE 2.04M 25.22M 106 59.86 2152.36 qps
TinyNetD 2.34M 53.35M 152 66.96 1905.56 qps
TinyNetC 2.46M 103.22M 184 71.23 1353.44 qps
TinyNetB 3.73M 206.28M 188 74.98 1196.06 qps
TinyNetA 6.19M 343.74M 192 77.65 981.976 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
TinyViT_5M, distill 5.4M 1.3G 224 79.1 631.414 qps
- 21k_ft1k 5.4M 1.3G 224 80.7 631.414 qps
TinyViT_11M, distill 11M 2.0G 224 81.5 509.818 qps
- 21k_ft1k 11M 2.0G 224 83.2 509.818 qps
TinyViT_21M, distill 21M 4.3G 224 83.1 410.676 qps
- 21k_ft1k 21M 4.3G 224 84.8 410.676 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 384 21M 13.8G 384 86.2 199.458 qps
- 21k_ft1k, 512 21M 27.0G 512 86.5 122.846 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
UniformerSmall32, token_label 22M 3.66G 224 83.4 577.334 qps
UniformerSmall64 22M 3.66G 224 82.9 562.794 qps
- token_label 22M 3.66G 224 83.4 562.794 qps
UniformerSmallPlus32 24M 4.24G 224 83.4 546.82 qps
- token_label 24M 4.24G 224 83.9 546.82 qps
UniformerSmallPlus64 24M 4.23G 224 83.4 538.193 qps
- token_label 24M 4.23G 224 83.6 538.193 qps
UniformerBase32, token_label 50M 8.32G 224 85.1 272.485 qps
UniformerBase64 50M 8.31G 224 83.8 286.963 qps
- token_label 50M 8.31G 224 84.8 286.963 qps
UniformerLarge64, token_label 100M 19.79G 224 85.6 154.761 qps
- token_label, 384 100M 63.11G 384 86.3 75.3487 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
VanillaNet5 22.33M 8.46G 224 72.49 598.964 qps
- deploy=True 15.52M 5.17G 224 72.49 798.199 qps
VanillaNet6 56.12M 10.11G 224 76.36 465.031 qps
- deploy=True 32.51M 6.00G 224 76.36 655.944 qps
VanillaNet7 56.67M 11.84G 224 77.98 375.479 qps
- deploy=True 32.80M 6.90G 224 77.98 527.723 qps
VanillaNet8 65.18M 13.50G 224 79.13 341.157 qps
- deploy=True 37.10M 7.75G 224 79.13 479.328 qps
VanillaNet9 73.68M 15.17G 224 79.87 312.815 qps
- deploy=True 41.40M 8.59G 224 79.87 443.464 qps
VanillaNet10 82.19M 16.83G 224 80.57 277.871 qps
- deploy=True 45.69M 9.43G 224 80.57 408.082 qps
VanillaNet11 90.69M 18.49G 224 81.08 267.026 qps
- deploy=True 50.00M 10.27G 224 81.08 377.239 qps
VanillaNet12 99.20M 20.16G 224 81.55 229.987 qps
- deploy=True 54.29M 11.11G 224 81.55 358.076 qps
VanillaNet13 107.7M 21.82G 224 82.05 218.256 qps
- deploy=True 58.59M 11.96G 224 82.05 334.244 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
VOLO_d1 27M 4.82G 224 84.2
- 384 27M 14.22G 384 85.2
VOLO_d2 59M 9.78G 224 85.2
- 384 59M 28.84G 384 86.0
VOLO_d3 86M 13.80G 224 85.4
- 448 86M 55.50G 448 86.3
VOLO_d4 193M 29.39G 224 85.7
- 448 193M 117.81G 448 86.8
VOLO_d5 296M 53.34G 224 86.1
- 448 296M 213.72G 448 87.0
- 512 296M 279.36G 512 87.1


Model Params FLOPs Input Top1 Acc T4 Inference
WaveMLP_T 17M 2.47G 224 80.9 523.4 qps
WaveMLP_S 30M 4.55G 224 82.9 203.445 qps
WaveMLP_M 44M 7.92G 224 83.3 147.155 qps
WaveMLP_B 63M 10.26G 224 83.6

Detection Models


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
EfficientDetD0 3.9M 2.55G 512 34.3 34.6 248.009 qps
- Det-AdvProp 3.9M 2.55G 512 35.1 35.3 248.009 qps
EfficientDetD1 6.6M 6.13G 640 40.2 40.5 133.139 qps
- Det-AdvProp 6.6M 6.13G 640 40.8 40.9 133.139 qps
EfficientDetD2 8.1M 11.03G 768 43.5 43.9 89.0523 qps
- Det-AdvProp 8.1M 11.03G 768 44.3 44.3 89.0523 qps
EfficientDetD3 12.0M 24.95G 896 46.8 47.2 50.0498 qps
- Det-AdvProp 12.0M 24.95G 896 47.7 48.0 50.0498 qps
EfficientDetD4 20.7M 55.29G 1024 49.3 49.7 28.0086 qps
- Det-AdvProp 20.7M 55.29G 1024 50.4 50.4 28.0086 qps
EfficientDetD5 33.7M 135.62G 1280 51.2 51.5
- Det-AdvProp 33.7M 135.62G 1280 52.2 52.5
EfficientDetD6 51.9M 225.93G 1280 52.1 52.6
EfficientDetD7 51.9M 325.34G 1536 53.4 53.7
EfficientDetD7X 77.0M 410.87G 1536 54.4 55.1
EfficientDetLite0 3.2M 0.98G 320 27.5 26.41 599.616 qps
EfficientDetLite1 4.2M 1.97G 384 32.6 31.50 369.273 qps
EfficientDetLite2 5.3M 3.38G 448 36.2 35.06 278.263 qps
EfficientDetLite3 8.4M 7.50G 512 39.9 38.77 180.871 qps
EfficientDetLite3X 9.3M 14.01G 640 44.0 42.64 115.271 qps
EfficientDetLite4 15.1M 20.20G 640 44.4 43.18 95.4122 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
YOLO_NAS_S 12.88M 16.96G 640 47.5 240.087 qps
- use_reparam_conv=False 12.18M 15.92G 640 47.5 345.595 qps
YOLO_NAS_M 33.86M 47.12G 640 51.55 128.96 qps
- use_reparam_conv=False 31.92M 43.91G 640 51.55 167.935 qps
YOLO_NAS_L 44.53M 64.53G 640 52.22 98.6069 qps
- use_reparam_conv=False 42.02M 59.95G 640 52.22 131.11 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
YOLOR_CSP 52.9M 60.25G 640 50.0 52.8 118.746 qps
YOLOR_CSPX 99.8M 111.11G 640 51.5 54.8 67.9444 qps
YOLOR_P6 37.3M 162.87G 1280 52.5 55.7 49.3128 qps
YOLOR_W6 79.9M 226.67G 1280 53.6 ? 56.9 40.2355 qps
YOLOR_E6 115.9M 341.62G 1280 50.3 ? 57.6 21.5719 qps
YOLOR_D6 151.8M 467.88G 1280 50.8 ? 58.2 16.6061 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
YOLOV7_Tiny 6.23M 2.90G 416 33.3 845.903 qps
YOLOV7_CSP 37.67M 53.0G 640 51.4 137.441 qps
YOLOV7_X 71.41M 95.0G 640 53.1 82.0534 qps
YOLOV7_W6 70.49M 180.1G 1280 54.9 49.9841 qps
YOLOV7_E6 97.33M 257.6G 1280 56.0 31.3852 qps
YOLOV7_D6 133.9M 351.4G 1280 56.6 26.1346 qps
YOLOV7_E6E 151.9M 421.7G 1280 56.8 20.1331 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
YOLOV8_N 3.16M 4.39G 640 37.3 614.042 qps
YOLOV8_S 11.17M 14.33G 640 44.9 349.528 qps
YOLOV8_M 25.90M 39.52G 640 50.2 160.212 qps
YOLOV8_L 43.69M 82.65G 640 52.9 104.452 qps
YOLOV8_X 68.23M 129.0G 640 53.9 66.0428 qps
YOLOV8_X6 97.42M 522.6G 1280 56.7 ? 17.4368 qps


Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val AP test AP T4 Inference
YOLOXNano 0.91M 0.53G 416 25.8 930.57 qps
YOLOXTiny 5.06M 3.22G 416 32.8 745.2 qps
YOLOXS 9.0M 13.39G 640 40.5 40.5 380.38 qps
YOLOXM 25.3M 36.84G 640 46.9 47.2 181.084 qps
YOLOXL 54.2M 77.76G 640 49.7 50.1 111.517 qps
YOLOXX 99.1M 140.87G 640 51.5 51.5 62.3189 qps

Language Models


Model Params FLOPs vocab_size LAMBADA PPL T4 Inference
GPT2_Base 163.04M 146.42G 50257 35.13 51.4483 qps
GPT2_Medium 406.29M 415.07G 50257 15.60 21.756 qps
GPT2_Large 838.36M 890.28G 50257 10.87
GPT2_XLarge, +.2 1.638B 1758.3G 50257 8.63


Model Params FLOPs vocab_size Val loss T4 Inference
LLaMA2_15M 24.41M 4.06G 32000 1.072
LLaMA2_42M 58.17M 50.7G 32000 0.847
LLaMA2_110M 134.1M 130.2G 32000 0.760
LLaMA2_1B 1.10B 2.50T 32003
LLaMA2_7B 6.74B 14.54T 32000

Stable Diffusion

Model Params FLOPs Input Download
ViTTextLargePatch14 123.1M 6.67G [None, 77] vit_text_large_patch14_clip.h5
Encoder 34.16M 559.6G [None, 512, 512, 3] encoder_v1_5.h5
UNet 859.5M 404.4G [None, 64, 64, 4] unet_v1_5.h5
Decoder 49.49M 1259.5G [None, 64, 64, 4] decoder_v1_5.h5

Segmentation Models

YOLOV8 Segmentation

Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val mask AP T4 Inference
YOLOV8_N_SEG 3.41M 6.02G 640 30.5
YOLOV8_S_SEG 11.82M 20.08G 640 36.8
YOLOV8_M_SEG 27.29M 52.33G 640 40.8
YOLOV8_L_SEG 46.00M 105.29G 640 42.6
YOLOV8_X_SEG 71.83M 164.30G 640 43.4

Segment Anything

Model Params FLOPs Input COCO val mask AP T4 Inference
MobileSAM 5.74M 39.4G 1024 41.0
TinySAM 5.74M 39.4G 1024 41.9
EfficientViT_SAM_L0 30.73M 35.4G 512 45.7


  • This part is copied and modified according to Github rwightman/pytorch-image-models.
  • Code. The code here is licensed MIT. It is your responsibility to ensure you comply with licenses here and conditions of any dependent licenses. Where applicable, I've linked the sources/references for various components in docstrings. If you think I've missed anything please create an issue. So far all of the pretrained weights available here are pretrained on ImageNet and COCO with a select few that have some additional pretraining.
  • ImageNet Pretrained Weights. ImageNet was released for non-commercial research purposes only ( It's not clear what the implications of that are for the use of pretrained weights from that dataset. Any models I have trained with ImageNet are done for research purposes and one should assume that the original dataset license applies to the weights. It's best to seek legal advice if you intend to use the pretrained weights in a commercial product.
  • COCO Pretrained Weights. Should follow cocodataset termsofuse. The annotations in COCO dataset belong to the COCO Consortium and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. The COCO Consortium does not own the copyright of the images. Use of the images must abide by the Flickr Terms of Use. The users of the images accept full responsibility for the use of the dataset, including but not limited to the use of any copies of copyrighted images that they may create from the dataset.
  • Pretrained on more than ImageNet and COCO. Several weights included or references here were pretrained with proprietary datasets that I do not have access to. These include the Facebook WSL, SSL, SWSL ResNe(Xt) and the Google Noisy Student EfficientNet models. The Facebook models have an explicit non-commercial license (CC-BY-NC 4.0,, The Google models do not appear to have any restriction beyond the Apache 2.0 license (and ImageNet concerns). In either case, you should contact Facebook or Google with any questions.


  • BibTeX
      author = {Leondgarse},
      title = {Keras CV Attention Models},
      year = {2022},
      publisher = {GitHub},
      journal = {GitHub repository},
      doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6506947},
      howpublished = {\url{}}
  • Latest DOI: DOI