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374 lines (264 loc) · 9.93 KB



  • Before use, read the limitations of functionality.

  • To check is magic_enum supported compiler use macro MAGIC_ENUM_SUPPORTED or constexpr constant magic_enum::is_magic_enum_supported.
    If magic_enum used on unsupported compiler, occurs the compilation error. To suppress error define macro MAGIC_ENUM_NO_CHECK_SUPPORT.


template <typename E>
constexpr optional<E> enum_cast(string_view value) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr optional<E> enum_cast(underlying_type_t<E> value) noexcept;
  • Obtains enum value from string or integer.

  • Returns std::optional<E>, using has_value() to check contains enum value and value() to get the enum value.

  • If argument does not enum value, returns empty std::optional.

  • Examples

    • String to enum value.

      string color_name{"GREEN"};
      auto color = magic_enum::enum_cast<Color>(color_name);
      if (color.has_value()) {
          // color.value() -> Color::GREEN
    • Integer to enum value.

      int color_integer = 2;
      auto color = magic_enum::enum_cast<Color>(color_integer);
      if (colo.has_value()) {
          // color.value() -> Color::RED


template <typename E>
constexpr E enum_value(size_t index) noexcept;
  • Returns enum value at specified index.

  • No bounds checking is performed: the behavior is undefined if index >= number of enum values.

  • Examples

    int i = 1;
    Color color = magic_enum::enum_value<Color>(i);
    // color -> Color::BLUE


template <typename E>
constexpr array<E, N> enum_values() noexcept;
  • Returns std::array<E, N> with all enum value where N = number of enum values, sorted by enum value.

  • Examples

    constexpr auto colors = magic_enum::enum_values<Color>();
    // colors -> {Color::RED, Color::BLUE, Color::GREEN}
    // colors[0] -> Color::RED


template <typename E>
constexpr size_t enum_count() noexcept;
  • Returns number of enum values.

  • Examples

    constexpr auto color_count = magic_enum::enum_count<Color>();
    // color_count -> 3


template <typename E>
constexpr underlying_type_t<E> enum_integer(E value) noexcept;
  • Returns integer value from enum value.

  • Examples

    Color color = Color::RED;
    auto color_integer = magic_enum::enum_integer(color);
    // color -> 2


template <typename E>
constexpr string_view enum_name(E value) noexcept;

template <auto V>
constexpr string_view enum_name() noexcept;
  • Returns std::string_view.

    • If enum value does not have name or out of range, enum_name(value) returns empty string.
    • If enum value does not have name, enum_name<value>() occurs the compilation error "Enum value does not have a name.".
  • enum_name<value>() is much lighter on the compile times and is not restricted to the enum_range limitation.

  • Examples

    • Enum value to string.

      Color color = Color::RED;
      auto color_name = magic_enum::enum_name(color);
      // color_name -> "RED"
    • Static storage enum variable to string.

      constexpr Color color = Color::BLUE;
      constexpr auto color_name = magic_enum::enum_name<color>();
      // color_name -> "BLUE"


template <typename E>
constexpr array<string_view, N> enum_names() noexcept;
  • Returns std::array<std::string_view, N> with all string enum name where N = number of enum values, sorted by enum value.

  • Examples

    constexpr auto color_names = magic_enum::enum_names<Color>();
    // color_names -> {"RED", "BLUE", "GREEN"}
    // color_names[0] -> "RED"


template <typename E>
constexpr array<pair<E, string_view>, N> enum_entries() noexcept;
  • Returns std::array<std::pair<E, std::string_view>, N> with all std::pair (value enum, string enum name) where N = number of enum values, sorted by enum value.

  • Examples

    constexpr auto color_entries = magic_enum::enum_entries<Color>();
    // color_entries -> {{Color::RED, "RED"}, {Color::BLUE, "BLUE"}, {Color::GREEN, "GREEN"}}
    // color_entries[0].first -> Color::RED
    // color_entries[0].second -> "RED"


template <typename E>
constexpr optional<size_t> enum_index() noexcept;
  • Obtains index in enum value sequence from enum value.

  • Returns std::optional<std::size_t> with index.

  • Examples

    constexpr auto color_index = magic_enum::enum_index(Color::BLUE);
    // color_index -> color_index.value() -> 1
    // color_index -> color_index.has_value() -> true


template <typename E>
constexpr bool enum_contains(E value) noexcept;
constexpr bool enum_contains(underlying_type_t<E> value) noexcept;
constexpr bool enum_contains(string_view value) noexcept;
  • Checks whether enum contains enumerator with such value.

  • Returns true is enum contains value, otherwise false.

  • Examples

    magic_enum::enum_contains(Color::GREEN); // -> true
    magic_enum::enum_contains<Color>(2); // -> true
    magic_enum::enum_contains<Color>(123); // -> false
    magic_enum::enum_contains<Color>("GREEN"); // -> true
    magic_enum::enum_contains<Color>("fda"); // -> false


template <typename T>
struct is_unscoped_enum;

template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_unscoped_enum_v = is_unscoped_enum<T>::value;
  • Checks whether type is an Unscoped enumeration.

  • Provides the member constant value which is equal to true, if T is an Unscoped enumeration type.
    Otherwise, value is equal to false.

  • Examples

    magic_enum::is_unscoped_enum<color>::value -> true
    magic_enum::is_unscoped_enum<Direction>::value -> false
    // Helper variable template.
    magic_enum::is_unscoped_enum_v<color> -> true


template <typename T>
struct is_scoped_enum;

template <typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_scoped_enum_v = is_scoped_enum<T>::value;
  • Checks whether type is an Scoped enumeration.

  • Provides the member constant value which is equal to true, if T is an Scoped enumeration type.
    Otherwise, value is equal to false.

  • Examples

    magic_enum::is_scoped_enum<color>::value -> false
    magic_enum::is_scoped_enum<Direction>::value -> true
    // Helper variable template.
    magic_enum::is_scoped_enum_v<Direction> -> true


template <typename T>
struct underlying_type;

template <typename T>
using underlying_type_t = typename underlying_type<T>::type;
  • Improved UB-free "SFINAE-friendly" std::underlying_type.

  • If T is a complete enumeration type, provides a member typedef type that names the underlying type of T.
    Otherwise, if T is not an enumeration type, there is no member type.
    Otherwise (T is an incomplete enumeration type), the program is ill-formed.

  • Examples

    magic_enum::underlying_type<color>::type -> int
    // Helper types.
    magic_enum::underlying_type_t<Direction> -> int


template <typename Char, typename Traits, typename E>
basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& os, E value);

template <typename Char, typename Traits, typename E>
basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& operator<<(basic_ostream<Char, Traits>& os, optional<E> value);
  • Out-of-the-box ostream operators for all enums.

  • Examples

    using namespace magic_enum::ostream_operators; // out-of-the-box ostream operators for enums.
    Color color = Color::BLUE;
    std::cout << color << std::endl; // "BLUE"


template <typename E>
constexpr E operator~(E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E operator|(E lhs, E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E operator&(E lhs, E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E operator^(E lhs, E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E& operator|=(E& lhs, E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E& operator&=(E& lhs, E rhs) noexcept;

template <typename E>
constexpr E& operator^=(E& lhs, E rhs) noexcept;
  • Out-of-the-box bitwise operators for all enums.

  • Examples

    enum class Flags { A = 1 << 0, B = 1 << 1, C = 1 << 2, D = 1 << 3 };
    using namespace magic_enum::bitwise_operators; // out-of-the-box bitwise operators for enums.
    // Support operators: ~, |, &, ^, |=, &=, ^=.
    Flags flags = Flags::A | Flags::B & ~Flags::C;