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+# KEP-2170: Kubeflow Training V2 API
+## Authors
+- Andrey Velichkevich - [@andreyvelich](https://github.com/andreyvelich)
+- Yuki Iwai - [@tenzen-y](https://github.com/tenzen-y)
+Creation date: 2024-07-16
+Google doc: https://bit.ly/3WzjTlw
+## Overview
+This document discusses the new Kubeflow Training V2 API.
+When we built the
+[Kubeflow Training Operator a couple of years ago](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x1JPDQfDMIbnoQRftDH1IzGU0qvHGSU4W6Jl4rJLPhI/edit?usp=sharing),
+Kubernetes lacked better features to support distributed machine learning (ML) training, such as
+SuccessPolicy and RestartPolicy (FailurePolicy). Recently, the Kubernetes community launched the
+working group Batch, and then the working group actively worked on evolving the batch/v1 `Job` API
+and built [a new `JobSet`](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/jobset) API to manage groups of `Jobs`.
+This document consolidates efforts for the Cloud Native ML Training between Kubeflow and Kubernetes
+## Motivation
+We often implement features similar to batch/v1 `Job`, such as “suspend”, on the Training Operator
+side since the Training Operator creates blocks of plain Pod and Service for each rank once
+Kubeflow Jobs are created. However, if we continue taking the same approach (re-inventing the wheel),
+the maintenance costs will continue to increase.
+It would be better to replace infrastructure layers with `JobSet` to avoid re-inventing the wheel
+and improve the Training Operator
+Additionally, introducing `JobSet` as an infrastructure layer would allow us to introduce batch
+workload features such as
+[the PodFailurePolicy](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/#pod-failure-policy)
+and [the PodDisruptionCondition](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/job/#handling-pod-and-container-failures)
+Please also see the [Kubernetes JobSet and Kubeflow Training Operator collaboration document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C2ev7yRbnMTlQWbQCfX7BCCHcLIAGW2MP9f7YeKl2Ck/edit?usp=sharing).
+### User Value
+In addition to the above motivation, we will address the following user feedback while implementation:
+- Confusion around Workers: https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/issues/1790
+- Support batch/v1 `Job` features: https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/issues/1718
+- ExitCodes for PodFailurePolicy: https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/issues/1749
+- Migrate to MPI V2 API: https://github.com/kubeflow/training-operator/issues/1906
+### Personas
+We can identify the following personas of Training Operator:
+1. **DevOps Engineer**. They are familiar with Kubernetes concepts and they know how to manage the
+ Kubernetes workloads. Usually, they are not experts in ML frameworks and ML algorithms.
+1. **MLOps Engineer**. They are familiar with ML frameworks and they know how to configure
+ distributed PyTorch settings such as rendezvous backends or MPI configuration. Usually, they are
+ not experts in Kubernetes and ML algorithms.
+1. **Data Scientists**. They create model architectures and advanced ML algorithms to train models.
+ They prefer to use Python for their work. They are aware of `torch.nn` APIs, but not with
+ `torch.distributed` and Kubernetes concepts to scale model training.
+Based on the above personas, we should build an API that everyone will benefit from.
+### Goals
+- Introduce the `TrainingRuntime` and `ClusterTrainingRuntime` APIs that will store blueprints
+ for model training and LLM fine-tuning using various ML frameworks. These runtimes will be built
+ on top of **JobSet** APIs with additional functionality for special use-cases.
+ For example, training using MPI orchestration.
+- Introduce Kubeflow `TrainJob` API that allows to reuse these runtimes and quickly start a new
+ training job without understanding complex Kubernetes APIs.
+- Update Kubeflow Training SDK to allow data scientists quickly create and monitor `TrainJobs`.
+- Create community-supported `ClusterTrainingRuntime` for distributed training with PyTorch and MPI.
+- Create community-supported `ClusterTrainingRuntime` for LLM fine-tuning for various foundational
+ models (e.g. Mistral, LLama-70b, Gemma-7b).
+- Work on the following JobSet improvements: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/jobset/issues/463 and https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/jobset/issues/572
+### Non-Goals
+- Support MPI V1 implementation.
+- Distributed training for TensorFlow, XGboost, JAX, and PaddlePaddle will be added after initial
+ implementation.
+- Migrate Kubeflow V1 controller to use `JobSet`.
+## Design Details
+We propose these APIs:
+- **`TrainJob`**: A single API which allows data scientists to initiate a training and fine-tuning
+ job from the pre-deployed training runtime. It allows users to tweak configurations for their
+ training jobs such as model parameters, dataset parameters, or trainer configuration.
+ The main goal is to hide unnecessary Kubernetes complexity for data scientists.
+- **`TrainingRuntime`** and **`ClusterTrainingRuntime`**: Set of blueprints for how to start various
+ types of training or fine-tuning jobs. Runtimes are managed by Platform Engineers and allow them
+ to configure infrastructure parameters that are required for the **TrainJob**.
+ For example, failure policy or gang-scheduling.
+The below diagram shows which resources will be created for LLM fine-tuning with PyTorch.
+### Worker and Node Definition
+To better understand what does Nodes and Worker mean in the diagram above,
+the following table explains naming that each framework or technology uses:
+ ML Framework or Technology
+ |
+ Definition of a Single Device (GPU)
+ |
+ Definition of a Single VM
+ |
+ Start Command
+ |
+ Reference Docs
+ |
+ Kubernetes
+ |
+ Container Resource Unit
+ |
+ Pod’s Container
+ |
+ Any
+ |
+ Resource units in K8s
+ |
+ PyTorch
+ |
+ Worker
+ |
+ Node
+ |
+ torchrun
+ |
+ PyTorch Elastic
+ |
+ |
+ Slot
+ |
+ Node
+ |
+ mpirun
+ |
+ Reference for OpenMPI
+ |
+ TensorFlow
+ |
+ Worker
+ |
+ Worker Pool
+Cluster Spec
+ |
+ python
+ |
+ TensorFlow Distributed
+ |
+ Jax
+ |
+ Process jax.local_devices()
+ |
+ Host
+ |
+ python or mpirun
+ |
+ Jax Distributed
+ |
+ PaddlePaddle
+ |
+ Worker
+ |
+ Node
+ |
+ python -m paddle.distributed.launch
+ |
+ Paddle Distributed
+ |
+ XGBoost
+ |
+ Worker
+ |
+ Not Applicable
+ |
+ python
+ |
+ Rabit Tracker for c10d
+ |
+ DeepSpeed
+ |
+ Slot
+ |
+ Node
+ |
+ deepspeed
+ |
+ DeepSpeed Distributed
+ |
+## The TrainJob API
+The `TrainJob` exposes APIs that data scientist can override in `TrainingRuntime` to create training job:
+type TrainJob struct {
+ metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
+ metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
+ // Spec defines the desired state of TrainJob.
+ Spec TrainJobSpec `json:"spec"`
+ // Status defines the current state of TrainJob.
+ Status TrainJobStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
+type TrainJobSpec struct {
+ // Reference to the Training Runtime.
+ TrainingRuntimeRef *TrainingRuntimeRef `json:"trainingRuntimeRef"`
+ // Parameters that data scientists can override
+ TrainerConfig *TrainerConfig `json:"trainerConfig,omitempty"`
+ // Configuration for training dataset
+ DatasetConfig *DatasetConfig `json:"datasetConfig,omitempty"`
+ // Configuration for the pre-trained model and location for model output
+ ModelConfig *ModelConfig `json:"modelConfig,omitempty"`
+ // Custom metadata to apply for Job, JobSet, etc.
+ Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
+ Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
+type TrainingRuntimeRef struct {
+ // Name for the training runtime.
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // Namespace for the runtime.
+ // If namespace is set, TrainingRuntime is used. Otherwise, ClusterTrainingRuntime is used.
+ Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
+type TrainJobStatus struct {
+ // Conditions for the TrainJob
+ Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
+This table explain rationale for each `TrainJob` parameter:
+ Parameter
+ |
+ What is it ?
+ |
+ TrainingRuntimeRef
+ |
+ Reference to the existing TrainingRuntime that pre-deployed by platform engineers
+ |
+ TrainerConfig
+ |
+ Configuration for the Trainer such as image, number of nodes, accelerators.
+ |
+ ModelConfig
+ |
+ Configuration for the pre-trained model and location for model output
+ |
+ DatasetConfig
+ |
+ Configuration for the dataset that will be used to train or fine-tune model
+ |
+ Labels and Annotations
+ |
+ Custom metadata that needs to be applied to the TrainJob resources: JobSet, Job, Pods.
+ |
+ PodSpecOverrides
+ |
+ Custom overrides that are specific to the TrainJob and need to be applied to the
+ TrainJob resources. For example, the user identity. Usually, it is managed by
+ custom admission webhooks that inject data to the TrainJob after user creates it
+ via Python SDK or kubectl
+ |
+### Example of TrainJob
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: TrainJob
+ name: torch-ddp
+ namespace: tenant-alpha
+ trainingRuntimeRef:
+ name: torch-distributed-multi-node
+ trainerConfig:
+ image: docker.io/custom-training
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
+ numNodes: 5
+ resourcesPerNode:
+ requests:
+ nvidia.com/gpu: 2
+The above command will be converted as follows:
+torchrun --nnodes=5 --nproc-per-node=2 train.py
+Additionally, the Kubeflow Training SDK allows to create the above `TrainJob` using the Python API:
+def train_func():
+ import torch
+ class Net(torch.nn.Module):
+ """Create the PyTorch Model"""
+ ...
+ model = Net()
+ # Attach model to the distributor
+ torch.distributed.init_process_group(backend="nccl")
+ model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model)
+ # Train model
+ model.train()
+# Use Kubeflow SDK to create TrainJob.
+from kubeflow.training import TrainingClient
+ name="torch-ddp",
+ func=train_func,
+ num_nodes=5,
+ resources_per_node={"gpu": 2},
+### Example of LLM Fine-Tuning
+This example shows how to create `TrainJob` to fine-tune LLama 7b:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: TrainJob
+ name: tune-llama-with-yelp
+ namespace: tenant-alpha
+ trainingRuntimeRef:
+ name: torch-tune-llama-7b
+ datasetConfig:
+ s3:
+ bucket: datasets
+ path: custom-datasets/yelp-review
+### The Trainer Config API
+The `TrainerConfig` represents the APIs that data scientists can use to configure trainer settings:
+type TrainerConfig struct {
+ // Docker image for the Trainer.
+ Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
+ // Command for the training container.
+ // Validate that command contains torchrun or mpirun.
+ Command []string `json:"command,omitempty"`
+ // Args for the training container.
+ Args []string `json:"args,omitempty"`
+ // Env for the training container.
+ Env []corev1.EnvVar `json:"env,omitempty"`
+ // Number of training nodes.
+ NumNodes *int32 `json:"numNodes,omitempty"`
+ // Resource for each node.
+ ResourcesPerNode []corev1.resoruces `json:"resourcesPerNode,omitempty"`
+ // Number of processes in a single node.
+ // By default this value == number of GPUs in resources limits.
+ NumProcPerNode *int32 `json:"numProcPerNode,omitempty"`
+The following table explains how `TrainingRuntime` parameters will be overridden with `TrainerConfig`.
+ TrainerConfig Parameter
+ |
+ TrainingRuntime Parameter
+ |
+ .image
+ |
+ .spec.replicatedJobs[name=’Node’].template.spec.template.spec.containers[name=’trainer’].image
+ |
+ .command
+ |
+ .spec.replicatedJobs[name=’Node’].template.spec.template.spec.containers[name=’trainer’].command
+ |
+ .args
+ |
+ .spec.replicatedJobs[name=’Node’].template.spec.template.spec.containers[name=’trainer’].args
+ |
+ .env
+ |
+ .spec.replicatedJobs[name=’Node’].template.spec.template.spec.containers[name=’trainer’].env
+ |
+ .numNodes
+ |
+ .spec.numNodes
+ |
+ .resourcesPerNode
+ |
+ .spec.replicatedJobs[name=’Node’].template.spec.template.spec.containers[name=’trainer’].resources
+ |
+### The Dataset Config API
+The `DatasetConfig` represents the APIs that data scientists can use to configure dataset location.
+type DatasetConfig struct {
+ // One of the following can be set.
+ HFDatasetProvider *kubeflowv1.HFDatasetProvider `json:"huggingface,omitempty"`
+ S3DatasetProvider *kubeflowv1.S3DatasetProvider `json:"s3,omitempty"`
+ // (Optional). We can support the Iceberg dataset using PyIceberg.
+ IcebergDatasetProvider *kubeflowv1.IcebergDatasetProvider `json:"iceberg,omitempty"`
+type HFDatasetProvider struct {
+ // Path to the HF dataset. For example: yelp-review-full
+ RepoId string `json:"repoId"`
+ // Whether the dataset needs to be splitted: train/val. E.g. split=train[:50000]
+ Split string `json:"split,omitempty"`
+ // Secret must contain HF_TOKEN secret.
+ // If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.
+ AccessTokenSecretRef corev1.SecretReference `json:"accessToken,omitempty"`
+type S3DatasetProvider struct {
+ // S3 endpoint.
+ EndpointUrl string `json:"endpointUrl,omitempty"`
+ // Name of the S3 bucket.
+ BucketName string `json:bucketName`
+ // Path to the dataset. All files will be downloaded in that path.
+ Path string `json:path`
+ // Secret must contain AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY secret.
+ // If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.
+ // Otherwise, IRSA can be used to access S3.
+ AccessTokenSecretRef corev1.SecretReference `json:"accessToken,omitempty"`
+The following table explains how `TrainingRuntime` parameters will be overridden with the
+All parameters will be set for this container:
+#### The HuggingFace Provider
+For the HuggingFace provider environment variable `PROVIDER=hf`.
+ DatasetConfig Parameter
+ |
+ TrainingRuntime Parameter
+ |
+ .huggingface.repoId
+ |
+ .env[REPO_ID]
+ |
+ .huggingface.split
+ |
+ .env[SPLIT]
+ |
+#### The S3 Provider
+For the S3 provider environment variable `PROVIDER=s3`.
+ DatasetConfig Parameter
+ |
+ TrainingRuntime Parameter
+ |
+ .s3.endpointUrl
+ |
+ |
+ .s3.bucketName
+ |
+ |
+ .s3.path
+ |
+ .env[PATH]
+ |
+### The Model Config API
+The `ModelConfig` represents the APIs that data scientists can use to configure pre-trained model
+input and output location.
+type ModelConfig struct {
+ // One of the following can be set.
+ HFModelProvider *kubeflowv1.HFModelProvider `json:"huggingface,omitempty"`
+ // Potential output location for fine-tuned/trained model.
+ OutputArtifact string
+type HFModelProvider struct {
+ // Path to the pre-trained model. google-bert/bert-base-uncased
+ RepoID string `json:"repoID"`
+ // TODO (andreyvelich): Do we want to support any Transformer ?
+ TransformerType string `json:"transformerType,omitempty"`
+ // Secret must contain HF_TOKEN secret.
+ // If the secret object contains more than one secret, all secrets are passed.
+ AccessTokenSecretRef corev1.SecretReference `json:"accessToken,omitempty"`
+The following table explains how `TrainingRuntime` parameters will be overridden with `ModelConfig`.
+All parameters will be set for this container:
+#### The HuggingFace Provider
+For the HuggingFace provider environment variable `PROVIDER=hf`.
+ DatasetConfig Parameter
+ |
+ TrainingRuntime Parameter
+ |
+ .huggingface.repoId
+ |
+ .env[REPO_ID]
+ |
+ .huggingface.split
+ |
+ .env[SPLIT]
+ |
+### The Pod Spec Overrides APIs
+The `PodSpecOverrides` represents overrides for the `TrainingRuntime` when `TrainJob` is created.
+These parameters can include the user's identity or PVC.
+Usually, these parameters should not be configured by the user and should be attached during the
+orchestration (e.g. using Kubernetes admission webhooks or custom clients).
+In the future, we can add more parameters if we find use-cases when it is required.
+type PodSpecOverride struct {
+ // Name of the training replica in the training runtime template to override
+ TargetReplicatedJobs []string `json:"targetReplicatedJobs"`
+ // Override parameters for Containers.
+ Containers []Container `json:"container,omitempty"`
+ // Override parameters for InitContainers.
+ InitContainer []Container `json:"initContainer,omitempty"`
+ // Override parameters for volumes.
+ Volumes []corev1.Volume `json:"volume,omitempty"`
+ // Custom Service Account
+ ServiceAccountName string `json:"serviceAccountName,omitempty"`
+// Override for each container.
+// Parameters from TrainerConfig, DatasetConfig, and ModelConfig will take precedence.
+type Container struct {
+ // Name for the container.
+ Name string `json:"name"`
+ // Command for the container.
+ Command []string `json:"command,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,rep,name=command"`
+ // Args for the container.
+ Args []string `json:"args,omitempty"`
+ // Env for the container.
+ Env []corev1.EnvVar `json:"env,omitempty"`
+ // Env for the container.
+ EnvFrom []corev1.EnvFromSource `json:"envFrom,omitempty"`
+ // Override parameters for volume mounts.
+ VolumeMounts []VolumeMount `json:"volumeMounts,omitempty"`
+#### Example of TrainJob with Overrides
+This example shows how to override user-identity for sidecar container and add volume to the
+trainer container.
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: TrainJob
+ name: pytorch-distributed
+ namespace: tenant-alpha
+ trainingRuntimeRef:
+ name: pytorch-distributed-gpu
+ kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ trainerConfig:
+ image: docker.io/custom-training
+ podSpecOverrides:
+ - targetReplicatedJobs:
+ - initializer
+ node
+ containers:
+ - name: user-identity
+ value: 123
+ - name: trainer
+ volumeMounts:
+ - name: user-123-volume
+ mountPath: /workspace
+ volumes:
+ - name: user-123-volume
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: user-123-volume
+## The Training Runtime API
+The `TrainingRuntime` is the pre-created configurations of model training on the cluster,
+representing as blueprints. For example, Elastic PyTorch training, MPI DeepSpeed configuration,
+BERT LLM Fine-Tuning.
+These blueprints can be deployed within the Training Operator control plane and stored in a Kubeflow
+public repository that users can apply to their clusters.
+Platform or ML engineers can tweak existing blueprint, based on their requirements. For example,
+using custom configurations.
+The Kubeflow Training Operator can maintain more Training Runtimes when the community is ready to
+support them. For example, runtimes for [Jax](https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) or
+[MLX](https://ml-explore.github.io/mlx/build/html/index.html). Initially, we will support: PyTorch,
+MPI, TensorFlow, XGBoost, and PaddlePaddle.
+The `TrainingRuntime` is immutable, and so to make a change, a new version of the `TrainingRuntime`
+must be created and then changing the `TranJob` to point to the new version.
+This provides control as to how changes to runtimes propagate to existing training jobs.
+For example, when training is running for a long time (e.g. 1-2 months).
+In the future implementation, we will introduce a revision control mechanism similar to
+[Kubernetes Deployment](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/#updating-a-deployment)
+to control versions of `TrainingRuntime` and enable rolling updates.
+We are going to create two CRDs: `TrainingRuntime` and `ClusterTrainingRuntime`. These runtimes have
+exactly the same APIs, but the first one is the namespace-scoped, the second is the cluster-scoped.
+If `trainingRuntimeRef` in `TrainJob` has the namespace, controller will use the `TrainingRuntime`,
+otherwise it will use the `ClusterTrainingRuntime`.
+type TrainingRuntime struct {
+ metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
+ metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
+ // Framework specific parameters.
+ MLSpec *MLSpec `json:"mlSpec,omitempty"`
+ // Number of nodes to execute training.
+ NumNodes int `json:"numNodes,omitempty"`
+ // JobSet spec.
+ JobSetSpec *batchv1.JobSetSpec `json:",inline"`
+ // For gang-scheduling using volcano or scheduler plugins, supported for all frameworks.
+ GangScheduler *kubeflowv1.GangScheduler `json:"gangScheduler,omitempty"`
+// One of the specs can be selected.
+type MLSpec struct {
+ // Custom Spec for Torch
+ TorchSpec *TorchSpec `json:"torchSpec,omitempty"`
+ // Custom Spec for MPI
+ MPISpec *MPISpec `json:"mpiSpec,omitempty"`
+### The Gang Scheduler API
+Gang scheduler plugin is used to create appropriate `PodGroup` for Volcano or scheduler plugins.
+type GangScheduler struct {
+ // Plugin for gang scheduling.
+ Plugin *GangSchedulerPlugin `json:plugin,omitempty"`
+ // Time threshold to schedule PodGroup for gang scheduling.
+ ScheduleTimeoutSeconds string `json:scheduleTimeoutSeconds,omitempty"`
+type GangSchedulerPlugin string
+const (
+ GangSchedulerPluginVolcano GangSchedulerPlugin = "volcano"
+ GangSchedulerPluginSP GangSchedulerPlugin = "scheduler-plugins"
+### The Torch Spec API
+The `TorchSpec` API represents the configuration for the PyTorch distributed training. This configuration
+allows platform engineers to explicitly configure `torchrun` setting.
+The distributed parameters are taken from the
+[PyTorch distributed launch run](https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/94dc3253a0fefbfb95fbe467ddd628e4c2eb08d7/torch/distributed/run.py).
+For Elastic Training we will always pass the following parameters:
+--rdzv-id will be set automatically.
+--rdzv-endpoint will always point to the node-0 Pod.
+Since the [etcd and etcd-v2 are legacy rendezvous](https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/elastic/run.html#note-on-rendezvous-backend),
+we won't support them in `TorchSpec`. We can introduce them in the future if users will require them.
+// TorchSpec represents the configuration for PyTorch.
+type TorchSpec struct {
+ // Number of Procs per Node.
+ NumProcPerNode int `json:"numProcPerNode,omitempty"`
+ // Used for single-node multi-worker training
+ Standalone bool `json:"standalone,omitempty"`
+ // Torch Elastic Policy.
+ ElasticPolicy *TorchElasticPolicy `json:"elasticPolicy,omitempty"`
+// If the Elastic Policy is set, the numNodes parameter is ignored.
+// --nnodes=minNodes:maxNodes
+type TorchElasticPolicy struct {
+ // The limits to restart TrainJob.
+ // Insert it to the JobSet.spec.failurePolicy.maxRestarts
+ MaxRestarts *in32 `json:"maxRestarts,omitempty"`
+ // Min number of nodes for HPA and torchrun.
+ MinNodes *in32 `json:"minNodes,omitempty"`
+ // Max number of nodes for HPA and torchrun.
+ MaxNodes *in32 `json:"maxNodes,omitempty"`
+ // Metrics for scale up and down replicas.
+ Metrics []autoscalingv2.MetricSpec `json:"metrics,omitempty"`
+### The MPI Spec API
+The `MPISpec` API represents the configuration for training using MPI orchestration.
+E.g. creation of host-files and SSH keys. Using MPI might be more efficient for training on HPC
+clusters or for some ML frameworks (e.g. [MLX distributed with MPI](https://ml-explore.github.io/mlx/build/html/usage/distributed.html)).
+We will fully migrate to the MPI Operator V2 functionality as part of this KEP.
+Check [the proposal for the MPI V2 APIs.](https://github.com/kubeflow/mpi-operator/blob/master/proposals/scalable-robust-operator.md)
+type MPISpec struct {
+ // Number of Procs per Node.
+ NumProcPerNode int `json:"numProcPerNode,omitempty"`
+ // MPI Implementation to create appropriate host-files.
+ // Can be one of OpenMPI, Intel, or MPICH.
+ MPIImplementation MPIImplementation `json:"mpiImplementation,omitempty"`
+ // Directory where SSH keys are mounted.
+ SSHAuthMountPath string `json:"SSHAuthMountPath,omitempty"`
+type MPIImplementation string
+const (
+ MPIImplementationOpenMPI MPIImplementation = "OpenMPI"
+ MPIImplementationIntel MPIImplementation = "Intel"
+ MPIImplementationMPICH MPIImplementation = "MPICH"
+### Supported Runtimes by Community
+Kubeflow community are planning to support the following runtimes.
+#### PyTorch Distributed Runtime
+Initially, we will maintain only multi-node multi-worker runtime and PyTorch Elastic.
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-distributed-multi-node
+ mlSpec:
+ torch:
+ numProcPerNode: 5
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/pytorch-mnist
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
+Example of usage:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: TrainJob
+ name: torch-distributed-multi-node
+ namespace: tenant-alpha
+ trainingRuntimeRef:
+ name: pytorch-distributed
+ trainerConfig:
+ resourcesPerNode:
+ requests:
+ nvidia.com/gpu: 1
+ args:
+ - num-epochs=5
+#### PyTorch Elastic Runtime
+Training runtime for PyTorch Elastic:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-distributed-elastic
+ mlSpec:
+ torchSpec:
+ elasticPolicy:
+ minNodes: 5
+ maxNodes: 10
+ metrics:
+ - type: Resource
+ resource:
+ name: cpu
+ target:
+ type: Utilization
+ averageUtilization: 80
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/pytorch-mnist
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
+#### Additional PyTorch Runtimes
+The following runtimes can be maintained in the future.
+Single worker training:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-simple
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/pytorch-mnist
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
+Single node multi worker training:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-distributed-single-worker
+ mlSpec:
+ torch:
+ numProcPerNode: 5
+ standalone: True
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: Node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/pytorch-mnist
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
+#### LLM Fine-Tuning Runtimes
+In the future, we can consider to use [the `torchtune` CLI](https://github.com/pytorch/torchtune/tree/main)
+for Fine-Tuning with PyTorch.
+##### Llama 7b
+The following runtime can be used for Llama 7b model.
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-tune-llama-7b
+ numNodes: 1
+ startupPolicy:
+ startupPolicyOrder: InOrder
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: Initializer
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/dataset-initializer
+ env:
+ value: hf
+ - name: REPO_ID
+ value: tatsu-lab/alpaca
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/dataset
+ name: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/model-initializer
+ env:
+ value: hf
+ - name: REPO_ID
+ value: meta-llama/Llama-2-7b
+ value: AutoModelForCausalLM
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/model
+ name: model-initializer
+ volumes:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: model-initializer
+ - name: Node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/llm-trainer
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ value: AutoModelForCausalLM
+ - name: LORA_CONFIG
+ value: |
+ {"peft_type": "LORA", "r": 8, "lora_alpha": 16}
+ command:
+ - torchrun hf_llm_training.py
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ nvidia.com/gpu: 2
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/dataset
+ name: dataset-initializer
+ - mountPath: /workspace/model
+ name: model-initializer
+ volumes:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: model-initializer
+##### Gemma 7b
+The following runtime can be used for Gemma fine-tuning.
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-tune-gemma-7b
+ numNodes: 1
+ startupPolicy:
+ startupPolicyOrder: InOrder
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: Initializer
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/dataset-initializer
+ env:
+ value: hf
+ - name: REPO_ID
+ value: tatsu-lab/alpaca
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/dataset
+ name: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/model-initializer
+ env:
+ value: hf
+ - name: REPO_ID
+ value: google/gemma-7b
+ value: AutoModelForCausalLM
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/model
+ name: model-initializer
+ volumes:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: model-initializer
+ - name: Node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflow/llm-trainer
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ value: AutoModelForCausalLM
+ - name: LORA_CONFIG
+ value: |
+ {"peft_type": "LORA", "r": 8, "lora_alpha": 16}
+ command:
+ - torchrun hf_llm_training.py
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ nvidia.com/gpu: 2
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /workspace/dataset
+ name: dataset-initializer
+ - mountPath: /workspace/model
+ name: model-initializer
+ volumes:
+ - name: dataset-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: dataset-initializer
+ - name: model-initializer
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: model-initializer
+#### MPI Runtime
+For MPI, we can add support the `DeepSpeed` runtimes.
+Example of simple OpenMPI runtime:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: ClusterTrainingRuntime
+ name: mpi-simple
+ mlSpec:
+ mpi:
+ mpiImplementation: OpenMPI
+ numProcPerNode: 5
+ numNodes: 5
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: Launcher
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: mpi-launcher
+ image: docker.io/mpi-launch
+ - name: Node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/mpi-training
+ command:
+ - mpirun -np 2 train.py
+#### TensorFlow Runtime
+_Will be added after initial implementation for PyTorch._
+#### XGBoost Runtime
+_Will be added after initial implementation for PyTorch._
+#### Paddle Runtime
+_Will be added after initial implementation for PyTorch._
+#### Jax Runtime
+_Will be added after initial implementation for PyTorch._
+## Migration from Kubeflow Training V1
+These API changes will not be compatible with Training Operator V1 APIs. Thus, existing users have
+to migrate to the newer APIs. Kubeflow community will provide instructions on how to migrate existing
+training jobs to the new APIs.
+### PyTorchJob Migration
+The following example shows how to migrate from `PyTorchJob` to `TrainingRuntime`:
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1
+kind: PyTorchJob
+ name: pytorch-simple
+ namespace: kubeflow
+ pytorchReplicaSpecs:
+ Master:
+ replicas: 1
+ restartPolicy: OnFailure
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: pytorch
+ image: docker.io/kubeflowkatib/pytorch-mnist:v1beta1-45c5727
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command:
+ - "python3"
+ - "/opt/pytorch-mnist/mnist.py"
+ - "--epochs=1"
+ Worker:
+ replicas: 1
+ restartPolicy: OnFailure
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: pytorch
+ image: docker.io/kubeflowkatib/pytorch-mnist:v1beta1-45c5727
+ imagePullPolicy: Always
+ command:
+ - "python3"
+ - "/opt/pytorch-mnist/mnist.py"
+ - "--epochs=1"
+apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v2alpha1
+kind: TrainingRuntime
+ name: torch-distributed-multi-node
+ numNodes: 2
+ replicatedJobs:
+ - name: node
+ template:
+ spec:
+ template:
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: trainer
+ image: docker.io/kubeflowkatib/pytorch-mnist:v1beta1-45c5727
+ env:
+ - name: MASTER_ADDR
+ value: "pytorch-node-0-0.pytorch"
+ - name: MASTER_PORT
+ value: 29400
+ command:
+ - torchrun train.py
diff --git a/docs/proposals/2170-kubeflow-training-v2/trainjob-diagram.jpg b/docs/proposals/2170-kubeflow-training-v2/trainjob-diagram.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08ab3508a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/proposals/2170-kubeflow-training-v2/trainjob-diagram.jpg differ