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Upgrading to JUnit 5.11

Sam Brannen edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page provides guidance on upgrading to JUnit 5.11.

Field and method search algorithms now adhere to standard Java semantics regarding whether a given field or method is visible or overridden according to the rules of the Java language.

This addresses several bugs and results in the following changes in behavior.

  • Fields no longer hide fields from super types.
    • This applies to non-static as well as static fields (@TempDir, @RegisterExtension, etc.).
  • Methods no longer hide methods from super types unless a given method literally overrides the other method.
    • This applies to non-static as well as static methods (@BeforeAll, @BeforeEach, @Test, etc.).
  • Extensions and TestEngines may have to revise their search algorithms for fields and methods.
    • See case study in issue #3774 for an example.

Although the JUnit team recommends the use of the standard search semantics, developers may optionally revert to the legacy semantics via the JVM system property.

See the new Field and Method Search Semantics section of the User Guide for details.