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Notable rationale of the WebAssembly ABI

Why do some stack values (parameters and results) use protobuf encoding?

Kubernetes Scheduler plugins need to access very large model data, specifically node and pod data. WebAssembly has a sandbox model, so the memory of a plugin is not the same as host scheduler process. This means the node and pod are not passed by reference. In fact, they cannot be copied by value either. There are two ways typically used considering this: ABI based model or a serialized one.

An ABI based model based on stable versions of WebAssembly can only use numeric types and memory. For example, a string is a pre-defined encoding of a byte range with validation rules on either side. At least one WebAssembly function needs to be exported to the guest per field, to read it. If the field is mutable, two or three other functions per field would be needed.

For example, a function to get an HTTP uri could look like this on the guest:

(import "http_handler" "get_uri" (func $get_uri
  (param $buf i32) (param $buf_limit i32)
  (result (; uri_len ;) i32)))

The host would implement that import like this:

func (m *middleware) getURI(ctx context.Context, mod wazeroapi.Module, stack []uint64) {
	buf := uint32(stack[0])
	bufLimit := handler.BufLimit(stack[1])

	uri :=
	uriLen := writeStringIfUnderLimit(mod.Memory(), buf, bufLimit, uri)

	stack[0] = uint64(uriLen)

A small amount of stable fields (<=20) can be optimally done in an ABI model, even manually. In stable/small case, there isn't a lot of glue code needed and there is little maintenance to those functions over time. It is the most performant and efficient way to communicate.

However, this doesn't match the use case of Kubernetes. The node and pod models include several hundred data types, with nearly a thousand fields. To deal with a model this large would require a code generator. Even if such a code generator were sourced or made, it would require automatic conversion from the incoming proto model used on the host, as the conversion logic would be too large to maintain manually. Many other complications would follow suit, including an amplified number of host calls. In summary, a usable ABI binding would be an effort larger than the scheduler plugin itself.

The path of least resistance is a marshalling approach. Almost all parameters of size used in scheduler plugins are generated protobuf model types. While not performant, it is possible to have the host marshal these objects and unmarshal them as needed on the guest. Further optimizations could be made as many of the underlying data do not change within a plugin lifecycle.

For example, a function to get a pod could look like this on the guest:

(import "" "pod" (func $get_pod
  (param $buf i32) (param $buf_limit i32)
  (result (; pod_len ;) i32)))

The host would marshal the entire pod argument to protobuf like so:

func k8sApiPodFn(ctx context.Context, mod wazeroapi.Module, stack []uint64) {
	buf := uint32(stack[0])
	bufLimit := bufLimit(stack[1])

	pod := filterArgsFromContext(ctx).pod
	stack[0] = uint64(marshalIfUnderLimit(mod.Memory(), pod, buf, bufLimit))

The main tradeoff to this approach is performance. The model is very large and the default unmarshaller creates a lot of garbage. We have some workarounds noted below, and also there are options for mitigation not yet implemented:

  • updating heavy objects only when they change
    • this limits the occurrence count of decode performance
  • tracking of alternative encoding libraries which use protobuf IDL
    • polyglot can generate code from protos and might automatically convert protos to its more efficient representation.

How is framework.CycleState implemented in WebAssembly?

framework.CycleState is a primarily a key value storage. Plugins store values in PreFilter or PreScore for use afterward. This is similar to Go context, except the keys must be strings and the values must implement StateData.

While one instance of framework.CycleState is re-used for all plugins in a scheduling cycle, in practice, StateData are not shared. For this reason, we implement cycle state in the guest. The only responsibility of the wasm guest is to reset any state when PreFilter is called. All state is invisible from the perspective of the host.

Why isn't StateData.Clone handled in WebAssembly?

Clone is a special case for preemption. When all Nodes are filtered out, the scheduler attempts to make space via PostFilter. Preemption results in a parallel call to SelectVictimsOnNode that removes victims (pods) from PreFilter state and NodeInfo before running filter plugins again. If StateData wasn't cloneable, the original StateData values would be lost.

The current WebAssembly implementation skips Clone, for now. Since the guest holds the cycle state, the most likely path forward would be to export a guest function to save the cycle state and return a state ID to restore it with. This function could be called when the host side knows it is in the process of preemption. This would be the case on any of the following:

  • Filter is called a second time (before PreFilter)
  • AddPod or RemovePod are called (via PreFilterExtensions)

Why are some return values different between Go and Wasm?

Bear in mind that the scheduler framework was not initially designed for remote or embedded use, with an IDL or ABI in mind. Sometimes, results were not consciously defined according to its bit size (e.g. int in Go). Other times, results were accidentally defined very large (e.g. int64 in Go). In many cases, results were defined as signed without any semantic meaning for this.

This plugin cannot take the responsibility of all decisions made in the codebase prior to it. However, we will briefly explain some pragmatic choices, which allow this plugin to return up to two results at a time in a WebAssembly i64 result.

The general approach is to attempt using i32 instead, so that a second result can be packed into an i64. This is compatible with all language compilers, because the largest return value permitted by WebAssembly Core Specification 1.0 (REC) is i64. Further rationale about alternate choices are discussed in separate sections. This focuses on result value mapping.


The framework.GVK type is a string, but we map it to uint32 constants instead. The GVK is not defined for external use. When new values are added in Kubernetes, we can map later integer values to them.

The uint32 value simplifies Wasm encoding of the ClusterEvent, with a fixed width 8 byte header (for ActionType and GVK as uint32 little-endian encoding).

If we also kept GVK as a string, it would make two variable length fields, instead of one, while inviting invalid GVK values.


framework.PreScorePlugin has a node []*v1.Node parameter. A raw slice is not a protobuf message, so encoding it would be custom. Instead, we marshal with *v1.NodeList. This allows guests to use built-in codecs and has little performance impact vs custom list encoding.

The main downside is that v1.NodeList exposes ListMeta which will always be nil when unmarshalled from PreScorePlugin. However, this is ok as it is optional anyway.


The framework.Status type is used as a nilable result with a status code and a string reason when that code is non-zero. So, zero is success and there are also five exceptional built-in codes.

Only built-in codes drive behavior: anything outside that range is treated generically with side effects limited to logging and metrics.

Why is the code int32 not int (64-bit)?

The code was declared as an int, which a careful reader will notice is both signed and also 64-bits wide. This was not a conscious decision that plugin authors require billions of different status codes, rather a lack of decision.

When porting to WebAssembly, we reduce this to i32, a still very large status code range, to permit another i32 result to be returned with it.

Narrowing should not be a problem in practice because not only are no custom status codes differentiable from a generic error, but also there are no custom status codes known to be used as of mid 2023.

Even if there were custom status codes in the high billion range, the status is a result, not a parameter. The only impact would be to new plugins or those ported to WebAssembly. We do not expect limiting the range of status codes to be over two billion to be a practical concern for these authors.

Why is the reason defined as a host callback?

The status reason is an optional message set when the code is non-zero. The typical way to handle a Go error is to set the status reason to the string value of the error. The string value of an error is not definable and could be quite large in the case of an embedded stack trace. In other words, it is variable length without any constraint except it is smaller than guest memory.

As mentioned in the overview section, WebAssembly 1.0 can return up to one numeric result, of maximum size i64. As mentioned above we are already using 32 bits of that for the status code.

The only way we could pass the status reason in the remaining 32-bits would be via a NUL-terminated string, a.k.a. CString. However, this presents three problems: First, even on success, this would make it impossible to return another value such as a score. Second, not all languages naturally declare strings as CStrings, meaning some would have to add a NUL character manually. Finally, this introduces complications in garbage collection, as the reason string would need to be leaked to the caller, without a defined way to free it.

To allow the guest to be in charge of string allocation, the simplest and most portable way to handle this, is to add a host callback for the status reason.

(func (import "" "status_reason")
  (param $buf i32) (param $buf_len i32))

Doing this only adds host call overhead on error, and it will not likely fail, unless there is a severe programming error in the guest SDK. The host can read the entire guest memory, so it should not have an issue with a potentially large reason result.

Why is score i32 not i64?

framework.ScorePlugin currently declares score as int64, but it is only used as a positive number, and it is normalized to the range [0, 100].

Even if there were custom scores in the high billion range, the score is a result, not a parameter. The only impact would be to new plugins or those ported to WebAssembly. We do not expect limiting the scores to two billion above the valid range to be a practical concern for these authors.

Why does the Permit function return a uint32 representing milliseconds for the timeout, not time.Duration?

framework.PermitPlugin returns time.Duration to represent the timeout. time.Duration is int64 underneath and 1 time.Duration represents 1 nanosecond.

Given the scheduling throughput in the upstream kube-scheduler is around 300 pods/s, that is, 3+ milliseconds per pod, we consider a millisecond-level timeout with uint32 to be sufficiently fine-grained.

Also, tha maximum timeout is around 24 days, which also should be large enough.

Why do we return a non-status, second numeric result as an i32?

Most compilers that target WebAssembly Core Specification 1.0, the only REC status specification in w3c. This allows up to one result of up to 64bits.

As described in sections above, it is commonly the case for integer result types to be unnecessarily defined in Go as 64-bit types, while their value range is far less than 32-bits in practice.

We currently use 32-bits to return the status as an i32. So, we could pass a second 32-bit value by packing it with the result into an i64. This is the approach used and detailed in this section.

When the combined results require more than 64 bits, we have to share memory to return more results, as out pointer parameters. This is complicated when the function is called host->guest, because the guest controls memory. For the host to pass an out-pointer, it needs a region of memory unused by the guest.

Most often, this is reserved with exported functions. For example, TinyGo currently exports malloc, and free by default. The host can reserve the amount of space to write (in this case 4 bytes for an i64) with malloc, which returns a pointer. When finished, it calls free to release it. For something of fixed width, this could region could be allocated directly with the guest, and for all function calls. This would reduce the overhead from 2calls to 2guest. The main disadvantage to this approach is it requires all users to compile their wasm in a way that exports these functions. While we have only one SDK (TinyGo), this would work, but we would need a different approach for Go which doesn't export these functions.

Another way would be to pass another result by host callback which accepts a single i64 value. In this case, implementors of score must know to call another function like set_score before returning the status. This adds both complexity and overhead to SDK authors: First, it creates a function dependency which needs to be implemented and explained. Then, it creates more overhead as the guest has to hop to the host before completing, even on success.

Yet another way is to know the underlying toolchain of the compiler and use memory the guest won't use. Two approaches to this are sneaking space from the heap (unsafe as choosing a high value might not be free) or from the stack (mostly safe but toolchain specific). Especially borrowing space from the stack could be safe and cheap. For example, if you know the underlying implementation is LLVM, you could move temporarily move the stack pointer closer to zero, and pas the resulting gap to the guest as an out pointer. Many compilers use LLVM, so it might seem this is "good enough". However, an ABI made for multiple languages will be limited to compilers who have the same implementation. This plugin has a goal to later with normal Go, which doesn't use LLVM and doesn't export its stack pointer for manipulation either. So, we cannot use this way.

Yet even another way would be to define an initialization callback with scratch space for fixed-width, secondary results. The guest would allocate and hold a region for use in the host, for example, by declaring a field with a byte array it doesn't use. It would return the pointer to the start of this buffer to the host. This would be safe because it won't be garbage collected by the guest. It is also not toolchain specific, as any language can implement this explicitly. There's no risk of clashed usage of this field because the host always uses the guest module sequentially. As long as the host only uses this as scratch space, e.g. never leaks a pointer inside this region, it is safe. The main downside of this approach is that it a more complicated and expensive approach than using a stack return value.

In summary, the current approach is to attempt map a second result type as an i32 and pack it with the status code as a single i64 return. This avoids complexity for now. If later, we end up with more complicated, or more than two non-status results, we may revisit this decision and possibly setup scratch space instead.