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763 lines (588 loc) · 53.2 KB

File metadata and controls

763 lines (588 loc) · 53.2 KB




  • all-is-cubes library:
    • Block inventories are now more functional.
      • block::Block::with_inventory attaches inventory to a block.
      • inv::InvInBlock, stored in block::BlockAttributes::inventory, describes the size and rendering such inventories should have.
    • block::Modifier::Attributes allows overriding block attributes.
    • math::Face6::rotation_from_nz() produces the same transformation as Face6::face_transform(), but expressed as a rotation value.
    • op::Operation::Alt allows operations to try alternatives.


  • all-is-cubes library:

    • block::EvaluatedBlock’s fields are now private. Use methods instead.

    • block::EvaluatedBlock::voxel_opacity_mask now has its own data type, VoxelOpacityMask.

    • block::EvalBlockError is now a struct with an inner ErrorKind enum, instead of an enum, and contains more information.

    • block::Move’s means of construction have been changed to be more systematic and orthogonal. In particular, paired moves are constructed from unpaired ones.

    • math::FaceMap::repeat() has been renamed to splat(), for consistency with the same concept in the euclid vector types which we use.

    • math::Geometry is now math::Wireframe, and its translate() method has been replaced with inherent methods on its implementors.
    • math::GridAab::expand() now takes unsigned values; use GridAab::shrink() instead of negative ones. This allows both versions to never panic.

    • math::Vol::subdivide() now returns an array instead of a tuple, and the Vol<&mut [_]> version takes a filter function. The filter should make it easier to use in cases where the mutable subdivisions need to meet some size condition.

    • Renamed behavior::BehaviorContext to behavior::Context.

    • Renamed behavior::BehaviorHost to behavior::Host.

    • Renamed behavior::BehaviorPersistence to behavior::Persistence.

    • Renamed block::BlockBuilder to block::Builder.

    • Renamed space::SpaceBuilder to space::Builder.

  • all-is-cubes-gpu library:

    • in_wgpu::SurfaceRenderer::new() requires wgpu::Adapter instead of &wgpu::Adapter.
  • all-is-cubes-port library:

    • All functionality is now conditional on feature flags, to allow omitting unneeded formats and operations.
    • ExportFormat is now named Format.
  • all-is-cubes-render library:

    • The trait method raytracer::Accumulate::add() now accepts the surface color via a ColorBuf (which acts essentially as a form of premultiplied alpha) rather than Rgba. This enables more consistent handling of emissive materials. See the method documentation for details.


  • all-is-cubes library:
    • block::Primitive no longer contains BlockAttributes in any of its variants. The new means of specifying attributes is block::Modifier::Attributes.

0.8.0 (2024-07-08)


  • New library crate all-is-cubes-render, which replaces all_is_cubes::camera and all-is-cubes::raytracer.

  • all-is-cubes library:

    • color_block! macro is a constant, non-allocating version of Block::from(Rgba::new(...)).

    • block::Resolution::MAX provides the maximum available resolution. This value is not planned to change,

    • block::AnimationHint now offers constructor functions redefinition() and replacement() for the common case of setting one of its fields to a specific AnimationChange.

    • block::Modifier::Inventory is a new modifier allowing blocks to carry inventory. It does not do anything yet.

    • listen::Notifier::buffer() and listen::Buffer allows creating and sending batches of messages, to improve efficiency over dispatching each message individually to all listeners.

    • math::FaceMap now implements Exhaust.

    • math::GridAab::intersection_box() is a new definition of box intersection which returns a bigger box in some zero-volume/flat cases.

    • math::GridAab::union_cubes() is a new definition of union which returns a smaller box in zero-volume/flat cases.

    • math::GridAab::union_cube() is a convenience for expanding the box to include one cube.

    • math::GridAab::to_free() is another name for Aab::from(), useful for method chaining and not importing Aab.

    • math::GridRotation::transform_size() rotates GridSize values, like transform_vector() without negation.

    • math::GridSize type alias for euclid::Size3D<u32, Cube>, the sizes of GridAabs.

    • math::Octant is a new type identifying an octant.

    • math::OctantMap is a new type storing eight values associated with octants (like FaceMap is to Face6).

    • math::Vol::subdivide() splits a Vol's bounds and data into parts that can be processed in parallel.

    • op::Operation::AddModifiers allows an operation to add modifiers rather than replacing a block.

    • op::Operation::Neighbors allows an operation to modify nearby blocks.

    • op::Operation::DestroyTo allows an operation to express replacing a block when the replacement is less important than Operation::Become.

    • raycast::AaRay and raycast::AxisAlignedRaycaster represent rays which are always axis-aligned. This new raycaster is slightly simpler and faster.

    • raytracer::SpaceRaytracer::trace_axis_aligned_ray() does what it says and is slightly faster than the non-axis-aligned version.

    • transaction::Transaction::check() now returns an error type specified by the new Mismatch associated type, rather than necessarily PreconditionFailed.

    • transaction::Transactional::transact() provides a convenient way to create and immediately execute transactions.

  • all-is-cubes-mesh library:

    • New features in dynamic::ChunkedSpaceMesh:
      • Blocks may now be rendered via instancing. dynamic::DynamicMeshTypes::MAXIMUM_MERGED_BLOCK_MESH_SIZE controls whether this is done; set it to usize::MAX if you don't want instances. dynamic::ChunkMesh::block_instances() returns the instance data.
      • Parallelism for block and chunk mesh calculations:
        • Block mesh updates may be executed in the background rather than strictly during update(). This must be externally driven; if you wish to do so, clone the ChunkedSpaceMesh::job_queue(), and create one or more tasks/threads which take work from it.
        • Chunk mesh updates are performed in parallel using rayon if the "auto-threads" feature is enabled. They are not performed in the background, because they currently still require read access to the Space being rendered.
  • all-is-cubes-ui library:

    • New widget ProgressBar.
    • New module notification and method Session::show_notification() for displaying notifications to the user (within the window, not platform notification integration).


  • The "threads" feature has been renamed to "auto-threads" in those libraries which have it, for clarity.

  • all-is-cubes library:

    • chunking::OctantMask has been moved to the math module.

    • listen::Listener::receive() now accepts batches of messages instead of single messages, and the alive() method has been replaced with a return value from receive(). Implementors should review the new requirements documentation.

    • math::FaceMap’s Debug deduplicates identical elements.

    • math::GridAab is now allowed to be bigger than i32::MAX, up to i32::MAX - i32::MIN.

    • math::GridAab no longer has a limit on total volume (only Vol does).

    • math::GridAab::from_lower_size() now takes a GridSize instead of GridVector.

    • math::GridAab::size() and math::Aab::size() now return GridSize instead of GridVector.

    • math::GridAab::intersection() has been renamed to intersection_cubes(), and its precise behavior with zero-volume boxes clarified. If the alternative behavior is desired, see intersection_box().

    • math::GridAab::union() has been renamed to union_box(), and is no longer fallible.

    • math::GridArray has been removed. Uses of GridArray<T> may be replaced with Vol<Box<[T]>>.

    • transaction::ExecuteError is now generic over the type of transaction it is an error from.

    • transaction::Transaction now has an associated type Target instead of a type parameter; it is no longer possible for a transaction type to be used with more than one target type.

    • universe::Handle::execute() no longer takes a useless outputs parameter.

    • Renamed universe::URef to universe::Handle. Related items have also been renamed:

      • URefErased to ErasedHandle
      • AnyURef to AnyHandle
      • VisitRefs to VisitHandles
      • RefVisitor to HandleVisitor
    • The macros rgb_const!, rgba_const!, and notnan! have been moved to the math module.

  • all-is-cubes-gpu library:

    • in_wgpu::headless::Builder::from_adapter() requires wgpu::Adapter instead of Arc<wgpu::Adapter>.
  • all-is-cubes-mesh library:

    • The return type of GetBlockMesh::get_block_mesh() has changed to Option<&BlockMesh>. None is to be returned when the implementor intends to request that the block be omitted from a produced SpaceMesh (such as when it is being rendered separately) rather than the mesh merely being empty (invisible).
    • Renamed dynamic::ChunkedSpaceMesh::update_blocks_and_some_chunks() to update(), which is shorter and also more accurate nowadays since it isn't guaranteed to update all blocks.
    • The caller-supplied types in MeshTypes and DynamicMeshTypes must meet Send + Sync bounds.
    • dynamic::ChunkedSpaceMesh::update() requires the render_data_updater callback to be a Fn, not just a FnMut.
    • dynamic::ChunkedSpaceMesh requires a texture allocator passed to new() instead of update().
  • all-is-cubes-render library (formerly part of all-is-cubes):

    • camera::Camera::projection_matrix() now produces a depth range of 0 to 1 instead of −1 to 1.

    • camera::ImageSize is now an euclid::Size2D instead of euclid::Vector2D.

    • camera::Viewport's fields are now euclid::Size2D instead of euclid::Vector2D.

    • Renamed camera::Camera methods:

      • projection() to projection_matrix()
      • get_view_transform() to view_transform()
    • raytracer::SpaceRaytracer::trace_scene_to_text() and trace_scene_to_string() have been replaced with the single method to_text().

    • HeadlessRenderer implementors must always produces futures that are Send.

  • all-is-cubes-ui library:

    • apps::Session::set_universe_async() has been replaced with the more flexible set_main_task(). It can do several things via the MainTaskContext type.
    • vui::widgets::LargeText now uses all_is_cubes::block::text::Font as the font type.


  • all-is-cubes library:
    • The modules camera and raytracer have been removed — or rather, made pseudo-private. Use the new library all-is-cubes-render instead.

    • block::AnimationHint::{TEMPORARY, CONTINUOUS} constants have been removed. Use the new constructor functions and AnimationChange instead.

    • drawing::draw_to_blocks() has been removed. There is no replacement.

    • From<Rgb> for Cow<Block> and From<Rgba> for Cow<Block> have been removed. Use explicit conversion through Block instead. Consider using the new color_block!() macro for constant colors.

    • listen::Sink::take_equal()

    • op::Operation::Paint has been removed. Use Operation::Neighbors and Operation::DestroyTo to get the same effect.

    • transaction::PreconditionFailed no longer exists. It has been replaced with error types specific to each transaction type.

0.7.1 (2024-01-27)

  • all-is-cubes library:
    • Fixed compilation error in the case where the save feature is enabled (and no other crate is enabling serde/alloc).

0.7.0 (2024-01-27)


  • Functionality:

    • Sound effects for character/world collisions.
  • Graphics:

    • Improved initial startup behavior of mesh generation; chunks will be filled in sooner but lacking detail.
    • Windowed raytracing mode now uses background threads for increased throughput.
  • all-is-cubes library:

    • Now no_std compatible (with caveats), if the std feature is disabled.

    • New variant block::Primitive::Text allows displaying text as part of a block, without having to separately draw the text as blocks first.

    • Expanded block::BlockAttributes::tick_action can now specify a time period rather than always occurring on the next tick.

    • New block::CompositeOperator variants Atop and Out, as per the standard Porter-Duff compositing operators.

    • New field block::EvaluatedBlock::face_colors provides colors which may be distinct for each face of the block. These colors may be used for low-detail rendering.

    • New method Camera::near_plane_distance() returns the (currently hard-coded) near plane distance used in the calculated projection matrix.

    • New type linking::Provider is BlockProvider but generalized to non-block types.

    • New type math::Axis is an enum of coordinate axes.

    • New type math::Cube represents a unit cube on the grid; it replaces many previous uses of GridPoint to identify cubes.

    • New constructor function math::GridAab::from_ranges() can make it more convenient to construct GridAabs where different axes are handled differently.

    • New method math::GridAab::volume_f64() returns the volume as a float, for calculations where volume is a scaling factor.

    • New type math::Gridgid represents rigid transformations (including reflection), a useful subset of what GridMatrix already could do.

      The following new functions return Gridgid:

      • math::Face6::face_transform()
      • math::GridRotation::to_positive_octant_transform()
    • New type math::Vol is a more general replacement for math::GridArray which allows choice of the data container type (including &[T] for borrowing without additional indirection), and also a replacement for uses of math::GridAab which care about volume and linearization.

    • New type op::Operation describes local transformations of a Space and an interacting agent with an inventory. It is now the type for specifying BlockAttributes::tick_action effects, and in the future will be used by Tools as well.

    • universe::UniverseTransaction::insert_anonymous() and universe::UniverseTransaction::insert_mut() allow conveniently building transactions that insert multiple members without needing merge()s. Such transactions allow building universe content without passing around a &mut Universe.

  • Demo content and all-is-cubes-content library:

    • The atrium scene now includes more elements.
  • The all-is-cubes-desktop package now contains a library, which in principle can be used to create applications with different behavior than the included binary (such as creating and displaying a universe from some data source other than files and the provided templates). However, it does not yet have a well-designed API.

  • all-is-cubes-ui library:

    • The UI optionally presents a “Quit” button, if configured via the SessionBuilder.
    • New type vui::widgets::ButtonLabel allows giving ActionButton and ToggleButton text labels in addition to or instead of icons.
    • New function Session::set_character() allows changing the player character without also changing the universe.
    • New function vui::leaf_widget() allows easier, less type-error-prone construction of WidgetTrees. It should generally be used in place of LayoutTree::leaf().


  • all-is-cubes library:

    • Block schema and behavior changes:

      • Light emission is now a property of Atom blocks instead of BlockAttributes.
      • EvaluatedBlock’s color field is computed more accurately, ignoring voxels hidden by other voxels.
      • BlockAttributes::tick_action is now a dedicated TickAction type instead of VoxelBrush.
      • BlockDef now caches evaluation of its contained block. The cache is updated during Universe::step().
    • All vector and matrix types from the library cgmath have been replaced with the library euclid.

    • All functions manipulating volume data in Space, GridArray/Vol, Evoxels, etc. have changed signature to use the new type math::Cube instead of math::GridPoint.

    • All functions using usize to identify a coordinate axis now use math::Axis instead. Face6::axis_number() and Face7::axis_number() are now called axis().

    • space::SpaceChange now includes block indices, not just positions, in cube changes; and all variants have been renamed for clarity.

    • space::SpaceTransaction now exposes its components as individual CubeTransactions, which can be mutated using SpaceTransaction::at().

    • In block names and universe member names, Cow<'static, str> and Arc<str> have been replaced with arcstr::ArcStr. This type allows both refcounting and static literal strings.

    • The following functions have changed signature to use the new type math::Gridgid:

      • math::GridAab::transform()
      • math::GridMatrix::decompose()
      • space::Space::draw_target()
      • space::SpaceTransaction::draw_target()
    • The trait method Behavior::step() now must return a value of type behavior::Then, which specifies when the behavior should next be stepped.

    • block::BlockBuilder::voxels_fn() no longer takes a &mut Universe parameter. Instead, either the universe or a transaction must be supplied through a call to .build_into() or .build_txn().

    • block::EvalBlockError::StackOverflow has been replaced with block::EvalBlockError::BudgetExceeded, which reflects a new, better-fitting block evaluation limit system.

    • math::GridAab::volume() now returns Option<usize>, in preparation for a future change where GridAab will not have a limit on volume.

    • math::GridArray is now math::Vol and allows choice of the data container type.

    • camera::HeadlessRenderer now returns a custom image container type Rendering instead of using image::RgbaImage. (This way, no dependency on image is needed.)

    • linking::BlockProvider::install() now requires a &mut UniverseTransaction instead of a &mut Universe.

    • drawing::VoxelBrush::transform() is renamed to rotate() and only accepts a rotation. This avoids confusion between points in space and cube-identifying coordinates.

    • Renamed raytracer::PixelBuf trait to Accumulate.

    • all_is_cubes::util::CustomFormat has been split into a separate library called manyfmt, reexported at all_is_cubes::util::manyfmt. The CustomFormat trait is now split into two traits, Fmt (for implementing) and Refmt (extension).

  • all-is-cubes-gpu library:

    • Block textures are now fully dynamically allocated; it is no longer possible to run out of texture space.
  • all-is-cubes-mesh library:

    • The new trait MeshTypes is now used to combine declaration of vertex and texture types. BlockMesh, SpaceMesh, ChunkedSpaceMesh, and GetBlockMesh all have a single M: MeshTypes parameter in place of multiple generics.

    • Major changes to texturing:

      • It is now possible for texture allocator implementations to use purely 2D texturing; Tiles are now subdivided into Planes before usage, and each plane may provide its own texture coordinates independent of other planes in the volume.

      • Texture allocators may opt out of supporting multiple writes, and have only immutable allocations.

      • Texture allocators are expected to be able to store emissive color in addition to reflectance. The new type texture::Channels communicates which properties each allocation must actually store, so that allocators can conserve memory when it is not necessary.

      • Texture writes are now given data using Vol<&[Evoxel]> rather than pre-converted sRGB data; it is up to the texture implementation to convert and shuffle data as needed.

      • Trait method GetBlockMesh::get_block_mesh() takes additional arguments which support instanced rendering of blocks. (They are not yet used.)

      • Renamed TextureAllocator to texture::Allocator.

      • Renamed TextureTile to texture::Tile.

      • Renamed NoTexture to texture::NoTexture.

      • Renamed NoTextures to texture::NoTextures.


  • all-is-cubes library:

    • No longer depends on the instant library; WebAssembly builds do not need to depend on it to set its features.
    • block::BlockBuilder::into_named_definition() no longer exists. Instead, create the BlockDef separately after using the builder.
    • block::BlockDef no longer implements Deref<Target = Block>. Instead, call BlockDef::block() when needed.
    • math::Aab::from_cube() no longer exists. Use Cube::aab() instead.
    • math::Face7::matrix() no longer exists. Use Face6::face_transform() instead.
    • math::GridAab::contains_cube() no longer accepts impl Into<GridPoint>. Call sites should be changed to pass only Cube.
    • math::GridAab::index() no longer exists. Use Vol::index() instead.
    • math::GridRotation::to_positive_octant_matrix() no longer exists. Use to_positive_octant_transform() instead.
    • math::cube_to_midpoint() no longer exists. Use Cube::midpoint() instead.
    • math::point_to_enclosing_cube() no longer exists. Use Cube::containing() instead.
    • space::SpaceTransaction::set_overwrite() no longer exists. Use instead.
  • all-is-cubes-mesh library:

    • No longer depends on the instant library; WebAssembly builds do not need to depend on it to set its features.
    • TextureCoordinate type alias no longer exists. Its only use was when implementing TextureTile; simply use f32 instead.
    • Texel type alias no longer exists; callers are free to choose their own texel data type.

Performance improvements

  • Block voxel data is kept to smaller bounds where possible:
    • BlockBuilder::voxels_fn() trims empty space surrounding the produced voxels.
    • all_is_cubes::block::Modifier::Composite produces voxel data bounds that are the union or intersection of the inputs, as appropriate, rather than a full block.
  • Various tweaks to reduce the size of compiled code.

0.6.0 (2023-07-29)


  • Command line application (crate all-is-cubes-desktop) functionality:

    • Exporting universes to files; see below section on all-is-cubes-port for supported formats.
    • Option --template-size allows controlling the size of spaces produced by universe templates.
    • Window titles name the data source (file or template) for the contained universe.
  • all-is-cubes library:

    • Many types, including Universe and its components, now support serialization via serde. This serialization support is still a work in progress and long-term save data compatibility is planned but not currently guaranteed.

    • block::Atom, a struct for the data of the Primitive::Atom enum variant.

    • block::CompositeOperator::In allows masking one block shape by another.

    • block::Modifier::Composite has a new option disassemblable, which causes Block::unspecialize() (and its callers such as Tool::RemoveBlock) to return the composed blocks separately instead of the composite.

    • linking::BlockProvider now has methods subset() (replace keys) and map() (replace values) to allow using BlockProviders in more ways.

    • math::GridAab::iter() to iterate over (cube, &item).

    • save::WhenceUniverse, a trait for associating a Universe with disk files or other persistent storage. Universe now keeps an Arc<dyn WhenceUniverse>.

    • space::SpaceBuilder::palette_and_contents() allows efficiently specifying arbitrary contents for a newly created Space.

    • universe::RefVisitor is now implemented for all FnMut(&dyn URefErased), allowing visitors to simply be functions.

    • universe::Universe::universe_id() returns a unique identifier for this Universe.

  • all-is-cubes-port library:

    • Import and export of a “native” file format (serialized Universes).
    • Export to .stl meshes (commonly used for 3D printing).
    • Export to MagicaVoxel .vox files.
    • ImportError type for precise error reporting.
  • all-is-cubes-ui library:

    • vui::LayoutTree::Shrink allows a subtree to be shrunk to only be as big as needed, rather than filling available space, allowing for “shrink wrapped” layouts such as framed dialog boxes.
    • vui::widgets::Frame::as_background_of() allows conveniently making dialog frames.


  • Graphics:

    • Space light propagation no longer updates deterministically, but as much as possible given available time for the computation.
  • New crate all-is-cubes-mesh contains the former contents of all_is_cubes::mesh, except for LineVertex which is now in all_is_cubes::math.

    • SpaceMesh indices are now either u16 or u32 depending on the size of the mesh, rather than always u32. The new enum all_is_cubes_mesh::IndexSlice is used to work with them.
    • SpaceMesh index ranges and other metadata are now kept in a sub-struct MeshMeta.
    • Newly public/documented module dynamic provides support for incrementally updated meshes for interactive rendering.
    • Renamed: BlockMeshProvider is now GetBlockMesh. This aligns with the general principle of naming traits for the action that they enable.
  • all-is-cubes library:

    • Block collision control has been redesigned:

      • BlockCollision is now stored in Atoms and not in BlockAttributes; Primitive::Recur blocks always get their collision from their component voxels.
      • BlockCollision::Recur no longer exists and BlockCollision::Hard cannot be used to disregard voxels' own collision. This change should be an overall simplification of the semantics and eliminates the common mistake of forgetting to specify Recur.
    • Universes are now considered to have an inherent, fixed time step.

      • This time step cannot yet be changed; it is currently always 1/60 second.
      • Within a single second, instants and Ticks have a “phase” value which cycles from 0 to 59. This will enable simulations to run on an intentionally slow but consistent schedule by skipping some ticks.
      • The time module contains new types TickSchedule and Clock to support this.
    • block::Block::listen() is now evaluate_and_listen() which includes a simultaneous evaluate().

    • block::Block::unspecialize() now returns Vec<Block>, to allow for cases where a block comes apart into multiple parts, such as with Modifier::Composite.

    • block::EvaluatedBlock now has a voxels field of the new type Evoxels, which replaces the previous resolution and voxels fields. This simplifies the data model, in that there is now always a set of Evoxels defining a block's shape, even if there's only one of them, and it is always found in the voxels field. This is a breaking change for code that accesses EvaluatedBlock data.

    • block::Modifier::attach() has been replaced by block::Block::with_modifier(). This is intended to be more convenient in all cases.

    • block::Primitive::Atom now contains a struct Atom instead of individual fields.

    • block::AIR now has its own dedicated primitive, Primitive::Air. The behavior is unchanged.

    • camera::Flaws now implements Display. Use this instead of Debug for printing the flaws.

    • math::Geometry::wireframe_points() now produces a new type mesh::LineVertex instead of a tuple (with the same position and color data).

    • space::Space::extract() now passes one argument instead of three to the callback function; it is of the new type Extract which has methods to return all the previously available data. This is intended to be more extensible and potentially more efficient.

    • transaction::Transaction can now produce any number of Outputs, delivered through a callback.

    • transaction::Merge now has an associated type Conflict for more informative conflict errors.

    • universe::Name now has a variant Pending for not-yet-assigned names.

    • universe::URef::name() now returns an owned instead of borrowed Name.

    • universe::UniverseIndex is no longer a public trait; the relevant methods are now inherent methods on Universe.

    • universe::UniverseTransaction::insert() now takes a URef created by URef::new_pending(), instead of a bare value. This allows associations between the new member and other objects to be created within the same transaction.

    • Types that previously had a pub fn listen(&self, impl Listener) now implement the listen::Listen trait instead. listen::DirtyFlag::listening() now expects impl Listen instead of a closure.

  • all-is-cubes-port library:

    • load_universe_from_file returns its own ImportError instead of anyhow::Error.
  • all-is-cubes-ui library:

    • vui::LayoutGrant now takes an additional parameter, enlarge_for_symmetry. Existing calls should be changed to pass false to get the prior behavior.


  • all_is_cubes::block::BlockCollision::Recur no longer exists; it is the default behavior.
  • all_is_cubes::transaction::TransactionConflict no longer exists; the Transaction trait has a Conflict associated type instead.

0.5.1 (2022-12-29)

  • Fixed packaging error in all-is-cubes-desktop.

0.5.0 (2022-12-28)

This is a large revision with many breaking changes. This log does not record all of them; I have chosen “get a release out” over “document everything”.


  • New crate all-is-cubes-port contains import/export routines (not very many, for now):

    • Import MagicaVoxel .vox files.
    • Export glTF 3D model files. (This support is very incomplete and currently is not feasible to use outside of the export feature in all-is-cubes-desktop).
  • New crate all-is-cubes-ui contains the user interface components which used to be in all-is-cubes. This separation should improve compilation times.

  • Graphics:

    • The all-is-cubes-gpu renderer now fully supports blocks with a resolution greater than 16.
  • all-is-cubes library:

    • block::Modifier::Move, for drawing blocks in motion or off the grid.
    • block::Modifier::Zoom, for creating multi-block structures from a single block definition.
    • camera::HeadlessRenderer, for easily creating images using the raytracer or other renderers.
    • math::point_to_enclosing_cube()
    • math::Face6, which is like math::Face (now) Face7 but without the Within variant.
    • DirtyFlag::listening() which simplifies typical usage.
    • GridArray::repeat() for constructing arrays with uniform contents.
    • GridArray::from_element() for constructing single-element arrays.
    • GridRotation::ALL_BUT_REFLECTIONS, as GridRotation::ALL but excluding reflections.
    • SpaceBuilder::filled_with() allows specifying the initial block in a new Space.
    • SpaceTransaction::draw_target() allows 2.5D drawing into a transaction in the same way Space::draw_target() works on &mut Space.
    • StandardCameras::world_space(), so that clients don't need to consult the Character each frame.
    • Universe::get_any() allows looking up universe members without knowing their type.
    • UniverseTransaction::insert() allows inserting objects into a Universe via transaction rather than directly.
    • VoxelBrush::transform() allows rotating a VoxelBrush.
    • VoxelBrush::with_thickness() allows easily constructing a brush with a Z-axis stack of one block.
    • The previously-existing widget system is now publicly available in the vui module.
    • Most Listener implementations now also implement Clone and Debug. This allows taking a listener and registering it with more than one Notifier. Relatedly, some uses of -> impl Listener have been replaced with concrete types.


  • all-is-cubes library:

    • Breaking: The Block type has been substantially redesigned (though it still has existing functionality).

      • It is no longer an enum; it is an opaque type.
      • It is logically made up of two components, a block::Primitive and any number of block::Modifiers.
        • block::Primitive is an enum which has Atom, Recur, and Indirect variants as before.
        • The Rotated variant is now Modifier::Rotate.
      • It internally uses reference counting to be predictably cheap to clone(); this is intended to help use cases such as transactions which mean that even a block which only exists once in the universe is frequently cloned.
      • Many changes to the functions, associated methods, and BlockBuilder were made to support this new structure.
    • Breaking: mesh::TextureAllocator implementations may now choose an arbitrary type to represent their texture coordinates. mesh::BlockVertex is now generic to accomodate this.

    • Breaking: behavior::BehaviorSet now stores additional data, the “attachment”, with each behavior, which must be specified when adding a behavior.

    • Breaking: apps::Session::new() (formerly AllIsCubesAppState::new()) has been replaced with SessionBuilder, whose build() is now an async function.

    • Breaking: apps::StandardCameras now works with a ListenableSource<Viewport> instead of a Viewport and set_viewport() method, and it is constructed using Session::create_cameras() instead of StandardCameras::from_session().

    • Breaking: block::AnimationHint (from BlockAttributes::animation_hint) has been redesigned to be more systematic.

    • Breaking: linking::BlockProvider::new() is now an async function.

    • Breaking: The linking::BlockModule trait now requires the exhaust::Exhaust trait in place of strum::IntoEnumIterator. This allows implementors to use enums with fields (or non-enums).

    • Breaking: raytracer::SpaceRaytracer::trace_scene_to_image() now expects a buffer rather than allocating one.

    • Renamed: space::Grid is now math::GridAab.

      • Methods named grid() that return the bounding box of something are now called bounds().
      • Grid::contains_grid() is now GridAab::contains_box().
      • Raycaster::within_grid() is now Raycaster::within().
      • Grid::new() is now GridAab::from_lower_size().
      • Grid::checked_new() is now GridAab::checked_from_lower_size().
    • Renamed: apps::AllIsCubesAppState to apps::Session.

    • Renamed: math::Face is now math::Face7.

    • Renamed: mesh::SpaceMesh::new() is now mesh::SpaceMesh::default().

    • Renamed: mesh::triangulate_block() is now mesh::BlockMesh::new().

    • Renamed: mesh::triangulate_blocks() is now mesh::block_meshes_for_space().

    • Renamed: mesh::triangulate_space() is now mesh::SpaceMesh::new().

    • Renamed: space::SpaceBuilder::build_empty() is now build().

    • Renamed: transaction::UniverseTransaction is now universe::UniverseTransaction.

    • Renamed: vui::Icons is now inv::Icons.

    • Moved to all-is-cubes-ui: the modules apps and vui.

    • Renamed: The feature "rayon" is now "threads".

  • all-is-cubes-gpu library:

    • No longer supports luminance GPU API; uses wgpu instead.


  • all-is-cubes library:
    • math::NoiseFnExt (no longer public).

0.4.0 (2022-01-29)


  • Functionality:

    • New universe template, "dungeon", generating an enclosed maze of rooms. I hope to build on this further to create some sort of gameplay (e.g. finding keys to unlock doors) and a tutorial for All is Cubes' functionality from a player's perspective; currently, all the rooms are the same.
    • New universe template, "menger-sponge". Fractals are cool.
    • There is now some amount of clickable user interface: pause and mouselook functions are visible as clickable buttons. Soon we may have actual menu screens!
  • Graphics:

    • The software raytracer now implements volumetric transparency; blocks whose colors have alpha between 0 and 1 may be rendered as a solid volume of translucent material, rather than the alpha being applied at the surface, if the graphics options request it. However, the light model does not yet have a reasonable interpretation of how to light these volumes, so blocks may have unreasonably dark parts. I hope that future work will address this and also better handling of material surfaces (e.g. light reflections at the surface of glass, vs the lack of them in fog or at the meeting surfaces of adjacent similar blocks).
  • all-is-cubes library:

    • New major items:
      • apps::StandardCameras manages the Cameras needed for rendering, given the necessary inputs. It is intended to reduce duplicated code and coupling in each renderer.
      • universe::VisitRefs trait allows traversing the URef graph inside a Universe.
      • util::YieldProgress is an interface for long-running async tasks to report their progress.
    • New features in existing types:
      • Aab::center() returns the center point of the box.
      • BehaviorSet::query() for looking up existing behaviors.
      • BehaviorSetTransaction::insert() for adding a behavior via transaction.
      • BlockAttributes::rotation_rule and RotationPlacementRule define how a block should be automatically rotated when placed.
      • Camera::exposure for controlling displayed brightness. Both renderers implement it. Nothing sets it yet.
      • Camera::post_process_color() applies the new exposure and tone-mapping settings to a color value.
      • Evoxel::from_block() for performing the same conversion from a full block to a voxel that Block::Recur(...).evaluate() does.
      • Face::dot(), for dot product with a vector without constructing an intermediate unit vector.
      • GraphicsOptions::tone_mapping and ToneMappingOperator (not yet providing good operators, just the mechanisms to have the feature at all).
      • Rgb::from_srgb8().
      • Rgb::luminance() and Rgba::luminance().
      • SpaceMesh now remembers the TextureAllocator::Tiles it was constructed using, just like BlockMesh does, so callers no longer need to do so.
      • SpaceMesh::blocks_used_iter() reports which block indices went into the mesh.
      • SpaceTransaction::set(), for faster construction of large transactions instead of many small ones. (This will likely be changed further to have better naming and convenience.)
      • SpaceTransaction::nonconserved() requests that merging two transactions with the same effect on some cube should not be considered a conflict.
      • math::cube_to_midpoint() function for the pattern of converting to float and adding 0.5.
    • The following functions are now const fn:
      • Grid::for_block()
      • Rgb::from_srgb8()
      • Rgba::from_srgb8()
  • all-is-cubes-content library:

    • UniverseTemplate::build is now an async function, which accepts a YieldProgress hook parameter. This means that there can be progress bars (currently implemented in desktop but not web) and that building doesn't hang the web event loop.
  • all-is-cubes-desktop:

    • Can now “open data files”. Currently the only file format supported is MagicaVoxel .vox scene files; when we have a native file format that will be supported too. Files can be opened by passing them on the command line or by dropping them on an open window.
    • Terminal mode now has mouse support for placing and removing blocks.
    • Terminal mode no longer goes blank if asked to use graphic characters but not colors.


  • Game mechanics:

    • Characters no longer inherently have the ability to fly; they can only do so if they have a Tool::Jetpack in their inventory.
    • It is no longer possible to jump multiple times in the same frame.
  • Graphics:

    • Fixed a bug in the GPU renderer where dark areas would always have a noticeable minimum brightness (PackedLight did not have the same interpretation in the Rust and GLSL code for a value of zero).
    • Block meshes are no longer computed all at once, reducing maximum frame time during startup (or, in the future, when moving from viewing one Space to another).
    • Optimized construction and depth-sorting of meshes for transparent blocks. They still don't draw correctly, but they are less slow.
    • Various performance improvements to the raytracer.
  • all_is_cubes library:

    • The new minimum supported Rust version is 1.56.0 (2021 edition).

    • Breaking: The items previously in all_is_cubes::lum are now in a separate crate all_is_cubes_gpu, and the "lum" feature no longer exists.

    • Breaking: The triangulator module has been renamed to mesh. All types with Triangulation in the name now use Mesh instead.

      • BlockTriangulationBlockMesh
      • BlockTriangulationsBlockMeshes
      • SpaceTriangulationSpaceMesh
        • SpaceMesh takes an additional type parameter for the texture type.
      • BlockTriangulationProviderBlockMeshProvider
      • TriangulatorOptionsMeshOptions
    • Breaking: The raytracer is now more flexible and allows custom data to pass into the tracing process.

      • Instead of PixelBuf having a single output type, the raytracer returns the PixelBuf and lets the caller convert it (or provide a conversion function, for trace_scene_to_image which returns a slice of converted values).
      • Block data is computed via a separate trait, RtBlockData, and has access to GraphicsOptions and an arbitrary extra parameter. Multiple types of PixelBuf may be used with the same SpaceRaytracer as long as they agree on a concrete type of RtBlockData.
    • Breaking: The color values written into all_is_cubes::mesh::TextureTile are now in sRGB; previously, they were linear.

    • Breaking: GLRenderer::new() now expects a StandardCameras (instead of the components of one).

    • Breaking: AllIsCubesAppState::update_cursor() now expects a &StandardCameras instead of two Cameras.

    • Breaking: Camera::set_view_matrix() is now Camera::set_view_transform(), and expects a cgmath::Decomposed transform, inverted from the matrix version.

    • Breaking: Space::spawn_mut() replaced by Space::set_spawn().

    • The Name enum is now intended to be reliably cheap to clone:

      • Name::Specific's field holds an Arc<str> instead of a String.
      • Universe-related errors now hold Name instead of Arc<Name>.
    • Renamed: Evoxel::new() to Evoxel::from_color().

    • Renamed: apps::Tick is now time::Tick.

    • Renamed: Rgba::from_srgb_32bit() is now Rgba::from_srgb8(), and Rgba::to_srgb_32bit() is now Rgba::to_srgb8(). This is more consistent with what I understand to be common terminology (specifying the component size instead of the total size), and allows the same name to be used sensibly for Rgb.

0.3.0 (2021-10-09)


  • Demo content: Multiple scenes are now available, through the command-line option --template, web page URL parameter ?template=, or in code as all_is_cubes_content::UniverseTemplate. The available templates include:

    • demo-city: The default in the previous version: a collection of many examples of specific functionality. (Now with more stuff, of course.)
    • atrium: A voxel interpretation of the Sponza Atrium rendering test scene (from scratch, not a data conversion).
    • blank: No data at all. Mostly useless except for testing.
    • cornell-box: A version of the Cornell box rendering test scene.
  • all-is-cubes-desktop:

    • New graphics mode -g record for rendering images or video (currently only in PNG or APNG format).
    • New option --display-size to choose the window or image size.
    • New option --precompute-light to fully compute Space light before displaying anything.
    • Terminal mode (-g terminal):
      • Pipelined simulation and rendering for more CPU utilization.
      • Keyboard controls over the text and color modes used.
      • Double-resolution mode using “▄” graphic characters.
      • UI has more HUD elements.
      • Implemented using the crossterm library instead of termion, and should therefore support Windows (not tested).
    • Reads graphics options from graphics.json in whatever directories-next thinks is a platform-appropriate app configuration directory.
    • Added info text overlay like the web version.
  • Graphics:

    • Color values produced in all modes are now sRGB instead of linear, which should be more correct on most displays.
    • Various graphics options are now configurable without recompiling, through the GraphicsOptions type.
    • “Smooth lighting”, interpolated across block faces.
    • Triangulator and all-is-cubes::lum (GPU triangle-based renderer):
      • Blocks with resolution greater than 16 are now drawn with correct shapes, though not textures unless they have solid-colored faces because the texture allocator is still limited.
      • Added frustum culling.
      • Added distance fog.
      • Now supports transparent blocks, as the raytracer already did. This support is complete for Block::Atom blocks but poor to nonexistent for Block::Recur blocks.
      • Light changes no longer require rebuilding chunk triangulations.
    • Fixed several bugs in light calculation, including one that could lead to runaway brightness.
  • Physics and game mechanics:

    • Character now has limited reach (can no longer interact with arbitrarily distant blocks).
    • Gravity is now a property of individual Spaces.
    • Characters collide against the voxel shapes of blocks, not just their unit cube bounds. This happens only if the block's BlockCollision attribute is Recur.
    • Inventory items are now stackable, and “finite rather than infinite” block items exist — you can place a block in a Space and lose it from your inventory, or the reverse.
  • User interface:

    • Mouselook support.
    • Cursor markers no longer lag behind the camera.
    • The HUD now displays a “tooltip” with the name of the selected tool/block.
  • all_is_cubes library API:

    • Universe, URef, Space, Listener, and so on now implement Send and Sync. They are not fully equipped for useful multithreaded operation (in particular, there is are no principles for deadlock-free lock acquisition of various URefs), but it is now possible to, for example, construct a Universe on one thread and send it to another.
    • Transactions (all_is_cubes::transaction). Transactions describe modifications to a game object or many within the same Universe. They enable:
      • Ensuring that a set of modifications is committed or entirely rejected (preventing “item duplication” kinds of bugs).
      • Deferring mutations to solve borrowing problems.
      • For example, Tools' modifications of Spaces are now exclusively performed as transactions.
    • Behaviors (all_is_cubes::behavior). The Behavior trait can be implemented to add custom behavior to a Space or Character (a sort of “scripting”). Its functionality is very limited for now and may be substantially revised.
    • Inventories and items (all_is_cubes::inv) are now public.
    • Aab implements From<Grid>.
    • Aab::contains()
    • Aab::face_coordinate(): returns one of the box's six coordinates.
    • Aab::random_point()
    • Aab::round_up_to_grid()
    • Aab::scale()
    • Block::rotate(): generates a canonical Block::Rotated version of a block.
    • Block::unspecialize() to undo rotation and, in the future, other changes that are considered specific to a block's particular placement in a Space (such as being due to interactions with other blocks).
    • BlockAttributes::animation_hint
    • Face implements TryFrom<GridVector>.
    • FaceMap::iter()
    • FaceMap::repeat()
    • GenError and InGenError types for classifying worldgen failures.
    • Grid::checked_new(): returns an error instead of panicking.
    • Grid::abut(): constructs a grid adjacent to an existing one (useful for making walls).
    • Grid::axis_range(): as x_range(), y_range(), z_range() but with a parameter for the axis.
    • Grid::expand(): enlarges a grid by moving its faces.
    • Grid::intersection()
    • Grid::unsigned_size()
    • GridArray implements IndexMut.
    • GridArray::from_elements()
    • GridArray::map()
    • GridMatrix::decompose() to decompose into a translation and rotation.
    • GridMatrix::inverse_transform()
    • GridMatrix::transform_cube()
    • GridRotation::from_to() (a “look at” operation of sorts)
    • GridRotation::inverse()
    • GridRotation::is_reflection()
    • GridRotation::iterate() to repeat a rotation exactly until it loops to the start.
    • GridRotation::to_rotation_matrix()
    • Rgb::clamp(), Rgba::clamp()
    • Space::builder(): returns SpaceBuilder for configuring a new space's properties.
    • Space::evaluate_light() and Space::fast_evaluate_light() can be used for immediate light evaluation.
    • Space::fill_uniform(): faster than Space::fill() when filling with only one block.
    • SpaceRaytracer::trace_scene_to_image() can be used to produce an RGBA image.
    • TextureAllocator, the trait through which the triangulator outputs textures, is now expected to offer 3D textures instead of 2D. This significantly reduces the number of redundant texels for complex blocks (at the cost of more never-seen texels for simple blocks).
  • Some information is logged using the log crate (startup progress and some nonfatal errors).


  • all_is_cubes library:

    • No longer depends on the luminance-front crate.

    • Expansions:

      • Space can now store up to u16::MAX (65536) distinct blocks, instead of 256.
      • Grid now allows zero-volume grids.
    • Breaking parameter/field/type changes:

      • draw_to_blocks() now takes options for Z dimensions and the attributes of the resulting blocks.
      • GridRotation is now an enum, so its size is 1 byte and it cannot have invalid values.
      • EvaluatedBlock now has an explicit .resolution field. The dimensions of the .voxels field no longer implicitly define the resolution; if .voxels is smaller than the block then the missing voxels should be treated as AIR.
      • The API of all_is_cubes::triangulator has been substantially revised to support depth sorting and separation of transparent triangles, and to remove unnecessary complexity.
      • New type GraphicsOptions stores global user-settable rendering options, and is required by most graphics-related functions.
      • make_some_blocks() returns an array rather than a vector, taking the size as a const generic parameter.
      • Universe::get_default_character() returns Option instead of panicking.
      • Face::axis_number() returns Option instead of panicking.
      • all_is_cubes::listen::Sink now stores messages in order without duplicates, and offers the method .drain() instead of implementing Iterator.
    • Breaking: The integration with embedded_graphics now uses API version 0.7. The drawing target type has been renamed from VoxelDisplayAdapter to DrawingPlane.

    • Breaking: all_is_cubes::util::ConciseDebug is now generalized as all_is_cubes::util::CustomFormat which takes one of several formatting types.

    • Renamed: The modules all_is_cubes::blockgen, all_is_cubes::worldgen, and all_is_cubes::content have all been replaced by the separate crate all_is_cubes_content.

    • Renamed: all_is_cubes::camera::Camera to all_is_cubes::character::Character, and all_is_cubes::camera::ProjectionHelper to Camera.

    • Renamed: all_is_cubes::camera::InputProcessor to all_is_cubes::apps::InputProcessor.

    • Renamed: all_is_cubes::lum::glrender::Viewport to all_is_cubes::camera::Viewport.

    • Renamed: all_is_cubes::universe::FrameClock to all_is_cubes::apps::FrameClock.

    • Renamed: GridArray::generate() and FaceMap::generate() to from_fn().

    • Renamed: Aab::expand() to Aab::enlarge()

    • Grid::index() no longer overflows on some out of range coordinates.

    • Raycaster will stop iteration rather than overflowing if the ray exits the range of possible cube coordinates (i32).

  • Development tools:

    • The project's custom build scripts are now provided using the cargo xtask pattern rather than a Makefile. This means that the make tool is not needed, and instead of e.g. make run-dev, you would now write cargo xtask run-dev.


  • Most of all_is_cubes::lum is no longer public as I have decided those items should be considered implementation details. The top-level struct GLRenderer (which needs a better name) is no longer in the glrender submodule.
  • FaceMap::values(): use FaceMap::iter() instead.
  • Universe::get_default_space()

0.2.1 (2021-01-18)

A changelog was not kept for this and earlier releases.