Manuals should be understandable by people who cannot read and write.
Everything and anything in the paper manual must be included in the digital manual.
All parts that have ID numbers shall their ID numbers displayed wherever they are shown
Text warnings are displayed first. Visual advice comes next
Parts are listed and numbered
Assembly instructions
Proper positioning is pointed out
Zoom window balloons show detailed assembly
Curved arrows indicate rotation
Straight arrows indicate movement
Double-headed arrows indicate back and forth movement
Dotted lines link parts with the holes they are linked to
Parts with dotted outlines indicate customer supplied parts
Arrow Outlines indicate jumping to another portion of the manual
An 'X' indicates a warning or something that should not be done
When you prepare to assemble things you tend to group similar components in random piles and stacks It is easy with computers to group similar items in perfectly arranged pies and stacks. It is equally easy to group items like humans do. So do it the human way.
Is it better to have several 10 to 20 second clips than to have a single one minute clip? Perhaps getting you to push the buttons to continue make things feel mpre interactive...
Every object records it possible locations ( position + rotation ) Every clip decides which objects to use Every frame decides the tween time and which location and which easing to use for each object
Move the camera then move the object is better than the reverse