The Nuclear Energy Modeling System is a modular, extensible resource designed for use in typical application development systems as well as distributed web-services environments. The project focus is providing a framework for robust, automated mesh generation, mesh quality analysis, adaptive mesh refinement, and data transfer between arbitrary meshes. Python bindings to the NEMoSys library can also be enabled.
To acquire NEMoSys, you can download it from Illinois Rocstar's GitHub or clone it with the following command:
$ git clone [email protected]:Nemosys/Nemosys.git
The following table contains all available CMake options to configure NEMoSys functionality. The necessary third-party library is listed in the notes section.
Option name | Option description | Default | Notes |
ENABLE_MPI | Enable MPI support | OFF | Requires MPI compiler |
ENABLE_TESTING | Enable testing | ON | |
ENABLE_BUILD_UTILS | Build utilities | OFF | |
ENABLE_PYTHON_BINDINGS | Enable Python bindings | OFF | Requires Python 3 and SWIG 3 |
ENABLE_CFMSH | Enable cfMesh Meshing engine | OFF | Requires OpenFOAM |
ENABLE_CGNS | Enable CGNS extensions | OFF | Requires CGNS |
ENABLE_CONSRV_SURFACE_TRANSFER | Enable conservative surface transfer | OFF | Requires IMPACT |
ENABLE_CONSRV_VOLUME_TRANSFER | Enable conservative volume transfer | OFF | Requires MPI |
ENABLE_EPIC | Enable EPIC preprocessor | OFF | |
ENABLE_HDF5 | Enable HDF5 extensions | OFF | Requires HDF5 |
ENABLE_METIS | Enable Metis partitioner | ON | Requires METIS |
ENABLE_NETGEN | Enable Netgen meshing engine | ON | Requires Netgen |
ENABLE_OMEGAH_CUDA | Enable GPU for Omega_h | OFF | Requires Kokkos |
ENABLE_OPENCASCADE | Enable OpenCASACADE support | ON | Requires OpenCASCADE (OCCT) |
ENABLE_TEMPLATE_MESH | Enable meshing templates | ON | |
ENABLE_MLAMR | Enable machine learning based AMR | OFF | Requires Frugally-deep library |
cfMesh is an open-source meshing engine implemented on top of OpenFOAM.
NEMoSys comes with a fully integrated cfMesh-based meshing module. To enable
the capability, the NEMoSys should be compiled with ENABLE_CFMSH=ON
Note: cfMesh depends on
OpenFOAM, so before starting the compile process make sure to load OpenFOAM
environment variables. Depending on the version, OpenFOAM can be loaded by
sourcing the bashrc, or cshrc scripts provided in the OpenFoam-x.y/etc/
Refer to the OpenFOAM documentation for further instructions. After OpenFOAM
environment is loaded, enable cfMesh build by adding this line to the cmake
NEMoSys adaptive mesh refinement module for CFD is now equipped with machine
learning support. This module allows users to use trained machine learning
models for adaptive mesh refinement. To enable this capability, the NEMoSys
should be compiled with ENABLE_MLAMR=ON
User will also need a header only library
frugally-deep, which loads python
trained ML models in C++. User will need to provide installation path for this
library using -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
flag along with other dependecies of
NEMoSys. frugally-deep library also requires Tensorflow 2.1.0 installed.
/Install/path/to/frugally-deep" \
Omega_h can be built with CUDA support using the Kokkos backend, assuming Kokkos is built with CUDA support. Currently, only Kokkos version 2 is supported. To enable this, make sure that the following flag is set:
(or $PATH
) contains
. Note that both Kokkos and
NEMoSys must be built as shared libraries (-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
You will need to apt install
at least the following dependencies:
- build-essential
- cmake
- gfortran
- libopenmpi-dev (or other MPI compiler)
- zlib1g-dev
- libfreetype6-dev
- libfltk1.3-dev
- libxmu-dev
- libxi-dev
- libhdf5-dev
- liblapack-dev
- libjpeg-dev
- libcgns-dev
- libmetis-dev
- libexodusii-dev
Optional dependencies for additional functionality:
- libpython3-dev
- swig3.0
We no longer maintain the build script. The file and the archive of TPLs in contribs
are now deprecated. Instead, we publish the latest tested versions of TPLs used in the
project. The list includes following items:
- Gmsh 4.5.1
- Netgen v6.2.1905 (commit hash 099acc9)
- OpenCASCADE 7.3.0
- VTK 8.2.0
- Boost 1.68.0
- OpenFoam version 4, 5, 6, or 7
- Kokkos 2
Some of the TPLs need to be compiled in specific configurations. Directions for such TPLs are provided in the Manually Build Third Party Libraries section.
Now, we can compile the NEMoSys library, create its Python bindings, and build other utilities:
$ NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH=/full/path/to/Nemosys/install
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. \
$ make -j$(nproc) # (or however many threads you'd like to use)
$ make install # (sudo if install location requires it)
Executing the commands above will build all libraries, executables, and
bindings. The libraries are installed in $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/lib
Executables are installed in $NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH/bin
. If Python
bindings are enabled, the pyNemosys
module is installed for the user. The
module can be imported in Python as import pyNemosys
. The build
configuration can be modified through the CMake Curses interface, ccmake
, or
by passing the command line options to cmake
Throughout this section, we assume NEMOSYS_DEPS_INSTALL_PATH
pointing to the location of the installation of the TPLs.
Checkout proper version of OpenCASCADE, build and install the project by running the following commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. \
-DBUILD_DOC_Overview=OFF \
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make install
Gmsh depends on OpenCASCADE. Checkout proper version of Gmsh, build and install by running the following commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. \
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make install -j$(nproc)
Build and install VTK by running the following commands:
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. \
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make install
Build and install Netgen by running the following commands:
$ mkdir build && cd build
-DOCC_INCLUDE_DIR=${NEMOSYS_DEPS_INSTALL_PATH}/opencascade/include/opencascade \
$ make -j$(nproc)
$ make install
Build and install Kokkos version 2 with CUDA backend using the following:
$ cd build
$ cmake ${KOKKOS_SRC} \
$ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=${KOKKOS_SRC}/bin/nvcc_wrapper \
$ make install
where ${KOKKOS_SRC}
is the source directory and ${CUDA_ARCH_CC}
refers to
the architecture and compute capability of your GPU, from the list
Kepler30 Kepler32 Kepler35 Kepler37 Maxwell50 Maxwell52 Maxwell53 Pascal60 Pascal61 Volta70 Volta72
The dependencies are similar to a UNIX build of NEMoSys with the addition of boost. An archive of pre-built Windows dependencies is available with some exceptions:
Note: When downloading pre-built libraries, ensure to select the version matching the bitness (32 or 64) and the MSVC compiler version (14.1, 14.0, etc.) used.
netCDF (only if Exodus/Epic support is enabled):
SWIG (only if Python bindings are enabled):
boost will install by default to C:\local\boost_#_##_#
where the #
the boost version. The boost location must be specified to CMake with the
The netCDF installation is not detected automatically. Pass the location to the
build system through the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
Extract the archive to a custom location (%TPL_DIR%). The dependencies must be given to CMake through the
Exclude any you wish to use a custom installation.
Python bindings are generated using SWIG. A SWIG installer is needed on the system and must be available to CMake and available to the Python environment.
This is accomplished in two parts: (1) add the SWIG_EXECUTABLE
pointing to the SWIG executable (swig.exe
) for CMake and (2) add the folder
containing the SWIG executable to the system PATH
for Python.
A pre-built Windows executable can be downloaded from the
SWIG website:
Note: On a system with multiple Python installations, the Cmake variable
can be set to the python.exe
executable to force the
specific environment.
With the dependencies specified above installed, we can compile NEMoSys with Python bindings and build tools with the following command from a MSVC command prompt:
> set NETCDF_LOCATION=C:\full\path\to\netCDF\install
> set BOOST_LOCATION=C:\full\path\to\boost\install
> set SWIG_EXE=C:\full\path\to\SWIG\executable\swig.exe
> set NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH=C:\full\path\to\Nemosys\install
> md build && cd build
> cmake .. ^
-G "Ninja" ^
> ninja -j %NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS% (or however many threads you'd like to use)
> ninja install
Executing the commands above will build all libraries, executables, and
bindings. The libraries are installed in %NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH%\lib
Executables are installed in %NEMOSYS_INSTALL_PATH%\bin
From the build directory, execute the following command to test the installation:
$ make test
> ninja test
This will execute several tests found in $NEMOSYS_PROJECT_PATH/testing
Note : This is for internal IR user only. You can install experimental built of the latest NEMoSys for Ubuntu 18 and CentOS7 using following directions.
1- Install following packages/dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common wget
2- Add repository
curl -fsSL http://nemosys-repository.illinois.rocstar/nemosys-repository-pub.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://nemosys-repository.illinois.rocstar/ bionic main"
3- Install OpenFoam
sudo sh -c "wget -O - | apt-key add -"
sudo add-apt-repository
4- Install Nemosys
sudo apt-get install nemosys
5- Test installation
source /opt/openfoam7/etc/bachrc
you should see:
Usage: nemosysRun input.json
1- Add NEMoSys Repository
echo "[NEMoSys]
" >> /etc/yum.repos.d/nemosys.repo
2- Install Nemosys
sudo yum install nemosys
3- Test installation
source /opt/openfoam7/etc/bachrc
you should see:
Usage: nemosysRun input.json