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GBIT - Game Boy Instruction Tester

Differential testing framework for Game Boy CPUs.

Tests all instructions of a Game Boy CPU against a known-good implementation to detect implementation bugs. Useful for testing and debugging, especially early on in Game Boy emulator development where test ROMs do not run yet. Compatible with Game Boy emulators written in C, C++ and Python.

For each instruction in the Game Boy instruction set, the framework will issue many different executions with varying input states, each time comparing the output state to a known-good state. This allows for easy detection of implementation errors, such as calculating the wrong results, setting flags incorrectly, jumping to the wrong place and even accidentally corrupting other state.

To test your CPU implementation, it has to implement four functions and track all memory accesses made by the test CPU (see below for more details). This minimal interface should allow any emulator written in C and C++ to be easily tested. Additionally, a Python wrapper is available.

The known-good CPU implementation included in the framework is based on my own Game Boy emulator, which has been verified with test ROMs such as the Blargg ones. However, the framework can compare any two Game Boy CPUs, and the interface for the reference CPU is similar to the one used for the public test CPU one, so swapping out the reference implementation is trivial.

The framework contains a list of instructions, how to encode/assemble all variants and operands, and which state of the CPU is relevant to that instruction. This information is used to generate a minimal (but still complete) test set per instruction, resulting in much faster execution of tests than brute forcing all inputs. Because this framework runs standalone it is also generally much faster than a test ROM, because other parts of the system to not need to be emulated.

This framework was original developed for the gb-fpga project, where a Verilog CPU implementation (running in a simulator) is compared against an emulated CPU.

How to use

Hooking up your CPU implementation

The interface for the test framework is defined in lib/tester.h, which you should include in your code. The test framework requires four callback functions into your CPU, as defined in the tester_operations struct. These functions should behave as follows:

    void init(size_t instruction_mem_size, uint8_t *instruction_mem);

Called once at startup. Here you should perform any initialization needed by your CPU. Additionally, the arguments passed in by the tester specify a memory area of instruction_mem_size bytes, which should be mapped read-only at address 0 for your CPU (see below).

    void set_state(struct state *state);

Reset your CPU to a specific state, as defined in the state struct (format can be found below). This function is called in between each different instruction and set of inputs per instruction.

    void get_state(struct state *state);

Load the current state of your CPU into the state struct (as defined below). This function is called after each test run for different instruction and input combinations.

    int step(void);

Step a single instruction of your CPU, and return the number of cycles spent doing so. This means machine cycles (running at a 4.19 MHz clock), so for instance the NOP instruction should return 4.

The file test_cpu.c contains some example and boilerplate code to help you get started with implementing these functions.

Memory accesses

Instructions are fetched from memory by your CPU. Additionally, many instruction will read from or write to memory. Because of this, your implementation should also provide a mock MMU.

For reads, addresses 0 through instruction_mem_size (as passed in by the init callback) should return the bytes pointed to by instruction_mem. These bytes will be the instruction that step will execute. Note that the memory area pointed to by instruction_mem will be modified by the test framework in between each instruction that is executed. Your init implementation should therefore not copy out the bytes, but instead save the pointer to this area so it can be read on-demand. All other memory reads (outside of this particular area) should return the value 0xAA.

For writes, your mock MMU does not need to emulate memory. Instead it should keep a log of all memory accesses so this behavior can be compared against the known-good implementation inside the test framework. Each 8-bit memory access should be logged as a struct mem_access entry (defined below). Each entry has a type (which is always MEM_ACCESS_WRITE), the address being written to, and the value that is being written. For instructions that write 16-bit values, two log entries should be created for each byte. The order of these memory access in the log does not matter; the test framework will reorder these internally.

The file test_cpu.c contains an example implementation of an MMU, that should be sufficient for most users.

Data types

The above callback functions are passed into the framework via the following struct:

    struct tester_operations {
        void (*init)(size_t instruction_mem_size, uint8_t *instruction_mem);
        void (*set_state)(struct state *state);
        void (*get_state)(struct state *state);
        int (*step)(void);

All data types related to the state struct, as used by set_state and get_state, are defined as follows:

    #define MEM_ACCESS_WRITE 1

    struct mem_access {
        int type;
        u16 addr;
        u8 val;

    struct state {
        union {
            struct {
                u16 AF, BC, DE, HL;
            } reg16;
            struct {
                u8 F, A, C, B, E, D, L, H;
            } reg8;
        u16 SP;
        u16 PC;
        bool halted;
        bool interrupts_master_enabled;

        int num_mem_accesses;
        struct mem_access mem_accesses[16];

Registers are placed in a union so they can be accessed in both 8-bit and 16-bit form. To access one of these, use the following syntax: state->reg8.A and state->reg16.BC. The halted flag should reflect whether your CPU has halted because of the executed instruction (e.g., HALT). The interrupts_master_enabled is used for setting and retrieving the IME flag of your CPU (set/reset by EI, DI and RETI). All memory accesses that are writes should be recorded in the mem_accesses array.

C++ compatibility

The test framework is written in C, but can interact with CPUs written in C++ as well by simply including the same header file (lib/tester.h). When using the provided main.c, make sure your CPU operations struct is visible to C code (i.e., define it inside an extern "C" block). The build infrastructure (described below) can already handle .cpp files.

Python wrapper

A wrapper is available for testing Game Boy emulators written in Python. This wrapper uses the same framework library, and thus has similar usage and data types. For more details about this wrapper and how to use it, see the python directory.

Building and running

The provided Makefile will compile the test framework (in the lib directory) as a shared object file ( Additionally, it will build main.c to parse command-line arguments and start the tests. You can add your own .c and .cpp files to the BINSRC in Makefile, which will be linked into the gbit binary.

To compile and run the tests, simply run make and the resulting binary:

$ make
$ ./gbit

This will test each instruction with different input states (e.g., different values set to each register, different arguments) and compare the output to a reference (known-good) CPU. If a mismatch is detected, the input state and the two outputs states (including memory accesses) are logged:


 - Instruction -

 - Input state -
 PC   SP   AF   BC   DE   HL  ZNHC hlt IME
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  0   0

 - Test-CPU output state -
 PC   SP   AF   BC   DE   HL  ZNHC hlt IME
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  0   0
Mem write: addr=0000 val=00

 - Correct output state -
 PC   SP   AF   BC   DE   HL  ZNHC hlt IME
0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 ffff 0000  0   0
Mem write: addr=0000 val=00

Here we see the LDD (HL), A instruction produced an incorrect state after execution. We can see the HL register is not 0xffff as it is supposed to be. All other state does match up, and the memory write logs are identical too.

Normally, the tester will stop execution on the first error it encounters. By running ./gbit -k it will instead skip to the next opcode or instruction, and print a summary of all non-functional opcodes at the end:

Tested 67/67 instructions, 65 passed and 2 failed
Successfully tested 242/244 opcodes

Table of untested/incorrect opcodes:
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- 32 -- 34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

This table matches the layout of instruction tables such as this one.

Note the definition of instruction in the test framework. Here we see there are 244 valid (non-CB-prefixed) opcodes but only 67 valid instructions. In this framework, an instruction refers to a class of instructions, such as ADD r8. Each variant of this instruction (ADD A, ADD B, ADD H, ...) is a separate opcode.

To disable the testing of a particular instruction for some reason, modify the Enabled field (first field of each entry) in lib/instructions.h.

For a full list of options, run ./gbit -h.


This project does not have any dependencies except for a C compiler and make. On Debian-based systems you can install these using the following command:

$ sudo apt install build-essential


  • The framework does currently not check the timings (i.e., how many cycles an instruction takes).
  • This project does not currently work correctly on big-endian host architectures due to the union/struct layout of register state.