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Updates to the inline photolysis diagnostics and OMI data files

William T. Hutzell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Brief Description

Changes were made to the inline photolysis module to update the OMI total ozone column data and to create more comprehensive photolysis diagnostic files.

  1. OMI total ozone column data: The OMI total ozone column data have been extended through 10 January 2018. The OMI data file is now CCTM/src/phot/inline/OMI_1979_to_2017.dat. In addition, the interpolation method now allows ozone to vary over the time of day. The data currently only depend on Julian day. In addition, the resolution of the OMI data is no longer hard-coded; it is now defined in the data file. The latter change denies the use of the CMAQv5.2 OMI data file with CMAQv5.3, unless the following lines are added to the top of the file:

               nlat     17
               nlon     17
  2. Updates to PHOTDIAG files: The diagnostic photolysis files are now more comprehensive. There are now three photolysis diagnostic files. More detailed information is in the subsections, below.

    • The new output variables include: the aerosol optical depth in PHOTDIAG1 and interpolated to 550 nm plus total extinction, extinction from gases (Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and O3), and aerosol extinction at the wavelengths used calculate photolysis rates in PHOTDIAG3.
    • New runscript environment variables tailor the number of layers (NLAYS_PHOTDIAG) and the wavelengths (NWAVE_PHOTDIAG) written to PHOTDIAG2 and PHOTDIAG3.
    • The new file, PHOTDIAG3, contains optical and radiative information, some of which is new and some which was moved from PHOTDIAG2.

Data output in the diagnostic files from inline photolysis

  • PHOTDIAG1 (see Table 1)

    • Surface values of optical inputs and radiative results from the inline calculation of photolysis rates
    • The variable, AOD_W550_ANGST, is not used to calculate photolysis rates and is calculated from aerosol extinction at 550 nm of each layer. See additional information on PHOTDIAG3.
  • PHOTDIAG2 (see Table 2)

    • Three-dimensional values of photolysis rates used to make predictions from the inline calculation of photolysis rates.
    • The runscript can set the number of layers for the file by the environment variable, NLAYS_PHOTDIAG. The default value equals all layers of the simulation. When the runscript sets NLAYS_PHOTDIAG, PHOTDIAG2 includes the lowest-model layer to the value of NLAYS_PHOTDIAG.
    • Variables names can change with the photochemical mechanism used because each mechanism is developed with its own rate constants.
    • Files containing cross-section and quantum yield data are in CMAQ repository in UTIL/inline_phot_preproc/photolysis_CSQY_data.
  • PHOTDIAG3 (New; see Table 3)

    • Includes three-dimensional values of optical inputs and radiative results used to make predictions from the inline photolysis calculation.

    • The runscript can set the number of layers for the file using the environment variable, NLAYS_PHOTDIAG. The default values equal all layers of the simulation. If the runscript sets NLAYS_PHOTDIAG, PHOTDIAG3 includes the lowest model layer to the value of NLAYS_PHOTDIAG.

    • The environment list, NWAVE_PHOTDIAG, defines which wavelengths are output for the variables listed below. If NWAVE_PHOTDIAG is not set or contains no values, PHOTDIAG3 includes all wavelengths. The list only uses integer truncated values of the wavelengths that are used to calculated photolysis rates.

      • aerosol single scattering albedo
      • aerosol asymmetry factor
      • total extinction
      • extinction from gases
      • aerosol extinction
      • actinic flux
    • Values are set by the PHOT_OPTICS.dat file. Changing these values is strongly not recommended.

    • For CMAQv5.3, the list can contain data at any of the following wavelengths (nm): 294, 303, 310, 316, 333, 381, and 607. The environment variable list for NWAVE_PHOTDIAG can be set following:

           setenv NWAVE_PHOTDIAG "294 303 310 316 333 381 607"
    • The variable, EXT_AERO_W550, is not used to calculate photolysis rate and is derived from aerosol extinction at the other wavelengths using an Angstrom interpolation.

Table 1. PHOTDIAG1 contents

Variable Name Units Description
COSZENS none cosine of solar zenith angle
OZONE_COLUMN DU observed total ozone column density
TROPO_O3_COLUMN DU predicted tropospheric ozone column density
JNO2 min-1 photodissociation rate of NO2
JO3O1D min-1 photodissociation rate of ozone producing O(1D)
RESOLVED_CFRAC none resolved cloud fraction averaged over cloudy layers
RESOLVED_WBAR g m‑3 resolved cloud hydrometeor content averaged over cloudy layers
SUBGRID_CFRAC none subgrid cloud fraction averaged over cloudy layers
SUBGRID_WBAR g m‑3 subgrid cloud hydrometeor content averaged over cloudy layers
TRANS_DIFFUSE none broad band transmission coefficient for diffuse radiation at surface
TRANS_DIRECT none broad band transmission coefficient for direct radiation at surface
REFLECTION none broad band reflection coefficient at top of atmosphere
CLR_TRANS_DIF none broad band diffuse transmission for clear sky at surface
CLR_TRANS_DIR none broad band direct transmission for clear sky at surface
CLR_REFLECTION none broad band reflection for clear sky at top of atmosphere
TROPO_O3_EXCEED none average exceedance of modeled ozone column from max fraction of total column, relative rraction
N_EXCEED_TROPO3 none # of times predicted tropospheric ozone column exceeds observed total column per time step
ETOT_SFC_W294 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 294 nm
AOD_W294 none aerosol optical depth at 294 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W294 none cloud optical depth at 294 nm
TAU_TOT_W294 none total optical depth at 294 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W294 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 294 nm
ALBEDO_W294 none surface albedo at 294 nm
ETOT_SFC_W303 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 303 nm
AOD_W303 none aerosol optical depth at 303 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W303 none cloud optical depth at 303 nm
TAU_TOT_W303 none total optical depth at 303 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W303 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 303 nm
ALBEDO_W303 none surface albedo at 303 nm
ETOT_SFC_W310 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 310 nm
AOD_W310 none aerosol optical depth at 310 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W310 none cloud optical depth at 310 nm
TAU_TOT_W310 none total optical depth at 310 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W310 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 310 nm
ALBEDO_W310 none surface albedo at 310 nm
ETOT_SFC_W316 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 316 nm
AOD_W316 none aerosol optical depth at 316 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W316 none cloud optical depth at 316 nm
TAU_TOT_W316 none total optical depth at 316 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W316 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 316 nm
ALBEDO_W316 none surface albedo at 316 nm
ETOT_SFC_W333 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 333 nm
AOD_W333 none aerosol optical depth at 333 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W333 none cloud optical depth at 333 nm
TAU_TOT_W333 none total optical depth at 333 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W333 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 333 nm
ALBEDO_W333 none surface albedo at 333 nm
ETOT_SFC_W381 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 381 nm
AOD_W381 none aerosol optical depth at 381 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W381 none cloud optical depth at 381 nm
TAU_TOT_W381 none total optical depth at 381 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W381 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 381 nm
ALBEDO_W381 none surface albedo at 381 nm
ETOT_SFC_W607 W m‑2 total downward irradiance at surface at 607 nm
AOD_W607 none aerosol optical depth at 607 nm
TAU_CLOUD_W607 none cloud optical depth at 607 nm
TAU_TOT_W607 none total optical depth at 607 nm
TAUO3_TOP_W607 none optical depth of O3 above model domain at 607 nm
ALBEDO_W607 none surface albedo at the wavelength at 607 nm
AOD_W550_ANGST none aerosol optical depth at 550 nm based on an Angstrom interpolation

Table 2. PHOTDIAG2 contents from the cb6r3_ae6_aq mechanism

Variable Name Units Description
NO2_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; NO2_IUPAC10
O3_O3P_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; O3_O3P_IUPAC10
O3_O1D_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; O3_O1D_IUPAC10
H2O2_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; H2O2_IUPAC10
NO3NO2_06 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; NO3NO2_06
NO3NO_06 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; NO3NO_06
N2O5_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; N2O5_IUPAC10
HONO_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; HONO_IUPAC10
HNO3_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; HNO3_IUPAC10
PNA_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; PNA_IUPAC10
PAN_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; PAN_IUPAC10
MEPX_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; MEPX_IUPAC10
NTR_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; NTR_IUPAC10
FORM_R_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; FORM_R_IUPAC10
FORM_M_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; FORM_M_IUPAC10
ALD2_R_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; ALD2_R_IUPAC10
ALDX_R_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; ALDX_R_IUPAC10
GLYD_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; GLYD_IUPAC10
GLY_R_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; GLY_R_IUPAC10
MGLY_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; MGLY_IUPAC10
KET_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; KET_IUPAC10
ACET_IUPAC10 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; ACET_IUPAC10
ISPD min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; ISPD
HPALD min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; HPALD
CL2_IUPAC04 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; CL2_IUPAC04
HOCL_IUPAC04 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; HOCL_IUPAC04
FMCL_IUPAC04 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; FMCL_IUPAC04
CLNO2 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; CLNO2
ACRO_09 min-1 Photolysis rates calculated based on data file; ACRO_09

Table 3. PHOTDIAG3 contents. All variables are included if NWAVE_PHOTDIAG is not set.

Variable Name Units Description
AERO_SSA_W294 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 294 nm
AERO_ASYM_W294 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 294 nm
EXT_W294 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 294 nm
GAS_EXT_W294 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 294 nm
EXT_AERO_W294 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 294 nm
AERO_SSA_W303 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 303 nm
AERO_ASYM_W303 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 303 nm
EXT_W303 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 303 nm
GAS_EXT_W303 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 303 nm
EXT_AERO_W303 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 303 nm
AERO_SSA_W310 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 310 nm
AERO_ASYM_W310 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 310 nm
EXT_W310 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 310 nm
GAS_EXT_W310 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and zzone in layer at 310 nm
EXT_AERO_W310 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 310 nm
AERO_SSA_W316 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 316 nm
AERO_ASYM_W316 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 316 nm
EXT_W316 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 316 nm
GAS_EXT_W316 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 316 nm
EXT_AERO_W316 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 316 nm
AERO_SSA_W333 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 333 nm
AERO_ASYM_W333 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 333 nm
EXT_W333 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 333 nm
GAS_EXT_W333 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 333 nm
EXT_AERO_W333 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 333 nm
AERO_SSA_W381 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 381 nm
AERO_ASYM_W381 none aerosol asymmetry Factor at 381 nm
EXT_W381 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 381 nm
GAS_EXT_W381 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 381 nm
EXT_AERO_W381 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 381 nm
AERO_SSA_W607 none aerosol single scattering albedo at 607 nm
AERO_ASYM_W607 none aerosol asymmetry factor at 607 nm
EXT_W607 Mm-1 total extinction of layer at 607 nm
GAS_EXT_W607 Mm-1 total extinction from Rayleigh scattering, NO2, and ozone in layer at 607 nm
EXT_AERO_W607 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 607 nm
CFRAC_3D none resolved cloud fraction in grid cell
EXT_AERO_W550 Mm-1 aerosol extinction of layer at 550 nm, Angstrom interpolation
ACTINIC_FX_W294 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 294 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W303 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 303 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W310 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 310 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W316 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 316 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W333 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 333 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W381 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 381 nm
ACTINIC_FX_W607 W m‑2 net actinic flux at 607 nm

Files Affected

  • CCTM/scripts/run_cctm.csh
  • CCTM/src/ICL/fixed/filenames/FILES_CTM.EXT
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/AERO_PHOTDATA.F
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/OMI_1979_to_2015.dat (deleted)
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/OMI_1979_to_2017.dat (new)
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/PHOT_MOD.F
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/phot.F
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/opphot.F
  • CCTM/src/phot/inline/o3totcol.f