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This document gives an overview of some of the ongoing challenges and work in mempool design. It documents the existing design, failures, and vulnerabilities of the mempool as well as some proposals that exist to remedy the shortcomings.

First we describe the existing state of the mempool by way of existing contraints, failure modes, and attacks. Then in Proposals we discuss various measures that are yet to be implemented.


This document assumes familiarity with the concepts of ancestors, descendants, CPFP, RBF.

Mempool acceptance constraints

Here are some notable constraints that affect whether a transaction will be accepted to the mempool or propagated throughout the network.

shortname description code notes
ancestor-count Max number of in-mempool ancestors (default: 25) validation.cpp:461 -
ancestor-size Max kilobytes of tx + all in-mempool ancestors (default: 101kb) validation.cpp:462 -
descendant-count Max number of in-mempool descendants (default: 25) validation.cpp:463 -
descendant-size Max kilobytes of tx + all in-memory descendants (default: 101kb) validation.cpp:464 -
min-relay-fee A fee rate smaller than this is considered zero fee (for relaying, mining and transaction creation) (default: 1000 sats/kvB or 1 sat/vB) validation.cpp:642 -
fee-filter FEEFILTER messages are sent to peers to communicate the minimum fee required for admission to the mempool. It is based on mempoolMinFee. (See below) net_processing.cpp -
mempool-min-fee Minimum feerate for admission to the mempool (CTxMemPool::GetMinFee). It is updated to a track the sats/kvB feerate of transactions evicted from the mempool, and it decays exponentially. src/txmempool.cpp -
rbf1 If RBFing, replaced txn must signal with nSequence - BIP 125
rbf2 If RBFing, replacement cannot have new unconfirmed inputs - -
rbf3 If RBFing, replacement must have absolute fee > replaced tx - -
rbf4 If RBFing, replacement must pay for its own relay per min-relay-fee - -
rbf5 If RBFing, transaction to be evicted + descendants cannot total more than 100 - -
cpfp-carveout Allow a single-ancestor transaction through if it is no larger than 10_000 vbytes and its parent has hit its descendant limits based on another descendant validation.cpp -

Established concepts

Various concepts have governed mempool design so far, and should be taken into consideration when understanding attacks and assessing proposals.


"There ain't no such thing as a global mempool." The network's view of the current contents of the mempool is not guaranteed to be consistent and can remain divergent indefinitely. See here for more.

Various techniques can be used to intentionally "split" regions of the network into having separate mempool content, including broadcasting conflicting transactions simultaneously as outlined here.

Mempool design: no-free-relay

Gossiping transactions over the P2P network costs bandwidth. This bandwidth should not be wasted on spam.

Mempool design: incentive-compatibility

The mempool should be designed in such a way that it is maximally useful for miners when choosing transactions to include in blocks. If it is not, miners' mempool implementations will at some point likely differ from non-mining nodes (to be revenue maximizing) and bitcoind users will not have an accurate impression of miner mempool contents, impairing their ability to estimate market feerates and get transactions confirmed.

Note that in the limit, miner mempool design will likely diverge from non-mining nodes because of the computationally complexity of optimally knapsack-solving for the most profitable block (NP-hard). This divergence likely won't happen until miner revenue from fees surpasses revenue from the block subsidy.


"Failures" are considered undesirable behaviors that result from shortcomings in the current design of the mempool; they are distinguished from attacks in that they need not be consciously exploited by an attacker to result in the undesirable behavior.

Failure: presigned-feerate-too-low

In certain applications, a key which later becomes inaccessible may be used to presign transactions that will at some point be broadcast, essentially turning those presigned transactions into "bearer assets." This is the case with many vault designs. A similar case exists with counterparties who presign a certain transaction, but can't be relied upon to resign for fee renegotiation.

In such cases, the successful broadcast of the pre-signed transaction is critical to the contracting application. However, the pre-negotiated feerate associated with the transaction may fall beneath the mempoolMinFee at time of broadcast if the fee market has moved significantly since the txn was prepared.

The txn may not be able to propagate on the basis of a too-low feerate. Normally, rbf would be used to dynamically adjust the feerate, but because the keys used to sign are no longer available, RBF is not an option.

Currently, these cases rely on CPFP (child pays for parent) to adjust the feerate. But because the original transaction's feerate may be too low to even be admitted to the mempool, there is no parent for the child to descend off of.

For this reason, pacakgeRelay is a necessary change to avoid failure in such a situation.

Failure: limited-visibility-agent

Block template providers aim to aggregate the best feerate transactions to maximize miner reward. Transaction issuers aim to broadcast blockspace claims at the best price matching their liquidity preferences or satisfying their application-specific time-sensitive requirements. To perform those functions, all those agents should rely on a local or remote mempool aggregating all the known and highest fee blockspace demand at instant T across the Bitcoin network.

The highest fee blockspace demand is currently implemented as storing the best chain of transactions spending a UTXO, where "highest fee" is the result of a given replacement algorithm. This replacement algorithm might fail to capture the most fee-compelling chain of transactions due to aleas in transaction propagations or uncertain order of events.

Issues in transaction propagation can result in a high-fee child of a low-fee parent not propagating across the network, therefore generating a discrepancy between the ideal mempool state and its real content. In theory, this issue should be solved by packageRelay.

There could be more reasons than the mempool content deviates from its ideal state. First, the spending claims of a UTXO can be competitive like with current LN-penalty design, therefore a replacement algorithm might bias in favor of the first-seen or non-fee optimal package instead of best existent one. Second, the spending claims of a UTXO can be cooperative without interactivity, in the sense that with a batch withdrawal from a service, a RBF could evict the initial transaction as the really same time a high-fee child is attached to the initial one. Both of those phenomenas are not abnormal cases, i.e when the local mempool miss transactions announcement due to temporary offliness, and could be expected to generalize more in the future.

It is left as subject of research if there are more existent factors of deviation between the ideal mempool state and its real content.

The variety of miner reward outcome in fucntion of the transaction replacement strategy is described by @ajtowns ML post

Failure: one-mempool-to-rule-them-all

If the mempool is envisioned as the meeting place of blockspace demand, it should be recalled that there is only one such buffer for the whole Bitcoin network (or a crowd of unique buffer because TANSTAAGM). This is a significant issue in case of technical failures happening for a subset of Bitcoin applications reverbated globally. E.g, an Internet disruption in Venezuela could trigger automatic and massive force-close of all the channels with unresolved HTLCs in-between venezuelians LN nodes and the rest of the LN world.

As the Bitcoin use-cases with liveliness requirements can be expected to generalize in the coming future (i.e more deployed Lightning channels or time-sensitive contracts like DLCs) and there is an incentive to shorten safety timelocks to increase liquidity velocity, it can be thought that failures in the lower Bitcoin stack (e.g block-relay) could be overreacted at the mempool-level.

It is left as a subject of research if blockspace demand spreading across network mempools could be detected as anomalies due to identified Bitcoin technical reasons and if those anomalies could be flat out from fee-estimation algorithms and liquidity management engines.


Attacks are behaviors in the current mempool design that could be used by malicious actors to exploit applications built on top of Bitcoin.

Attack: miner-harvesting

A subset of the miners could drop on the floor transaction inclusions to provoke artificial congestion during period P. This congestion would be overreacted by the fee-bumping algorithms of the Bitcoin applications, especially with time-sensitive requirements in a way that the loss of fees during period P compensates for the gain during period P+1. It is left as subject of research if future second-layers fee-bumping algorithms could be vulnerable to those concerns.

Attack: mempool-partitioning

Opt-in RBF enables to segregate network mempools in different arbitrary subsets. From those subsets, a well-provisioned in UTXO value attacker could broadcast branch of high-fees child transactions in some target subsets. The targeted nodes would observe different mempool feerates from the non-partitioned ones. Other policy discrepancies could be leveraged to partition mempools.

It is left as subject of research how it could be a building block in more sophisticated attack.

Attack: miner-mapping

Regions of the network that feed into major miners' mempools could be identified by the following technique: n conflicting variations of a given transaction could be created and then broadcast to different peers. Each time one of the variants is mined, that identifies a peer which affects the mempool composition of a miner.

In this way, P2P network topology can be discovered and leveraged during a mempool-based attack.

Attack: fee-pinning

Fee pinning is an attack in which a malicious actor is able to "pin" a transaction to the bottom of the mempool (in terms of mining attractiveness) with the intent of preventing or delaying the confirmation of that transaction.

This has particular relevance in the case of time-sensitive second layer contracting protocols like Lightning channels, where the timely confirmation of, say, a justice transaction is critical to enforcing the assumed behavior of the contract.

Pinning prevents the dynamic adjustment of fees via rbf or cpfp.



SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY: the SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY flag allows any user to reuse signatures unlocking inputs while adding additional inputs to a new transaction (which reuses the original inputs).

This can be exploited by a malicious user Mal if Mal takes her counterparty's transaction which has not fully propagated through the network yet and appends on a large number of input transactions which make its feerate mediocre. Mal then would create a "split brain" mempool that has nodes feeding miner block assemblies contain this low feerate version of the transaction, pinning it, even in the presence of the "honest" higher feerate transaction elsewhere on the network.


Because there are various limits on how many descendants a transaction can have, as well as the total size of those descendants, participants in a two-party contract can potentially pin the feerate of a transaction by hanging, e.g., 25 children at a low feerate off of an output they control. Their counterparty will not be able to bump fees using CPFP - though this has now been fixed by the CPFP carveout change.

Note that the CPFP-carveout only resolves this pinning vector for two-party contracts. More outputs than two could reopen the ability to pin, since the carveout only allows for one extra child feebump.

Lightning attacks
  • Various pinning attacks are described by @ariard in this post.

Attack: feerate-mempool-siphon

If RBF rule #3 were removed, an attacker could broadcast, say, 300MB of large transactions which have a higher feerate than anything in the mempool. Subsequently, all transactions currently in the mempool would be evicted in nodes operating under default mempool settings. The attacker could then replace these needlessly large transactions which much smaller transactions that pay a higher feerate (but lower absolute fees) via RBF.

So, if rule 3 were removed, an attacker would be able to exhaust the mempools of the network for a known (and probably relatively low) cost.


Package relay

Currently, the P2P network relays individual transactions, creating a situation in which transactions which do not surpass the mempool-min-fee cannot be broadcast, even if bolstered by CPFP.

Package relay would allow connected DAGs of dependent transactions to be relayed together. This would ensure that transactions which require CPFP to bump their effective feerate are able to enter mempools to begin with, else they suffer the presigned-feerate-too-low failure.

There are not any conceptual objections to this proposal, and indeed it is widely recognized that package relay is needed. Remaining considerations are P2P protocol considerations like

  • how to structure the protocol to avoid DoS vectors (e.g. if a node misreports the existence of transactions or aggregate feerate),
  • whether to commit to the current tip hash within PKG messages,
  • whether packages should necessarily be topologically sorted.

Related pull requests:

BlueMatt/sdaftuar voluntary child-size limit

An alternative idea, from talking to @TheBlueMatt today: we could set a bit in a transaction that means "do not accept more than X vbytes worth of descendants into the mempool that depend on this one, because this may be RBF'ed in the future".

Values of X could be something like twice the original transaction's vsize (maybe with a floor -- 1000 vbytes? 5000? ), or some other smallish value.

The point of this would be to bound the RBF cost to the original transactor, as the issue with RBF pinning is that a package's size can be 1000 times bigger than a typical transaction, so if we can bound that to 2x the size of the original transaction (or something similarly small), the RBF cost when you're paying for descendants seems much more reasonable.

This approach would not require making any feerate predictions (which is nice), but also may suffer from the problem of wallets not knowing when to use it... But if this at least makes it easier for some use cases, maybe it's still forward progress?


This proposal would potentially fix some pinning vectors associated with 2-party contracting applications, but would not address fee-bumping needs for applications where RBF use is not in scope, e.g. vaults.

Alternative: transaction size limit enforced in script

@instagibbs posted an alternative to the idea above, which is similar but instead involves adding an opcode to push the size of the current transaction to the stack, allowing script writers to limit the size of the transaction.

Removing RBF rule 3

Naively, rule #3 of RBF (higher absolute fee required for a replacment) seems undesirable. If a surrogate replacement transaction can pay a higher feerate but lower absolute fee, it indicates that a smaller equivalent transaction is suitable to the transactor(s), consuming less chainstate, which is a common good for the network. Though note that under certain unusual circumstances, this may not be incentive-compatible for miners - namely if the surrogate transactions which fill in the extra block space yielded by the replacement transaction do not pay as much as the original absolute fee.

In any case, it is tempting to remove rule #3, since in the average case replacement of a higher feerate transaction benefits everyone. However, the relaxation of this rule would allow the siphoning attack mentioned above.

Transaction sponsors

Transaction sponsors, in concept, allow any user to increase the feerate of any transaction by marking a sponsor transaction as only being consensus valid if mined alongside a certain transaction (i.e. the sponsored). The sponsor txn marks itself as a sponsor by setting its last output, probably dust, as having the scriptPubKey [sponsored-txid] OP_VER.

Objections to the original proposal include:

  • introducing a new kind of dependency between transactions,
  • unclear how to avoid pinning of sponsors with suboptimal feerates,
    • (a sponsor replacement policy would need to be devised to avoid this)
  • requires a consensus change (soft fork).

[conceptual] Unauthenticated feerate-bumps always possible

Ideally, any user should be able to additively bump the feerate of any transaction, regardless of whether or not the transaction anticipated feebumps structurally, e.g. being marked RBFable.

It doesn't make sense to require authentication for feebumps, as the owner of the inputs in the txn-to-be-bumped has already authenticated their spend via signature. However, the ideal of monotonic, unauthenticated feerate bumps is hampered by the real-world issues of

  • avoiding additional bandwidth DoS vectors associated with doing miniscule feerate bumps, causing re-relay and needless eviction of txns, and
  • avoiding the introduction of pinning vectors.

One possible high-level sketch for achieving this is a combination of

    • with the modification that GROUP allows a given input to commit optionally to the last output (see "sponsors" below)
  • transaction sponsors
    • with the modification that each sponsor input entry must be SIGHASH_GROUP, committing to at least the last output (i.e. the sponsor vector). This allows input/output groups within the sponsor to be arbitrarily conjoined in order to create a highest-feerate replacement transaction.
    • allow sponsor replacement on the basis of at least an x% feerate bump. x might be required to increase to limit relay.

This would ensure that sponsors are not pinnable, and relay is limited.

A similar proposal could be done without sponsors, simply by having transactions make use of SIGHASH_GROUP, but that would require structural anticipation on the part of transactions.
