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Merge pull request #85 from kirk0830/fix-general-pspot
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Enhance: enhance the exception handling on pp and improve the way to parse pp
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kirk0830 committed Sep 9, 2024
2 parents 9f77870 + 75ff7d4 commit 7e4bdea
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Showing 2 changed files with 253 additions and 85 deletions.
168 changes: 150 additions & 18 deletions SIAB/io/pseudopotential/
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Expand Up @@ -4,26 +4,52 @@ def iter_tree(root: ET.Element):
return {child.tag: {"attrib": child.attrib, "data": child.text} for child in list(root.iter())}

def preprocess(fname: str):
"""ADC pseudopotential has & symbol at the beginning of line, which is not allowed in xml, replace & with &"""
""" Pseudopotential XML file preprocess
preprocess is relatively hard-coded. There are some cases the UPF file is not standard xml, therefore
some modifications are needed. Cases considered:
1. ADC pseudopotential has & symbol at the beginning of line, which is not allowed in xml, replace `&`
with `&`
2. GBRV pseudopotential does not startswith <UPF version="2.0.1">, and not endswith </UPF>, add <UPF version="2.0.1">
to the beginning of the file and </UPF> to the end of the file
3. some of ADC pseudopotentials have `CDATA` tag, which is not allowed in xml, remove them
import re, uuid, os
ftemp = f"{str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, fname))}.xml"
#print(f"Preprocessing {fname}, will write standard XML formatted temporaray file to {ftemp}")
# because a pseudopotential file would not be large, directly read all lines into memory
with open(fname, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
"""GBRV pseudopotential does not startswith <UPF version="2.0.1">, but <PP_INFO>,
add <UPF version="2.0.1"> to the beginning of the file and </UPF> to the end of the file"""
if not lines[0].startswith("<UPF version="):
lines.insert(0, "<UPF version=\"2.0.1\">\n")

with open(fname, "w") as f:
for line in lines:
"""if line starts with &, replace & with &amp;,
but if already &amp;, do not replace"""
if line.strip().startswith("&") and not line.strip().startswith("&amp;"):
line = line.replace("&", "&amp;")

# it is compulsory for all XML files to start with <UPF version="2.0.1">
if not lines[0].startswith("<UPF version="): # not expected case, but how?
if lines[0].strip().startswith("<UPF version="):
# remove all left whitespaces
lines[0] = lines[0].strip() + "\n"
lines.insert(0, "<UPF version=\"unknown\" comment=\"added to complete xml format\">\n")
# from the last line, check if the first line startswith `<` is not </UPF>. If not, add </UPF> to the end of the file
i = -1
while not lines[i].strip() and i > -len(lines):
i -= 1
if not "</UPF>" in lines[i]:
# write the modified lines back to the file
# there are more than one tasks remain:
# for ADC pseudopotential, replace `&` with `&amp;`
# for PseudoDojo v1.0 pseudopotential, carefully check consistency between opening and closing tags
# for ADC pseudopotential or ld1 generated, replace eliminate both `<![CDATA[` and `]]>` if they exist
lines = [line.replace("<![CDATA[", "").replace("]]>", "") for line in lines]
with open(ftemp, "w") as f:
# replace the `&` symbol at the beginning of the line with `&amp;`, this is done by xml_syntax_filter
for _, line in xml_syntax_filter(lines):
#for line in lines:
_match = re.match(r"^([\s]*)(\&[\w]+)([^;]*)(\s*)$", line)
line = f"{}{'&', '&amp;')}{}{}\n"\
if _match else line

if line.strip() == "</UPF>":
if "</UPF>" in line: # there are some pseudopotential files endswith ppgen file, but will crash the xml parser
return os.path.abspath(ftemp)

import as siptb
def postprocess(parsed: dict):
Expand All @@ -50,20 +76,22 @@ def postprocess(parsed: dict):

def upf(fname: str):
"""parse the pseudopotential file, return a dictionary"""
import os
error_msg = """ERROR: UPF file with non-XML format. Please contact with either developer
of pseudopotential you use or the developer of this package. For the latter choice,
you can submit issue in Github Repository at:
, thanks for understanding, raise TypeError and Quit..."""
ftemp = preprocess(fname)
tree = ET.parse(fname)
tree = ET.parse(ftemp)
except ET.ParseError:
print(error_msg, flush=True)
raise TypeError("ERROR: Please read the error message above.") from None
root = tree.getroot()
parsed = iter_tree(root)
return parsed

def vwr(fname: str):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,6 +219,110 @@ def vwr(fname: str):
return out

def xml_syntax_filter(content: str|list[str]):
"""it is found that some pseudopotential may have incorrect xml format, this function is to check the consistency of tags
and correct if possible. A two-member tuple is returned, the first element is a boolean indicating whether the nearest tag is closed,
the second element is the corrected line.
with open("file.xml", "r") as f:
content = f.readlines()
for is_closed, line in xml_syntax_filter(content):
import re
content = content.split("\n") if isinstance(content, str) else content
# for there are tags like "<PP_HEADER" in the file, we need to keep the buffer
# then we can combine the buffer with the current line to form a complete tag
# like "<PP_HEADER .../>", then it will be a single tag
# or <PP_HEADER to form a complete "opening" tag <PP_HEADER ...>
buf = ""

# regular expression example
resg = r"<[^>]+/>" # <.../>
reop = r"<[^/][^>]+>" # <...>
recls = r"</[^>]+>" # </...>
relicmp = r"<[^>]+" # <...
rericmp = r"[^>]+>" # ...>
recmt = r"<!--.*-->" # <!--...-->

# the stack to store the names of the tags, when a closing tag is found, it should be the same as the nearest opened tag
# otherwise, it is a mismatch error and correction is needed

# there is an exception caused by the opening comment: 20240506
inbuilt_name_stack = []
for line in content: # loop over all lines
l = line.strip() # copy the value then do the strip operation
# XML comments can be add both in one line and across line. However,
# only in pslibrary 1.0.0 the across-line-comment is encountered...
# but it is not clever to add more complexity (I mean more regular
# expressions) to handle this case
if re.match(recmt, l):
yield True, line
# single tag case, with the form <.../>, directly yield it, remember
# to yield the original line, rather than the stripped one
elif re.match(resg, l):
yield True, line
# opening tag case, with the form <...>. If this form appears, it
# is possible that there are plenty of data belonging to this tag.
# To save the tag name into the stack, then yield the original line
elif re.match(reop, l):
name = re.match(r"<([^ >]+)", l).group(1)
yield False, line
# closing tag case, with the form </...>, the end of the possibilty
# above. If this form appears, then it is the end of the tag, so pop
# the tag name from the stack, then yield the original line. However,
# for PseudoDojo v1.0 pseudopotential, there would be mismatch between
# the opening tag and the closing tag, so need to correct it
elif re.match(recls, l):
name = re.match(r"</([^ >]+)", l).group(1)
yield (True, line) if inbuilt_name_stack[-1] == name \
else (True, line.replace(name, inbuilt_name_stack[-1]))
# the case that a "left tag incomplete", means the tag is not closed but like
# <PP_HEADER ...
# comment="PP_HEADER is the most typical case that not-closed tag"
# additional="but other tag can also be like this, e.g. PSWFC"
# ... />
# in this case, will use buffer to store all content until the tag is closed
# then yield-back the complete tag.
# however, must be sure the buffer is empty before the next tag
# EXCEPTION: read <!-- in
elif re.match(relicmp, l) and l != "<!--":
assert buf == "", "buffer is not empty"
buf = l
elif re.match(rericmp, l) and l != "-->":
assert buf != "", "buffer is empty"
buf = " ".join([buf, l])
if re.match(resg, buf):
yield True, buf + "\n"
buf = ""
elif re.match(reop, buf):
name = re.match(r"<([^ >]+)", buf).group(1)
yield False, buf + "\n"
buf = ""
raise ValueError(f"incorrect tag: {buf}")
# for not-tag case, might be data, so in this case, do not touch
# it. but it can also be within tag, say incomplete tag.
# if buffer is not empty and the current line does not have any tag
# related information, then it would be the situation within the tag
# or out of any tags. Fortunately the tag will always start with its
# name, or say the symbol `<` always appear to be in the same line
# as the tag name, therefore once it is really within the tag, the
# buffer will at least has the content of tag name, rather than empty
if buf != "":
buf = " ".join([buf, l])
# if buffer is empty, then it is not within any tag, just yield the line
yield True, line

import unittest
class TestPspotKernel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_vwr(self):
Expand Down
170 changes: 103 additions & 67 deletions SIAB/io/pseudopotential/tools/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,80 +3,116 @@ def determine_type(parsed: dict):
"""pseudopotentials can be generated by not only one codes, to extract information
from PP_INFO, PP_INPUTFILE, need to know the exact way how information is organized
error_msg = """ERROR: pseudopotential with not recognized type, this is due to limited support
error_msg = """
Pseudopotential with not recognized type, this is due to only limited support
implemented on orbital auto-generation feature. You can submit issue on Github Repository at:, and for instantly use, you can follow the For instantly use, you can follow the
following guidelines. Please check manually the pseudopotential file you provided and specify:
1. ALL `nbands` with specific number
2. ALL `nbands_ref` with specific number
3. ALL `orb_conf` and `orb_ref` with specific configuration like either `[0, 1, 2, 3]` or `0s1p2d3f`
ADDITIONALLY! Please check your input, if you are using `optimizer` = `bfgs`, with
`spill_guess` as `atomic`, a monomer (single atom) calculation will be run to generate the
initial guess for orbital optimization. You should explicitly create one section in
`reference_systems` for monomer calculation (setting `shape` to be `monomer`), and specify the
`nbands` rationally (can be very high, but may also be dangerous because PW calculation cannot
calculate isolated atom electronic structure well, artifact brought about by PW will pollute the
energy level information).
3. ALL `lmaxmax` with specific number
4. ALL `orb_conf` and `orb_ref` with specific configuration like either `[0, 1, 2, 3]` or `0s1p2d3f`
5. If you are using `optimizer` = `bfgs`, with `spill_guess` as `atomic`, a monomer (single atom)
calculation will be run to generate the initial guess for orbital optimization. You should explicitly
create one section in `reference_systems` for monomer calculation (setting `shape` to be `monomer`),
and specify the `nbands` rationally (can be very high, but may also be dangerous because PW
calculation cannot calculate isolated atom electronic structure well, artifact brought about by PW
will pollute the energy level information).
Make sure in your input the following tags are correctly set:
"element": [the element symbol],
"reference_systems": [
"shape": "monomer",
"nbands": NUMBER,
"nspin": NUMBER,
"lmaxmax": NUMBER
"shape": "dimer",
"nbands": NUMBER,
"nspin": NUMBER,
"lmaxmax": NUMBER,
"bond_lengths": (can be "auto")
"orbitals": [
"zeta_notation": [S#]s[P#]p[D#]d[F#]f,
"nbands": NUMBER,
"orb_ref": "none" or [S#']s[P#']p[D#']d[F#']f,
"shape": (the same),
Then rerun the orbital generation.
TypeError raised, Quit..."""

ONCVPSP is the format of pseudopotential most seen in norm-conserving pseudopotential,
such as SG15, PD (developed by pwmat team?) and DOJO"""
if "ONCVPSP" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ONCVPSP"
if "ONCVPSP" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ONCVPSP"

ADC is the format of pseudopotential collected in pslibrary, including
pslnc, rrkjus and kjpaw, most collected in QE website the pptable"""
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ADC"
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ADC"
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "ADC"

this is the kind developed by CP2K developers, Goedecker, Hartwigsen, Hutter and Teter
et al. However, this kind of pseudopotential has non-diagonal element in DIJ matrices,
which is not supported by ABACUS yet."""
if "Goedecker/Hartwigsen/Hutter/Teter" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "GTH"
raise NotImplementedError("GTH pseudopotential is not supported by ABACUS yet because of non-diagonal DIJ matrices")

It is one of the most efficient pseudopotential presently, ABACUS pw supports this kind
of pseudopotential, ABACUS lcao not yet.
if "Generated using Vanderbilt code" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "GBRV"

atompaw looks like ADC but not quite the same in occupation information
Comparatively the uni_marburg is actually more similar to ADC"""
if "ATOMPAW" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ATOMPAW"
if "ATOMPAW" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ATOMPAW"

vwr is a old-fashioned pseudopotential format, there are codes can convert the vwr to upf format. Then this branch
will be called to parse the upf format pseudopotential"""
if "vwr" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"] or "VWR" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "VWR"

print(error_msg, flush = True)
raise TypeError("ERROR: please see error message above.")
ONCVPSP is the format of pseudopotential most seen in norm-conserving pseudopotential,
such as SG15, PD (developed by pwmat team?) and DOJO"""
if "ONCVPSP" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ONCVPSP"
if "ONCVPSP" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ONCVPSP"

ADC is the format of pseudopotential collected in pslibrary, including
pslnc, rrkjus and kjpaw, most collected in QE website the pptable"""
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ADC"
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ADC"
if "ADC" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ADC"
if "Generated using \"atomic\" code by A. Dal Corso" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "ADC"

this is the kind developed by CP2K developers, Goedecker, Hartwigsen, Hutter and Teter
et al. However, this kind of pseudopotential has non-diagonal element in DIJ matrices,
which is not supported by ABACUS yet."""
if "Goedecker/Hartwigsen/Hutter/Teter" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["author"]:
return "GTH"
raise NotImplementedError("GTH pseudopotential is not supported by ABACUS yet because of non-diagonal DIJ matrices")

It is one of the most efficient pseudopotential presently, ABACUS pw supports this kind
of pseudopotential, ABACUS lcao not yet.
if "Generated using Vanderbilt code" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "GBRV"

atompaw looks like ADC but not quite the same in occupation information
Comparatively the uni_marburg is actually more similar to ADC"""
if "ATOMPAW" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "ATOMPAW"
if "ATOMPAW" in parsed["PP_HEADER"]["attrib"]["generated"]:
return "ATOMPAW"

vwr is a old-fashioned pseudopotential format, there are codes can convert the vwr to upf format. Then this branch
will be called to parse the upf format pseudopotential"""
if "vwr" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"] or "VWR" in parsed["PP_INFO"]["data"]:
return "VWR"

except KeyError:
print(error_msg, flush = True)
raise TypeError("ERROR: please see error message above.")

def val_conf(parsed: dict):
"""extract valence electron configuration from pseudopotential file
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