- Writer: Jaeseong Lee
Naive definition: How bad our current model(classifier) is?
Example 1: Multiclass SVM loss
- setting:
$x_i:= image$ ,$y_i:= label$ ,$s:=f(x_i, W)$ - where,
$s$ is a scores vector and$f(x,W) := Wx$ .
- where,
$L_i=\sum_{j\neq y_i} max(0, s_j-s_{y_i}+1)$ - where,
$s_{y_i}:= true\ class\ score$ ,$s_i:=other\ class\ score$
- where,
- Loss For cat class:
$(5.1-3.2+1)+0=2.9$ - Loss For car class:
$0+0=0$ - Loss For frog class:
- Entire loss:
$L:={1 \over N}\sum_{i=1}^N L_i$ =$(2.9+0+12.9) \over 3$ =$5.27$
- setting:
Regularization: Relax the model not to be "overfitted"
- Description
$L(W) = {1 \over N}\sum_{i=1}^N L_i+\lambda R(W)$ $R\ is\ a\ regularization\ term.$ $\lambda\ is\ a\ regularization\ strength(hyper-parameter)$
- Category
- L2(Ridge):
$\sum_{k}\sum_{l}W_{k,l}^2$ -> spread out the $W_i$s - L1(Lasso):
$\sum_{k}\sum_{l}|W_{k,l}|$ -> some $W_i$s goes to 0 ($\because$ substract specific constants)
- L2(Ridge):
- Description
Example 2: Softmax Classifier
- Same setting w/ above Example 1
$L_i=-logP(Y=y_i|X=x_i)=-log({e^{s_{y_i}} \over \sum_{j}e^{s_j}})$ - Loss For cat class:
$-log{24.5 \over (24.5+164.0+0.18)}=-log(0.13)=0.89$
Additional information: Ranking Loss & Margin-Loss in Recognition
Ranking loss: MSE or CE loss predict label or value, but Ranking loss predict relative distances btween inputs
- pairwise ranking loss
$x_a$ =anchor sample,$x_n$ =negative sample,$x_p$ =positive sample - Objective:
- learn distance
$d$ between positive samples
- learn distance
- learn greater than
$m$ distance between negative samples
- learn greater than
$L(r_0,r_1,y)=y||r_0-r_1||+(1-y)max(0,\ m-||r_0-r_1||)$ - when negative pair,
$y=0$ , positive pair,$y=1$
- when negative pair,
- triplet ranking loss
- Objective:
$d(r_a,r_n)$ should larger than$m$
$d(r_a,r_n)$ should larger than$d(r_a,r_p)$
$L(r_a,r_p,r_n)=max(0,\ m+d(r_a,r_p)-d(r_a,r_n))$ - There are 3 cases:
$d(r_a,r_n)>d(r_a,r_p)+m$ : negative sample is already sufficient distant to anchor sample -> parameter are not updated
$d(r_a,r_n)<d(r_a,r_p)$ : negative sample is closer to the anchor than positive -> loss is positive
$d(r_a,r_p)<d(r_a,r_n)<d(r_a,r_p)+m$ : negative sample is more distant to the anchor than the positive, but not greater than margin -> loss is positive
- Objective:
- pairwise ranking loss
Ranking loss: MSE or CE loss predict label or value, but Ranking loss predict relative distances btween inputs
Loss Function Summary
SVM vs Softmax
- SVM: When loss is 0, stop the algorithm
- e.g. Regard [1000,9,9,9] and [10,9,9,9] as same (DON'T SEE ITS OWN CLASS!!)
- Softmax: They keep trying to increase the probability because their own classes are still also considered!
- SVM: When loss is 0, stop the algorithm
SVM vs Softmax
Naive definition: Find the good parameters(W).
- J is a Cost Function
- Figure w/ single parameter
Method1: Gradient Descent(GD)
$W_i:=W_i-\alpha\nabla_{W_i} L$ (updating)- where,
$\alpha$ is learning rate
- where,
Method2: Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD)
- Same as with GD
- But, SGD don't use full data(approximate sum w/ minibatch)
Additional information: Knowledge distillation&self-distillation
- Knowledge distillation(NIPS 2014)
- Definition: Transfer well-pre-trained Teacher network's knowledge to Student network(boosting small network's performance like big network)
- Self-distillation(CVPR 2020)
- semi-supervised learning approach that works well even when labeled data is abundant.
- Using equal-or-larger student module and noise added to the student during learning
- 1.Train model A on labeled image and use it as a teacher network to generate pseudo-labels for unlabeled images
- 2.Train a larger model B on labeled and pseudo labeled images
- 3.Repeat above 2 processes by putting back the student
- Knowledge distillation(NIPS 2014)