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Generating P4 code for fun and profit

Introduction and background

Often when developing P4 programs, and programs in other programming languages, it is desirable to write code that can be done with the current definition of the language, but only via fairly repetitive code, or code with a regular but detailed structure that is possible to get right when a human types it, but can be very error prone when developed that way.

It is sometimes possible to work around the limitations of the language, and to use a program written in some other programming language (we will give an example of a small Python program for that here) to generate P4 code for you, then #include those generated files into a hand-written P4 program.

This article describes a couple of examples of this, where the examples are motivated by questions people have asked on the p4-dev email list.

Is this new or distinctive to the P4 programming language? Definitely not. You can do this with any programming language. Just write a program GEN that prints out the text of part (or all) of another program T. GEN need not be written in the same programming language as T.

Example 1 - accessing bytes of a header selected by a run-time index

Goal: We want to have a header in a packet consisting of 32 consecutive bytes, call them b[0] through b[31]. Based upon some values that can vary at run time from packet to packet, we want to calculate one or more indexes in the range [0, 30], and use each index i to either read 2 bytes b[i] and b[i+1], or to write those 2 bytes.

If you are familiar with general purpose programming languages that have arrays, your first reaction would be that this is very straightforward: Declare an array, calculate an index value in i, and then access array elements b[i] and b[i+1], reading them or storing values into them whenever you wish using assignment statements. Easy.

What makes this difficult in at least some P4 implementations (perhaps most as of February 2020) is that, while you can declare a header stack, which is an array of headers, you may only access elements of such an array using an index that is a compile time constant, e.g. 17 or (3-1+4), not a run-time variable value like i. See the "Aside" section below for some possible reasons why this restriction exists.

Given this restriction in a P4 implementation that one wishes to use, is it impossible to achieve this goal?

Hardly. We can do it without even using a header stack in the program, if we do not want to, and the sample code here does not use a header stack.

Here is the relevant part of the P4_16 code that can be used to read 2 bytes at an index specified in i, abbreviated a bit:

header my_custom_hdr_t {
    bit<8> f0;
    bit<8> f1;
    // ... f2 through f30 omitted for brevity
    bit<8> f31;

struct headers_t {
    // other headers omitted here
    my_custom_hdr_t my_custom_hdr;

control read_custom_header_at_index (in my_custom_hdr_t my_custom_hdr,
                                     in bit<8> index,
				     out bit<16> result,
                                     out bool index_in_range)
    action read_offset_0 () {
        // The P4_16 operator ++ concatenates a bit<W1> operand and
        // bit<W2> operand to produce a bit<W1+W2> result.
        result = my_custom_hdr.f0 ++ my_custom_hdr.f1;
    action read_offset_1 () {
        result = my_custom_hdr.f1 ++ my_custom_hdr.f2;

    // ... actions read_offset_2 through read_offset_29 omitted

    action read_offset_30 () {
        result = my_custom_hdr.f30 ++ my_custom_hdr.f31;
    action index_out_of_range () {
        index_in_range = false;
        result = 0;

    table read_from_index {
        keys = {
	    index : exact;
        actions = {
            // ... actions read_offset_2 through read_offset_29 omitted
            @defaultonly index_out_of_range;
	const entries = {
            0 : read_offset_0();
            1 : read_offset_1();
            // ... entries for actions read_offset_2 through
            // read_offset_29 omitted
            30 : read_offset_30();
        const default_action = index_out_of_range;

    apply {
        index_in_range = true;

control ingress (inout headers_t hdr,
                 inout metadata_t meta,
                 inout standard_metadata_t stdmeta)
    read_custom_header_at_index() read_inst1;
    bit<8> i;
    bit<16> result;
    bool result_valid;

    apply {
        // Code that calculates a value for index i would go here.
        read_inst1.apply(hdr.my_custom_hdr, i, result, result_valid);
        // Code that uses values of result and result_valid would go here.

Several parts of this P4 code are quite repetitive, and it would be tedious and error prone to type them in manually, but they can easily be printed out by a program.

See for details on a complete example that generates the code for a program like the sample above, plus another control that can be called to write a 16-bit value into 2 consecutive bytes of the custom header at a run-time index value.

Note: This approach generalizes to any correspondence you wish between the run-time values you calculate, and which subset of fields of the header are accessed. It doesn't have to be like an array.

Aside - why the compile time constant index restriction in some P4 implementations?

Why do some P4 implementations restrict the index of a header stack access to compile time constant index values, one may very reasonably ask? As a rough analogy, some P4 implementations store the headers and user-defined variables of your program in something similar to general purpose CPU registers. Most general purpose CPUs have addressing modes enabling them to access data in RAM using offsets stored in a register, e.g. base address 0xfff78e000 plus the value stored in register r5, but I have not seen one that lets you select among its general purpose registers based on the value stored in a register, e.g. access register r(4+(contents of r7)), where if r7 contained 2, that expression would access register r(4+2), i.e. r6.

Another reason is that in networking protocols like VLAN tags and stack of MPLS headers, which were the motivating use cases in networking for having header stacks in the P4 language, it is often enough to access elements at a compile time constant index. If there are multiple cases, there are usually only 2 or 3 of them, and one can write 3 different actions of a table to handle the different cases, manually, where code generation techniques as described here would be overkill.

Example 2 - executing loops with a compile-time maximum number of iterations

Goal: We want to execute a loop that in a C-like language we would write similarly to one of these examples:

    // Loop 1
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        hdr.result[i] = hdr.array1[i] + hdr.array2[i];
    // Loop 2
    // Note: assume that we know, for reasons not shown in this code,
    // that n must be in the range [0, 12].
    found_big_index = false;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (hdr.array1[i] >= 10) {
            first_big_index = i;
            found_big_index = true;

There is a technique used in many compilers called loop unrolling, which is a kind of optimization to produce faster machine code as output from the compiler. What I describe here is not exactly the same, in that we will completely unroll the loops, leaving no loops in the resulting code, and we are doing it not to speed up the resulting code, but to make it possible to compile at all in P4, versus not compile at all.

The idea is very straightforward -- for a loop with a maximum number of iterations K that we can determine at compile time, we can replace it with code that repeats the body K times, sequentially, with each body varying in the value of the loop variable(s).

Loop 1 becomes this:

    // Loop 1 original code
//    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//        hdr.result[i] = hdr.array1[i] + hdr.array2[i];
//    }

    // Loop 1 completely unrolled version
    hdr.result[0] = hdr.array1[0] + hdr.array2[0];
    hdr.result[1] = hdr.array1[1] + hdr.array2[1];
    hdr.result[2] = hdr.array1[2] + hdr.array2[2];
    hdr.result[3] = hdr.array1[3] + hdr.array2[3];
    hdr.result[4] = hdr.array1[4] + hdr.array2[4];
    hdr.result[5] = hdr.array1[5] + hdr.array2[5];
    hdr.result[6] = hdr.array1[6] + hdr.array2[6];
    hdr.result[7] = hdr.array1[7] + hdr.array2[7];
    hdr.result[8] = hdr.array1[8] + hdr.array2[8];
    hdr.result[9] = hdr.array1[9] + hdr.array2[9];

Loop 2 is a little more involved, and I will introduce a boolean variable executed_break to track whether the original code would have executed the 'break' statement by that time, or not.

    // Loop 2 original code
    // Note: assume that we know, for reasons not shown in this code,
    // that n must be in the range [0, 12].
//    found_big_index = false;
//    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
//        if (hdr.array1[i] >= 10) {
//            first_big_index = i;
//            found_big_index = true;
//            break;
//	}
//    }

    // Loop 2 completely unrolled version (only the first few
    // iterations, not all 12)

    executed_break = false;
    found_big_index = false;
    // reminder: we know that n is in the range [0, 12].

    // first iteration, when i=0
    if (0 < n) {
        if (hdr.array1[0] >= 10) {
            first_big_index = 0;
            found_big_index = true;
            executed_break = true;

    // second iteration, when i=1, only performed if n > 1 and
    // executed_break is false
    if (!executed_break && (1 < n)) {
        if (hdr.array1[1] >= 10) {
            first_big_index = 1;
            found_big_index = true;
            executed_break = true;

    // third iteration, when i=2, only performed if n > 2 and
    // executed_break is false
    if (!executed_break && (2 < n)) {
        if (hdr.array1[2] >= 10) {
            first_big_index = 2;
            found_big_index = true;
            executed_break = true;
    // 4th through 12th iterations look just like the previous 2,
    // changing the three occurrences of '2' to step through the
    // values that i takes on.

I have not written any Python code to show you for this example. Hopefully the sample code from the first example, and the pattern of the P4 code above, is enough to make it clear what you would need to do.

Aside: A P4 compiler could also be written to completely unroll loops in this way, too, for a target that could not perform loops any other way. That does not guarantee that the unrolled code would "fit" into the capabilities of any given P4 target device, especially for loops with many iterations, but it could make some code with short loops more convenient to write.

Possible relevance to the P4 language design work group

Some members of the P4 language design work group have expressed that they consider examples like these as demonstrating shortcomings of the P4 language, and the language would be better if it had capabilities that made these techniques obsolete.

That may be true. My reaction on hearing this is: look at Example 1 -- it has repetitive code that is generated and included into several places in the program:

  • the definition of multiple actions, within a control (i.e. not at the top level of the P4 program). These actions vary not only in their names, but in the names of fields they access within their bodies.
  • in the list of actions given in the actions table property of a P4 table.
  • in the list of table entries in the const entries table property of a P4 table.

It seems challenging to design P4 language constructs that would implement those same capabilities, in all of those contexts. For example, would you want to create some kind of repeated_code construct that works inside of a P4 control block to create action definitions, and can also work inside of the list assigned to the actions table property, and also inside of the const entries list of table entries? Or create separate P4 language constructs, one for each of those contexts, and perhaps a dozen other contexts, e.g. parameter lists, definitions of table key fields, definitions of fields of a header or struct, etc.?

I suppose something like that could be done, but it seems like at least several months of language design and implementation work to achieve, and would at best end up with something we can achieve now using #include. Show any programmer an example of the code generation approach, and they can immediately hit the ground running with it to achieve their goals. Debugging their code generation is as straightforward as looking at the output of their generator program, and the error or warning messages from the P4 development tools they use on that generated code.

An observation: I suppose I actually have no strong objections to removing C preprocessor-like capabilities from any P4 compiler. If that happened, anyone that wants these capabilities can still use the standalone cpp C preprocessor on their own to do all of this, plus #define and #ifdef. One simply needs to remember to delete all lines beginning with # left over in the preprocessor output before using it as input to their P4 compiler. (And you can use the C preprocessor for nearly any programming language, not only for P4. It may not work if the target language used #include for its own purposes.)

Related work

Perhaps most relevant to P4 is this paper:

"pcube: Primitives for network data plane programming", by Rinku
Shah, Aniket Shirke, Akash Trehan, Mythili Vutukuru, and
Purushottam Kulkarni,

And the associated code repository:

There are certainly other design choices on how to extend P4, but one way is the way that the original C++ compiler was implemented, which was as a preprocessor step that translated to C. pcube is a preprocessor that transforms its input, which is P4_14 extended with a few extra constructs, into P4_14 that only uses constructs defined within the language specification. As mentioned in the paper, all of their ideas should work in creating a similar extended version of P4_16 that is translated into standard P4_16.

You can think of parser generators like Bison and Flex as particularly sophisticated examples of code generation via a program. You write a file in a domain-specific language to describe a grammar, run the Bison program on it, and it generates C, C++, or Java code that can be incorporated into your program.

Another reason to use such code generation is that often what would be a large change in the generated code, might be a small change in the "original source" from which the target code is generated. The example of Bison is particularly relevant here: in some cases it can require only a few minutes to add a new alternative to a grammar rule, or several new grammar rules, and the resulting generated C code from the new Bison grammar could have much larger changes than those a person needed to think about and type.

I have used simple code generation techniques in the late 1990s when doing hardware logic design using VHDL and Verilog, before later versions of the Verilog language were introduced that made these approaches less often useful (so I have heard from colleagues who used those later versions of Verilog, after the year 2000 or so, when I no longer actively did hardware design).

I have seen multiple tools that allowed one to embed Perl code in specially formatted comments into Verilog source files, that were a kind of templating language. The idea was you ran a preprocessor program, written in Perl, on the mingled Perl/Verilog source code, and it executed Perl code in those specially formatted comments, and the output was a Verilog program. I am not aware of an open source tool like this to refer to, but it is straightforward enough, and useful enough, to create such a tool in a commercial hardware design setting, that there were multiple different implementations of such tools developed within different hardware design teams.

Common Lisp macros (not to be confused with macros in C or C++ -- Lisp's are significantly more powerful) are an especially interesting example of doing code generation using the same programming language, and even within the same program, as the code being generated. This is made straightforward in Lisp family languages because the language is defined not in terms of characters [1], but in terms of data structures of the language itself, typically lists of symbols, which can be nested. The language provides a large powerful library for manipulating these lists in many ways, which can be used when writing Lisp macros.

Common Lisp macros are basically user-written functions that take data structures representing code as input (which can have constructs that the Common Lisp compiler does not know how to compile), and return as output the transformed data structures representing code you want the Common Lisp compiler to actually compile (which should not have anything the Common Lisp compiler does not know how to compile). A wealth of examples is given in Paul Graham's book "On Lisp".

[1] Yes, fine, there is a reader in Lisp, but it is about as simple and straightforward as a lexer in most programming languages, plus handling of nested lists [2]. But once you get past this simple reader, which is the same one for all Lisp programming language constructs, you have Lisp data structures in memory.

[2] OK, getting even more into details here, there are reader macros in Common Lisp, too, which can, roughly speaking, change how the lexer works, too. That way can lie madness for Common Lisp developers, if used unwisely.