This project aims to classify animals into 5 different classes and One vs rest classifier using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). The dataset consists of images of different set of animals.
- 5-Class.ipynb : 5-class classification
- Ovr-3-fold.ipynb : One vs rest classififcation
I have only taken 15 classes of animals for training - Folders '5 classes of animals' and '15 classes of animals' are the respective image dataset used for building this CNN models
- Kaggle notebooks : Referred notebooks of kaggle master's who implement transfer learning techniquesm like EfficientNetB3.
- Stackoverflow : Articles related to One vs rest to get the concept clarity and also used to resolve errors in the code.
- Medium Blogs : Articles to gain practical ways of implementing CNN.
- Tensorflow and Keras Documentation : Referred it for code syntax and execution.
- Youtube : Codebasics channel for studying concepts of CNN like padding, stride, Flatten , Dropout etc.
- ChatGPT : Used for resolving error.