I've now reached the point where the thesis demands creativity. After gridding a passage, sheet music gets reduced to:
data Finger = Open | One | Two | Three | Four
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord)
data VString = E | A | D | G
deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Ord)
data Fingering = Fingering {string :: VString, finger :: Finger, distance :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
-- XmlRef is basically a pointer to that note inside the musicxml document it came from.
-- It contains all information about pitch, articulation, etc. necessary to make
-- fingering decisions.
-- possibleFingerings are preselected based on impossible placements (putting the pinkie
-- at the lowest point of the fingerboard) and constraints already entered by the user
data Note = Note {xmlRef :: XmlRef, possibleFingerings :: Set Fingering}
data TimeStep
= Single Note
| DoubleStop Note Note
| TripleStop Note Note Note
| QuadrupleStop Note Note Note Note
| Rest
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Step = Step {notes :: TimeStep, duration :: Int}
deriving (Show, Eq)
type Passage = List Step
At this point, since I have relatively little data but very strong beliefs about the prior, I propose to proceed by manually constructing binary feature vectors from each group of two consecutive Step
s and initializing weights to what I believe are appropriate penalties for each feature. Something like
-- could also be called Transition or Penalty (naming is hard)
type Duration = Int -- how many timesteps (can also take xml tempo into account, although this isn't generally reliable)
type Distance = Int -- mm
data Feature =
| StringCrossing VString VString
| Shift Finger Finger Distance
| Trill Finger
| ExcessiveFourthFinger Duration
| ...
deriving (Ord, Ix) -- the Ix typeclass constructs an isomorphism between this type and integers, so these can all be put into an array and we can do linear algebra reasonably
weights :: Feature -> Double
weights = \case
SamePosition -> 0
StringCrossing G E -> high
StringCrossing G D -> low
Shift Four Three _ -> high
Trill Three -> high
Trill Four -> infinity
ExcessiveFourthFinger duration -> f duration -- some function of duration and possibly tempo
Then, given
extractFeatures :: Step -> Step -> Fingering -> Fingering -> Set Feature
we can construct something isomorphic to a binary feature vector and minimize fingering assignment costs over this sequence. I think this eventually reduces to a tree search and is solvable with Dijkstra's algorithm or A*. This framework is also nice in that adjusting for violinists' preferences is as simple as tweaking the weights, which can be exposed to users as a GUI with a bunch of sliders or eventually learned if people submit enough fingerings.