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Rainbow Environment Variables

rainbow ships with some implicit defaults that can be adjusted via env variables below.



Comma-separated list of path gateway hostnames that will serve both trustless and deserialized response types.

Example: passing will enable deserialized handler for flat path gateway requests with the Host header set to



Comma-separated list of subdomain gateway domains for website hosting with Origin-isolation per content root.

Example: passing will enable handler for Origin-isolated subdomain gateway requests with the Host header with subdomain values matching * or *

Default: localhost


Specifies trustless-only hostnames.

Comma-separated list of trustless gateway domains, where unverified website asset hosting and deserialized responses is disabled, and response types requested via ?format= and Accept HTTP header are limited to verifiable content types:

NOTE: This setting is applied on top of everything else, to ensure trustless domains can't be used for phishing or direct hotlinking and hosting of third-party content. Hostnames that are passed to both RAINBOW_GATEWAY_DOMAINS and RAINBOW_TRUSTLESS_GATEWAY_DOMAINS will work only as trustless gateways.

Example: passing will ensure only verifiable content types are supported when request comes with the Host header set to

Default: none (Host is ignored and gateway at supports both deserialized and verifiable response types)


The interval at which the garbage collector will be called. This is given as a string that corresponds to the duration of the interval. Set 0 to disable.

Default: 60m


The threshold of how much free space one wants to always have available on disk. This is used with the periodic garbage collector.

When the periodic GC runs, it checks for the total and available space on disk. If the available space is larger than the threshold, the GC is not called. Otherwise, the GC is asked to remove how many bytes necessary such that the threshold of available space on disk is met.

Default: 0.3 (always keep 30% of the disk available)


When set, it defines the upper bound limit (in ms) of how long a /ipns/{id} lookup result will be cached and read from cache before checking for updates.

The limit is applied to everything under the /ipns/ namespace, and allows to cap both the Time-To-Live (TTL) of IPNS Records and the TTL of DNS TXT records with DNSLink.

Default: No upper bound, TTL from IPNS Record or TTL from DNSLink used as-is.


A comma-separated list of multiaddresses of peers to stay connected to.


If RAINBOW_SEED is set and /p2p/rainbow-seed/N value is found here, Rainbow will replace it with a valid /p2p/ for a peer ID generated from same seed and index N. This is useful when RAINBOW_SEED_PEERING can't be used, or when peer routing should be skipped and specific address should be used.

Default: not set (no peering)


Base58 seed to derive PeerID from. Can be generated with rainbow gen-seed. If set, requires RAINBOW_SEED_INDEX to be set as well.

Default: not set


Index to derivate the PeerID identity from RAINBOW_SEED.

Default: not set



Experimental feature.

Automated version of RAINBOW_PEERING which does not require providing multiaddrs.

Instead, it will set up peering with peers that share the same seed (requires RAINBOW_SEED_INDEX to be set up).


Runs a separate light DHT for peer routing with the main host if DHT routing is disabled.

Default: false (disabled)


Informs the largest index to derive for RAINBOW_SEED_PEERING. If you have more instances than the default, increase it here.

Default: 100



Experimental feature.

Enable sharing of local cache to peers safe-listed with RAINBOW_PEERING or RAINBOW_SEED_PEERING.

Once enabled, Rainbow will respond to Bitswap queries from these safelisted peers, serving locally cached blocks if requested.


The main use case for this feature is scaling and load balancing across a fleet of rainbow, or other bitswap-capable IPFS services. Cache sharing allows clustered services to check if any of the other instances has a requested CID. This saves resources as data cached on other instance can be fetched internally (e.g. LAN) rather than externally (WAN, p2p).

Default: false (no cache sharing)



Specifies the log-level, both globally and on a per-subsystem basis. Level can be one of:

  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • dpanic
  • panic
  • fatal

Per-subsystem levels can be specified with subsystem=level. One global level and one or more per-subsystem levels can be specified by separating them with commas.

Default: error


GOLOG_LOG_LEVEL="error,rainbow=debug,caboose=debug" rainbow


Specifies the log message format. It supports the following values:

  • color -- human readable, colorized (ANSI) output
  • nocolor -- human readable, plain-text output.
  • json -- structured JSON.

For example, to log structured JSON (for easier parsing):

export GOLOG_LOG_FMT="json"

The logging format defaults to color when the output is a terminal, and nocolor otherwise.


Sets the file to which the logs are saved. By default, they are printed to the standard error output.


Sets the file to which the tracing events are sent. By default, tracing is disabled.

Warning: Enabling tracing will likely affect performance.



Setting to true enables support for test fixtures required by ipfs/gateway-conformance test suite.


Adds static namesys records for deterministic tests and debugging. Useful for testing /ipns/ support without having to do real IPNS/DNS lookup.


$ IPFS_NS_MAP="," ./gateway-binary
$ curl -is | grep Etag
Etag: "bafkreicysg23kiwv34eg2d7qweipxwosdo2py4ldv42nbauguluen5v6am"