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Generating Test Coverage Statistics

Janek Bevendorff edited this page Sep 27, 2021 · 9 revisions

Setup build environment

Please follow either the Linux, macOS, or Windows guides to setup your environment.


With gcc as your compiler, install gcovr to generate coverage profiles:

  • Ubuntu Linux: sudo apt install gcovr
  • MSYS2: pacman -Su python3-pip && pip3 install gcovr
  • macOS: brew install gcovr

With clang, you need llvm installed:

  • Ubuntu Linux: sudo apt install llvm
  • MSYS2: pacman -Su mingw-w64-x86_64-llvm
  • macOS: xcode-select --install (should already be done if you have clang installed)

Build Process

  1. Make a build directory for cmake and enter it
  3. make -j4 && make coverage
  4. Open up ./coverage/index.html to view the coverage report