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File metadata and controls

90 lines (74 loc) · 2.72 KB

Data Collections Explorer Docker Container

This Docker container provides the graph-based version of the Data Collections Explorer.


To build and run the container, follow these steps:

  • Build the container
$ docker build --force-rm -t dce .
  • Create required directories and set up the database
$ mkdir logs
$ mkdir -p databases/DB2
$ tdb2.tdbloader --loc databases/DB2 ../graph/DCE.ttl

tdb2.tdbloader is part of the Apache Jena Command Line Tools, available as part of the Apache Jena Commands distribution.

  • Start the container
$ sh

The SPARQL endpoint is accessible at localhost:3030/dce. Queries are logged to logs/fuseki.log.


The SPARQL endpoint can be queried using tools such as curl, i.e., use the following command to send queries to a local instance:

curl -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" -G "localhost:3030/dce" --data-urlencode '[email protected]'

or the following command to query the endpoint at

curl -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" -G "" --data-urlencode '[email protected]'

Here, query.sprq is a file containing the actual query. Results will be returned in JSON format; XML output is possible as well, in this case remove the +json in the above command.

Example queries

The documentation of the class hierarchy, individuals and properties can be found here. Some sample queries are listed below.

  • List all datasets
PREFIX dce: <>

SELECT ?service ?subject ?host WHERE {
  ?host dce:hostsService ?service .
  ?service a dce:Dataset .
  ?service dce:hasSubjectArea ?subject .
  • Show whether services are Open Access or not
PREFIX dce: <>

SELECT ?access ?service ?host WHERE {
  ?service dce:isHostedBy ?host .
  ?service dce:isOpenAccess ?access .
  • Show which services have upload size restrictions, what the limit is, and order results in descending order
PREFIX dce: <>

SELECT ?limit ?service ?host WHERE {
  ?service dce:isHostedBy ?host .
  ?service dce:hasDatasetSizeLimit ?limit .

License information

The following files have been adapted from the official Apache Jena Fuseki Docker Tools and are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License:

  • Dockerfile
  • assembly-docker.xml
  • docker-compose.yaml
  • pom.xml