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1121 lines (895 loc) · 48.9 KB

Release Notes

Release 1.5.1 (2024-04-01)


  • Install lxml less then 5.0.0, that is supported by Odoo.

Release 1.5.0 (2023-11-16)


  • Experimental support of Odoo 17.0

Release 1.4.0 (2023-11-08)


  • New option --enforce-bump to odoo-helper ci fix-versions and odoo-helper ci check-versions commands.


  • Changed default installed version of wkhtmltopdf to r3. Thus it have to be working on Ubuntu 22.04+

Release 1.3.0 (2023-03-28)


  • Added new option --no-fetch to cmd odoo-helper link that allows to disable fetching repositories (from odoo_requirements.txt and oca_dependencies.txt)



  • Force link modules during migration tests

Release 1.2.0 (2023-02-11)


  • Added -t shortcut for --create-test-db option of odoo-helper test command

Release 1.1.0 (2023-01-23)


  • --migration-start-ref option to odoo-helper test command, that allows to specify the starting point for migration test.


  • Incorrect handling of running lodoo with different user. Now this have to be fixed.

Release 1.0.1 (2023-01-10)


  • Command ci push-changes now will set correct push URL. This was breaked 0.13.0 release.

Release 1.0.0 (2023-01-08)


  • Added new option --no-drop-db to odoo-helper test command. This option could be used to tell odoo-helper to not drop temporary test database. Especially, this is useful for migration testing to check the state of database after migration.
  • Added new option --sys--deps to odoo-install command. This opt allows to automatically install system dependencies whe installing odoo, but requires sudo.


  • Removed overwrites for dependencies for pyopenssl and cryptography, because they are fixed on odoo side now.
  • Use LOdoo as separate python package. Note: This change may be backward incompatible. So, it is possible, that after update you will need to run command odoo-helper install py-prerequirements
  • Added safeguard preventing running installation of odoo as root user. This is needed to warn users, that this script is not designed to install production-ready instances, and it is focused on developers to help them to manage multiple local installations of Odoo. For production-ready installation CR&D Deploy script have to be used. It will automatically install odoo-helper and configure everything in right way.
  • Automatically install python2-setuptools-whl package, when installing python2 support.

Release 0.16.0 (2022-11-18)


  • Automatic replace of @t-raw to @t-out in .xml files during forwardport
  • Added separate command for automatic module migrate odoo-helper ci auto-migrate-modules that will try to automatically migrate module code to current odoo version. Currently it can do only simple find-and-replace via regex.
  • Added ability to run migration tests with single command, by adding new options to odoo-helper test command:
    • --migration - run migration tests
    • --migration-repo - specify repo to test


  • support for Odoo 16.0

Release 0.15.0 (2022-10-25)


  • Added new options to fetch command:
    • --git-single-branch could be used to clone repos with single branch options
    • --git-depth-1 could be used to clone repos with option --depth=1
  • Experimental support of Odoo 16.0


  • flake8-colors not needed anymore, as flake8 support color output byt default.
  • Limit version of pylint-odoo to less then 8.0 for backward compatibility. This is done because OCA remove a large part of functionality in 8.0. See merge request: OCA/pylint-odoo#396

Release 0.14.1 (2022-09-09)


  • Require "pyopenssl>=21.0.0" during odoo install to make odoo 15 work on ubuntu:20.04

Release 0.14.0 (2022-08-16)


  • Ability to automatically detect python for Odoo version via following options:
    • odoo-helper install reinstall-venv --build-python auto
    • odoo-install --build-python auto
  • Ability to automatically build python for odoo version only if system python do not satisfy odoo requirements. For this reasone new option was added to following commands:
    • odoo-helper install reinstall-venv --build-python-if-needed
    • odoo-install --build-python-if-needed
  • Add ability to enforce odoo-helper fetch clone repos with --single-branch options. This feature could be enabled via environment variable ODOO_HELPER_FETCH_GIT_SINGLE_BRANCH. This feature could be useful to reduce size of cloned repositories.
  • Added ability to automatically update odoo-helper-scripts installed via debian package.


  • On module migration (during forwardport) automatically replace related_sudo= to compute_sudo for field definitions.


  • Option odoo-install --openupgrade is deprecated. It will raise error for odoo 14.0+. Starting from Odoo 14.0, openupgrade uses separate odoo addons to store migrations, instead of full copy of odoo.

Release 0.13.0 (2022-06-25)


  • Updated minimal version for setuptools for odoo to be greater or equal to 45 and less than 58

Release 0.13.0 (2022-06-25)


  • Short version of --migrate-modules option to odoo-helper ci do-forwardport: --mm. So, now forwardport command could look like: odoo-helper ci do-forward-port -s 12.0 --mm
  • Automatically detect .jslintrc placed in repo root directory. If found, then apply it to pylint by default.
  • Added shortcut for odoo-helper fix-versions - odoo-helper fix-version
  • Added option --tdb to odoo-helper odoo recompute command
  • Added new option --no-backup to odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo
  • On module migration automatically replace phantom_js( to browser_js(.
  • Added new option --if-not-exists to odoo-helper db create command
  • Added new command odoo-helper postgres wait-availability that allows to wait while postgres will be started and ready. This command could be useful for docker containers


  • Install LTS version of nodejs by default. In previous version latest stable version was installed by default.
  • openupgradelib now will be downloaded from pypi. It seems that now relevant versions of this lib are published on pypi
  • Simplify installation for debian-like systems: automatically install preprequirements
  • Python2 support is now installed only for Odoo 10.0 and below.
  • Do not use fallback packages when installing wkhtmltopdf. By default install wkhtml to pdf from wkhtmltopdf releases only fore supported releases. Otherwise, user have to manually choose if he needs to try fallback repo or install system's wkhtmltopdf.

Release 0.12.1 (2021-10-25)

  • Fixed: libmagic1 added to system pre-requirements

Release 0.12.0 (2021-10-25)


  • Optionally, install py dependencies defined in file duting linking addons. This may be used to handle auto-generated requirements by tools like Yodoo Cockpit. This feature have to be enabled by setting environment variable ODOO_HELPER_FETCH_PIP_AUTO_REQUIREMENTS to non-zero value. If you want to enable this feature on permanent basis, then you can place this var to odoo-helper's project-level or global config file.
  • Added experimental support for automatic discover of python dependencies defined in addon's manifest during addon linking process.
  • Try to automatically detect config for linters, if it is placed in root of repository and if linter invoked inside this repo. Available linter config file names are:
    • flake8.cfg
    • pylint_odoo.cfg
    • stylelint-default.json
    • stylelint-default-less.json
    • stylelint-default-scss.json
  • Added new opt --upgrade to odoo-helper install py-tools and odoo-helper install dev-tools commands
  • Added new opt --update to odoo-helper install js-tools
  • Added new opts to odoo-helper db create command:
    • --tdb - create test database with auto-generated name
    • --name <name> - allows to specify name of database as option
  • Experimental support of Odoo 15.0
  • Added new options to odoo-install and odoo-helper install reinstall-venv that influence on building python:
    • --build-python-optimize: enable expensive, stable optimizations (PGO, etc.)
    • --build-python-sqlite3: support loadable extensions in _sqlite module
  • Added new option to odoo-install command: --enable-unbuffer. This option enables usage of unbuffer command, to make output of test logs colored.
  • Added new option to odoo-install command --dev that will automatically install dev tools after odoo installation.
  • Added short versions of options to odoo-helper fix-versions command:
    • -p for patch version fix
    • -m for minor version fix
    • -M for major version fix


  • Changed signature of odoo-helper link command. See odoo-helper link --help for more info.
  • Automatically install python-magic package during odoo installation.
  • Use another config for stylelint for scss files. This was done, because stylelint started throwing errors, when parsing scss files in standard way, so it was desided to update use specific config for style lint with this update.


  • odoo-helper pip --oca option support. There is no sense to use this option anymore, because all OCA apps now published on standard PyPI.

Release 0.11.0 (2021-09-17)


  • Added new module migration for version 14.0:
    • automatically replace track_visibility='...' to tracking=True
  • Added new shortcuts:
    • odoo-helper addin - odoo-helper addons install
    • odoo-helper addup - odoo-helper addons update
  • Added new command:
    • odoo-helper install py-prerequirements that could be used to install or update project-level python dependencies needed by odoo-helper


  • Command odoo-helper install js-tools now will also install stylelint-config-sass-guidelines package, that could be used as config for linter for sass file (*.scss)


  • odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets now will clean up dev-mode CSS files generated from SCSS and LESS files.
  • Fixed odoo installation. New setuptools has dropt support of use_2to3 build param, so odoo helper will enforce setup tools less then version 58 to make odoo installable.


  • Support for Odoo 10 and below is now deprecated and will be removed in one of next releases. The python2 support is over, and there is no sense to continues to support odoo versions, that rely on unsupported python versions.

Release 0.10.0 (2021-06-22)


  • Added ability to use project-level (odoo-helper project-level) configs for tools (linters). Just place correct config file on conf dir of your odoo-helper project.
  • Pylint, handle following additional warnings:
    • undefined-variable - E0602
    • signature-differs - W0222
    • inconsistent-return-statements - R1710
    • no-else-continue - R1724
  • Added option --create-db-user to odoo-install command, that allows to create postgresql user for installation automatically.
  • Added new option --format to command doc-utils addons-graph. So, now it is possible to specify output format for result graph
  • Added new option --no-restart to odoo-helper update-odoo command
  • Added ability to build custom (non-system) python when installing odoo. Use option like --build-python 3.8.0 in command odoo-install to use custom python version
  • Added ability to build custom (non-system) python when reinstalling venv
  • Added new shortut odoo-helper ual to odoo-helper addons update-list
  • Added experimental option --migrate-modules to odoo-helper ci do-forwardport command


  • Fail tests on warning:
    • The group defined in view does not exist!
    • inconsistent compute_sudo for computed fields
  • Forwardport migrations during forwardport by default.
  • odoo-helper update-odoo now will restart server automatically (stop server before update and start server after)


  • Support for Odoo 10 and below is now deprecated and will be removed in one of next releases. The python2 support is over, and there is no sense to continues to support odoo versions, that rely on unsupported python versions.

Release 0.9.0 (2021-03-06)


  • New options for odoo-helper test command:
    • --test-db-name that allows to specify name of test db to use to run tests
    • --coverage-html-view that will automatically open coverage report in browser when tests completed
  • Added new option --fm or --forward-migration to odoo-helper ci do-forwardport command, that will automatically forwardport migrations to next serie. Currently it just renames migration files.
  • Added new opts to odoo-helper ci check-versions-git command:
    • --fix-version-minor that could be used to increase minor part of version number in changed modules
    • --fix-version-major that could be used to increase major part of version number in changed modules
  • Added new cmd odoo-helper ci fix-versions that could be used to fix version number in changed modules
  • Added new shortcut to run version fix: odoo-helper fix-versions


  • odoo-helper ci do-forwardport now can automatically add manifests with fixed versions to index (if there are no other conflicts)
  • odoo-helper ci check-versions-git argument repo is now optional, and by default, it assumes that repo path is current working directory, unless repo path is not specified explicitly

Release 0.8.0 (2020-12-22)


  • Aliase odoo-helper addons link that is same as odoo-helper link
  • Aliase odoo-helper addons test that is same as odoo-helper test
  • Added support for Odoo 14.0 (experimental)
  • Added option --pot-update to odoo-helper tr regenerate command, that will automatically update translations according to .pot files
  • Added option --installable to doc-utils addons-list command
  • Added command odoo-helper doc-utils addons-graph that could be used to build dependency graph for all addons in specified directory.
  • Added option --show-log-on-error for odoo-helper addons install|update commands.


  • Fail tests on Comparing apples and oranges warning
  • Command odoo-helper ci check-versions-git now simplified and coulde be called with only single argument - path to repository


  • Removed command odoo-helper db dump
  • Removed support for clonning Hg repositories
  • Drop support for Ubuntu 16.04: odoo-helper have to be working there still, but without warranty.

Release 0.7.0 (2020-08-17)


  • Added --recursive option to odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list command
  • Added --tmp-dir option to odoo-helper's database backup/restore commands
  • Added --node-version option to odoo-install and to odoo-helper install reinstall-venv commands
  • Added --coverage-ignore-errors option to odoo-helper test command
  • Added ability to install addons via odoo-helper install command
  • Added option --all to odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets, that could be used to clean assets for all databases
  • Added --install-dir option to odoo-helper db create command. This option allows to automatically install all addons from specified directory after creation of database.
  • Added new shortcuts:
    • odoo-helper lsa -> odoo-helper addons list
    • odoo-helper lsd -> odoo-helper db list
  • Added help message for odoo-helper addons update-py-deps command.
  • Added command odoo-helper db dump-manifest <dbname> that allows to generate manifest for database backups. Could be used with external backup tools.
  • Added command odoo-helper postgres pg_dump
  • Added option odoo-helper addons update --skip-errors that allows to continue update event if there was error caught on update of single db, thus now it is possible to update all databases and show list of databases, that produced error in the end of operation
  • Added command odoo-helper ci push-changes (experimental stage)
  • Added command odoo-helper ci do-forward-port (experimental stage)
  • Added option --coverage-html-dir to odoo-helper test command.
  • Added hints where to view html coverage report after tests
  • Added option --missing-only to command tr regenerate and tr export. So now it is possible to generate/regenerate only missing translations for addons.
  • Added command tr generate-pot to generate .pot files
  • Added option tr regenerate --pot-remove-dates to remove dates from generated pot files.


  • Refactored odoo-helper update-sources command:
    • add help message
    • if ODOO_REPO specified, try to download archive from this repo
    • if ODOO_DOWNLOAD_SOURCE_LINK specified, then use it to download Odoo archive
  • odoo-helper browse now will start server automatically if it is not started yet
  • odoo-helper postgres user-create if password not privided, then use odoo as password.
  • Fail odoo-helepr test if there is attempt to write/create with unknown fields
  • Fail odoo-helper test if there was error/warning while loading demo data
  • odoo-helper db backup refactored to avoid base64 encoding / decoding. Additionally now it uses streams to dump file, so it have to be more memory friendly.
  • odoo-helper tr regenerate command can now regenerate translations for multiple languages via single run. Also, it is possible to regenerate .pot files in same run.
  • Disable sentry on database operations.
  • Automatically replace psycopg2 requirement with psycopg2-binary.
  • Updated version of bundled virtualenv to 16.7.9


  • odoo-helper db dump now deprecated.

Release 0.6.0 (2020-01-28)


  • odoo-helper install py-tools now also installs jingtrang. This tools is used to show better warning on parsing xml views
  • Added option --pot for odoo-helper tr regenerate that allows to regenerate .pot files on modules
  • Added option --fix-version-fp to ci check-versions-git command. This command allows to fix version numbers during forwardport changes from older version of Odoo to newer
  • Added option --fix-serie to ci check-versions-git command.
  • Added command odoo-helper odoo recompute-menu
  • Added command odoo-helper odoo clean-compiled-assets
  • Added --no-backup option to odoo-helper install reinstall-venv command
  • Added --custom-val option to odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list command
  • Added odoo-helper python command
  • Added odoo-helper ipython command - just a fast way to install and run ipython
  • Added odoo-helper postgres locks-info command
  • Added --http-host option for odoo-install command


  • Enabled following warings in defaut pylint config:
    • trailing-newlines
    • wrong-import-order
    • no-else-raise
    • consider-using-in
    • relative-beyond-top-level
    • useless-object-inheritance
    • duplicate-except
    • trailing-whitespace
    • self-cls-assignment
    • consider-using-get
    • consider-using-set-comprehension
    • consider-using-dict-comprehension
    • unnecessary-semicolon
    • singleton-comparison
    • unneeded-not
    • too-many-nested-blocks
    • logging-too-many-args
    • redundant-unittest-assert
    • implicit-str-concat-in-sequence
    • simplifiable-if-expression
    • lost-exception
    • useless-return
    • global-statement
    • too-many-boolean-expressions
    • empty-docstring
    • try-except-raise
  • Command odoo-helper db drop changed:
    • config file now is option (befor it was positional argument)
    • added ability to drop multiple databases at single call
  • Run odoo-helper odoo shell with implicit --no-http option, to avoid conflicts with running odoo


  • Fixed --fix-version option of odoo-helper ci check-versions-git command. Before this fix, only Odoo serie was updated. After this fix, version number updated too.
  • Compatability fix for odoo-helper tr rate command with Odoo 13.0
  • Load server-wide modules when interacting via lodoo (local odoo)
  • Improve the way to run odoo with server users, to avoid loosing environment variables.

Release 0.5.0 (2019-09-01)


  • Added command odoo-helper install dev-tools that is just an alias to install bin-tools, py-tools and js-tools with single command.
  • Param --db to odoo-helper addons find-installed to search for addons only in specified databases.
  • Option --coverage-fail-under to odoo-helper test command
  • Option --skip-re to odoo-helper test command
  • Option --except-filter to odoo-helper addons list command
  • Command odoo-helper ci ensure-changelog
  • Command odoo-helper install unoconv
  • Command odoo-helper install openupgradelib
  • Shortcuts of odoo-install command:
  • Extra options to command odoo-helper db create:
    • --password set password to database user
    • --country country code to create db for
  • Extra option to odoo-install command
    • --http-port specify port for this odoo instance
  • New option --no-unbuffer that is helpful to run odoo shell command (odoo-helper server run --no-unbuffer -- shell -d my-database-name)
  • New odoo-helper odoo shell command
  • New option --install or -i to odoo-helper db create command designed to automatically install specified addons after db created.
  • New option --time for odoo-helper test command
  • New option --no-single-branch to odoo-install command


  • odoo-helper fetch refactored. Changed path repository is stored at. Before this release, all fetched repositories were stored at /reppositories/ directory. After this release new fetched repositories will be stored on path similar to their path on github. For example there is repository Before this release this repository was saved at /repositories/crnd-web after this release, repository will be stored at /repositories/crnd-inc/crnd-web. This change have to be backward compatible, but be careful.
  • Use default database backup format: zip
  • Enabled following warings in defaut pylint config:
    • trailing-comma-tuple
    • deprecated-method
  • Following DB-related commands changed to have --help option. This change is backward incompatible. Commands:
    • odoo-helper db dump --help
    • odoo-helper db backup --help
    • odoo-helper db backup-all --help
    • odoo-helper db restore --help
  • Command 'odoo-helper db list' now ignores list_db setting


  • bug when "odoo-helper test" does not receive --skip argument
  • regression of "odoo-helper addons uninstall" command.
  • regression of "odoo-helper install wkhtmltopdf" command.
  • bug in "odoo-helper odoo-py" command (related to usage of unbuffer)
  • install specific version of lessc: 3.9.0 (version 3.10.0 seems to be buggy)

Migration notes

New repository layout

Migrating to new repository layout could be done by following alogorithm:

# change working directory to odoo-project rool and save all repositories in
# requirements file

odoo-helper addons generate-requirements > odoo-requirements-tmp.txt

# Rename your current repository directory and create new empty 'repositories' dir
# This is required to save your current repositories state in case of uncommited changes.
mv repositories repositories-backup
mkdir repositories

# Fetch all your repositories with new layout enabled
odoo-helper fetch --requirements odoo-requirements-tmp.txt

# remove temporary requirements file
rm odoo-requirements-tmp.txt

Release 0.4.0 (2019-05-03)


  • Added command odoo-helper addons find-installed. Scan all databases for installed addons.
  • Added aliases (shortcuts):
    • odoo-helper-link
    • odoo-helper-addons-update
  • Experimental option odoo-helper fetch --odoo-app <app_name> that will automatically download module from Odoo Market
  • Added option to odoo-helper odoo recompute --db
    • same as -d and --dbname
  • Added command odoo-helper db is-demo to check if database contains demo-data


  • Fixed bug with install/update addons via odoo-helper addons install and odoo-helper addons update commands, when addons were always installed with demo-data. This happened, because we have to explicitly tell Odoo that we do not need to install demo-data.


  • Changed odoo-helper pull-updates command
    • Now it does not update addons list automatically
    • Added --ual option to update addons list
    • Added --do-update option to update addons just after pull
    • Added --help options
    • First positional argument not applicable for it. Added option --addons-dir instead .
  • Refactored odoo-helper lint pylint command
    • consider-using-ternary warning enabled by default
    • unused-import warning enabled by default
  • Default timeouts for wget increased 2 -> 15 to be able to download Odoo via low-speed networks
  • Changed bundled virtualenv version to 16.4.3
  • Command odoo-helper ci check-versions-git will ignore addons that are not installable.


  • odoo-helper test pylint command removed. Use odoo-helper lint pylint
  • odoo-helper test flake8 command removed. Use odoo-helper lint flake8


  • Command odoo-helper generate-requirements deprecated. Use odoo-helper addons generate-requirements

Release 0.3.0 (2019-02-04)


  • Added --fix-version option to odoo-helper ci check-versions-git command
  • Added ability to pass list of addons to odoo-helper test command without need to prefix each addon with -m . Now it could be done like: odoo-helper test my_addon1 my_addon2
  • Added --skip option of odoo-helper test command
  • Added odoo-helper db copy command


  • running odoo-helper tr command will not overwrite pidfile


  • Last argument of odoo-helper ci check-versions-git now optional. If it is omited, than current working tree state will be used as last revision.
  • Use own copy of virtualenv, to avoid installing it in system. virtualenv is bundled into odoo-helper as git submodule now.


  • Removed support of Odoo 7.0. Now minimal supported Odoo version is 8.0
  • Removed odoo-helper server auto-update command that was deprecated in previous version
  • Removed -p and --python options for odoo-helper fetch command
  • Removed -p and --python options for odoo_requirements.txt file

Release 0.2.0 (2018-12-20)


  • New --color option to odoo-helper addons list command. At this time this option colors output by following rules:
    • green - addon is linked to custom addons
    • red - addons is not present in custom addons
    • yellow - addons is present in custom addon, but link point's to another place
  • New --not-linked option to odoo-helper addons list command
  • New --linked option to odoo-helper addons list command
  • New --filter option to odoo-helper addons list command
  • New odoo-helper odoo server-url command
  • New odoo-helper system is-project command
  • New odoo-helper system get-venv-dir command
  • New options to odoo-helper addons update/install/uninstall commands
    • --tdb or --test-db use test database
    • --cdb or --conf-db use default database from odoo config
    • -m or --module. Option is added to be consistend with odoo-helper test command, which used this toption to specify addons (modules) to be tested
    • --ual - Update Apps List. When this option is specified, apps (addons) list will be updated before install/update/uninstall addon
    • all - install or update all addons. Does not work for uninstall.
  • Shortcut odoo-helper psql for odoo-helper postgres psql command
  • Shortcut odoo-helper ps for odoo-helper server ps
  • Alias to --version option - version: odoo-helper version
  • New options for odoo-helper server run command
    • --coverage: run with code coverage enabled
    • --test-conf: run with test configuratuon
    • --help: show help message
    • --: options delimiter - all options after this will be passed directly to Odoo
  • Help message and new options to odoo-helper db drop command
    • option -q or --quite to hide messages produced by this command
  • Added help messages for commands:
    • odoo-helper install pre-requirements
    • odoo-helper install sys-deps
    • odoo-helper install py-deps
    • odoo-helper install py-tools
    • odoo-helper install js-tools
    • odoo-helper install bin-tools
    • odoo-helper install postgres
    • odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo
    • odoo-helper install reinstall-venv
  • New options to odoo-install command
    • --git - shortcut for --download-archive off
    • --archive - shortcut for --download-archive on
  • New command odoo-helper postgres stat-connections
  • New shortcut odoo-helper pg for odoo-helper postgres
  • New command odoo-helper git changed-addons that displays list of addons that have been changed between two specified git revisions
  • New command odoo-helper ci check-versions-git. The goal of this command is to be sure that addon version number was updated.
  • New command odoo-helper ci ensure-icons. Ensure that all addons in specified directory have icons.
  • New option --ual for odoo-helper link command.
  • New command odoo-helper browse that opens running odoo instance in webbrowser
  • Experimental support of Odoo 12.0
  • Added colors to odoo-helper tr rate command output
  • Added option --recreate to odoo-helper db create command. If database with such name already exists, then it will be dropt before creation of new database.
  • Added special option --dependencies to odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list command
  • Install websocket-client during py-tools install to run test tours in Odoo 12+
  • Install chromium-browser durin bin-tools install. It is requird to run tests in Odoo 12+


  • odoo-helper addons list bugfix --recursive option: forward options to recursive calls
  • odoo-helper db drop check result of drop function, and if it is False then fail
  • odoo-helper install reinstall-version show correct help message and added ability to specify python version to be used for new virtualenv


  • odoo-helper addons list will search for addons in current directory if addons path is not specified
  • odoo-helper addons update-list possible options and arguments changed
    • Before
      • first argument is database name and second is config file. last one wasn't used a lot
      • if no arguments supplied then update addons list for all databases
    • After
      • added --help option
      • added --tdb or --test-db option to use test database
      • added --cdb or --conf-db option to use database specified in default odoo config
      • all arguments are considered as database names. This allows us to keep partial backward compatability
  • odoo-install now will automaticaly install phonenumbers python package.
  • display commit date in output of odoo-helper --version
  • odoo-helper postgres speedify use SQL ALTER SYSTEM instead of modifiying postgresql config file
  • odoo-helper lint style now have separate configs for .css, .less, .scss. The only differece is that .less and .scss configs have default indentation set to 4 spaces and .css config have default indentation set to 2 spaces
  • odoo-helper lint style status changed from experimental to alpha
  • odoo-helper test
    • use default test database named <dbuser>-odoo-test
    • created temporary databases are prefixed with test-
  • odoo-install do not set automatically db_filter and db_name for test config file
  • odoo-helper tr rate if there is no translation terms for addon compute it's rate as 100%
  • default flake8 config: disable W503 and W504 checks
  • default pylint config:
    • Add proprietary licenses to allowed licenses list
  • Install newer version of wkhtmltopdf: 0.12.5


  • odoo-helper server auto-update use instead:
    • odoo-helper intall reinstall-odoo
    • odoo-helper upate-odoo
  • Support of Odoo 7.0 is now deprecated and will be removed in one of next releases
  • odoo-helper fetch -p and odoo-helper fetch --python options are deprecated. Use odoo-helper pip install command instead. Or place requirements.txt file inside repository root or addon root directory.
  • It is not recommended now to use db_name and db_filter in test config file, because, if either of them is defined, then it is not allowed to drop databases that do not match db_name or db_filter

Release 0.1.6 (2018-06-04)

  • Improve odoo-helper addons update-py-deps command, now it aloso updates repository level dependencies (those, mentioned in repository's requirements.txt)
  • Added odoo-helper doc-utils command. Have following subcommands
    • odoo-helper doc-utils addons-list command to print info about addons in repo in Markdown format
  • Move linters to separate subcommand odoo-helper lint. Run odoo-helper lint --help for details
  • Added odoo-helper lint style commant. It is experimental integration with stylelint
  • odoo-helper lint pylint skip addons with 'installable': False
  • odoo-helper lint flake8 skip addons with 'installable': False
  • odoo-helper addons list command now have extra options and can search for addons in multiple paths:
    • --installable
    • --by-name (used by default)
    • --by-path
    • --recursive
  • odoo-helper addons (install|update|uninstall) command now have extra options --dir <addon path> and --dir-r <addon-path> which can be used to install/update/uninstall all installable addons in specified directory
  • Added --dir and --dir-r options for odoo-helper tr regenerate and odoo-helper tr rate commands
  • Added --start option to odoo-helper addons install|update|uninstall command
  • Do not set pidfile option in odoo config by default. pidfile have to be managed by odoo-helper-scripts, not by Odoo.
  • Backward incompatible remove Mercurial installation from odoo-helper install py-tools, because it does not support Python3
  • To be compatible with development, odoo-helper fetch now recursively fetches submodules for git repositories.
  • Added option --dir-r|--directory-r for odoo-helper test command, to recursively search for addons to be tested in specified directory
  • Added --log option for following commands:
    • odoo-helper start --log
    • odoo-helper restart --log
    • odoo-helper addons install --log
    • odoo-helper addons update --log
    • odoo-helper addons uninstall --log
  • Command odoo-helper server log: automatically move to end of log file after open (+G for less command)
  • Added command odoo-helper postgres start-activity to display running postgres connections
  • Added command odoo-helper install reinstall-odoo to easily spwitch betwen two installation modes:
    • download - download Odoo source as archive (faster)
    • clone - clone Odoo source as git repo (better handle updates, multiple remotes, multiple branches, etc).
  • Show if it is Git Install in output of odoo-helper status command
  • Show Odoo server url in output of following command:
    • odoo-helper status
    • odoo-helper server status
    • odoo-helper server start

Release 0.1.5 (2018-01-12)

  • Use nodeenv together with virtualenv to be able to install js dependencies in virtual environment. Examples of such dependencies are jshint that used by pylint_odoo to check javascript files and phantomjs used to run test tours.
  • Added command odoo-helper install js-tools
  • Added command odoo-helper npm - shortcut to run npm for current project
  • Improved command odoo-helper test pylint, now most of pylint options will be forwarded directly to pylint.
  • wkhtmltopdf install refactored, added separate command install wkhtmltopdf, start using wkhtmltopdf downloads from github
  • Autodetect python version
  • Removed odoo-install --python option
  • odoo-helper generate_requirements renamed to odoo-helper generate-requirements
  • odoo-helper update_odoo renamed to odoo-helper update-odoo
  • odoo-helper install reinstall-venv option simplified. now it does not recieve any arguments
  • do not install node-less as system dependency
  • odoo-helper install js-tools automatialy install eslint instead of jshint Starting from version 1.6.0 pylint_odoo uses eslint
  • removed unuseful odoo-install -y, it does not run apt, so there is no interactive y/n questions
  • pylint default config: enabled redefined-outer-name check
  • experimental odoo-helper tr rate command, which computes translation rate for addons. Useful in CI.
  • added command odoo-helper install bin-tools
  • do not use OCA simple PyPI index by defautl. So to use OCA simple PyPI index, pass --oca argument to odoo-helper pip command. For example: odoo-helper --oca pip install odoo10-addon-mis-builder will use OCA simple index.
  • odoo-helper status: print versions of following tools used in current project.
    • NodeJS
    • npm
    • Less.JS
    • Pylint
    • Flake8
    • ESLint
    • Pylint Odoo
  • Do not require erppeek. This project seems to be abandoned.
  • Do not force install following python packages: six, num2words
  • Python package setproctitle will be installed by odoo-helper install py-tools command. (previously it was installed as python-prerequirement for Odoo)
  • Do not upgrade pip and setuptools when installing Odoo in fresh virtualenv, virtualenv versions >= 15.1.0 automaticaly installs last pip and setuptools, so there is not need to reinstall them
  • List command odoo-helper addons generate-requirements in help message for addons subcommand
  • Bugfix in processing OCA depenencies: handle cases, when file ends without newline

Release 0.1.4 (2017-11-13)

  • Added command odoo-helper odoo
  • Added command odoo-helper odoo recompute, that allows to recompute stored fields. Also this command allow to recompute parents (left/right)
  • Command odoo-helper db exists now have it's own help message
  • Command odoo-helper db exists added option -q to disable output
  • Added command odoo-helper postgres speedify

Release 0.1.3 (2017-10-28)

  • use codecov for code coverage
  • renamed command odoo-helper print_config to odoo-helper print-config
  • Added odoo-helper test --coverage-skip-covered option
  • Added odoo-helper addons update-py-deps command
  • Added aliase odoo-helper-log
  • Added odoo-helper postgres psql command
  • Removed old unused options
    • odoo-helper --addons-dir <addons_directory>
    • odoo-helper --downloads-dir <downloads_directory>
    • odoo-helper --virtual-env <virtual_env_dir>
    • odoo-helper test --tmp-dirs
    • odoo-helper test --no-rm-tmp-dirs

Release 0.1.2 (2017-10-04)

  • odoo-install --python option added. Now it is possible to install Odoo 11 in python3 virtual environment
  • odoo-install system dependencies reduced. Now most of python dependencies will be installed in virtualenv via pip.
  • odoo-helper tr regenerate command added. This command allows to regenerate translation files for specified lang. This may be useful, if new translation terms appeared after module change.
  • no _ (underscore symbol) in random strings
  • Save Odoo repository in odoo-helper.conf
  • bugfix in command: odoo-helper odoo-py
  • Added option odoo-helper test --coverage-report
  • Bugfix, install Pillow less than 4.0 for Odoo 7.0
  • Added command odoo-helper install py-deps <version>
  • odoo-helper test -d . do not omit . if it is odoo addon. This happens in case if odoo-helper test called when current dir is addon.
  • odoo-helper test --recreate-db option added. If this option passed, and test database already exists, then it will be dropt before tests started.
  • odoo-helper tr command: better help messages, added help messages for subcommands
  • odoo-helper exec command now adds to env vars ODOO_RC and OPENERP_SERVER variables with path to project's odoo config file
  • Added odoo-helper install py-tools command to install extra tools like pylint, flake8, ...
  • Added odoo-helper server ps command
  • Added more colors to odoo-helper output
  • Added odoo-helper addons uninstall command
  • Added ability to test odoo-helper-scripts on various debian-based distributions via docker
  • Added odoo-helper addons list command, that lists odoo-addons in specified directory
  • Added aliases odoo-helper flake8 and odoo-helper pylint
  • Added automatic configuration checks. So, when odoo-helper-scripts provides some new configuration params after update, user will be notified about them and asked to update project config file
  • odoo-helper scaffold have new features and subcommands:
    • odoo-helper scaffold repo create repository. place it in repo dir
    • odoo-helper scaffold addon create new addon. place it in repo and automaticaly link.
    • odoo-helper scaffold model create new model in addon. (Still work in progress)

Release 0.1.1 (2017-06-08)

  • Support of Odoo 10.0
  • Support of setuptools-odoo
    • Automaticaly install in env
    • Wrap pip with automaticaly set PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL environment variable with OCA Wheelhouse
  • Added shortcut script odoo-helper-restart to restart server.
  • Added odoo-helper db rename command
  • Added odoo-helper install reinstall-venv option
  • odoo-helper test: Test only installable addons
  • odoo-helper addons update-list command support odoo 7.0
  • odoo-helper addons test-installed command support odoo 7.0
  • odoo-helper fetch: added experimental support of Mercurial
  • odoo-helper test --coverage-html option added.
  • odoo-helper db create new options added:
    • --demo load demo data (default: not load)
    • --lang <lang choose language of database
    • --help display help message
  • odoo-install --single-branch option added. This allow to disable single-branch clone.
  • Added pychart for install pychart package is broken on pypi, so replace it with Python-Chart

Release 0.1.0 (2017-03-06)

  • Added odoo-helper addons pull_updates command
  • Added basic support of Odoo 10
  • Added odoo-helper --version command
  • Refactored odoo-install script:
    • Always install python extra utils
    • Removed following options (primery goal of this, is to simplify odoo-install script):
      • --extra-utils: extrautils are installed by default
      • --install-sys-deps: use instead separate command: odoo-helper install
      • --install-and-conf-postgres: use instead separate command: odoo-helper install or odoo-helper postgres
      • --use-system-packages: seems to be not useful
      • --use-shallow-clone: seems to be not useful
      • --use-unbuffer: seems to be not useful
    • Added following options:
      • --odoo-version: this option is useful in case of using custom repository and custom branch with name different then odoo's version branches
    • Fixed bug with --conf-opt-* and --test-conf-opt-* options
  • Completely refactored odoo-helper test command
    • removed --reinit-base
    • added --coverage options
    • Added subcommand odoo-helper test flake8
    • Added subcommand odoo-helper test pylint
  • odoo-helper addons update-list command: ran for all databases if no db specified
  • suppress git feedback in odoo-helper system update
  • improve system-wide install script: allow to choose odoo-helper branch or commit to install
  • Added ability to run tests for directory. In this case odoo-helper script will automaticaly discover addons in that directory
  • odoo-helper: added --no-colors option
  • odoo-helper tr command improved:
    • import and load subcommands can be ran on all databases
    • import subcommand: added ability to search addons in directory
    • bugfix in tr import: import translations only for installed addons
  • Added addons test-installed command This allows to find databases where this addon is installed
  • Bugfix: addons check_updates command: show repositories that caused errors when checking for updates
  • addons status command now shows repository's remores
  • odoo-helper fetch and odoo-helper link commands refactored:
    • Added recursion protection for both of therm, to avoid infinite recursion
    • odoo-helepr fetch filter-out uninstallable addons, on linking muti-addon repo
    • odoo-helper link now is recursive, thus it will look for odoo addons recursively in a specified directory and link them all.
  • Added odoo-helper install command, which allows to install system dependencies for specific odoo version without installing odoo itself
  • Added odoo-helper addons install --no-restart option
  • Added odoo-helper addons update --no-restart option
  • Added following shortcuts:
    • odoo-helper pip to run pip for current project
    • odoo-helper start for odoo-helper server start
    • odoo-helper stop for odoo-helper server stop
    • odoo-helper restart for odoo-helper server restart
    • odoo-helper log for odoo-helper server log

Release 0.0.10 (2016-09-08)

  • Bugfixes in odoo-helper test command
  • Added odoo-helper addons check_updates command
  • Improved odoo-helper addons status command to be able to correctyle display remote status of git repos of addons
  • Added odoo-helper postgres command to manage local postgres instance
  • odoo-helper-* shortcuts refactored
  • Added command odoo-helper addons update_list <db> which updates list of available modules for specified db
  • Bugfixes and improvements in odoo-helper tr command

Release 0.0.9 (2016-08-17)

  • Added odoo-helper scaffold <addon_name> [addon_path] shortcut command
  • Added odoo-helper tr subcommand that simplifies translation management
  • Added shortcuts for frequently used subcommands to bin dir, so standard autocomplete can help. They are:
    • odoo-helper-server
    • odoo-helper-db
    • odoo-helper-addons
    • odoo-helper-fetch
  • Added odoo-helper addons update and odoo-helper addons install subcommands
  • Refactored odoo-helper server auto-update and odoo-helper update_odoo

Release 0.0.8 (2016-06-08)

  • Bugfix in odoo-helper link . command
  • Added aditional extra_python depenencies:
    • setproctitle
    • python-slugify
    • watchdog
  • Added experimental command odoo-helper server auto-update.
  • Added experimental command odoo-helper db backup-all.

Release 0.0.7 (2016-04-18)

  • odoo-helper system lib-path command makes available to use some parts of this project from outside
  • Added new db commands: dump, restore, backup
  • odoo-helper addons status: bugfix in parsing git status
  • odoo-install related fixes

Release 0.0.6 (2016-03-19)

  • Added 'odoo-helper exec [args]' command
  • Added simple auto-update mechanism
  • odoo-helper addons: Added ability to list addons not under git

Release 0.0.5 (2016-02-29)

  • Added support to manage server state via init script
  • Separate repository directory to store repositories fetched by this scripts
  • Added ability to install Odoo from non-standard repository
  • Added basic support of OCA dependency files (oca_dependencies.txt)

Release 0.0.4 (2016-02-17)

  • Added ability to specify config options on odoo-install
  • Added automatic processing of pip requirements file placed in repo.
  • Added better check if postgres installed on attempt to install it.

Release 0.0.3 (2015-12-16)

  • Added odoo-helper status command
  • Added odoo-helper db command

Release 0.0.2 (2015-12-01)

  • Initial release