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Laravel Markdown

Laravel Markdown was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a CommonMark wrapper for Laravel 5. It ships with integration with Laravel's view system too. Feel free to check out the change log, releases, license, and contribution guidelines.

Laravel Markdown

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Either PHP 5.5+ or HHVM 3.6+ are required.

To get the latest version of Laravel Markdown, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require graham-campbell/markdown

Instead, you may of course manually update your require block and run composer update if you so choose:

    "require": {
        "graham-campbell/markdown": "^6.0"

Once Laravel Markdown is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

  • 'GrahamCampbell\Markdown\MarkdownServiceProvider'

You can register the Markdown facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php file if you like.

  • 'Markdown' => 'GrahamCampbell\Markdown\Facades\Markdown'


Laravel Markdown supports optional configuration.

To get started, you'll need to publish all vendor assets:

$ php artisan vendor:publish

This will create a config/markdown.php file in your app that you can modify to set your configuration. Also, make sure you check for changes to the original config file in this package between releases.

There are several config options:

Enable View Integration

This option ('views') specifies if the view integration is enabled so you can write markdown views and have them rendered as html. The following extensions are currently supported: '.md', '.md.php', and '.md.blade.php'. You may disable this integration if it is conflicting with another package. The default value for this setting is true.

CommonMark Extensions

This option ('extensions') specifies what extensions will be automatically enabled. Simply provide your extension class names here. The default value for this setting is [].

Renderer Configuration

This option ('renderer') specifies an array of options for rendering HTML. The default value for this setting is ['block_separator' => "\n", 'inner_separator' => "\n", 'soft_break' => "\n"].

Enable Em Tag Parsing

This option ('enable_em') specifies if <em> parsing is enabled. The default value for this setting is true.

Enable Strong Tag Parsing

This option ('enable_strong') specifies if <strong> parsing is enabled. The default value for this setting is true.

Enable Asterisk Parsing

This option ('use_asterisk') specifies if * should be parsed for emphasis. The default value for this setting is true.

Enable Underscore Parsing

This option ('use_underscore') specifies if _ should be parsed for emphasis. The default value for this setting is true.

Safe Mode

This option ('safe') specifies if raw HTML is rendered in the document. Setting this to true will not render HTML, and false will. The default value for this setting is false.



This facade will dynamically pass static method calls to the 'markdown' object in the ioc container which by default is an instance of League\CommonMark\Converter.


This class contains no public methods of interest. This class should be added to the providers array in config/app.php. This class will setup ioc bindings.

Real Examples

Here you can see an example of just how simple this package is to use.

use GrahamCampbell\Markdown\Facades\Markdown;

Markdown::convertToHtml('foo'); // <p>foo</p>

If you prefer to use dependency injection over facades like me, then you can easily inject the class like so:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use League\CommonMark\Converter;

class Foo
    protected $converter;

    public function __construct(Converter $converter)
        $this->converter = $converter;

    public function bar()
        return $this->converter->convertToHtml('foo');


And don't forget, that's just the basics. We also support extension through listening for the resolving event from the container, and we ship with integration with Laravel's view system.

Further Information

There are other classes in this package that are not documented here (such as the engine and compiler classes). This is because they are not intended for public use and are used internally by this package.


If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to Graham Campbell at [email protected]. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


Laravel Markdown is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).