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executable file
123 lines (98 loc) · 4.58 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
123 lines (98 loc) · 4.58 KB



  • Refactored code and converted it into an ES2015 class.
  • insertBefore now works like it does in jQuery. This will break existing code relying on this method.
  • Added insertAfter.


  • The for method now forward iterates. This may break code relying on it previously iterating backwards.
  • New method
    • .noConflict()


  • Passing a serializable input to the selector parameter can now be passed to the json method.
  • .node and its alias .n will now return null if no elements are selected instead of undefined.
  • New methods
    • .inIframe()
    • .move()


  • Fixed the load method.
  • Improved error messages for debugging.
  • Cross browser support: Added Promise polyfill for the ajax method.
  • Added tests for ajax method.


  • New method
    • .inViewport()


  • The for method callback now has a second argument for the loop's index.
v().for(items, (item, i)=>{
   // Do stuff
  • The AJAX method now can accept an object when using the POST method.


  • Updated the .attr() method so it is still chainable while passing a pair of key/value strings.
  • New methods
    • .end()
    • .for(Iterator, Function)
    • .forIn(Props, Function)


  • Cleaned up duplicate method .replaceWith.


  • Breaking change: Renamed .outerHeight() and .outerWidth() to .height() and .width(), respectively in order to bring more syntactic consistency with jQuery.
  • Breaking change: Updated .html() to return the outerHTML of an element instead of the innerHTML. Passing an HTML string to its parameter still sets the selected elements innerHTML.
  • Updated .attr() method to return an attribute's value if a single string is passed to its parameter instead of an object.
  • Updated .find() to accept a comma separated list of selectors, and be able to return an array of the selected elements.
  • New methods
    • .replaceWith(HTML String)
    • .includes(String, Match)
    • .val(String)


  • Fixed ```.ajax()```` method not being able to POST a data object.


  • Updated mixin method to pass the array of nodes to the chained library.


  • .uniq() now accepts the selector parameter as well as its own parameter. If uniq is called with the selector parameter only, its array will be passed to a new constructor instance, and will be chainable.
  • .find() now accepts an element as well as a CSS selector.
  • .trigger() is now chainable.
  • New methods
    • .ajax(GET|POST, URL, options.chain)
    • .mixin(object)


  • Added browser compatibility.
  • Added a minified build intended for being included in script tag in the root of the repository.
  • .children() now accepts a CSS selector in its parameter and can further filter down the child nodes.
  • New methods
    • .parents(CSS selector)
    • .allChildren(CSS selector)
    • .uniq(array)


  • Refactored the library so it uses a constructor instead of returning an object of methods.
  • The selector parameter is now more versatile for some methods as outlined in the API section of the readme.
  • .wrap() works now.
  • Changed the node retrieval from a function to an array. .nodes() is now nodes and node() is now node. node also has a short alias, n.
  • .length will return the length of the array of selected elements.
  • New methods
    • .filter(function(currentValue, index, array))
    • .each(function(currentValue, index, array))
    • .map(function(currentValue, index, array))
    • .siblings()
    • .rect()
    • .offset()
    • .offsetParent()
    • .outerHeight()
    • .outerWidth()
    • .parseHTML(HTML string)
    • .after(HTML string)
    • .before(HTML string)
    • .json(value)
    • .parseJSON(valid JSON string)
    • .trim(string)
    • .type(value)


  • Attributes with a "-" character now can be updated by passing an object to attr with a camel cased property.


  • attr now accepts an object for attr values. If no object is passed, it will return an object of attributes of the currently selected element.
  • New methods added: on(event, function), off(event, function), trigger(event), removeAttr(string), and clone().
  • Add/remove/toggleClass now accept multiple class names separated by spaces.


  • vquery initial commit.