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Verify Zero Knowledge proofs on-chain with Circom and Casper

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⚠️ nctl-titano-env has been deprecated. Use CCTL with the target branch of jonas089/casper-node instead. This readme will be updated accordingly soon.

Full circom support in casper-node 🔐

This project enables the verification of general purpose circom zero knowledge proofs on-chain. This readme serves as a documentation and step-by-step instruction on how to practically apply my circom research and get started with on-chain circuit development on the Casper blockchain.

Circom is a language with a compiler that enables the implementation of high-level zero knowlege circuits that are reduced to R1CS constraint systems. Read more about circom here

Setup a local network with the casper-circom branch 💻

To be able to use the circom host-side verifier, integrated in the Casper node, you need to setup a local test network, because this feature has not been merged to the official release branch. Once The setup is complete and the network is running, you can use this crate to generate a valid circom proof for any circuit (tested with a variation of the multiplier2 circuit provided in the official circom documentation). The proof will be written to a file proof.pem. The example smart contract utilizes the include_bytes! macro to load the file at compile-time, which reduces the gas cost significantly. The exact cost depends on the size of the proof.pem file. Installing the contract is somewhat expensive (for the example it's about 100+ CSPR). The cost of verifying a proof should generally be very low, likely less than 0.001 CSPR per call. :warning: This low gas cost is misleading as it doesn't take into consideration the network effect. Validators must be compensated fairly for the Casper mainnet to be healthy. This implies a SIGNIFICANTLY larger cost, potentially in the thousands.

To setup the network of Casper nodes, we will utilize my nctl-titano-env github repository, which includes a lot of useful scripts that extend the default docker image. First, we need to clone the nctl-titano-env github repository and checkout to the circom branch:

git clone [email protected]:jonas089/nctl-titano-env
cd nctl-titano-env
git checkout circom
git pull

Next, we want to build the docker image for the custom node with circom support enabled, located at [email protected]:jonas089/casper-node branch circom-verifier:

cd nctl-titano-env/custom

The build process can take a while (10 Minutes +):


Once the node + docker image was successfully built, we can create a new container with the node's image:


And source the nctl command line tool:

    source casper-nctl-docker/

Then, to start the network, run:


You should see an output similar to this:

2023-12-11T15:03:41.626978 [INFO] [850] NCTL :: starting node(s) complete        │
validators-1:casper-net-1-node-1    RUNNING   pid 790, uptime 0:00:08            │
validators-1:casper-net-1-node-2    RUNNING   pid 791, uptime 0:00:08            │
validators-1:casper-net-1-node-3    RUNNING   pid 792, uptime 0:00:08            │
validators-2:casper-net-1-node-4    RUNNING   pid 819, uptime 0:00:07            │
validators-2:casper-net-1-node-5    RUNNING   pid 820, uptime 0:00:07            │
validators-3:casper-net-1-node-10   STOPPED   Not started                        │
validators-3:casper-net-1-node-6    STOPPED   Not started                        │
validators-3:casper-net-1-node-7    STOPPED   Not started                        │
validators-3:casper-net-1-node-8    STOPPED   Not started                        │
validators-3:casper-net-1-node-9    STOPPED   Not started

❗ I recommend that before proceeding you make sure that your network is actually producing blocks. To do so, run the command nctl-view-chain-height a few time (wait several seconds in between) and make sure that the current block height is increasing for all nodes. The network can get stuck, though this usually only happens when re-starting it several times & not during initial setup.

Example output nctl-view-chain-height:

2023-12-11T15:56:33.352392 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-1 = 705
2023-12-11T15:56:33.532019 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-2 = 705
2023-12-11T15:56:33.712204 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-3 = 705
2023-12-11T15:56:33.890155 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-4 = 706
2023-12-11T15:56:34.074809 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-5 = 706
2023-12-11T15:56:34.218825 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-6 = N/A
2023-12-11T15:56:34.368193 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-7 = N/A
2023-12-11T15:56:34.513191 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-8 = N/A
2023-12-11T15:56:34.654538 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-9 = N/A
2023-12-11T15:56:34.799254 [INFO] [1729] NCTL :: chain height @ node-10 = N/A

Write a circom circuit ✏️

The example circuit from the circom documentation looks like this:

pragma circom 2.0.0;

/*This circuit template checks that c is the multiplication of a and b.*/  

template Multiplier2 () {  

// Declaration of signals.  
signal input a;  
signal input b;  
signal output c;  

// Constraints.  
c <== a * b;
component main {public [a,b,c]} = Multiplier2();

⚠️ I modified this circuit slightly by making a, b, c public inputs. This is because I wanted to make sure that public inputs are passed correctly when utilizing this implementation for more advanced circuits.

Generate the payload for the verifier 🔮

Run cargo test --features casper-circom to generate the payload (proof.pem) for the example circuit multiplier2. If you want to generate proofs for other circuits, import the casper-circom library and construct a custom Generator:

let mut generator = CircomGenerator{
    wasm: PathBuf::from("/users/chef/Desktop/circom-cli/casper-circom/circom/multiplier/multiplier.wasm"),
    r1cs: PathBuf::from("/users/chef/Desktop/circom-cli/casper-circom/circom/multiplier/multiplier.r1cs"),
    proof_out: PathBuf::from("proof.pem"),
    private_inputs: Vec::new(),
    public_inputs: vec![("a".to_string(), 2), ("b".to_string(), 20), ("c".to_string(), 40)]

The casper-circom library enables anyone to quickly collect circuit inputs and generate payloads for casper smart contracts.

Compile and optimize the smart contract

Compiling the smart contract involves two steps, the cargo build process and wasm optimization.

1. Compile the smart contract to WebAssembly:

cd circom-contract
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo build --release --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

⚠️ Do not attempt to build the casper-circom crate with the wasm32 target, this will error. Make sure to cd into the circom-contract crate before running the build command!

The compiled contract can be found in target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/circom-contract.wasm

2. Optimize the smart contract

Requirement: wasm-opt:

Install wasm-opt as described here, or:

    cargo install wasm-opt

Use wasm-opt to optimize circom-contract.wasm:

wasm-opt --strip-debug --signext-lowering circom-contract.wasm -o contract.wasm

This will output the optimized contract.wasm file that we will want to deploy to our custom casper network.

Setup accounts

In order to deploy the smart contract, we need to obtain a funded account's secret key from the network.

To obtain the users directory from the nctl environment, run:


Copy the secret_key.pem file from users/user-1/. This account holds a very large amount of tokens on our testnet and we can spend those tokens to make deploys (install and execute smart contracts).

Deploy the smart contract and await execution

To deploy the smart contract, we use the casper-client-rs binary. Run cargo install casper-client-rs to install it. Should you experience issues installing the casper-client-rs, please refer to the developer portal / documentation.

casper-client put-deploy --node-address \
    --secret-key ./secret_key.pem \
    --payment-amount 100000000000 \
    --session-path ./contract.wasm \
    --chain-name casper-net-1

This will output the deploy hash of your smart contract deployment:

        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": -4966943512413558264,
        "result": {
            "api_version": "1.0.0",
            "deploy_hash": "47973d600d923c8bcc4c8fe342c62c7a7f65549842c0f51a782cecf35bd12319"

To check the status/ execution result of the deploy, run:

casper-client get-deploy YOUR_DEPLOY_HASH \

where YOUR_DEPLOY_HASH=47973d600d923c8bcc4c8fe342c62c7a7f65549842c0f51a782cecf35bd12319

If the resolved smart contract deploy returns Success, it means that the contract was successfully installed and a reference to it was created under our the account's named keys.

Example output for a successfully deployed contract:

        "key": "balance-dc401b81391f90ce9b2767c5b51aa95b49aca1831f89fc5063b89b56200b2144",
        "transform": {
        "AddUInt512": "21013038535"
        "key": "hash-8b18a64bb7b8aff6ba80fadf9bb7ebd31ee4ac8e4ae998bc85807bcf3155f32e",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "hash-42b91e9228283325f4a4500ffa368760b84987bfe421837bee58174f8c4f8ed8",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "hash-8b18a64bb7b8aff6ba80fadf9bb7ebd31ee4ac8e4ae998bc85807bcf3155f32e",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-1e594a04c36f46d5e5ebb72064ebfea5659f53ee38e552229b8e989ff57462fd",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-0ea6305f5eb1c20c9295e3d93334a74ce0105d852267eb3c320b716fc5089e95",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-1e594a04c36f46d5e5ebb72064ebfea5659f53ee38e552229b8e989ff57462fd",
        "transform": {
        "WriteCLValue": {
            "cl_type": "U512",
            "bytes": "00",
            "parsed": "0"
        "key": "balance-0ea6305f5eb1c20c9295e3d93334a74ce0105d852267eb3c320b716fc5089e95",
        "transform": {
        "AddUInt512": "78986961465"
"transfers": [],
"cost": "78774708550"

Call the verifier endpoint

In order to call the circom verifier entry point of the smart contract, named call_verifier, we need to first obtain the contract-hash of the smart contract. To do this we will query a node for our account's named keys and then resolve the contract package:

  1. obtain the current state root hash
casper-client get-state-root-hash --node-address

This will output a state root hash.

  1. use the account-hash and state root hash to query the account's named keys:
casper-client query-global-state -s STATE_ROOT_HASH \
    --node-address \
    --key ACCOUNT_HASH

Hint: To obtain the account-hash, import the secret_key.pem file in the casper-signer or casper-wallet browser extension and login to

Example output:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": -1004515512565586593,
"result": {
    "api_version": "1.0.0",
    "block_header": null,
    "stored_value": {
    "Account": {
        "account_hash": "account-hash-2d076da10abff1b755825696d5339b761af7b58b6bd669670e695febbe461a1f",
        "named_keys": [
            "name": "circom_multiplier_contract",
            "key": "hash-eea3193f0ba0dca2b05aacfa763bab8a5422f75d30b45a44e7cd3ebdf63ad7a4"
        "main_purse": "uref-dc401b81391f90ce9b2767c5b51aa95b49aca1831f89fc5063b89b56200b2144-007",
        "associated_keys": [
            "account_hash": "account-hash-2d076da10abff1b755825696d5339b761af7b58b6bd669670e695febbe461a1f",
            "weight": 1
        "action_thresholds": {
        "deployment": 1,
        "key_management": 1
    "merkle_proof": "[2490 hex chars]"
  1. query the node for the contract package of circom_multiplier_contract:
casper-client query-global-state --node-address \

where CONTRACT_IN_NAMED_KEYS = hash-eea3193f0ba0dca2b05aacfa763bab8a5422f75d30b45a44e7cd3ebdf63ad7a4 (see output above) and STATE_ROOT_HASH is the same that was used before

Example output:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": -8431458920986110361,
"result": {
    "api_version": "1.0.0",
    "block_header": null,
    "stored_value": {
    "Contract": {
        "contract_package_hash": "contract-package-dd58020573202dd645b26924ff3cd45a87cfe6f4a8f3bf2658948cbdb8851ae4",
        "contract_wasm_hash": "contract-wasm-73fc7c9e9570d0d3b0109cd80fd931cc6f968f44dc2500dd3d482a22964583fc",
        "named_keys": [],
        "entry_points": [
            "name": "call_verifier",
            "args": [],
            "ret": "Unit",
            "access": "Public",
            "entry_point_type": "Contract"
        "protocol_version": "1.0.0"
    "merkle_proof": "[1854 hex chars]"
  1. query the node for the contract package contents:
casper-client query-global-state --node-address \

where CONTRACT_PACKAGE_HASH = hash-dd58020573202dd645b26924ff3cd45a87cfe6f4a8f3bf2658948cbdb8851ae4 (see output above) and STATE_ROOT_HASH is the same that was used before

Example output:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": -8946518891340588621,
"result": {
    "api_version": "1.0.0",
    "block_header": null,
    "stored_value": {
    "ContractPackage": {
        "access_key": "uref-28a079a6c9f90fe0e82a615087950bcb63c576fe783f4c10ca3f77abe000cd56-007",
        "versions": [
            "protocol_version_major": 1,
            "contract_version": 1,
            "contract_hash": "contract-eea3193f0ba0dca2b05aacfa763bab8a5422f75d30b45a44e7cd3ebdf63ad7a4"
        "disabled_versions": [],
        "groups": [],
        "lock_status": "Unlocked"
    "merkle_proof": "[1776 hex chars]"

Now that we have obtained the contract_hash (in this case "hash-eea3193f0ba0dca2b05aacfa763bab8a5422f75d30b45a44e7cd3ebdf63ad7a4"), we can call the call_verifier entry point of the smart contract, to verify the circom proof using the node's host-function verifier:

casper-client put-deploy --node-address \
    --session-hash CONTRACT_HASH \
    --session-entry-point call_verifier \
    --payment-amount 100000000000 \
    --chain-name casper-net-1 \
    --secret-key ./secret_key.pem

where CONTRACT_HASH = hash-eea3193f0ba0dca2b05aacfa763bab8a5422f75d30b45a44e7cd3ebdf63ad7a4

Example output:

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": -4966943512413558264,
"result": {
    "api_version": "1.0.0",
    "deploy_hash": "37973d600d923c8bcc4c8fe342c62c7a7f65549842c0f51a782cecf35bd12318"

As we did when installing the smart contract, we will now obtain the execution result of this deploy:

    casper-client get-deploy YOUR_DEPLOY_HASH \

where DEPLOY_HASH=37973d600d923c8bcc4c8fe342c62c7a7f65549842c0f51a782cecf35bd12318

Example output:

        "key": "hash-8b18a64bb7b8aff6ba80fadf9bb7ebd31ee4ac8e4ae998bc85807bcf3155f32e",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "hash-42b91e9228283325f4a4500ffa368760b84987bfe421837bee58174f8c4f8ed8",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "hash-8b18a64bb7b8aff6ba80fadf9bb7ebd31ee4ac8e4ae998bc85807bcf3155f32e",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-1e594a04c36f46d5e5ebb72064ebfea5659f53ee38e552229b8e989ff57462fd",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-0ea6305f5eb1c20c9295e3d93334a74ce0105d852267eb3c320b716fc5089e95",
        "transform": "Identity"
        "key": "balance-1e594a04c36f46d5e5ebb72064ebfea5659f53ee38e552229b8e989ff57462fd",
        "transform": {
            "WriteCLValue": {
            "cl_type": "U512",
            "bytes": "00",
            "parsed": "0"
        "key": "balance-0ea6305f5eb1c20c9295e3d93334a74ce0105d852267eb3c320b716fc5089e95",
        "transform": {
            "AddUInt512": "1000264053"
    "transfers": [],
    "cost": "266720"

If the execution result does not include an error message, it means that the proof was successfully verified. In this case the execution cost of verifying the proof was only 266720 Motes. This is equivalent to 0.00026672 CSPR or (at the time of writing) 0.00001 USD. The reason why this cheap verification is possible is, that the host function cost is hardcoded to be 200 Gas / 200 Motes per call.

In the event of an invalid proof, User Error 0 will be returned which maps to CircomError::InvalidProof.

Congratulations 🚀, you now know how to generate and verify Circom proofs on the Casper Blockchain. While this is still an experimental feature, it's a powerful exercise and might benefit the blockchain ecosystem in the near future 🔑.

Purge the docker image and container

If you want to get rid of all data produced by this tutorial, run the following:

nctl-stop && ./ && ../

This will remove:

- The docker container that contains the image
- The docker image

⚠️ If you delete the node image, you will have to re-build it before being able to run a local testnet.


Verify Zero Knowledge proofs on-chain with Circom and Casper







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